50 research outputs found

    Targeted alignment and end repair elimination increase alignment and methylation measure accuracy for reduced representation bisulfite sequencing data

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    Background DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification involved in many biological processes. Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) is a cost-effective method for studying DNA methylation at single base resolution. Although several tools are available for RRBS data processing and analysis, it is not clear which strategy performs the best and there has not been much attention to the contamination issue from artificial cytosines incorporated during the end repair step of library preparation. To address these issues, we describe a new method, Targeted Alignment and Artificial Cytosine Elimination for RRBS (TRACE-RRBS), which aligns bisulfite sequence reads to MSP1 digitally digested reference and specifically removes the end repair cytosines. We compared this approach on a simulated and a real dataset with 7 other RRBS analysis tools and Illumina 450 K microarray platform. Results TRACE-RRBS aligns sequence reads to a small fraction of the genome where RRBS protocol targets on and was demonstrated as the fastest, most sensitive and specific tool for the simulated dataset. For the real dataset, TRACE-RRBS took about the same time as RRBSMAP, a third to a sixth of time needed for BISMARK and NOVOALIGN. TRACE-RRBS aligned more reads uniquely than other tools and achieved the highest correlation with 450 k microarray data. The end repair artificial cytosine removal increased correlation between nearby CpGs and accuracy of methylation quantification. Conclusions TRACE-RRBS is fast and more accurate tool for RRBS data analysis. It is freely available for academic use at http://​bioinformaticsto​ols.​mayo.​edu/​

    TREAT: a bioinformatics tool for variant annotations and visualizations in targeted and exome sequencing data

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    Summary: TREAT (Targeted RE-sequencing Annotation Tool) is a tool for facile navigation and mining of the variants from both targeted resequencing and whole exome sequencing. It provides a rich integration of publicly available as well as in-house developed annotations and visualizations for variants, variant-hosting genes and host-gene pathways

    REVEL: An Ensemble Method for Predicting the Pathogenicity of Rare Missense Variants

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    Supplemental Data Supplemental Data include one figure and five tables and can be found with this article online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.08.016. Supplemental Data Document S1. Figure S1 and Tables S1–S5 Download Document S2. Article plus Supplemental Data Download Web Resources ClinVar, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/ dbNSFP, https://sites.google.com/site/jpopgen/dbNSFP Human Gene Mutation Database, http://www.hgmd.cf.ac.uk/ REVEL, https://sites.google.com/site/revelgenomics/ SwissVar, http://swissvar.expasy.org/ The vast majority of coding variants are rare, and assessment of the contribution of rare variants to complex traits is hampered by low statistical power and limited functional data. Improved methods for predicting the pathogenicity of rare coding variants are needed to facilitate the discovery of disease variants from exome sequencing studies. We developed REVEL (rare exome variant ensemble learner), an ensemble method for predicting the pathogenicity of missense variants on the basis of individual tools: MutPred, FATHMM, VEST, PolyPhen, SIFT, PROVEAN, MutationAssessor, MutationTaster, LRT, GERP, SiPhy, phyloP, and phastCons. REVEL was trained with recently discovered pathogenic and rare neutral missense variants, excluding those previously used to train its constituent tools. When applied to two independent test sets, REVEL had the best overall performance (p < 10−12) as compared to any individual tool and seven ensemble methods: MetaSVM, MetaLR, KGGSeq, Condel, CADD, DANN, and Eigen. Importantly, REVEL also had the best performance for distinguishing pathogenic from rare neutral variants with allele frequencies <0.5%. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for REVEL was 0.046–0.182 higher in an independent test set of 935 recent SwissVar disease variants and 123,935 putatively neutral exome sequencing variants and 0.027–0.143 higher in an independent test set of 1,953 pathogenic and 2,406 benign variants recently reported in ClinVar than the AUCs for other ensemble methods. We provide pre-computed REVEL scores for all possible human missense variants to facilitate the identification of pathogenic variants in the sea of rare variants discovered as sequencing studies expand in scale

    From days to hours: reporting clinically actionable variants from whole genome sequencing.

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    As the cost of whole genome sequencing (WGS) decreases, clinical laboratories will be looking at broadly adopting this technology to screen for variants of clinical significance. To fully leverage this technology in a clinical setting, results need to be reported quickly, as the turnaround rate could potentially impact patient care. The latest sequencers can sequence a whole human genome in about 24 hours. However, depending on the computing infrastructure available, the processing of data can take several days, with the majority of computing time devoted to aligning reads to genomics regions that are to date not clinically interpretable. In an attempt to accelerate the reporting of clinically actionable variants, we have investigated the utility of a multi-step alignment algorithm focused on aligning reads and calling variants in genomic regions of clinical relevance prior to processing the remaining reads on the whole genome. This iterative workflow significantly accelerates the reporting of clinically actionable variants with no loss of accuracy when compared to genotypes obtained with the OMNI SNP platform or to variants detected with a standard workflow that combines Novoalign and GATK

    Basic components of the iterative workflow as compared to a standard NGS whole genome analysis.

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    <p>Basic components of the iterative workflow as compared to a standard NGS whole genome analysis.</p

    Concordance of SNP data with variants from standard and iterative workflows for sample NA12878.

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    <p>Concordance of SNP data with variants from standard and iterative workflows for sample NA12878.</p

    Evaluation of SNVs and Indels called by the iterative and standard workflow.

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    <p>Evaluation of SNVs and Indels called by the iterative and standard workflow.</p

    An integrated model of the transcriptome of HER2-positive breast cancer

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    Our goal in these analyses was to use genomic features from a test set of primary breast tumors to build an integrated transcriptome landscape model that makes relevant hypothetical predictions about the biological and/or clinical behavior of HER2-positive breast cancer. We interrogated RNA-Seq data from benign breast lesions, ER+, triple negative, and HER2-positive tumors to identify 685 differentially expressed genes, 102 alternatively spliced genes, and 303 genes that expressed single nucleotide sequence variants (eSNVs) that were associated with the HER2-positive tumors in our survey panel. These features were integrated into a transcriptome landscape model that identified 12 highly interconnected genomic modules, each of which represents a cellular processes pathway that appears to define the genomic architecture of the HER2-positive tumors in our test set. The generality of the model was confirmed by the observation that several key pathways were enriched in HER2-positive TCGA breast tumors. The ability of this model to make relevant predictions about the biology of breast cancer cells was established by the observation that integrin signaling was linked to lapatinib sensitivity in vitro and strongly associated with risk of relapse in the NCCTG N9831 adjuvant trastuzumab clinical trial dataset. Additional modules from the HER2 transcriptome model, including ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, TGF-beta signaling, RHO-family GTPase signaling, and M-phase progression, were linked to response to lapatinib and paclitaxel in vitro and/or risk of relapse in the N9831 dataset. These data indicate that an integrated transcriptome landscape model derived from a test set of HER2-positive breast tumors has potential for predicting outcome and for identifying novel potential therapeutic strategies for this breast cancer subtype

    SoftSearch: Integration of Multiple Sequence Features to Identify Breakpoints of Structural Variations

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Structural variation (SV) represents a significant, yet poorly understood contribution to an individual’s genetic makeup. Advanced next-generation sequencing technologies are widely used to discover such variations, but there is no single detection tool that is considered a community standard. In an attempt to fulfil this need, we developed an algorithm, SoftSearch, for discovering structural variant breakpoints in Illumina paired-end next-generation sequencing data. SoftSearch combines multiple strategies for detecting SV including split-read, discordant read-pair, and unmated pairs. Co-localized split-reads and discordant read pairs are used to refine the breakpoints. </p> <p>Results</p><p>We developed and validated SoftSearch using real and synthetic datasets. SoftSearch’s key features are 1) not requiring secondary (or exhaustive primary) alignment, 2) portability into established sequencing workflows, and 3) is applicable to any DNA-sequencing experiment (e.g. whole genome, exome, custom capture, etc.). SoftSearch identifies breakpoints from a small number of soft-clipped bases from split reads and a few discordant read-pairs which on their own would not be sufficient to make an SV call. </p> <p>Conclusions</p><p>We show that SoftSearch can identify more true SVs by combining multiple sequence features. SoftSearch was able to call clinically relevant SVs in the BRCA2 gene not reported by other tools while offering significantly improved overall performance.</p> </div