10 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Tingkat Pendidikan Orang Tua dengan Orientasi Pola Asuh Anak Kelompok B Tk Soraika Saramaake Kecamatan Wasile Selatan Kabupaten Halmahera Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan orang tua dengan orentasi pola asuh anak usia dini. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh orang tua murid TK Soraika Saramaake Kecamatan Wasile Selatan Kabupaten Halmahera Timur berjumlah 13 orang. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan teknik total sampling atau sampel jenuh, yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan semua anggota populasi dengan jumlah 13 orang tua murid. Data penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Data sekunder dan data primer. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan statistik deskriptif dan statistik infrensial. Statistik deskriptif tujuannya adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran krakteristik penyebaran skor setiap variabel yang diteliti dengan perhitungan rata-rata, simpangan baku, median dan modus. Statistik infrensial digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi dan korelasi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan orang tua dengan kecenderungan orang tua dalam memilih bentuk pola asuh yang akan diterapkan ke anaknya. Semakin tinggi maupun semakin rendah tingkat pendidikan orang tua, tidaklah menjadi patokan bahwa orang tua akan lebih cenderung memilih salah satu jenis pola asuh yang akan diterapkannya di rumah bagi anaknya. Peneliti berasumsi bahwa pola asuh yang dialami orang tua sebelumnyalah yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan pola asuh orang tua bagi anaknya kelak namun perlu diadakan penelitian selanjutnya tentang hal ini maupun faktor ekonomi, sosial serta kultur budaya yang dimiliki orang tua

    The nuclear data program at rensselaer

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    The nuclear data program at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is centered around a 60 MeV pulsed electron Linear Accelerator (LINAC) configured to deliver pulsed neutron beams. The LINAC electron pulse width can vary between 5 ns and 5 us, a repetition rate of 1–500 pulses per second and neutron yield of up to 1013 n/s. Over the years several experimental setups and techniques were developed to enable a variety of measurement capabilities. The experiments cover the energy range from 0.001 eV to 20 MeV and included neutron transmission, capture, scattering and fission measurements. The facility is also equipped with a Lead Slowing-Down Spectrometer (LSDS) producing a high neutron flux that is used for simultaneous measurements of the fission cross section and fission fragment mass and energy distributions. Detectors for (n, alpha) and (n, p) cross section measurements using the LSDS were also developed and measurements of (n, alpha) cross section were completed. The high neutron flux inside the LSDS enables measurements on small samples (sub micrograms) or samples with small cross section (sub millibarns). In order to fully utilize the capabilities of the facility, several measurement techniques were developed; high accuracy (<1%) total cross sections were measured using iron and uranium filtered neutron beams. A system for fast neutron scattering measurements using an array of liquid scintillators and a digital data acquisition system was recently developed and used for several measurements and is now being adapted for fission neutron studies. Methods for simultaneous measurements of fission and capture cross sections using the RPI multiplicity detector are under development and new modular detectors for both fast and resonance region neutron detection were developed and deployed. These developments result in numerous measurements on different materials and provide input to improved evaluated nuclear data libraries and thus help improve the accuracy of calculations of nuclear reactors and other nuclear systems

    Validation of statistical uncertainties in subcritical benchmark measurements Part II – Measured data

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    International audiencePart I of this work presented an uncertainty approach which incorporates the singles and doubles counting rates determined by the Hage-Cifarelli formalism of the Feynman Variance-to-Mean method. This moments-based approach utilizes time correlations between prompt neutrons detections to assess the system multiplication. In addition, it presented a validation which utilized simulated data generated using a 0-D point-kinetics Monte Carlo code. In Part II, this same method and validation approach is applied to measured data of a subcritical benchmark experiment. These measurements were performed with a 4.5 kg sphere of alpha-phase weapons grade plutonium reflected by copper and/or polyethylene. The results of 17 configurations are shown including detailed validation for four of the configurations. © 201

    Subcritical Copper-Reflected α-phase Plutonium (SCRαP) Measurements and Simulations

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    International audienceA Subcritical Copper-Reflected α-phase Plutonium (SCRαP) integral benchmark experiment has been designed and measured. The experiment design is discussed and preliminary results are presented. In the future this experiment will be evaluated and documented as a subcritical benchmark evaluation

    Patchy nuclear chain reactions

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    Stochastic fluctuations of the neutron population within a nuclear reactor are typically prevented by operating the core at a sufficient power, since a deterministic behavior of the neutron population is required by automatic safety systems to detect unwanted power excursions. Recent works however pointed out that, under specific circumstances, non-Poissonian patterns could affect neutron spatial distributions. This motivated an international program to experimentally detect and characterize such fluctuations and correlations, which took place in 2017 at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Reactor Critical Facility. The main findings of this program will indeed unveil patchiness in snapshots of neutron spatial distributions -- obtained with a dedicated numerical twin of the reactor -- that support this first experimental characterization of the 'neutron clustering' phenomenon, while a stochastic model based on reaction-diffusion processes and branching random walks will reveal the key role played by the reactor intrinsic sources in understanding neutron spatial correlations