68 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Quantum Chemical Calculations and Molecular Docking Studies, Biological and Anion Sensor Properties of (E)-4-[(4-ethoxy-phenylimino)methyl]-2-methoxyphenol

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    We report the synthesis and characterization, biological activity, DNA binding, colorimetric anion sensor properties, computational (HF) and molecular docking studies of a novel Schiff base (E)-4-[(4-ethoxyphenylimino)methyl]-2-methoxyphenol. The molecular structure of the title compound was experimentally determined using spectroscopic data and was compared to the structure predicted by theoretical calculations using density functional theory (DFT). In addition, atomic charges, molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), nonlinear optical (NLO) effects, the potential energy surface (PES) scans about two important torsion angles and thermodynamic properties of the title compound were predicted using DFT. The antimicrobial activity of the compound was investigated for minimum inhibitory concentration. UV-Vis spectroscopy studies of the interactions between the compound and calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) showed that the compound interacts with CT-DNA via intercalative binding. The colorimetric response of the Schiff base receptors in DMSO was investigated. The most discernable color change in the Schiff base was caused by CN−, which demonstrated that the ligand can be used to selectively detect CN−. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Determination of Size and Shape in the ‘Moro’ Blood Orange and ‘Valencia’ Sweet Orange Cultivar and its Mutants Using Image Processing

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    Fruit size and shape are important physical characteristics in designing relevant equipment, sorting, sizing and packaging systems. Therefore, the properties of size and shape of the sweet orange cultivar, ‘Valencia’, and its three mutants, ‘A70’, ‘A77’, and ‘A88’ were determined by image processing. The blood orange cultivar, ‘Moro’, was also included in this analysis. The volume of each cultivar and mutant was measured by the liquid displacement method. Linear equations with high R2 values were developed in order to estimate the surface area and geometric mean diameter, which were dependent upon the mass and volume of the orange samples. The results of this study showed that the ‘A70’ mutant differed from the other mutants and the ‘Valencia’ cultivar in regard to most physical properties. The ‘A70’ and ‘A88’ mutants and the ‘Valencia’ cultivar had the highest sphericity values, which varied from 96.41% to 97.18%. The lowest shape factor was found in the ‘Valencia’ cultivar, with a mean of 0.73. The elongation of the ‘A88’ mutant and ‘Valencia’ (1.07 each) was smaller than that of the other cultivars. The highest coefficient of variance was observed within the ‘Valencia’ and ‘Moro’ cultivars in most physical properties, suggesting that the ‘Valencia’ mutants produce more homogeneous fruits than the ‘Valencia’ cultivar itself

    Effects of an Extract of Salvia miltiorrhiza on a PenicillinInduced Epilepsy Model in Rats

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    In a penciling-induced epilepsy model, Wistar rats (16 males, 16 females) were i.p. administered by an extract of Salvia miltiorrhiza (SmE; total dose 50mg/kg) once a day, during 15 days. The rats were divided into four equal groups, control and SmE-treated for each sex. After the treatment period, an epilepsy model was produced by penicillin G (500 IU) injection into the motor cortex; the electrocorticogram (EcoG) was recorded for 120 min, and statistical analysis was performed. In the male control group with penicillin-induced epilepsy, the spike frequency was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that in the female control group. The frequency values have been significantly (P < 0.01) increased within the observation period in the female SmE-treated group, while the respective values significantly (P < 0.05) decreased in the analogous male group. There were insignificant differences in the amplitude values and latency to onset of the spike/wave events between female/male SmE and female/male control groups (P > > 0.05). Thus, the SmE exerts anticonvulsant effects in the male rat group, while its effect should be characterized as proconvulsant in the female group in penicillin-induced epilepsy model. The difference (related to the presence of estrogen analogs in the SmE) is determined by dissimilar hormonal backgrounds in males and females. The SmE may be considered the base for development of anticonvulsant drugs for clinical therapy of epilepsy in the future.В умовах моделювання епілептичної активності (індукція інтракортикальним уведенням пеніциліну) щурам лінії Вістар (16 самців і 16 самиць) уводили екстракт шавлії (Salvia miltiorrhiza extract, SmE, загальна доза 50 мг/кг, щоденні ін’єкції протягом 15 діб). Щури були поділені на чотири рівні групи – контрольні та піддані ін’єкціям SmE самці та самиці. Після періоду введень екстракту епілептиформна активність індукувалась уведенням (500 МО) пеніциліну G у моторну кору, після чого відводили електрокортикограму (EКoГ) протягом 120 хв та піддавали її статистичному аналізу. В контрольній групі самців частота в ЕКоГкомплексах пік–хвиля була вірогідно вищою (P < 0.05), ніж така в контрольній групі самиць. Значення частоти істотно зростали (P < 0.01) у групі самиць котрим уводили SmE, тоді як відповідні значення в аналогічній групі самців вірогідно зменшувалися (P < 0.05). Не було виявлено істотних відмінностей між середніми значеннями амплітуд комплексів пік–хвиля та латентних періодів виникнення таких комплексів у групах самиць та самців, котрим уводили SmE, та аналогічних контрольних груп самиць і самців (P > 0.05). Отже, SmE проявляє протисудомні впливи в умовах пеніцилінової моделі епілепсії в групі самцівщурів, тоді як у групі самиць ефекти мають кваліфікуватись як просудомні. Різниця в характері впливів, зумовлена наявністю аналогів естрогенів у SmE, визначається різним гормональним фоном у самиць і самців. SmE може розглядатись як основа для розробки антиконвульсантних засобів для терапії епілепсії в майбутньому

    Effect of taxifolin on acrylamide-induced oxidative and proinflammatory lung injury in rats: Biochemical and histopathological studies

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    Purpose: To examine the probable beneficial effects of taxifolin against acrylamide damage in lung tissue.Methods: 18 male albino Wistar rats were divided into healthy (HG), acrylamide (AG) and taxifolin + acrylamide (TAG) groups. Once a day for 30 days, acrylamide was orally administered to the AG group (50 mg/kg), while ACL (50 mg/kg) and TAX (20 mg/kg) were orally administered to TAG group. Protein concentration, malondialdehyde (MDA), and total glutathione (tGSH) levels as well as oxidant and antioxidant molecules concentrations of the rat lung tissues were measured. In addition, degree of mononuclear (MN) cell infiltration and bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) hyperplasia was evaluated by the degree of hyperplasia (absent, mild, moderate, severe). The histopathological andbiochemical data the groups were compared.Results: When compared in terms of MDA levels, it was found that the AG group had high MDA levels, and the TAG group had low MDA levels. (p &lt; 0.001). TAG group was found to have a higher tGSH level than the AG group (p &lt; 0.001). Compared to the AG group, lower TOS and higher TAS levels were obtained in the TAG group (p &lt; 0.001). In addition, when TOS levels of TAG and HG groups were compared, the TOS levels between the two groups were statistically insignificant (p = 0.213). It has been observed that TAX administration prevents the increase in NF-ƘB level. When the NF-ƘB levels of the AG and TAG groups were compared with each other, there was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001). In the AG group, severe MN cell hyperplasia and BALT hyperplasia were observed histopathologically. It was determined that these findings were alleviated in the TAG group. A histopathologically significant difference was found between AG and TAG groups (p &lt; 0.05).Conclusion: Taxifolin has beneficial effects against lung injury caused by acrylamide, a healthdamaging environmental factor. Regular use of taxifolin can be recommended, especially in people who are known to have intense contact with acrylamide. There is a need for research studies on this subject

    Gender Specificity of Genistein Treatment in Penicillin-Induced Epileptiform Activity in Rats

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    We investigated gender-dependent differences of genistein (isoflavone phytoestrogen) treatment in a penicillin-induced experimental epilepsy rat model. Twenty-eight adult Wistar Albino rats (14 females and 14 males) were devided into four groups, control and genisteintreatmed males and females. Genistein (100 µg/kg, i.p) or saline was given during 15 days before the electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings. The epileptiform activity was induced by penicillin G potassium solt (500 IU, i.c) injections into the left somatomotor cortex. Significant differences among the groups were found in the latency to onset of epileptiform activity. This value in the female control group was significantly longer than the latencies in the male control, male genistein, and female genistein groups (respectively, P = 0.002, 0.015, and 0.032). There were no significant differences regarding the spike/wave frequencies and amplitudes in epileptiform activity between female/male genistein and control groups within all observation intervals (P > 0.05). Thus, genistein exerts a proconvulsant effect in the penicillin-induced epilepsy model, and the effect demonstrates the clear gender specificity related to the specificity of hormonal backgrounds in males and females.Ми досліджували залежні від статі відмінності впливу ґеністеїну (ізофлавоноїдного фітоестрогена) в умовах індукованої пеніциліном експериментальної моделі епілепсії у щурів. 28 дорослих щурів лінії Вістар (14 самиць і 14 самців) були поділені на чотири групи – контрольних та лікованих ґеністеїном самців і самиць. Ґеністеїн (100 мкг/кг, внутрішньоочеревинно) або фізіологічний розчин уводився тваринам протягом 15 діб, після чого у них відводились електрокортикограма (ЕКоГ). Епілептиформна активність індукувалась ін’єкцією пеніциліну G калієвої солі (500 МО) в ліву соматомоторну кору. Істотні міжгрупові відмінності були виявлені щодо латентного періоду початку епілептиформної активності (P = 0.013). Ця величина в контрольній групі самиць була істотно більшою, ніж аналогічні значення в контрольній групі самців та групах самців і самиць, лікованих ґеністеїном (P = 0.002, 0.015 та 0.032 відповідно). Не було виявлено істотних відмінностей щодо частоти комплексів пік/хвиля та амплітуди епілептиформної активності у всіх чотирьох груп у межах інтервалу спостережень (P > > 0.05). Зроблено висновок, що ґеністеїн впливає на пеніцилініндуковану модель епілепсії як проконвульсант; відповідні ефекти демонструють значну гендерну специфіку, очевидно, залежну від гормонального фону в самців і самиць

    Comparison of spray nozzles in terms of spray coverage and drop distribution uniformity at low volume

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    This study was conducted to compare the spray coverage rate and spray uniformity of seven different types of hydraulic nozzles (standard flat fan nozzles, ST; multirange nozzles, LU; air induction nozzles, IDK; twinjet air-induction nozzles, IDKT; narrow cone-angle standard nozzles, STD; hollow cone nozzles, DC; and antidrift nozzles, AD) commonly used in pesticide applications at low application volumes. All spray applications were carried out at a constant operating pressure of 300 kPa and a low application volume of 80 L/ha. The experiments were carried out in a closed facility under controlled conditions. Spray applications were carried out with the aid of a 12-m-long linear, automatic speed-controlled spray simulator. Water-sensitive paper was used for drop sampling. The greatest spray coverage was achieved in LU nozzles and they were followed by DC and ST nozzles. The lowest spray coverage was observed in IDKT nozzles. Increasing spray coverage rates were observed with decreasing spray heights. Increasing coverage rates were also observed with decreasing forward speeds. Regarding spray uniformity, the lowest mean coefficient of variation (CV) was obtained from AD, IDK, and IDKT nozzles producing medium and coarse droplets. It was concluded based on the present findings that the spray height should be reduced to increase spray uniformity. ST, AD, and IDK nozzles have to be selected with greater forward speed in order to increase spray uniformity. However, in LU and DC nozzles, the lowest CV was obtained at low forward speeds

    Effects of position an es in twin-jet spray applications on droplet penetration of hydraulic nozzles

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    This study was conducted to determine the effects of different position angles in twin-jet spray applications on droplet penetration of different nozzle types. Seven different nozzle types (standard flat fan, ST; narrow flat fan, STN; multirange, LU; low-drift potential, AD; air-induction, IDK; twin-jet air-induction, IDKT) were used and nozzles were positioned +15 degrees along the forward direction, perpendicular to ground surface 0' and reverse direction of forward -15 degrees. Spray experiments at 100 L/ha constant application volume were conducted under controlled conditions of a closed facility. Water sensitive paper (WSP) was used as sampling surface. WSP samples were placed vertically and horizontally over both the metal frames and root collar of artificial plants. The present findings revealed that transport potential of spray droplets was quite lower on vertical planes than on horizontal planes. The greatest coverage was achieved with ST, STN, LU, and SC-type nozzles producing fine droplets. Compared to open targets, the coverage ratios around the root collars were quite low and insufficient. In all spray treatments, coverage ratio on the vertical planes was 86.1% lower than the coverage ratio on the horizontal plane. In other words, coverage ratio on the horizontal plane was 7.2 times greater than the coverage ratio on the vertical plane. Transfer efficiency of medium and coarse droplet-producing nozzles to root collars was greater than the transfer efficiency of fine droplet-producing nozzles. Such a ratio for AD, IDKT, and IDK-type nozzles was determined as 37.06, 37.85, and 41.02% respectively. According to the present findings, effects of nozzle position angle on droplet penetration were not found to be significant. However, nozzle position angle along the forward direction increased coverage ratios on the vertical planes