34 research outputs found

    The Conservation of VIT1-Dependent Iron Distribution in Seeds

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    One third of people suffer from anemia, with iron (Fe) deficiency being the most common reason. The human diet includes seeds of staple crops, which contain Fe that is poorly bioavailable. One reason for low bioavailability is that these seeds store Fe in cellular compartments that also contain antinutrients, such as phytate. Thus, several studies have focused on decreasing phytate concentrations. In theory, as an alternative approach, Fe reserves might be directed to cellular compartments that are free of phytate, such as plastids. However, it is not known if seed plastid can represent a major Fe storage compartment in nature. To discover distinct types of Fe storage in nature, we investigated metal localizations in the seeds of more than twenty species using histochemical or X-ray based techniques. Results showed that in Rosids, the largest clade of eudicots, Fe reserves were primarily confined to the embryo of the seeds. Furthermore, inside the embryos, Fe accumulated specifically in the endodermal cell layer, a well-known feature that is mediated by VACUOLAR IRON TRANSPORTER1 (VIT1) in model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In rice, Fe enrichment is lost around the provasculature in the mutants of VIT1 orthologs. Finally, in Carica papaya, Fe accumulated in numerous organelles resembling plastids; however, these organelles accumulated reserve proteins but not ferritin, failing to prove to be plastids. By investigating Fe distribution in distinct plant lineages, this study failed to discover distinct Fe storage patterns that can be useful for biofortification. However, it revealed Fe enrichment is widely conserved in the endodermal cell layer in a VIT1-dependent manner in the plant kingdom


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    ABSTRACT In the present study, the level of polymorphism and the genetic relationships among 26 potato genotypes were studied by means of molecular markers using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. DNA was extracted from fresh leaves of the seedlings. Selective amplification products revealed a total of 191 polymorphic bands ranging from 8 to 45 for each combination. Scoring results were used to generate a tree in JMP software. The 26 samples formed six clades with varying number of members between one and eleven. Genetic distances among genotypes were calculated according to Jaccard's formula, in Phylip 3.0 software. According to the results of genetic distance, dendrogram showed that genotypes 6/7-4 and 6/7-2 were the closest genotypes with a genetic distance of 0.13. On the other hand, genotypes Posof-10 and Marabel were the most distinct from each other with a genetic distance value of 0.55. The AFLP marker results showed a great consistency along with their pedigrees indicating the AFLP technique as a useful tool in the calculation of genetic distance of the potato genotypes

    Mercimekte farklı sıra arası mesafeler ve bitki sıklıklarının büyüme , verim verim konponentleri ve bitki ölümleri üzerine etkileri

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.48 SUMMARY The effects of different row spacings ( 20, 30 cm) and plant densities (200, 300, 400 plants/m2) on lentil growth, yield and yield components were investigated in Bornova ecological conditions in 1990-1991 season. The trial was conducted in the complete ran domized block design (two factors) with three replications. Five plants were taken from each parcel at the different five growth stage for the determination of the number of branches, plant height and the dry weight of root and stem per plant. From these datas grafics were drawn to show the variation of these charac teristics throughout the vegatation period. Firstly the lentils grew very slowly, then they had rapid growth period. At the end of the vegatation a little decrease was observed in the dry matter weigth of root and stem. The plant heigth, number of braches, dry weigth of the root and stem, seed and stem yield, T.G.W., number of pods per plant, number of seeds/pod were determined in mature plants. The plant density had no effect on the plant heigth. As the distance between the rows and the number of plants/m2 increased, number of branches were decreased. When the pod number per plant was increased with the increasing plant density, seed number per pod was the highest at the plant density 300 plant/m2. The T.G.W. wasn't significant affected from the experimental factors. The highest seed yield was obtained from the combination of 20 cm distance between the rows and plant density of 400 plan/m2. During the vegatation period number of dead plants were affected from the plant density. The number of dead plants were increased with the increasing plant densities.47 6- ÖZET 1990-1991 sezonunda Bornova ekolojik koşullarında farklı sıra arası mesafelerinin (20, 30 cm) ve bitki sıklığının (200, 300, 400 bit./ro2) mercimeğin büyümesi, verim komponentleri ve verimi üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Deneme basit faktöriyel tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak düzenlenmiştir. Denemede ICARDA'dan temin edilmiş Lübnan orijinli Lens cul i nar i s ssp. m i er osperma (küçük daneli) bir mercimek hattı kullanılmıştır. Büyüme için, 5 farklı dönemde örnekler alınmış ve bitkide yandal sayısı, bitki boyu ile kök ve toprak üstü aksam ağırlığının vejetasyon dönemi boyunca sıra arası mesafeye ve farklı sıklıklara göre değişim seyri grafize edilmiştir. Buna göre mercimeğin büyümesi önce çok yavaş seyretmiş, sonra hızlı büyüme periyoduna girmiş ve vejetasyon dönemi sonunda çok az bir kuru madde azalışı gözlenmiştir. Olgunlukta bitki boyu, yandal sayısı, toprak üstü ve altı kuru ağırlık, sap verimi, dane verimi, bin dane ağırlığı, bitkide bakla sayısı, baklada dane sayısı, saptanmış ve sıklığın bitki boyuna etkisinin olmadığı, sıra arası mesafesi ve M2'de bitki sayısı arttıkça yandal sayısının azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Yine bitki sıklığı arttıkça toprak üstü aksam ve kök kuru madde ağırlığı azalırken birim alandaki toprak üstü aksam ve kök kuru madde ağırlığı sıklık arttıkça artış göstermiştir. Bitkide bakla sayısı ise sıklık arttıkça azalma gösterirken baklada dane sayısı ise M2'de 300 bitki sıklığında en yüksek olmuştur. Bin dane ağırlığı deneme faktörlerinden etkilenmemiştir. En yüksek verim 20 cm sıra arası mesafesinde ve 400 bit./M2 sıklığında 120.8 kg/da olarak elde edilmiştir, ölen bitki sayısı M2'de bitki sayısından etkilenmiş, sıklğın artmasıyla ölen bitki sayısı da artış göstermiştir.En çok ölen bitki sayısı 30 cm sıra arası mesafesinde ve 400 bitki sıklığında 62 adet/m2 olarak saptanmıştı

    Kışlık nohutta büyümenin dinamiği ve tane verimi ile ilişkisi

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    The newly-developed 13 kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) lines and two chick cultivars were grown in the replicated trials at Bornova in İzmir during 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 cropping seasons in winter sowing and the variation for plant height, number of branches, root dry weight, dry weight of all aboveground parts and leaf area index during four periods of crop growth (slow vegetative stage, rapid vegetative stage, flowering and grain-filling stage) was studied. Based on mean values for growth characteristics produced in different periods of crop growth, the largest increases were obtained in whole vegetative growth period for plant height, the number of branches, root dry weight, at the flowering stage for dry weight of all above ground parts and also during the rapid vegetative phase and flowering for leaf area index. Seed yield was positively and significantly correlated with the increases acquired at the rapid vegetative stage of crop growth for plant height, root dry weight and leaf area index and also those acquired during flowering for the number of branches and leaf area index. The results from this study suggested that seed yield of winter chickpea could be increased further by selecting larger green area-producing genotypes with enhanced root growth in the period when vegetative crop growth was rapid.Yeni geliştirilmiş 13 kabuli tip nohut hattı ve iki ticari çeşit (İzmir-92 ve İspanyol) İzmir-Bornova'da 1998-1999 ve 1999-2000 ürün yıllarında yürütülen tekrarlamak denemelerde kışlık olarak yetiştirilmiş ve bazı büyüme özelliklerindeki değişim incelenmiştir. Bitkide dört gelişme döneminin (yavaş ve hızlı vegetatif büyüme, çiçeklenme ve tane doldurma) her birinde oluşan bitki boyu, yandal sayısı, kök kuru ağırlığı, toprak üstü kuru ağırlığı ve yaprak alanı indeksi değerleri ile tane verimi arasındaki basit korelasyon katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Farklı gelişme dönemlerinde büyüme özelliklerindeki ortalama değişim değerlerine göre en fazla artışlar bitki boyu, yandal sayısı ve kök kuru ağırlığı için vegetatif gelişme; topraküstü kuru ağırlığı için çiçeklenme ve yaprak alam indeksi için de hızlı vegetatif gelişme ve çiçeklenme dönemlerinde elde edilmiştir. Tane verimi ile hızlı vegetatif gelişme dönemi içindeki bitki boyu, kök kuru ağırlığı ve yaprak alanı indeksi; çiçeklenme döneminde de yandal sayısı ve yaprak alanı indeksindeki artışlar arasında pozitif ve önemli ilişkilerin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Vegetatif gelişmenin hızlı olduğu dönemde yeşil alan oluşumu ve kök büyümesi fazla olan genotiplerin seçilmesiyle kışlık nohutta verim potansiyelinin arttırılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır

    Optical mapping of the Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae genome

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    Optical mapping approaches are widely preferred and applied in different branches of genomic studies because of their accuracy, low cost, and high efficiency. In the current study, a sequence orientation of the Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae (FOMG) genome that is deposited in GenBank National Center for Biotechnology Information under accession number MPIL00000000 was used as the reference genome, which we checked with Bionano Genomics optical mapping approaches. The optical mapping produced 103 contigs, the longest of which was 3.05 Mb. The N50 value of optical map contigs is 0.85 Mb. The sequences of the FOMG reference genome and optical map mainly match each other. Results obtained in the current study indicate that optical mapping can be used to construct complete and gapless assemblies of the FOMG genome. It also can be applied to validate a previous genome assembly

    Complete chloroplast genome of Lens lamottei reveals intraspecies variation among with Lens culinaris

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    Abstract Lens lamottei is a member of the Fabaceae family and the second gene pool of the genus Lens. The environmental factors that drove the divergence among wild and cultivated species have been studied extensively. Recent research has focused on genomic signatures associated with various phenotypes with the acceleration of next-generation techniques in molecular profiling. Therefore, in this study, we provide the complete sequence of the chloroplast genome sequence in the wild Lens species L. lamottei with a deep coverage of 713 × next-generation sequencing (NGS) data for the first time. Compared to the cultivated species, Lens culinaris, we identified synonymous, and nonsynonymous changes in the protein-coding regions of the genes ndhB, ndhF, ndhH, petA, rpoA, rpoC2, rps3, and ycf2 in L. lamottei. Phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast genomes of various plants under Leguminosae revealed that L. lamottei and L. culinaris are closest to one another than to other species. The complete chloroplast genome of L. lamottei also allowed us to reanalyze previously published transcriptomic data, which showed high levels of gene expression for ATP-synthase, rubisco, and photosystem genes. Overall, this study provides a deeper insight into the diversity of Lens species and the agricultural importance of these plants through their chloroplast genomes