1,148 research outputs found

    Some new results on irradiation characteristics of synthetic quartz crystals and their application to radiation hardening

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    The paper reports some new results on irradiation characteristics of synthetic quartz crystals and their application to radiation hardening. The present results show how the frequency shift in quartz crystals can be influenced by heat processing prior to irradiation and how this procedure can lead to radiation hardening for obtaining precise frequencies and time intervals from quartz oscillators in space

    Some new results on the frequency characteristics on quartz crystals irradiated by ionizing and particle radiations

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    The frequency behavior of AT-cut quartz crystals irradiated by X -, gamma rays and fast neutrons. Initial instability in frequency for gamma and neutron irradiated crystals was found. All the different radiations first give a negative frequency shift at lower doses which are followed by positive frequency shift for increased doses. Results are explained in terms of the fundamental crystal structure. Applications of the frequency results for radiation hardening are proposed

    Importance of composition and hygroscopicity of BC particles to the effect of BC mitigation on cloud properties: Application to California conditions

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    Black carbon (BC) has many effects on climate including the direct effect on atmospheric absorption, indirect and semi-direct effects on clouds, snow effects, and others. While most of these are positive (warming), the first indirect effect is negative and quantifying its magnitude in addition to other BC feedbacks is important for supporting policies that mitigate BC. We use the detailed aerosol chemistry parcel model of Russell and Seinfeld (1998), observationally constrained by initial measured aerosol concentrations from five California sites, to provide simulated cloud drop number (CDN) concentrations against which two GCM calculations – one run at the global scale and one nested from the global-to-regional scale are compared. The GCM results reflect the combined effects of their emission inventories, advection schemes, and cloud parameterizations. BC-type particles contributed between 16 and 20% of cloud droplets at all sites even in the presence of more hygroscopic particles. While this chemically detailed parcel model result is based on simplified cloud dynamics and does not consider semi-direct or cloud absorption effects, the cloud drop number concentrations are similar to the simulations of both Chen et al. (2010b) and Jacobson (2010) for the average cloud conditions in California. Reducing BC particle concentration by 50% decreased the cloud droplet concentration by between 6% and 9% resulting in the formation of fewer, larger cloud droplets that correspond to a lower cloud albedo. This trend is similar to Chen et al. (2010b) and Jacobson (2010) when BC particles were modeled as hygroscopic. This reduction in CDN in California due to the decrease in activated BC particles supports the concern raised by Chen et al. (2010a) that the cloud albedo effect of BC particles has a cooling effect that partially offsets the direct forcing reduction if other warming effects of BC on clouds are unchanged. These results suggests that for regions like the California sites studied here, where BC mitigation targets fossil fuel sources, a critical aspect of the modeled reduction is the chemical composition and associated hygroscopicity of the BC particles removed as well as their relative contribution to the atmospheric particle concentrations

    Two quantum analogues of Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation

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    We discuss two quantum analogues of Fisher information, symmetric logarithmic derivative (SLD) Fisher information and Kubo-Mori-Bogoljubov (KMB) Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation and prove that the former gives the true bound and the latter gives the bound of consistent superefficient estimators. In another comparison, it is shown that the difference between them is characterized by the change of the order of limits.Comment: LaTeX with iopart.cls, iopart12.clo, iopams.st

    Cells as delivery vehicles for cancer therapeutics

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    Cell-based therapeutics have advanced significantly over the past decade and are poised to become a major pillar of modern medicine. Three cell types in particular have been studied in detail for their ability to home to tumors and to deliver a variety of different payloads. Neural stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells and monocytes have each been shown to have great potential as future delivery systems for cancer therapy. A variety of other cell types have also been studied. These results demonstrate that the field of cell-based therapeutics will only continue to grow

    Quantum Chi-Squared and Goodness of Fit Testing

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    The density matrix in quantum mechanics parameterizes the statistical properties of the system under observation, just like a classical probability distribution does for classical systems. The expectation value of observables cannot be measured directly, it can only be approximated by applying classical statistical methods to the frequencies by which certain measurement outcomes (clicks) are obtained. In this paper, we make a detailed study of the statistical fluctuations obtained during an experiment in which a hypothesis is tested, i.e. the hypothesis that a certain setup produces a given quantum state. Although the classical and quantum problem are very much related to each other, the quantum problem is much richer due to the additional optimization over the measurement basis. Just as in the case of classical hypothesis testing, the confidence in quantum hypothesis testing scales exponentially in the number of copies. In this paper, we will argue 1) that the physically relevant data of quantum experiments is only contained in the frequencies of the measurement outcomes, and that the statistical fluctuations of the experiment are essential, so that the correct formulation of the conclusions of a quantum experiment should be given in terms of hypothesis tests, 2) that the (classical) χ2\chi^2 test for distinguishing two quantum states gives rise to the quantum χ2\chi^2 divergence when optimized over the measurement basis, 3) present a max-min characterization for the optimal measurement basis for quantum goodness of fit testing, find the quantum measurement which leads both to the maximal Pitman and Bahadur efficiency, and determine the associated divergence rates.Comment: 22 Pages, with a new section on parameter estimatio

    Weak convergence of Vervaat and Vervaat Error processes of long-range dependent sequences

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    Following Cs\"{o}rg\H{o}, Szyszkowicz and Wang (Ann. Statist. {\bf 34}, (2006), 1013--1044) we consider a long range dependent linear sequence. We prove weak convergence of the uniform Vervaat and the uniform Vervaat error processes, extending their results to distributions with unbounded support and removing normality assumption

    Asymptotic estimation theory for a finite dimensional pure state model

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    The optimization of measurement for n samples of pure sates are studied. The error of the optimal measurement for n samples is asymptotically compared with the one of the maximum likelihood estimators from n data given by the optimal measurement for one sample.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, Doctoral Thesi
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