12 research outputs found

    The (ir)Relevance of Initial Conditions in Soft Leptogenesis

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    We explore how the initial conditions affect the final lepton asymmetry in Soft Leptogenesis. It has been usually assumed that the initial state is a statistical mixture of sterile sneutrinos and anti-sneutrinos with equal abundances. We calculate the lepton asymmetry due to the most general initial mixture. The usually assumed equal mixture produces a small, but sufficient, lepton asymmetry which is proportional to the ratio of the supersymmetry breaking scale over the Majorana scale. A more generic mixture, still with equal contents of sneutrinos and anti sneutrinos, yields an unsuppressed lepton asymmetry. Mixtures of non equal contents of sneutrinos and anti sneutrinos result in a large lepton asymmetry too. While these results establish the robustness of Soft Leptogenesis and other mixing based mechanisms, they also expose their lack of predictive power.Comment: v1: 12 pages; v2: typos corrected; v3: published version with new discussions and reference

    Nonlinear wave dynamics in honeycomb lattices

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    We study the nonlinear dynamics of wave packets in honeycomb lattices, and show that, in quasi-1D configurations, the waves propagating in the lattice can be separated into left-moving and right-moving waves, and any wave packet composed of left (or right) movers only does not change its intensity structure in spite of the nonlinear evolution of its phase. We show that the propagation of a general wave packet can be described, within a good approximation, as a superposition of left and right moving self-similar (nonlinear) solutions. Finally, we find that Klein tunneling is not suppressed due to nonlinearity

    Breakdown of Dirac Dynamics in Honeycomb Lattices due to Nonlinear Interactions

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    We study the dynamics of coherent waves in nonlinear honeycomb lattices and show that nonlinearity breaks down the Dirac dynamics. As an example, we demonstrate that even a weak nonlinearity has major qualitative effects one of the hallmarks of honeycomb lattices: conical diffraction. Under linear conditions, a circular input wave-packet associated with the Dirac point evolves into a ring, but even a weak nonlinearity alters the evolution such that the emerging beam possesses triangular symmetry, and populates Bloch modes outside of the Dirac cone region. Our results are presented in the context of optics, but we propose a scheme to observe equivalent phenomena in Bose-Einstein condensates

    Pseudospin and nonlinear conical diffraction in Lieb lattices

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    We study linear and nonlinear wave dynamics in the Lieb lattice, in the vicinity of an intersection point between two conical bands and a flat band. We define a pseudospin operator and derive a nonlinear equation for spin-1 waves, analogous to the spin-1/2 nonlinear Dirac equation. We then study the dynamics of wave packets that are associated with different pseudospin states, and find that they are distinguished by their linear and nonlinear conical diffraction patterns

    Flat band states: disorder and nonlinearity

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    We study the critical behavior of Anderson localized modes near intersecting flat and dispersive bands in the quasi-one-dimensional diamond ladder with weak diagonal disorder W. The localization length ξ of the flat band states scales with disorder as ξ∼W-γ, with γ≈1.3, in contrast to the dispersive bands with γ=2. A small fraction of dispersive modes mixed with the flat band states is responsible for the unusual scaling. Anderson localization is therefore controlled by two different length scales. Nonlinearity can produce qualitatively different wave spreading regimes, from enhanced expansion to resonant tunneling and self-trapping

    Prefect Klein tunneling in anisotropic graphene-like photonic lattices

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    We study the scattering of waves off a potential step in deformed honeycomb lattices. For small deformations below a critical value, perfect Klein tunneling is obtained. This means that a potential step in any direction transmits waves at normal incidence with unit transmission probability, irrespective of the details of the potential. Beyond the critical deformation, a gap in the spectrum is formed, and a potential step in the deformation direction reflects all normal-incidence waves, exhibiting a dramatic transition form unit transmission to total reflection. These phenomena are generic to honeycomb lattice systems, and apply to electromagnetic waves in photonic lattices, quasi-particles in graphene, cold atoms in optical lattices

    PT-symmetry in honeycomb photonic lattices

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    We apply gain/loss to honeycomb photonic lattices and show that the dispersion relation is identical to tachyons - particles with imaginary mass that travel faster than the speed of light. This is accompanied by PT-symmetry breaking in this structure. We further show that the PT-symmetry can be restored by deforming the lattice

    Hiding the Higgs at the LHC

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    We study a simple extension of the standard model where scalar singlets that mix with the Higgs doublet are added. This modification to the standard model could have a significant impact on Higgs searches at the LHC. The Higgs doublet is not a mass eigenstate and therefore the expected nice peak of the standard model Higgs disappears. We analyze this scenario finding the required properties of the singlets in order to make the Higgs "invisible" at the LHC. In some part of the parameter space even one singlet could make the discovery of the SM Higgs problematic. In other parts, the Higgs can be discovered even in the presence of many singlets.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. V2- References added. V3- Several examples and one fig. adde