447 research outputs found

    Electron correlations and bond-length fluctuations in copper oxides: from Zhang--Rice singlets to correlation bags

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    We perform first principles, multiconfiguration calculations on clusters including several CuO6_6 octahedra and study the ground-state electron distribution and electron--lattice couplings when holes are added to the undoped d9p6d^9 p^6 configuration. We find that the so-called Zhang--Rice state on a single CuO4_4 plaquette is nearly degenerate with a state whose leading configuration is of the form Cu d9d^9-- O p5p^5-- Cu d9d^9. A strong coupling between the electronic and nuclear motion gives rise to large inter-site charge transfer effects for half-breathing displacements of the oxygen ions. Under the assumption of charge segregation into alternating hole-free and hole-rich stripes of Goodenough \cite{jbg_02,jbg_03}, our results seem to support the vibronic mechanism and the traveling charge-density wave model from Refs.\cite{jbg_02,jbg_03} for the superconductivity in copper oxides.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A Design Remote Control System to Feed Birds Using ESP8266

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    Keeping lovebirds at home becomes one of hobbies that is fascinating to some people. Keeping them as pets means educate us to be regular people, particularly related to the process of food provision. Innovation on feeding bird is required such as automatic feeding which can be controlled from far areas. It will be very beneficial when the lovebird keepers are not at home. Therefore, this study develops at designing an automatic system for feeding birds completed with remote control. For this reason, the researcher used ESP8266 connected to NODEMCU as the hardware and BLYNK server as the control bridge of internet. The data would then be transmitted from smartphone to esp8266 system to control the feeding process. In the context of feeding process, the researcher used RTC-clock owned by BLYNK server to substitute RTC as the hardware. Automation system of food provision was carried out by synchronizing the data of hours from the users. The research data were used to design feeder bucket which could give food around 7.2-52.8 grams and feeder bucket for accommodating food about 6.2-48.3 grams. The results of control and connection via BLYNK server demonstrated that 90% data were connected. In terms of data accuracy, this automatic feeder could be accurately 100% successful in a certain time

    Pemberian Pelet Dengan Ukuran Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata Forsskål, 1775)

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    Mud crab (S. serrata Forsskål, 1775) is one of the fisheries resources that has high economic value and potential to be cultivated. This study examines provision pellets of different sizes, adapted to the mangrove crab eating patterns. The purpose of this study is investigated the effect of different sizes pellets for the growth of mud crab (S. serrata Forsskål, 1775). This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Coastal Area Development (LPWP), UNDIP, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Diponegoro, Jepara, for 35 days, in October-November 2011. The research method in this study was used experimental laboratory with completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 10 replications in each treatment, ie: treatment A (Ø pellets + 10 mm), treatment B (Ø pellets + 5 mm) and treatment C (Ø pellets + 1 mm). Initial weight of mud crab test is 50-55 g and have male gender. Growth of mud crab can be seen from the observation from SGR and supported by some other data, ie: the amount of feed intake, FCR, PER, the amount of energy consumption in feed and water quality parameters. These results indicate that administration of treatment different size pellets effect is very significant (p<0,01) on SGR, FCR, PER. SGR data suggest that on average in treatment A (5,42+0,64) reached the highest value, but not significantly different (p>0,05) with treatment B (5,17+0,52), where's treatment C (4,02+0,51) reached the lowest value. FCR data show that, in treatment A (5,21+1,12) reached the lowest value, but not significantly different (p>0,05) with treatment B (5,42+1,15), while treatment C (7,16+1,55) reached the lowest value. PER data showed that, in treatment A (0,62+0,13) reached the highest value, but not significantly different (p>0,05) with treatment B (0,60+0,13), while treatment C (0,46+0,11) reached the lowest value

    Inversi Data Magnetotellurik 1 Dimensi Menggunakan Algoritma Multi-Objektif Dragonfly

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    Metode Maegnetotellurik (MT) dapat digunakan untuk mencitrakan resistivitas bawah permukaan yang dalam. Resistivitas bawah permukaan ini didapat melalui proses inversi data MT. Pada penelitian ini, inversi data MT untuk menghasilkan resistivitas 1D menggunakan algoritma Multiobjektif Dragonfly untuk meminimumkan error antara data resistivitas semu dan fase perhitungan dengan data pengukuran. Algoritma ini telah diuji pada data sintetik dan data lapangan. Hasilnya ialah algoritma multiobjektif dragonfly dapat digunakan untuk menentukan resistivitas bawah permukaan dengan akurat dan sesuai kondisi litologi bawah permukaan

    Analisis dan Model Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Produk Edamame Beku

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    Kabupaten Jember merupakan sentra daerah pertanian dan perkebunan. Tanaman kedelai merupakan komoditas utama yang bersaing ketat dengan produksi jagung. PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh (PT MT 27) mencoba untuk mencari terobosan baru yaitu dengan mengolah edamame menjadi edamame beku siap makan. Pasar utama edamame beku ini selain pasar domestik adalah Jepang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis daya saing dan merumuskan prioritas alternatif strategi peningkatan daya saing produk edamame beku di PT MT 27. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Revealed Comparative Advantage untuk mengetahui kinerja ekspor dari produk edamame beku di pasar dunia, kemudian menganalisis faktor persaingan dengan menggunakan Diamond Porter's Theory. Alternatif strategi dihasilkan dari analisis SWOT dan ditentukan prioritasnya dengan menggunakan analytical hierarchy process dari satu narasumber ahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prioritas alternatif strategi peningkatan daya saing produk edamame beku PT MT 27 secara berurutan meliputi: (1) diversifikasi pasar, (2) diversifikasi produk, (3) meningkatkan kerjasama luar negeri, (4) pengembangan divisi Research and Development, (5) mengembangkan program Corporate Social Responsibility, (6) pengelolaan keuangan secara baik dan benar, serta (7) mengembangkan areal pertanian yang berbasis rumah kaca untuk menghindari cuaca buruk karena beriklim tropis. Implikasi Manajerial dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan pasar yang sudah ada, dan mengembangkan jenis produk yang diproduksi untuk memenuhi selera pasar ekspor dan juga penghematan biaya produksi

    Chronic Polyarthritis Mimicking Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Patient with Leprosy

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    Currently leprosy is now still a global threat in the world even after the introduction of multidrug therapy (MDT), including in Indonesia.1 World Health Organization (WHO) data revealed that in 2002 there were 597,000 cases worldwide and the prevalence is only less than 1 every 10,000 populations.2 Nevertheless, the latest data showedthat 83% of leprosy cases concentrated in only 6 countries: Indonesia, India, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, and Nepal.3 The most common manifestations of leprosyare cutaneous and neuritic manifestation. Rheumatologic manifestation is another common manifestation of leprosy.4-7 Prevalence of rheumatologic manifestation of leprosy is range from 1% to 77% of all leprosy patients.4-11 Study conducted by Mandal et al in India revealed that the prevalence of rheumatologic manifestation was 5.9%, in Brazil,6 another study by Pereira revealed the prevalence of 9.1%.5 Hadi, in Indonesia,showed the prevalence of arthritic manifestation was 7.5%.8 Rheumatologic manifestations that can be found in leprosy are polyarthritis or oligoarthritis, soft tissue rheumatism, noninflammatory arthritis, and also enthesitis.4-7 We report a patient presenting with polyarthritis as the primary manifestation of leprosy

    Ketahanan Deformasi Campuran Beraspal Modifikasi Polimer Hangat Dengan Bahan Aditif Zeolit Alam

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    Polymer modified asphalt mixture can be developed using warm mix technology by adding the mixture using synthetic or natural additives. This mixture can increase the deformation resistance with lower temperature in the process of mixing and compaction. This study proposes the development of warm Polymer Modified Asphalt mix with natural zeolite, which is natural additives from Bayat (Central Java), and the performance of the mixture, in terms of volumetric and mechanical properties, and deformation resistance, which was evaluated using the Marshall method and wheel tracking test. The results showed that the Polymer Modified Asphalt mix with 1 % of natural zeolite have a Marshall stability greater than that of Polymer Modified Asphalt mix without zeolite. Wheel tracking test at 60 °C shows that Polymer Modified Asphalt mix with 1 % of natural zeolite showed better performance than that without zeolite
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