29 research outputs found

    Close-range photogrammetry enables documentation of environment-induced deformation of architectural heritage

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    Deformation, damage and permanent loss of heritage assets due to various physical and environmental factors has always been a major problem. As the availability of funds for conservation and restoration is limited, the digital documentation of heritage objects and monitoring of environment-induced deformations are increasingly important for cultural heritage preservation. Our study elucidates developments in the digital image capturing and processing for recording architectural heritage objects focusing on the digital camera calibration, close-range imaging, and photogrammetric modelling of complex structures using image matching techniques. A particular consideration in this paper is given to the ortho-photographic image compiling and accuracy assessment procedure. The practicality of the methodology is demonstrated by applying photogrammetric system PhotoMod for documentation of decorative elements in Uzutrakis manor, a national heritage site in Trakai, Lithuania

    Close-range photogrammetry enables documentation of environment-induced deformation of architectural heritage

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    Deformation, damage and permanent loss of heritage assets due to various physical and environmental factors has always been a major problem. As the availability of funds for conservation and restoration is limited, the digital documentation of heritage objects and monitoring of environment-induced deformations are increasingly important for cultural heritage preservation. Our study elucidates developments in the digital image capturing and processing for recording architectural heritage objects focusing on the digital camera calibration, close-range imaging, and photogrammetric modelling of complex structures using image matching techniques. A particular consideration in this paper is given to the ortho-photographic image compiling and accuracy assessment procedure. The practicality of the methodology is demonstrated by applying photogrammetric system PhotoMod for documentation of decorative elements in Uzutrakis manor, a national heritage site in Trakai, Lithuania

    Scanning aerial photos using a non-professional scanner

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    For scanning analog aerial photographs, digital photogrammetry requires specific and expensive photogrammetric scanners. However, we only have a simple A4 format scanner useful for solving some special photogrammetric tasks applied for analyzing the possibilities of scanning photographic material. The paper investigates the peculiarities of scanning analog aerial photos using the scanner processing pictures smaller than an A4 format. The achieved results are compared with digital data obtained using a professional photogrammetric scanner. Experimental photogrammetric measurements have showed that the results of aerial photographs scanned by a nonprofessional scanner satisfy accuracy requirements for topographic mapping at a scale of 1:5000

    Matavimo paklaidų dėl tolimačio ašių nelygiagretumo įtakos tyrimas matuojant pastatų deformacijas

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    Statinių deformacijos statybos aikštelėse matuojamos su elektroniniais tolimačiais ir tacheometrais arba GPS imtuvais. Net naujausi elektroniniai tolimačiai arba tacheometrai nesukonstruoti taip, kad nebūtų kampų tarp pagrindinių žiūrono ašių (optinės vizavimo ašies, tikrosios vizavimo ašies ir atstumų matavimo linijos) todėl tie kampai turi įtakos ir pastatų deformacijoms matuoti. Straipsnyje modeliavimo būdu tiriama, kokią jtaką turi tolimačio ašių nelygiagretumas matuojant pastatų deformacijas. Pagal modeliuotus matavimo rezultatus, deformacijų parametrai bus skaičiuojami du kartus: neįvedus išmatuotiems atstumams pataisų ir pataisius atstumus dėl vizavimo ašies kampinio nuokrypio. Pagal gautus rezultatus bus nustatyti markių poslinkiai

    Socialinės lyties ir feminizuoto darbo santykių analizė

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    This study analyses the transformation of labor and the concept of work under the conditions of free market economy. The aim of the thesis was to trace the changes that would explain the process of feminized labour formation based on principles of competition and high rise of individualism. The paper was organized around the transition from state-capitalism to market-capitalism, which leads to my definition of the feminization of labour forms in Lithuania today. The work consists of three main parts. In the first part I address the problem of the gendered division of labour through Foucaults theory of the homo-aeconomicus. I use his theory to explore how the seeming neutral, freely contracting, economic-civil-subject is immersed in gendered and classed power relations. Departing from Foucault theory of homo-aeconomicus I draw heavily from Carol Pateman‘s book, „The Sexual Contract“. In the second part I link the patriarchical contract and neo-liberal individual to a materialist analysis of gender exploitation which is explicated on the basis of the devaluation of women‘s reproductive labor. I broaded and contextualize this line of argumentation by linking gendered class oppresion with the expansion of the market as its unfolded under globalization. Having now developed my theoretical framework and globally oriented empirical claims I turn to the particular case of feminization of labour forms in Lithuania. I do this through analysis of the politics of the transition period, which has been charecterized by: rapid privatization, foreign direct investment, and austerity toward social securities. The final section of third part is made up of interviews with different women workers taken in Kaunas and Žiežmariai which I argue proves the hypothesis of the feminization of labour forms in Lithuania that is situated in order to oppress women and institute the discrimination based on gender.Ši studija analizuoja darbo jėgos ir darbo savokos transformaciją rinkos ekonomikos sąlygomis. Teorinio ir empirinio darbo tikslas buvo aptikti tam tikrus kaitos taškus, kurie paaiškintų feminizuoto darbo formavimosi procesą, pagrįstą konkurencijos ir individualizmo principais. Šis darbas yra grindžiamas perėjimu nuo valstybinio kapitalizmo į rinkos kapitalizmą, kuris priveda prie feminizuoto darbo formų Lietuvoje šiandien. Analizė yra sudaryta iš trijų pagrindinių dalių. Pirmoje dalyje aš atkreipiu dėmesį į darbo padalijimo pagal socialinę lytį problemą per Foucault homo-aeconomicus teoriją. Aš naudoju jo teoriją ištirti, kaip tariamai neutralus, laisvas socialinės sutarties, pilietinis subjektas yra glaudžiai susijęs su socialinės lyties ir klasės kontrolės galios mechanizmais. Toliau nuo Foucault homo-aeconomicus teorijos aš pereinu prie išsamios vedybinio ir darbo kontraktų analizės, paremtos C. Pateman knyga „Seksualinis Kontraktas“. Antroje dalyje aš integruoju patriarchalinį kontraktą ir neoliberalų subjektą į materialistinę socialinės lyties išnaudojimo analizę, remdamasi moterų reproduktyvaus darbo nuvertinimu. Aš išplečiu šią argumentacijos liniją prijungdama socialinės lyties klasės išnaudojimą prie globaliai veikiančios rinkos plėtimosi konteksto. Išvysčiusi teorinę struktūrą ir globaliai orientuotus teiginius, aš pasisuku į konkretų feminizuotų darbo formų eksplotavimo Lietuvoje atvejį, remdamasi politinės ir ekonominės tanzicijos periodo pagrindine charakteristika, kuriai būdingas greitas privatizavimas, tiesioginių užsienio investicijų skatinimas, ir griežtos taupymo programos socialinės apsaugos kryptimi. Paskutinis trečios dalies skyrius yra sudarytas iš interviu su moterimis dirbančiomis įvairius kvalifikuotus ir mažiau kvalifikuotus darbus Kaune ir Žiežmariuose. Šis empirinis tyrimas įrodo jog feminizuotų darbo formų steigimas ir plėtojimas Lietuvoje sėkmingai įteisina moterų engimą ir diskriminaciją, paremtą socialine lytimi.Politikos mokslų ir diplomatijos fakult.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The influence of unparallelism of the distance measuring device axis during cadastre measurements

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    Investigation of influence of the geometric parameters accuracy in the distance measuring device is presented by the method. The case when working without the prism reflector is analysed assessing the different parameter between the main axis of the distance measuring device under different circumstances of measurement. The investigation of influence of the geometric parameters accuracy is performed according to the method proposed. The calculations were carried out by using the data from former investigations. The influence of unparallelism of the distance measuring instrument is investigated by simulating the structures’ cadastre measurements working without prism reflector and having various angles of declination between the plane of sightseeing and the sight line. Article in Lithuanian Tolimačio geometriniu parametru tikslumo itakos matuojant statybos objektus tyrimas Santrauka. Darbe modeliavimo būdu tiriama tolimačio ašių nelygiagretumo įtaka atliekant matavimus statybos aikštelėse, kai dirbama be prizminio reflektoriaus, esant skirtingiems parametrams tarp pagrindinių tolimačio ašių bei įvairioms matavimų s ąlygoms. Ašių nelygiagretumo įtaka tiriama pagal jau taikomą ir pagal mūsų pasiūlytą metodikas. Skaičiavimai atlikti panaudojus ankstesnių tyrimų duomenis. Raktažodžiai: atstumo pataisa, vizavimo ašies nuokrypis, horizontalusis necentriškumas, vertikalusis necentriškumas

    Wpływ zmian klimatycznych na reżim wiosennego odpływu na przykładzie rzek Litwy

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    The article describes the impact of fluctuations in climatic factors on hydrological processes. The analysis of climate and hydrology covers two periods, the first up to 1996 and the second from 1981 to 2012. Study object includes 22 river basins situated on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea: 1000 km2, up to 10 000 km2 and bigger. The study involved Mann–Kendall, Spearman's and linear regression tests. Causal relationships, as criteria that may fundamentally change the runoff regime set up by climatic factors, were established by evaluating the size of the river basin and assessing the spread of sediments, lakes, swamps and forests in the river basin. The analysis of data from the last thirty years disclosed that, with reference to the previously obtained information, floods in lakes became substantially reduced. Nevertheless, within the winter period of recent years, temperatures prevented lakes from acting as water reservoirs. The paper examined and defined the impact of sediments on variations in the runoff regime. For the period of the last thirty years, cut-off dates, i.e. flood start, crest and end, have advanced.Przedmiotem artykułu jest wpływ czynników klimatycznych na zmianę procesów hydrologicznych. Dokonano analizy klimatycznej i hydrologicznej dwóch okresów: do roku 1996 i od roku 1981 do 2012. Obiektem badań były zlewnie 22 rzek we wschodniej części wybrzeża Morza Bałtyckiego: do 1000 km2, do 10 000 km2 i większe. W badaniach stosowano testy statystyczne Manna–Kendalla, Spearmana i regresji liniowej przeznaczone do ustalenia związku przyczynowego w ocenie wielkości zlewni rzeki, osadów, jezior, bagien, zalesienia w zlewni rzeki jako kryteria, które w zasadniczy sposób mogą zmienić reżim odpływu ukształtowany przez czynniki klimatyczne. Analiza danych pochodzących z ostatnich trzydziestu lat wykazała, że według wcześniejszych danych jeziora w większym stopniu ograniczały występowanie powodzi, jednak w ostatnich latach temperatura w sezonie zimowym nie pozwala jeziorom pełnić funkcji akumulatorów wodnych. Zanalizowano i określono wpływ osadów na zmiany reżimu przepływu. Stwierdzono, że w ciągu ostatnich trzydziestu lat graniczne daty powodzi – początek, szczyt i koniec – notowane są wcześniej

    ATV-DVWk Modelling for Analysis of Zeimena and Nevezis Rivers Water Quality

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    Modelling is one of the tools that contribute to analysing the fluctuation of rivers water quality. Knowledge on the quality of water bodies is very important for the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive’s requirements. There was employed ATV-DVWk model simulating the fluctuation of nitrates and ammonium ions in rivers Zeimena and Nevėzis. There were introduced more than 50 parameters characterizing the physical-geographical, climatic conditions, anthropogenic activities as well as morphometric conditions of the watercourses analyzing the stretches of the investigated rivers. Summarizing the modelling results obtained, it could be stated that ATV-DVWk model is suitable for Lithuanian conditions. Maximum divergence among the values of biogenic substances concentrations obtained using a modelling simulation method and direct measurements have not exceeded 38 %

    Runoff Flutuation in River Basins of Different Size in Regard to Meteorological Conditions

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    It is very important to keep a close watch on river runoff, because this is one of the indicators that show changes in the climate. Meteorological conditions alter with climate getting warmer and therefore influence river runoff. The purpose of this article is to determine the influence of the changing meteorological conditions to the runoff of different size river basins. Two river basins are being analysed (Venta by Papile and Krazante by Pluskiai), both located in Western hydrological area. The average daily flow and meteorological data (precipitation and average temperature) are of the period 1968–2008. It shows the most watery years for the rivers and helps evaluate the influence of the meteorological conditions to the runoff. Statistical and regressive analysis and coefficients of correlation are established as well. Evaluated influence of percipitation is unquestionable though variable. Sometimes even a small amount of percipitation challenges big changes in runoff, though next time having big percipitation runoff flactuates just marginally. In large river basins such influence is noticable few days later, and in small ones percipitation often changes the runoff the same day

    Assessment of the Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on the Flow of the River Vilnia Basin

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    River flow is one of the most important links of the water circulation in the nature which describes general water yield and potential water resources of a river basin. Since the range of the flow change is best illustrated by very long-term data of water measuring stations that include flow measurement sequences and the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service is carrying out hydrological observations of the river concerned in one spot- in Vilnius, at the point before Vilnia flows into the river Neris - this data is not enough in order to assess the distribution of the river flow before the pond (potential anthropological impact on the flow) and after it. During the investigation, water level was being measured in selected measurement points of the river. According to measured water levels average monthly debits were derived and coefficients closely related to the measurement points were calculated. Recalculated average monthly debits for the sequence of 1993-2009 have showed that the biggest leap of the flow occurs between points 1 and 2; sudden increase of the flow of this section was influenced by the pond Margiai. In spring, water which is collected in the pond after the snowmelt is released in small quantities to the river Vilnia. Distribution of the flow is most distinct at the end of limiting seasons. The most sudden changes occur in the months of April-May and August-September