5 research outputs found

    Impact des technologies informatiques sur la performance des supply chains

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    Ce papier a pour objectif de mettre en évidence la relation de causalité existant entre le degréd’usage de la technologie informatique EDI (Echange de Données informatisé) et laperformance de la supply chain. Le partage d’informations avec les fournisseurs figure parmiles mesures agissant fortement sur la gestion de la chaîne logistique et générant uneperformance globale de la supply chain. L’étude empirique que nous avons menée auprès de68 acteurs de la supply chain automobile au Maroc confirme que le degré d’usage de l’EDIimpacte sérieusement la performance de la supply chain

    Electronic Data Interchange In The Automotive Industry In Morocco : Toward The Optimization Of Logistics Information Flows

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    The information systems conducted by the requirements of the internationalization of activities, by the organization of firms in networks and by the evolution of Information and Communication Technology, tend more and more toward the sharing of information in real time. The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is among the tools that guarantee this exchange. EDI is a quick and effective means of transfer of business documents and ensures the optimization of the information flows of and their synchronization with the physical flows in the Supply chain. The objective of this study is to answer this research question “how the automobile industry in Morocco uses the EDI technology to optimize its flows?” We chose to adopt a case study approach to observing the reality of the practice of the EDI and its use as a tool for optimizing information flows. Thus, this article is the result of literature review and of the content analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with professionals in the automotive industry

    The Prevention and Reduction of the Bullwhip Effect by Electronic Data Interchange and Collaborative Forecasting

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    The bullwhip effect is a phenomenon of curious amplification of variations in demand as one moves away from the final customer. Popularized by Lee and al., (1997), the bullwhip effect has negative consequences on all actors in the supply chain because it generates considerable loss of profits: Too much stock, loss of sales, poor customer service, insufficient quality and multiple disruptions of flow and organization. To prevent and reduce the bullwhip effect, various tools are recommended. The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is among the most important given its impact on accelerating information sharing throughout the supply chain. This paper aims to shed light on the role of EDI, VMI (Vendor-managed inventory) and CPFR (collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment) in the prevention and reduction of the bullwhip effect in the supply chain