422 research outputs found

    Using familial information for variant filtering in high-throughput sequencing studies

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    High-throughput sequencing studies (HTS) have been highly successful in identifying the genetic causes of human disease, particularly those following Mendelian inheritance. Many HTS studies to date have been performed without utilizing available family relationships between samples. Here, we discuss the many merits and occasional pitfalls of using identity by descent information in conjunction with HTS studies. These methods are not only applicable to family studies but are also useful in cohorts of apparently unrelated, 'sporadic' cases and small families underpowered for linkage and allow inference of relationships between individuals. Incorporating familial/pedigree information not only provides powerful filtering options for the extensive variant lists that are usually produced by HTS but also allows valuable quality control checks, insights into the genetic model and the genotypic status of individuals of interest. In particular, these methods are valuable for challenging discovery scenarios in HTS analysis, such as in the study of populations poorly represented in variant databases typically used for filtering, and in the case of poor-quality HTS data

    Recent advances in the detection of repeat expansions with short-read next-generation sequencing

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    Short tandem repeats (STRs), also known as microsatellites, are commonly defined as consisting of tandemly repeated nucleotide motifs of 2-6 base pairs in length. STRs appear throughout the human genome, and about 239,000 are documented in the Simple Repeats Track available from the UCSC (University of California, Santa Cruz) genome browser. STRs vary in size, producing highly polymorphic markers commonly used as genetic markers. A small fraction of STRs (about 30 loci) have been associated with human disease whereby one or both alleles exceed an STR-specific threshold in size, leading to disease. Detection of repeat expansions is currently performed with polymerase chain reaction-based assays or with Southern blots for large expansions. The tests are expensive and time-consuming and are not always conclusive, leading to lengthy diagnostic journeys for patients, potentially including missed diagnoses. The advent of whole exome and whole genome sequencing has identified the genetic cause of many genetic disorders; however, analysis pipelines are focused primarily on the detection of short nucleotide variations and short insertions and deletions (indels). Until recently, repeat expansions, with the exception of the smallest expansion (SCA6), were not detectable in next-generation short-read sequencing datasets and would have been ignored in most analyses. In the last two years, four analysis methods with accompanying software (ExpansionHunter, exSTRa, STRetch, and TREDPARSE) have been released. Although a comprehensive comparative analysis of the performance of these methods across all known repeat expansions is still lacking, it is clear that these methods are a valuable addition to any existing analysis pipeline. Here, we detail how to assess short-read data for evidence of expansions, reviewing all four methods and outlining their strengths and weaknesses. Implementation of these methods should lead to increased diagnostic yield of repeat expansion disorders for known STR loci and has the potential to detect novel repeat expansions

    Spatial distribution of metabolites in the retina and its relevance to studies of metabolic retinal disorders

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    Introduction: The primate retina has evolved regional specialisations for specific visual functions. The macula is specialised towards high acuity vision and is an area that contains an increased density of cone photoreceptors and signal processing neurons. Different regions in the retina display unique susceptibility to pathology, with many retinal diseases primarily affecting the macula. Objectives: To better understand the properties of different retinal areas we studied the differential distribution of metabolites across the retina. Methods: We conducted an untargeted metabolomics analysis on full-thickness punches from three different regions (macula, temporal peri-macula and periphery) of healthy primate retina. Results: Nearly half of all metabolites identified showed differential abundance in at least one comparison between the three regions. Furthermore, mapping metabolomics results from macula-specific eye diseases onto our region-specific metabolite distributions revealed differential abundance defining systemic metabolic dysregulations that were region specific. Conclusions: The unique metabolic phenotype of different retinal regions is likely due to the differential distribution of different cell types in these regions reflecting the specific metabolic requirements of each cell type. Our results may help to better understand the pathobiology of retinal diseases with region specificity

    Early neuroimaging markers of FOXP2 intragenic deletion

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    FOXP2 is the major gene associated with severe, persistent, developmental speech and language disorders. While studies in the original family in which a FOXP2 mutation was found showed volume reduction and reduced activation in core language and speech networks, there have been no imaging studies of different FOXP2 mutations. We conducted a multimodal MRI study in an eight-year-old boy (A-II) with a de novo FOXP2 intragenic deletion. A-II showed marked bilateral volume reductions in the hippocampus, thalamus, globus pallidus, and caudate nucleus compared with 26 control males (effect sizes from −1 to −3). He showed no detectable functional MRI activity when repeating nonsense words. The hippocampus is implicated for the first time in FOXP2 diseases. We conclude that FOXP2 anomaly is either directly or indirectly associated with atypical development of widespread subcortical networks early in life

    Statistics of selectively neutral genetic variation

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    Random models of evolution are instrumental in extracting rates of microscopic evolutionary mechanisms from empirical observations on genetic variation in genome sequences. In this context it is necessary to know the statistical properties of empirical observables (such as the local homozygosity for instance). Previous work relies on numerical results or assumes Gaussian approximations for the corresponding distributions. In this paper we give an analytical derivation of the statistical properties of the local homozygosity and other empirical observables assuming selective neutrality. We find that such distributions can be very non-Gaussian.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Challenges of diagnostic exome sequencing in an inbred founder population

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    Exome sequencing was used as a diagnostic tool in a Roma/Gypsy family with three subjects (one deceased) affected by lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia (LCH), a clinically and genetically heterogeneous diagnostic category. Data analysis identified high levels of unreported inbreeding, with multiple rare/novel "deleterious" variants occurring in the homozygous state in the affected individuals. Step‐wise filtering was facilitated by the inclusion of parental samples in the analysis and the availability of ethnically matched control exome data. We identified a novel mutation, p.Asp487Tyr, in the VLDLR gene involved in the Reelin developmental pathway and associated with a rare form of LCH, the Dysequilibrium Syndrome. p.Asp487Tyr is the third reported missense mutation in this gene and the first example of a change affecting directly the functionally crucial β‐propeller domain. An unexpected additional finding was a second unique mutation (p.Asn494His) with high scores of predicted pathogenicity in KCNV2, a gene implicated in a rare eye disorder, retinal cone dystrophy type 3B. This result raised diagnostic and counseling challenges that could be resolved through mutation screening of a large panel of healthy population controls. The strategy and findings of this study may inform the search for new disease mutations in the largest European genetic isolate

    Heterozygous mutations in HSD17B4 cause juvenile peroxisomal D-bifunctional protein deficiency

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    Objective: To determine the genetic cause of slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, sensorineural deafness, and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism in 5 patients from 3 different families. Methods: The patients comprised 2 sib pairs and 1 sporadic patient. Clinical assessment included history, physical examination, and brain MRI. Linkage analysis was performed separately on the 2 sets of sib pairs using single nucleotide polymorphism microarrays, followed by analysis of the intersection of the regions. Exome sequencing was performed on 1 affected patient with variant filtering and prioritization undertaken using these intersected regions. Results: Using a combination of sequencing technologies, we identified compound heterozygous mutations in HSD17B4 in all 5 affected patients. In all 3 families, peroxisomal D-bifunctional protein (DBP) deficiency was caused by compound heterozygosity for 1 nonsense/deletion mutation and 1 missense mutation. Conclusions: We describe 5 patients with juvenile DBP deficiency from 3 different families, bringing the total number of reported patients to 14, from 8 families. This report broadens and consolidates the phenotype associated with juvenile DBP deficiency

    Global diversity and balancing selection of 23 leading Plasmodium falciparum candidate vaccine antigens

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    Investigation of the diversity of malaria parasite antigens can help prioritize and validate them as vaccine candidates and identify the most common variants for inclusion in vaccine formulations. Studies of vaccine candidates of the most virulent human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, have focused on a handful of well-known antigens, while several others have never been studied. Here we examine the global diversity and population structure of leading vaccine candidate antigens of P. falciparum using the MalariaGEN Pf3K (version 5.1) resource, comprising more than 2600 genomes from 15 malaria endemic countries. A stringent variant calling pipeline was used to extract high quality antigen gene 'haplotypes' from the global dataset and a new R-package named VaxPack was used to streamline population genetic analyses. In addition, a newly developed algorithm that enables spatial averaging of selection pressure on 3D protein structures was applied to the dataset. We analysed the genes encoding 23 leading and novel candidate malaria vaccine antigens including csp, trap, eba175, ama1, rh5, and CelTOS. Our analysis shows that current malaria vaccine formulations are based on rare haplotypes and thus may have limited efficacy against natural parasite populations. High levels of diversity with evidence of balancing selection was detected for most of the erythrocytic and pre-erythrocytic antigens. Measures of natural selection were then mapped to 3D protein structures to predict targets of functional antibodies. For some antigens, geographical variation in the intensity and distribution of these signals on the 3D structure suggests adaptation to different human host or mosquito vector populations. This study provides an essential framework for the diversity of P. falciparum antigens to be considered in the design of the next generation of malaria vaccines

    Identification of genetic factors influencing metabolic dysregulation and retinal support for MacTel, a retinal disorder

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    Macular Telangiectasia Type 2 (MacTel) is a rare degenerative retinal disease with complex genetic architecture. We performed a genome-wide association study on 1,067 MacTel patients and 3,799 controls, which identified eight novel genome-wide significant loci (p < 5 × 10−8), and confirmed all three previously reported loci. Using MAGMA, eQTL and transcriptome-wide association analysis, we prioritised 48 genes implicated in serine-glycine biosynthesis, metabolite transport, and retinal vasculature and thickness. Mendelian randomization indicated a likely causative role of serine (FDR = 3.9 × 10−47) and glycine depletion (FDR = 0.006) as well as alanine abundance (FDR = 0.009). Polygenic risk scoring achieved an accuracy of 0.74 and was associated in UKBiobank with retinal damage (p = 0.009). This represents the largest genetic study on MacTel to date and further highlights genetically-induced systemic and tissue-specific metabolic dysregulation in MacTel patients, which impinges on retinal health

    Atypical Development of Broca’s Area in a Large Family with Inherited Stuttering

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    Developmental stuttering is a condition of speech dysfluency, characterised by pauses, blocks, prolongations, and sound or syllable repetitions. It affects around 1% of the population, with potential detrimental effects on mental health and long-term employment. Accumulating evidence points to a genetic aetiology, yet gene-brain associations remain poorly understood due to a lack of MRI studies in affected families. Here we report the first neuroimaging study of developmental stuttering in a family with autosomal dominant inheritance of persistent stuttering. We studied a four-generation family, sixteen family members were included in genotyping analysis. T1-weighted and diffusion weighted MRI scans were conducted on seven family members (6 male; aged 9–63 years) with two age and sex matched controls without stuttering (N = 14). Using Freesurfer, we analysed cortical morphology (cortical thickness, surface area and local gyrification index) and basal ganglia volumes. White matter integrity in key speech and language tracts (i.e. frontal aslant tract and arcuate fasciculus) was also analysed using MRtrix and probabilistic tractography. We identified a significant age by group interaction effect for cortical thickness in the left hemisphere pars opercularis (Broca’s area). In affected family members this region failed to follow the typical trajectory of age-related thinning observed in controls. Surface area analysis revealed the middle frontal gyrus region was reduced bilaterally in the family (all cortical morphometry significance levels set at a vertex-wise threshold of p < 0.01, corrected for multiple comparisons). Both the left and right globus pallidus were larger in the family than in the control group (left p = 0.017; right p=0.037), and a larger right globus pallidus was associated with more severe stuttering (rho =0.86, p=0.01). No white matter differences were identified. Genotyping identified novel loci on chromosomes 1 and 4 that map with the stuttering phenotype. Our findings denote disruption within the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical network. The lack of typical development of these structures reflects the anatomical basis of the abnormal inhibitory control network between Broca’s area and the striatum underpinning stuttering in these individuals. This is the first evidence of a neural phenotype in a family with an autosomal dominantly inherited stuttering