262 research outputs found

    Phase structure and phase transitions of the SU(2) x O(N) symmetric scalar field theory

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    Radiatively induced SU(2) symmetry breaking is shown to be a genuine feature of SU(2) x O(N) globally symmetric renormalisable field theories in the large N limit, describing interaction of a complex SU(2) doublet, O(N)-singlet field with an SU(2) singlet, O(N) vector. Symmetry breaking solutions are found even when all fields have positive renormalised squared mass. The emerging novel mechanism of symmetry breaking can reproduce with a choice of N~300 the standard range of the electroweak condensate and the Higgs mass occurring in the extended Higgs dynamics of an SU(2) symmetric Gauge+Higgs model.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; the role of the cut-off in the effective theory is discussed, references added; to appear in Europhys. Let

    Strong electroweak phase transitions without collider traces

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    We discuss the question if the upcoming generation of collider and low-energy experiments can successfully probe the nature of the electroweak phase transition. In particular, we are interested in phase transitions strong enough for electroweak baryogenesis or even for a production of gravitational radiation observable by the Big Bang Observer. As an explicit example, we present an analysis in a singlet extension of the Standard Model. We focus on the region in parameter space where the model develops no significant deviation in its low energy phenomenology from the Standard Model. Nevertheless, this class of models can develop a very strong phase transition.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, some comments and references adde

    Strain-induced pseudomagnetic field and Landau levels in photonic structures

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    Magnetic effects at optical frequencies are notoriously weak. This is evidenced by the fact that the magnetic permeability of nearly all materials is unity in the optical frequency range, and that magneto-optical devices (such as Faraday isolators) must be large in order to allow for a sufficiently strong effect. In graphene, however, it has been shown that inhomogeneous strains can induce 'pseudomagnetic fields' that behave very similarly to real fields. Here, we show experimentally and theoretically that, by properly structuring a dielectric lattice, it is possible to induce a pseudomagnetic field at optical frequencies in a photonic lattice, where the propagation dynamics is equivalent to the evolution of an electronic wavepacket in graphene. To our knowledge, this is the first realization of a pseudomagnetic field in optics. The induced field gives rise to multiple photonic Landau levels (singularities in the density of states) separated by band gaps. We show experimentally and numerically that the gaps between these Landau levels give rise to transverse confinement of the optical modes. The use of strain allows for the exploration of magnetic effects in a non-resonant way that would be otherwise inaccessible in optics. Employing inhomogeneous strain to induce pseudomagnetism suggests the possibility that aperiodic photonic crystal structures can achieve greater field-enhancement and slow-light effects than periodic structures via the high density-of-states at Landau levels. Generalizing these concepts to other systems beyond optics, for example with matter waves in optical potentials, offers new intriguing physics that is fundamentally different from that in purely periodic structures.Comment: 24 pages including supplementary information section, 4 figure

    Dirac Neutrinos, Dark Energy and Baryon Asymmetry

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    We explore a new origin of neutrino dark energy and baryon asymmetry in the universe. The neutrinos acquire small masses through the Dirac seesaw mechanism. The pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson associated with neutrino mass-generation provides a candidate for dark energy. The puzzle of cosmological baryon asymmetry is resolved via neutrinogenesis.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by JCAP (only minor rewordings, refs added

    Photonic realization of the relativistic Kronig-Penney model and relativistic Tamm surface states

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    Photonic analogues of the relativistic Kronig-Penney model and of relativistic surface Tamm states are proposed for light propagation in fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) with phase defects. A periodic sequence of phase slips in the FBG realizes the relativistic Kronig-Penney model, the band structure of which being mapped into the spectral response of the FBG. For the semi-infinite FBG Tamm surface states can appear and can be visualized as narrow resonance peaks in the transmission spectrum of the grating

    Klein tunneling in graphene: optics with massless electrons

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    This article provides a pedagogical review on Klein tunneling in graphene, i.e. the peculiar tunneling properties of two-dimensional massless Dirac electrons. We consider two simple situations in detail: a massless Dirac electron incident either on a potential step or on a potential barrier and use elementary quantum wave mechanics to obtain the transmission probability. We emphasize the connection to related phenomena in optics, such as the Snell-Descartes law of refraction, total internal reflection, Fabry-P\'erot resonances, negative refraction index materials (the so called meta-materials), etc. We also stress that Klein tunneling is not a genuine quantum tunneling effect as it does not necessarily involve passing through a classically forbidden region via evanescent waves. A crucial role in Klein tunneling is played by the conservation of (sublattice) pseudo-spin, which is discussed in detail. A major consequence is the absence of backscattering at normal incidence, of which we give a new shorten proof. The current experimental status is also thoroughly reviewed. The appendix contains the discussion of a one-dimensional toy model that clearly illustrates the difference in Klein tunneling between mono- and bi-layer graphene.Comment: short review article, 18 pages, 14 figures; v3: references added, several figures slightly modifie

    Leptogenesis from Soft Supersymmetry Breaking (Soft Leptogenesis)

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    Soft leptogenesis is a scenario in which the cosmic baryon asymmetry is produced from a lepton asymmetry generated in the decays of heavy sneutrinos (the partners of the singlet neutrinos of the seesaw) and where the relevant sources of CP violation are the complex phases of soft supersymmetry-breaking terms. We explain the motivations for soft leptogenesis, and review its basic ingredients: the different CP-violating contributions, the crucial role played by thermal corrections, and the enhancement of the efficiency from lepton flavour effects. We also discuss the high temperature regime T>107T > 10^7 GeV in which the cosmic baryon asymmetry originates from an initial asymmetry of an anomalous RR-charge, and soft leptogenesis reembodies in RR-genesis.Comment: References updated. Some minor corrections to match the published versio

    Topological Photonics

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    Topology is revolutionizing photonics, bringing with it new theoretical discoveries and a wealth of potential applications. This field was inspired by the discovery of topological insulators, in which interfacial electrons transport without dissipation even in the presence of impurities. Similarly, new optical mirrors of different wave-vector space topologies have been constructed to support new states of light propagating at their interfaces. These novel waveguides allow light to flow around large imperfections without back-reflection. The present review explains the underlying principles and highlights the major findings in photonic crystals, coupled resonators, metamaterials and quasicrystals.Comment: progress and review of an emerging field, 12 pages, 6 figures and 1 tabl