220 research outputs found

    Effects of supplemental microbial phytase enzyme on performance and phytate phosphorus digestibility of a corn-wheat-soybean meal diet in broiler chicks

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    This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of supplemental phytase in a corn-wheatsoybean meal basal diet on phosphorus (P) digestibility and performance of broiler chicks. 378 one-day old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were allocated to 3×3 factorial arrangements with three levels of phytase enzyme (0, 500 and 1000 FTU/kg) and three levels of non-phytate P (100, 80 and 60% of NRC requirements). Broiler chicks received experimental diets from 7 to 49 days of age. Phytase significantly (P < 0.05) improved body weight gain and feed intake. Tibial ash and P contents increased significantly by phytase supplementation. Ileal P digestibility increased and P excretion reduced by added phytase. The greatest response due to supplemental phytase regarding P digestibility and utilization was obtained at the lowest dietary non-phytate P (NPP) level (60% of NRC requirements). Difference between various levels of added phytase (500 and 1000 FTU/kg) regarding P excretion and utilization was not significant. The interactions between supplemental phytase and dietary NPP for P utilization, tibial ash and P contents were significant (P < 0.05). The results indicate that, supplemental microbial phytase (500 FTU/kg of diet) added to diet containing NPP lower than NRC requirements (60%) can improve growth performance, tibial ash and phytate P utilization in broiler chickens.Key words: Broiler, phytase, phosphorus digestibility, growth performance, tibia

    Sensitivity measurement of Fibre Bragg grating sensor

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    A practical pass-through type fibre Bragg grating (FBG) temperature sensor system have been designed, developed, simulated, and experimentally investigated. The performance of FBG was evaluated in harsh environments exposed under direct sunlight, rain, and wind. The sensor system designed directly focused with convex and hand lens. The temperature of FBG’s sensor head been measured. The broadband laser source was launched into the system using tunable laser source (TLS) and both transmission and reflection spectra of FBG sensor were measured by optical spectrum analyzer (OSA). Results shows that the Bragg wavelength shift, ΔλB increased proportionally with the temperature changes. The sensitivity of FBG were recorded at 0.0100 and 0.0132 nm °C-1 for the systems where convex and hand lens applied to the FBG’s sensor head respectively, while the sensitivity of 0.0118 nm °C-1 measured for the system without any focusing element applied

    Theoretical study on slow-light generated by integrated microring resonator with wide bandwidth and high gain

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    We proposed a new approach to generate slow light transmission with large bandwidth and high buildup factor by using a soliton pulse propagating within integrated ring resonator circuit. The system consisted series of micron-size ring resonator fabricated by using nonlinear InGaAsP/InP material that are laterally coupled together. For convenience of analysis, optical transfer function for this model is obtained by using z-transform method. Slow light performances were modeled and discuss in this paper. Intensity buildup induced within the series of rings located at left and right sides of the system while strong nonlinear Kerr effect and mutual coupling leads to the spreading frequency bands within the device. Numerical simulation verifies that signal pulse with 45 ps relative delay time and bandwidth of 5.9 GHz (47 pm) are obtained at the communication wavelength around 1550 nm for a 100 ps signal pulse

    Some characteristics of tuberose as affected by pre-harvest application of calcium chloride and gibberillic acid

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    In the present study the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) sprays (0, 150, 300 and 450 ml L-1),  applied 25 and 15 days before harvesting, on physiological and morphological characteristics of tuberose ‘Pearl Double’ was studied. Cut flowers were harvested and transported to the laboratory where they were placed in distilled water. The experiment considered some parameters for evaluation, such as relative water content of leaves and petals, water intake, percentage of open florets, electrolyte leakage, ethylene production, chlorophyll and carotenoid content. Results indicate that the best treatment was the combination of 150 ml L-1CaCl2 and 450 ml L-1GA3 for most of parameter

    Growth of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) seedling sown in soil mixed with nitrogen and natural zeolite

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    To determine the interaction of nitrogen and natural zeolite in culture medium on the vegetative growth of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) ‘Starlet’ a greenhouse experiment was conducted. A complete randomized design with factorial arrangements including two factors (nitrogen and zeolite) was employed for each treatment with four replications. Treatments of nitrogen were 0, 0.06 and 0.12 g kg-1 in the soil mixture and treatments of zeolite were 0, 10, 20 and 30 g kg-1 in the soil mixture. Application of zeolite and nitrogen had different effects on seedling height, fresh and dry weights of clippings before first, second and third mowings, chlorophyll and nitrogen content of clippings, and dry weights of roots. Adding zeolite at the rate of 30 g kg-1 and nitrogen at the rate of 0.12 g kg-1 to culture medium significantly increased the height of turf seedlings. It is concluded that zeolite could absorb and slowly release nitrogen to the culture medium

    Numerical studies of ion beam in NX2 plasma focus for different applied voltage

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    Plasma focus device gives simultaneous interaction between magnetic and electric field which results in exhibiting multi-radiation properties. Ion beam radiates from the system is significant for experimenting target material of interest in plasma focus research. Lee code model is used to simulate the numerical experiments on NX2-plasma focus device system using different applied voltage in the range 10 to 14 kV. The system is operating in Neon filled at an optimum pressure depending on the applied voltage used in the experiment. Results obtained are analysed and fitted with the experimental results for system validation. Good fitting on the numerical with the experimental results is obtained by incorporating mass shedding effects and current shedding factor. The range of current density obtained is in the range 1.6 × 108 to 7.3×109 Am-2whilst the maximum ion beam energy is estimated to be 156 J

    Analysis of temperature sensor in all-pass microring resonator

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    The temperature sensor using all-pass microrin resonator (APMRR) investigated theoretically and analyzed. An optical bright soliton is used as a probe to study the effect of applied temperature on the light behavior pass through microring waveguide. The split-step Fourier method is used to study the pulse propagation inside the APMRR. Result shows that the rise of temperature on peak amplitude ratio fit with quadratic line in temperature range of 27 oC-37 oC. . The temperature at 30 oC generate higher slope of reduction compare to temperature at 36oC. The amplitude ratio is reduced into 0.6 (-4.4370 dB) when the temperature increased as small as 1 oC. The operating range for all-pass resonator is 97 oC with amplitude reduction of -8.3975 dB

    Why spontaneous symmetry breaking disappears in a bridge system with PDE-friendly boundaries

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    We consider a driven diffusive system with two types of particles, A and B, coupled at the ends to reservoirs with fixed particle densities. To define stochastic dynamics that correspond to boundary reservoirs we introduce projection measures. The stationary state is shown to be approached dynamically through an infinite reflection of shocks from the boundaries. We argue that spontaneous symmetry breaking observed in similar systems is due to placing effective impurities at the boundaries and therefore does not occur in our system. Monte-Carlo simulations confirm our results.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Solitonic conduction of electrotonic signals in neuronal branchlets with polarized microstructure

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    A model of solitonic conduction in neuronal branchlets with microstructure is presented. The application of cable theory to neurons with microstructure results in a nonlinear cable equation that is solved using a direct method to obtain analytical approximations of traveling wave solutions. It is shown that a linear superposition of two oppositely directed traveling waves demonstrate solitonic interaction: colliding waves can penetrate through each other, and continue fully intact as the exact pulses that entered the collision. These findings indicate that microstructure when polarized can sustain solitary waves that propagate at a constant velocity without attenuation or distortion in the absence of synaptic transmission. Solitonic conduction in a neuronal branchlet arising from polarizability of its microstructure is a novel signaling mode of electrotonic signals in thin processes (<0.5 μm diameter)