7 research outputs found

    Close-range photogrammetry enables documentation of environment-induced deformation of architectural heritage

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    Deformation, damage and permanent loss of heritage assets due to various physical and environmental factors has always been a major problem. As the availability of funds for conservation and restoration is limited, the digital documentation of heritage objects and monitoring of environment-induced deformations are increasingly important for cultural heritage preservation. Our study elucidates developments in the digital image capturing and processing for recording architectural heritage objects focusing on the digital camera calibration, close-range imaging, and photogrammetric modelling of complex structures using image matching techniques. A particular consideration in this paper is given to the ortho-photographic image compiling and accuracy assessment procedure. The practicality of the methodology is demonstrated by applying photogrammetric system PhotoMod for documentation of decorative elements in Uzutrakis manor, a national heritage site in Trakai, Lithuania

    Close-range photogrammetry enables documentation of environment-induced deformation of architectural heritage

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    Deformation, damage and permanent loss of heritage assets due to various physical and environmental factors has always been a major problem. As the availability of funds for conservation and restoration is limited, the digital documentation of heritage objects and monitoring of environment-induced deformations are increasingly important for cultural heritage preservation. Our study elucidates developments in the digital image capturing and processing for recording architectural heritage objects focusing on the digital camera calibration, close-range imaging, and photogrammetric modelling of complex structures using image matching techniques. A particular consideration in this paper is given to the ortho-photographic image compiling and accuracy assessment procedure. The practicality of the methodology is demonstrated by applying photogrammetric system PhotoMod for documentation of decorative elements in Uzutrakis manor, a national heritage site in Trakai, Lithuania

    Scanning aerial photos using a non-professional scanner

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    For scanning analog aerial photographs, digital photogrammetry requires specific and expensive photogrammetric scanners. However, we only have a simple A4 format scanner useful for solving some special photogrammetric tasks applied for analyzing the possibilities of scanning photographic material. The paper investigates the peculiarities of scanning analog aerial photos using the scanner processing pictures smaller than an A4 format. The achieved results are compared with digital data obtained using a professional photogrammetric scanner. Experimental photogrammetric measurements have showed that the results of aerial photographs scanned by a nonprofessional scanner satisfy accuracy requirements for topographic mapping at a scale of 1:5000

    Matavimo paklaidų dėl tolimačio ašių nelygiagretumo įtakos tyrimas matuojant pastatų deformacijas

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    Statinių deformacijos statybos aikštelėse matuojamos su elektroniniais tolimačiais ir tacheometrais arba GPS imtuvais. Net naujausi elektroniniai tolimačiai arba tacheometrai nesukonstruoti taip, kad nebūtų kampų tarp pagrindinių žiūrono ašių (optinės vizavimo ašies, tikrosios vizavimo ašies ir atstumų matavimo linijos) todėl tie kampai turi įtakos ir pastatų deformacijoms matuoti. Straipsnyje modeliavimo būdu tiriama, kokią jtaką turi tolimačio ašių nelygiagretumas matuojant pastatų deformacijas. Pagal modeliuotus matavimo rezultatus, deformacijų parametrai bus skaičiuojami du kartus: neįvedus išmatuotiems atstumams pataisų ir pataisius atstumus dėl vizavimo ašies kampinio nuokrypio. Pagal gautus rezultatus bus nustatyti markių poslinkiai

    The influence of unparallelism of the distance measuring device axis during cadastre measurements

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    Investigation of influence of the geometric parameters accuracy in the distance measuring device is presented by the method. The case when working without the prism reflector is analysed assessing the different parameter between the main axis of the distance measuring device under different circumstances of measurement. The investigation of influence of the geometric parameters accuracy is performed according to the method proposed. The calculations were carried out by using the data from former investigations. The influence of unparallelism of the distance measuring instrument is investigated by simulating the structures’ cadastre measurements working without prism reflector and having various angles of declination between the plane of sightseeing and the sight line. Article in Lithuanian Tolimačio geometriniu parametru tikslumo itakos matuojant statybos objektus tyrimas Santrauka. Darbe modeliavimo būdu tiriama tolimačio ašių nelygiagretumo įtaka atliekant matavimus statybos aikštelėse, kai dirbama be prizminio reflektoriaus, esant skirtingiems parametrams tarp pagrindinių tolimačio ašių bei įvairioms matavimų s ąlygoms. Ašių nelygiagretumo įtaka tiriama pagal jau taikomą ir pagal mūsų pasiūlytą metodikas. Skaičiavimai atlikti panaudojus ankstesnių tyrimų duomenis. Raktažodžiai: atstumo pataisa, vizavimo ašies nuokrypis, horizontalusis necentriškumas, vertikalusis necentriškumas

    Accuracy analysis of different surface reconstruction modelling methods for heritage objects digitized considering photogrammetric Data / Skirtingų reljefo modeliavimo metodų, sudarytų pagal paveldo objekto fotogrametrinius duomenis, tikslumo analizė /

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    The article explains the possibilities of reconstructing heritage objects. Measurements were made using photogrammetric data received from digital images taken by the Canon EOS 1D Mark III digital camera calibrated in the Institute of Photogrammetry at the University of Bonn (Germany). The images were received applying the PhotoMod photogrammetric software produced in Russia. TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) and an orthophoto map were made in the investigated objects. The modelling analysis of TIN data was made using ArcGIS software. The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the surface of heritage objects referring to photogrammetric data, to investigate accuracy dependence of heritage object reflection on the methods of preparing the initial data and to evaluate the influence of modelling methods on to the accuracy of reconstructing heritage objects when modelling photogrammetric data and selecting the most appropriate method of modelling parameters to restore the most accurate surface of the heritage object. Santrauka Straipsnyje aprašomos paveldo – architektūrinio objekto paviršiaus modeliavimo galimybės. Modeliavimas atliktas pagal fotogrametrinius objekto duomenis–skaitmenines nuotraukas, darytas kalibruota fotokamera Canon EOS 1D Mark III. Kamera kalibruota Bonos universiteto Fotogrametrijos institute (Vokietija). Objekto nuotraukos apdorotos fotogrametrine kompiuterine programa PhotoMod (Rusija). Sudaryta objekto ortofotografinė nuotrauka ir, parenkant skirtingus duomenų šaltinius, paviršiaus TIN (triangulated irregular network). Skirtingais metodais, naudojantis ArcGIS programa, atliktas fotogrametrinių TIN duomenų modeliavimas ir gauti objekto paviršiaus vaizdai. Įvertintas rezultatų tikslumas ir kokybė. Резюме Описываются возможности моделирования поверхности объекта архитектурного наследия. Моделирование осуществляется с использованием фотограмметрических данных объекта – цифровых снимков, снятых калибрированной цифровой камерой Canon EOS 1D Mark III. Камера калибрирована в Институте фотограмметрии Боннского университета (Германия). Снимки объекта обработаны по фотограмметрической компьютерной программе PhotoMod (Россия). Cделан ортофотографический снимок объекта и с помощью разных источников данных TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) поверхности. Используя программу ArcGIS, разными методами проведено моделирование фотограмметрических TIN данных и получены изображения поверхности объекта. Осуществлена оценка точности и качества результатов. Reikšminiai žodžiai: paveldo objektas, skaitmeninė kamera, foto vaizdai, trianguliacija, ortofotorgafinės nuotraukos žemėlapis, TIN, paviržiaus modelis Ключевые слова: объект архитектурного наследия, цифровая камера, триангуляция, ортофотографический снимок объекта,  TIN , модель поверхност

    Close-range photogrammetry enables documentation of environment-induced deformation of architectural heritage

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    Deformation, damage and permanent loss of heritage assets due to various physical and environmental factors has always been a major problem. As the availability of funds for conservation and restoration is limited, the digital documentation of heritage objects and monitoring of environment-induced deformations are increasingly important for cultural heritage preservation. Our study elucidates developments in the digital image capturing and processing for recording architectural heritage objects focusing on the digital camera calibration, close-range imaging, and photogrammetric modelling of complex structures using image matching techniques. A particular consideration in this paper is given to the ortho-photographic image compiling and accuracy assessment procedure. The practicality of the methodology is demonstrated by applying photogrammetric system PhotoMod for documentation of decorative elements in Uzutrakis manor, a national heritage site in Trakai, LithuaniaVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij