21 research outputs found

    Malaria and Iron Load at the First Antenatal Visit in the Rural South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Is Iron Supplementation Safe or Could It Be Harmful?

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    We investigated the relationship between malaria infection and iron status in 531 pregnant women in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sociodemographic data, information on morbidity, and clinical data were collected. A blood sample was collected at the first antenatal visit to diagnose malaria and measure serum ferritin (SF), soluble transferrin receptor, C-reactive protein, and α1-acid-glycoprotein. Malaria prevalence was 7.5%. Median (interquartile range) SF (adjusted for inflammation) was significantly higher in malaria-infected (82.9 μg/L [56.3-130.4]) than in non-infected (39.8 μg/L [23.6-60.8]) women (P < 0.001). Similarly, estimated mean body iron store was higher in malaria-infected women (P < 0.001). Malaria was significantly and independently associated with high levels of SF. Efforts to improve malaria prevention while correcting iron deficiency and anemia during pregnancy are warranted

    Anémie en milieu rural au Sud-Kivu :contribution du paludisme et de la carence en fer. Anemia in rural South Kivu: contribution of malaria and iron deficiency.

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    Résumé généralIntroductionL’anémie est un problème majeur de santé publique particulièrement fréquent dans les pays à faible revenu, dont la RDC, et qui affecte avec prédilection les femmes enceintes et les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Elle est associée à un risque élevé de morbidité et de mortalité. Au cours de la grossesse, l’anémie peut entraver le développement du fœtus et peut affecter négativement la santé maternelle. Chez l’enfant, l’anémie peut en plus altérer le développement physique et mental si elle n’est pas rapidement corrigée. Il est généralement admis que la carence en fer est la première cause d’anémie et les stratégies de lutte suggérées par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé en découlent. Cependant dans la région du Kivu, il n’existe que très peu d’information sur les étiologies de l’anémie et sur la contribution du paludisme et de celle de la carence en fer dans sa genèse. L’objectif global de ce travail de thèse était de contribuer à l’étude de l’anémie et de sa relation avec le paludisme et la carence en fer, en milieu rural au Sud-Kivu.Méthodes Ce travail a consisté en trois études épidémiologiques menées entre 2010 et 2014 dans la zone de santé rurale de Miti-Murhesa dans la province du Sud-Kivu à l’est de la RDC. Il s’est agit de deux études transversales et d’une étude longitudinale prospective. Cette dernière a concerné des femmes enceintes enrôlées depuis le deuxième trimestre de la grossesse à leur première consultation prénatale (CPN1) jusqu’à l’accouchement. L’une des deux études transversales a aussi recruté des femmes enceintes au deuxième trimestre de la grossesse à leur CPN1 et la deuxième a consisté en une étude en grappes à deux degrés chez des enfants d’âge préscolaire en bonne santé apparente dans la communauté. Résultats La prévalence de l’anémie chez les femmes enceintes était de 17,6% et celle de la carence en fer (ferritine ajustée) de 8%. Le paludisme était présent chez 7,5% et l’hypoalbuminémie chez 44% des sujets. La concentration plasmatique du récepteur soluble de la transferrine était plus élevée en présence du paludisme. Les facteurs significativement associés à l’anémie étaient le paludisme [ORa: 11.24 (4.98-25.37); P < 0.001], l’hypoalbuminémie [ORa: 2.14 (1.27-3.59); P = 0.004] et des valeurs élevées de la protéine C réactive [ORa: 1.94 (1.10-3.45); P = 0.022]. La carence en fer n’était pas fréquente et n’était pas significativement associée à l’anémie.La valeur médiane (EIQ) de la concentration sérique de ferritine (ajustée pour l’inflammation) était plus élevée en présence de paludisme comparée aux femmes non impaludées [82.9 μg/L (56.3-130.4) vs 39.8 μg/L (23.6-60.8); P < 0.001]. Le paludisme était plus fréquent chez les femmes sans carence en fer [ORa 6,25 (1,47-26,57); P=0,021] et chez celles n’ayant pas utilisé de moustiquaire imprégnée d’insecticide [ORa 2,24 (1,12-4,51); P=0,024].A l’admission dans l’étude prospective, 9,5% de femmes de la cohorte présentaient une infection palustre. Après régression logistique, la fréquence du paludisme était plus élevée chez les primigestes, chez les femmes avec niveau socioéconomique bas et chez celles vivant à moins de 1683 m d’altitude ;les rapports de cote ajustés (IC 95%) étaient respectivement de [2,55 (1,05-6,19) ;P=0,039] ;[4,78 (1,36-16,76) ;P=0,033] et [2,34 (1,10-5,02) ;P=0,029]. Toujours à l’admission dans la même étude, la prévalence de l’anémie était de 32%. Celle-ci était plus fréquente chez les femmes impaludées [ORa :4,20 (2,00-8,80); P<0,001] et chez celles qui n’avaient pas bénéficié d’un déparasitage dans les 3 mois avant leur admission dans l’étude [ORa :2,33 (1,25-4,35)]. A l’accouchement, le petit poids de naissance (PPN) était présent chez 6,5% des nouveau-nés. Les prédicteurs du PNN étaient l’absence d’utilisation de la MII [ORa :4,17 (1,15-14,28); P=0.030], une faible taille (<150 cm) de la mère [ORa :5,56 (2,01-15,33); P=0.001] et la présence d’anémie chez la mère à la CPN1 [ORa :4,08 (1,50-11,10); P=0.006]. Chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire, l’anémie était présente dans 46,6% des cas et la prévalence de l’anémie ferriprive chez les enfants anémiques était de 16,5%. Chez les enfants sans inflammation, la carence en fer était de 4,4% (ferritine non ajustée). Les résultats de la régression logistique ont révélé que l’anémie était significativement et indépendamment associée à la carence en fer [ORa :4,10 (2,41-6,96) ;P<0,001], à une histoire de fièvre pendant les deux semaines avant l’enquête [ORa :1,58 (1,00-2,50); P=0,049] et à un faible périmètre brachial [ORa :1,87 (1,18-2,94) ;P=0,006]. Dans un deuxième modèle ayant exclu les enfants avec carence en fer, ce sont une histoire de fièvre dans les deux semaines avant l’enquête [ORa :1,62(1,00-2,62); P=0,05] et un faible périmètre brachial [ORa :1,96(1,24-3,13); P=005] qui étaient associés significativement et indépendamment à l’anémie.Conclusion L’anémie est fréquente en milieu rural au Sud-Kivu mais la contribution de la carence en fer est faible. Néanmoins, d’autres carences nutritionnelles lui sont associées :une hypoalbuminémie chez les femmes enceintes et un faible périmètre brachial chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans. Le paludisme, d’autres infections, des états inflammatoires ainsi que le manque de déparasitage sont également d’autres facteurs qui étaient associés à l’anémie. Chez les femmes enceintes, l’absence de prévention contre le paludisme par les MII, la présence d’anémie et une faible taille de la mère étaient des prédicteurs du PPN.Une lutte intégrée contre le paludisme et d’autres maladies infectieuses ainsi que l’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel sont des facteurs vulnérables à court et moyen termes pour réduire la charge de l’anémie. Ce qui, par conséquent, contribuera à la réduction de l’incidence du PPN.Il y a une nécessité à poursuivre la recherche pour (i) identifier d’autres causes d’anémie en incluant la recherche des hémoglobinopathies et autres anomalies génétiques, (ii) améliorer les connaissances sur les meilleures stratégies de lutte contre l’anémie en intégrant la prévention contre le paludisme dans un milieu où il y a une prévalence relativement élevée d’hémoglobinopathies et autres anomalies génétiques pouvant altérer l’érythropoïèse et/ou le métabolisme du fer.Executive summary IntroductionAnemia is a worldwide public health concern, which is particularly prevalent in low and middle-income countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It affects mostly pregnant women and preschool children and is associated with a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. During pregnancy, anemia is associated with poor birth outcomes and can negatively affect maternal health. In children, anemia can also alter physical and mental development if not corrected quickly. It is generally assumed that iron deficiency is the leading cause of anemia, thus that assumption had influenced control strategies suggested by the World Health Organization. However, in the Kivu region, there is little information on the aetiologies of anemia and the contribution of malaria and that of iron deficiency in the aetiology of anemia is unknown. The overall goal of this thesis was to contribute to the study of the burden of anemia and its relationship with malaria and iron deficiency in rural South Kivu.MethodsThe data are from three epidemiological studies carried out between 2010 and 2014 in the rural health zone of Miti-Murhesa in the South Kivu province in eastern DRC. There were two cross-sectional studies and one longitudinal prospective study. In the latter, pregnant women were enrolled during the second trimester of pregnancy at their first prenatal visit (ANV1) and followed-up until delivery. One of the two cross-sectional studies also enrolled pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy at their ANV1 and the second consisted of a two-stage cluster study at community level in apparently healthy preschool children.ResultsThe prevalence of anemia in pregnant women was 17.6% and that of iron deficiency (adjusted ferritin) was 8%. Malaria was present in 7.5% and hypoalbuminemia in 44% of subjects. Soluble transferrin receptor concentration was higher in the presence of malaria. Factors significantly associated with anemia were malaria [ORa: 11.24 (4.98-25.37); P < 0.001], hypoalbuminemia [ORa: 2.14 (1.27-3.59); P = 0.004] and high values of the C reactive protein [ORa: 1.94 (1.10-3.45); P = 0.022]. Iron deficiency was not common and was not significantly associated with anemia.The median value (IQR) of serum ferritin concentration (adjusted for inflammation) was higher in the presence of malaria compared to non-infected women [82.9 μg/L (56.3-130.4) vs 39.8 μg/L (23.6-60.8 ); P < 0.001]. Malaria was more common in women without iron deficiency [ORa 6.25 (1.47-26.57); P = 0.021] and in those who did not use insecticide-treated mosquito nets [ORa 2.24 (1.12-4.51); P = 0.024].At admission in the prospective study, 9.5% of women in the cohort had malaria infection. After logistic regression, malaria was higher in primigravidae, among women with low socioeconomic status and those living at an altitude of less than 1683 m; the adjusted odds ratios (95% CI) were [2.55 (1.05-6.19); P = 0.039]; [4.78 (1.36-16.76); P = 0.033] and [2.34 (1.10-5.02); P = 0.029], respectively.Still at admission in the same study, the prevalence of anemia was 32%. This was more common in malaria-infected women [ORa: 4.20 (2.00-8.80); P < 0.001] and in those who were not dewormed within the last 3 months prior to admission into the study [ORa: 2.33 (1.25-4.35); P = 0.008]. At delivery, low birth weight (LBW) was present in 6.5% of new-borns. Predictors of LBW were the lack of use of ITN [ORa: 4.17 (1.15-14.28); P = 0.030], a low height (< 150 cm) of the mother [ORa: 5.56 (2.01-15.33); P = 0.001] and the presence of maternal anemia at ANV1 [ORa: 4.08 (1.50-11.10); P = 0.006].In pre-school children, anemia was present in 46.6% and the prevalence of iron deficiency among anemic children was 16.5%. In children without inflammation, iron deficiency was 4.4% (unadjusted ferritin). Logistic regression analysis revealed that anemia was significantly and independently associated with iron deficiency [ORa: 4.10 (2.41-6.96); P < 0.001], with fever during the last two weeks before the survey [ORa: 1.58 (1.00-2.50); P = 0.049] and with a low mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) [ORa: 1.87 (1.18-2.94); P = 0.006]. In a second model that excluded children with iron deficiency, history of fever in the last two weeks before the survey [ORa: 1.62 (1.00-2.62); P = 0.05] and a low MUAC [ORa: 1.96 (1.24-3.13); P = 005] were significantly and independently associated with anemia.ConclusionAnemia is common in rural South Kivu but the contribution of iron deficiency is low. However, other nutritional deficiencies are associated: hypoalbuminemia in pregnant women and low MUAC in preschool children. Malaria, other infections, inflammatory conditions as well as lack of deworming are also other factors that were associated with anemia. In pregnant women, lack of prevention against malaria by ITNs before ANV1, presence of anemia at ANV1, and low maternal height were predictors of LBW.Integrated control of malaria and other infectious diseases as well as improving nutritional status are among vulnerable factors in the short- and middle-term to reduce the burden of anemia in South Kivu. This, in turn, will help to reduce the incidence of LBW.There is need for further research to (i) identify other causes of anemia including hemoglobinopathies and other genetic disorders, (ii) improve knowledge of the best strategies for controlling anemia by integrating prevention of malaria in an environment where there is a relatively high prevalence of hemoglobinopathies and other genetic abnormalities that may alter erythropoiesis and/or iron metabolism.Doctorat en Sciences de la santé Publiqueinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    How to improve women’s and partner’s participation to prenatal HIV counseling in rural and urban areas in Kivu, democratic Republic of Congo?

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    FLWINinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedAbstracts of the 6th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health and 1st Mediterranean Conference on Migration and Travel Health, Verona, Italy, 6-10 September 200

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Health-Care Workers about Viral Hepatitis B and C in South Kivu.

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    Health-care workers (HCWs) are at risk of infections associated with accidental exposure to blood, including viral hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV). A survey using a questionnaire was conducted on 250 HCW in Bukavu, an eastern town of the Democratic Republic of Congo, to analyze their attitude and knowledge about these two viruses. A response rate of 86.8% (217/250) was obtained. The mean age of respondents was 39.6 ± 9.8 years, in majority from paramedical staff (66.4%) and with more than 5 years of professional experience (60.8%). The mean proportion of adequate answers on HBV and HCV was 33.2% (±11%) and 30.6% (±7%), respectively. Ninety-three HCW (42.8%) reported recent experience of blood exposure accident, more frequently among the paramedical staff (50%) than physicians (28.8%; P = 0.002). This was mainly related to inadequate protection resources (76.9%). Among all participants, only 24.4% had a history of at least one injection of HBV vaccine; this was more frequently found among physicians than among paramedical staff (49.3% versus 11.8%; P < 0.001). Moreover, only 3.8% of vaccinated HCW received the complete vaccination schedule of three vaccine doses. The efficiency of this vaccine is not well recognized by HCW, and the majority of them seemed to be more worried about the risk of infection by human immunodeficiency virus than by viral hepatitis. Our study reveals that the level of knowledge about HBV and HCV is rather low among HCW in Bukavu

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Health-Care Workers About Viral Hepatitis B and C in South Kivu

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    Health-care workers (HCWs) are at risk of infections associated with accidental exposure to blood, including viral hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV). A survey using a questionnaire was conducted on 250 HCW in Bukavu, an eastern town of the Democratic Republic of Congo, to analyze their attitude and knowledge about these two viruses. A response rate of 86.8% (217/250) was obtained. The mean age of respondents was 39.6 ± 9.8 years, in majority from paramedical staff (66.4%) and with more than 5 years of professional experience (60.8%). The mean proportion of adequate answers on HBV and HCV was 33.2% (±11%) and 30.6% (±7%), respectively. Ninety-three HCW (42.8%) reported recent experience of blood exposure accident, more frequently among the paramedical staff (50%) than physicians (28.8%; P = 0.002). This was mainly related to inadequate protection resources (76.9%). Among all participants, only 24.4% had a history of at least one injection of HBV vaccine; this was more frequently found among physicians than among paramedical staff (49.3% versus 11.8%; P < 0.001). Moreover, only 3.8% of vaccinated HCW received the complete vaccination schedule of three vaccine doses. The efficiency of this vaccine is not well recognized by HCW, and the majority of them seemed to be more worried about the risk of infection by human immunodeficiency virus than by viral hepatitis. Our study reveals that the level of knowledge about HBV and HCV is rather low among HCW in Bukavu

    Prevention against malaria before the first antenatal visit and absence of anaemia at the first visit were protective from low birth weight: results from a South Kivu cohort, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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    Background: There is little information on the causes of low birth weight (LBW, <2500 g) in South Kivu. The authors determined the prevalence of LBW among full-term newborns, and its relationship with malaria and anaemia at the first antenatal visit (ANV1) in the rural health zone of Miti-Murhesa, in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Methods: Four-hundred-and-seventy-eight pregnant women in the second trimester attending their first antenatal clinic were recruited between November 2010 and July 2011, and followed-up until delivery. Besides information on use of preventive measures and malaria morbidity, anthropometric measures and a blood sample were collected. Results: Women's mean age (SD) at enrolment, was 26 (6.5) years (n=434); prevalence of malaria was 9.5% (43/453) and that of anaemia 32.2% (141/439). The latter was significantly more frequent in malaria-infected women and in those who had not been dewormed. At delivery, prevalence of LBW was 6.5% (23/355) and was independently associated with not sleeping under insecticide-treated bed net (p=0.030), mother's height <150 cm (p=0.001) and anaemia at the ANV1 (p=0.006). Conclusion: In South Kivu, malaria and anaemia are important risk factors for LBW, and should be prevented among all women of reproductive age