85 research outputs found

    Pain management in Avabahuka

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    In the process of evolution from quadrupeds to bipeds, the forelimbs developed into upper limbs. In quadrupeds they serve the purpose of weight bearing and attack. In bipeds they serve fine functions, holding an object, attack and defense. It has been estimated by research group that the hand performs approximately thousand different functions in an ordinary day today’s activity. Apabahuka is one such disease which hampers most of the foresaid functions of the hand. Although any of the classics do not mention about the Shoola as a Laxana of Apabahuka, it still is a feature practically seen in Avabahuka patients. Chikitsa Sara Sangraha and Nidana Sara, clearly mentions about Svedana as a predominant Laxana of Avabahuka, along with other Laxana. It is often said that ‘the pain is often severe enough to disturb the sleep’. Amsa Marma is primarily involved in Avabahuka, it is a Snayu Marma and one of Vaikalyakara Marma, any trauma to this will produce disability or deformity of the shoulder joint. Management of pain is facilitated by Marma Chikitsa i.e. Nidana Parivarjana, Abhyanga, Swedana, Uttarabhaktika Snehapana, Vata Hara Oushadha Sevana, Marmabhighata Chikitsa, Brumhana, Nasya, Lepa, Seka, Nasya, Nasaapaana, Agnikarma, Siravyadha, etc

    Kajian Yuridis Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah Bersertifikat Ganda

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah Konsep sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda dalam perspektif Hukum Pertanahan Indonesia dan bagaimanakah tahapan penyelesaian sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Sengketa Tanah Bersertifikat Ganda Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pertanahan Indonesia adalah bahwa: Sertifikat Ganda merupakan bentuk Produk Hukum Sertifikat Yang salah; Sertifikat ganda merupakan bentuk Kriminalisasi dalam Pendaftaran Tanah; dan Sertifikat ganda merupakan bentuk Pemalsuan Sertifikat. 2. Tahapan penyelesaian sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda yang dilakukan di Indonesia terdiri dari dua tahapan, yakni: tahapan penyelesaian dalam peradilan dan tahapan penyelesaian di luar peradilan. Di dalam peradilan dengan Gugatan perdata di Pengadilan Negeri; Banding ke Pengadilan Tinggi dan Kasasi dan Peninjauan Kembali di Mahkamah Agung. Mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda di luar jalur peradilan antara lain dengan memanfaatkan upaya hukum: Negosiasi; Mediasi; Fasilitasi; Penilai independen; Konsiliasi; Arbitrase; dan Memanfaatkan lembaga adat

    Maximize resource utilization based channel access model with presence of reactive jammer for underwater wireless sensor network

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    Underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) are vulnerable to jamming attacks. Especially, reactive jamming which emerged as a greatest security threat to UWSNs. Reactive jammer are difficult to be removed, defended and identified. Since reactive jammer can control and regulate (i.e., the duration of the jam signal) the probability of jamming for maintaining high vulnerability with low detection probability. The existing model are generally designed considering terrestrial wireless sensor networks (TWSNs). Further, these models are limited in their ability to detect jamming correctly, distinguish between the corrupted and uncorrupted parts of a packet, and be adaptive with the dynamic environment. Cooperative jamming model has presented in recent times to utilize resource efficiently. However, very limited work is carried out using cooperative jamming detection. For overcoming research challenges, this work present Maximize Resource Utilization based Channel Access (MRUCA). The MRUCA uses cross layer design for mitigating reactive jammer (i.e., MRUCA jointly optimizes the cooperative hopping probabilities and channel accessibility probabilities of authenticated sensor device). Along with channel, load capacity of authenticated sensor device is estimated to utilize (maximize) resource efficiently. Experiment outcome shows the proposed MRUCA model attain superior performance than state-of-art model in terms of packet transmission, BER and Detection rate

    The impact of HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns on students who enrolled from 2009-2011 at Central University of Technology, Free State

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    Published ArticlesCentral University of Technology (CUT) holds awareness campaigns on yearly basis to educate and test students on health related issues. Basic knowledge about the spread of HIV and safe sexual practices has a critical impact on prevention of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other associated diseases such as TB. The problem among students at higher education institutions (HEIs) is that they are a high risk group of contracting HIV infection due to uninformed decisions that they end up making. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitudes of CUT students towards HIV, sexual transmitted infections (STIs) and sexuality. A cross sectional survey of 120 randomly selected undergraduate students (73 females, 47 males, aged 18-25 years) was performed. Questionnaires were used to assess the knowledge and attitude of the students towards HIV and AIDS. Generated knowledge and attitude scores from the student responses and gender variable were used to study their association. Students had heard about HIV, and 93% understood that HIV is not curable. Ninety percent of the students were aware of the symptoms of STIs, and some didn't know that STIs are associated with an increased chances of having HIV. Participants were well informed about selected aspects of HIV. A high number of participants were conversant with the modes of spread of HIV and the use of condoms in preventing STIs and HIV infection. The gap of knowledge between males and females, and the way they attend to the testing facility suggests the need for targeting males in the national awareness campaigns. The Medical Center should continue to host and fund health awareness campaigns because they play a major role as source of information

    Importance of Abhyanga in Today’s Scenario

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    Ayurvedic system of medicine has holistic approaches in a particular way to prevent and promote a healthy life by following certain methods and therapies in day today activities (Dinacharya) which could be considered as a part of a health. In 21st century people are running behind wealth and not taking care of health. To fulfill the aim of Ayurveda in the todays scenario, promotion among the fast moving people and stressful life of this 21st century. So to take care of health, Abhyanga (oil massage) which is one among the Dinacharya, is an ancient Indian approach adopted for healing, relaxation and treating various diseases. It is one of the most important day today activities of life, as how early to bed and early to rise, then brushing of tooth etc. are important. In Ayurveda it is clearly mentioned that the Abhyanga controls Vatadosha and the person develops strength both physically and mentally. Here an attempt has been made to compile the importance of Abhyanga in day today life to keep the society healthy

    Concept of Manasa Prakruti as described in Charaka Samhita

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    Ayurveda has a unique specialty of holistic approach and includes all the factors which are necessary for maintenance of health. Trigunas are essential drives of the mind which differentiate individuals on the basisof their psychological constitution. Genetically determined, these psychological characteristics are dependent on the relative dominance of the three Gunas. Manasa Prakruti features pertain to the mind and mental activities of the person. Due to their resemblance in qualities to that of almighty god, names were designated accordingly. Totally 16 types of Manasika Prakruti are described in Charaka Samhita. After proper understanding of Satwa Prakruti one should initiate appropriate therapy. Maha Prakruti’s are those which manifests due to influence of Satva, Raja and Tama and knowledge of the constitution is very much essential. Three types of psyche are described to be born from virtue, anger and delusion these are said to be superior, medium and inferior respectively. Seven, Six and three respectively are said to be the types of these psyche. To prescribe medicines, knowledge of this is essential

    Critical review on Naasapana with special reference to the management of Apabahuka

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    Ayurveda the science of life, not only deals with the prevention of diseases there by to maintain health but also with the alleviation of diseases. The unique position of man as a master mechanic of the animal kingdom is because of skilled movements of his hands and when this shoulder joints get obstructed, we call it as Apabahuka. While looking into comprehensive management of Apabahuka, Nasya, Uttarabhouktika Snehapaana Sweda, Raktamokshana etc. are commonly in practise, but Naasapana a special procedure explained in Vatavyadhi Chikitsa of Chakradatta with Dashamooli Bala Masha Kwatha is rarely in practise. This article enlightens about practise of Naasapana in the management of Apabahuka

    A view on Practical Utility of Paradi Gunas

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    In the present day scenario prime need of Ayurveda is practical applicability of Ayurvedic fundamental principles and research should be more focused on all aspects where scientific inputs should confirm Ayurveda’s principles and philosophy. In Ayurveda, Gunas are described as the way of presentation of action without which no Karma (action) can be possible. Ayurveda has provided significance to every Guna so that they become useful in clinical practice. Clinical practice or research is a continuous process including a series of events which need to be performed in a sequential manner. Though there are many factors on which accomplishment of treatment depends, among these Charaka has given prime importance to Paradi Gunas. In clinical practice, Guna which are to be with Bhishak are mainly the Paradi Gunas which can also be called as miscellaneous Gunas. As rightly quoted by Acarya Charaka, for getting success in the treatment Paradi Gunas are the best. The Sutra quotes "Sidhyupaya Chikitsayam" which means that Chikitsa i.e. Dhatusamya will be done mainly with the help of Paradi Gunas. Knowledge of Paradi Gunas are required to be present in pharmacists, physicians and Researchers. Acharya Charaka says that Chikitsa Siddhi i.e. successful management of disease is not possible without the knowledge of Paradi Gunas. Paradi Gunas play an important role in selection, adaption and manifestation of drug as per condition of the disease and the patient in particular Desha and Kala. The ultimate goal of any clinical activity is to contribute in the knowledge domain and to improve professional practice. Thus this literary review of Paradi Gunas serves to explore the subject of the clinical practice


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    Semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan penduduk, maka kebutuhan akan ketersediaan tanah menjadi semakin tinggi pula. Dalam perkembangannya, kebutuhan terhadap tanah telah memunculkan berbagai konflik/sengketa, baik antar perorangan maupun suatu kelompok terkait. Sengketa waris, kepemilikan, penguasaan tanpa hak atas tanah secara perorangan bahkan organisasi dan perusahaan adalah konflik yang kian hari kian banyak terjadi. Secara umum, kasus sengketa tanah muncul karena adanya “klaim†kepemilikan hak milik, maupun penguasaan atas tanah. Masing-masing pihak bersengketa merasa paling berhak atas tanah yang disengketakan. Hal ini sebagai akibat dari adanya kepemilikan sertifikat tanah ganda antara masing-masing pihak yang bertikai. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, yang menjadi permasalahan dalam karya tulis ini yaitu bagaimana konsep sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda dalam perspektif Hukum Pertanahan Indonesia serta bagaimana tahapan penyelesaian sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda. Metode penulisan yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode yuridis normatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam perspektif hukum pertanahan Indonesia, sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda merupakan bentuk kriminalisasi dalam bidang pertanahan yang terjadi di dalam hukum pertanahan di Indonesia. Badan pertanahan Nasional memiliki kewenangan secara sah untuk menerbitkan sertifikat hak atas tanah. Oleh karena itu, maka jika terjadi penyalahan prosedur dan adanya kepemilikan sertifikat ganda, maka sebenarnya yang sangat bertanggungjawab adalah pihak Badan Pertanahan Nasional. Menurut peraturan perundangan yang berlaku, mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda dapat dilakukan dengan mengikuti prosedur melalui jalur pengadilan dan di luar jalur peradilan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda dalam perspektif hukum pertanahan Indonesia adalah: sertifikat ganda merupakan bentuk produk hukum sertifikat yang salah; sertifikat ganda merupakan bentuk kriminalisasi dalam pendaftaran tanah; dan sertifikat ganda merupakan bentuk pemalsuan sertifikat. Tahapan penyelesaian sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda yang dilakukan di Indonesia terdiri dari dua tahapan, yakni: tahapan penyelesaian dalam peradilan dan tahapan penyelesaian di luar peradilan. Di dalam peradilan dengan Gugatan perdata di Pengadilan Negeri; Banding ke Pengadilan Tinggi dan Kasasi dan Peninjauan Kembali di Mahkamah Agung. Mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa tanah bersertifikat ganda di luar jalur peradilan antara lain dengan memanfaatkan upaya hukum: Negosiasi; Mediasi; Fasilitasi; Penilai independen; Konsiliasi; Arbitrase; dan Memanfaatkan lembaga ada

    A Study on Frozen Shoulder and its clinical management through Nasaapana and Nasya

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    The unique position of man as a master mechanic of the animal kingdom is because of skilled movements of his hands and when this shoulder joints get obstructed, we call it as Apabahuka (Frozen shoulder), we do not find satisfactory management in modern medical science. Various effective treatment modalities have been mentioned which reverse the pathogenesis, Shodhana is advised initially followed by Shamana therapies. In the present study 30 patients were selected incidentally and placed randomly into two groups A and B, with 15 subjects in each group. Group A received Amapachana with Panchakola Churna, Jambeera Pinda Sweda and Nasya Karma. Group B received Amapachana with Panchakola Churna, Jambeera pinda Sweda and Nasaapana. In both the groups two months follow up was done. Both groups showed significant improvement in the signs and symptoms of Apabahuka as well as the activities of daily livings, thereby improving the quality of life of the patients. Nasya Karma and Nasaapana provided highly significant results in all the symptoms of Apabahuka. In the present study as per the clinical data, Nasaapana is found to be more effective than Nasya Karma
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