29 research outputs found

    Content Analysis of Licensure Examination for Teachers: Traditional vs Non-Traditional Teacher Assessment

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    With the recently released report of World Economic Forum on Global Human Capital Report (September 2017) with the subtitle “Preparing People for the Future of Work,” the need for human capital development cannot be overemphasized. The report has identified four elements of human capital. First, CAPACITY – Level of formal education of younger and older generations as a result of past education investment. Second is DEVELOPMENT – Formal education of the next generation workforce and continued upskilling and reskilling of the current workforce. Third is DEPLOYMENT – Skills application and accumulation among the adult population. Fourth is KNOW-HO W –Breadth and depth of specialized skills used at work, which can promote three important skills for the 21st century— complex problem solving, creativity, and critical thinking as part of an effective and efficient labor force. In this context, one would ask, “who should prepare the people for future work?” At the onset, the answer, in general, would be the teacher. But how ready are our teachers in preparing the young people for future work? Is Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) enough to prepare the so-called “millennials” for future work

    The self-deceiving state

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    Summary While change accelerates in rural conditions in the South, professionalism and bureaucracy are buffered against change. In their top?down mode they produce and promote standard programmes, packages and technologies. Rural development programmes in India for agriculture, canal irrigation, watershed development, and poverty alleviation illustrate how there is a mismatch between such standardization and diverse needs and conditions. This mismatch is underperceived, and status at the cores is sustained, by misleading positive feedback from the peripheries. Falsely favourable impressions and information have five sources: misreporting; selected perception; misleading methods; diplomacy and prudence; and defences against dissonance. Error and myth among the development professions further aggravate the misfit between belief and reality. The costs of the resulting psychosis of the state are colossal. Therapy can be sought through policies and practices which empower poor people: reversals for local diversity; clarifying and communicating people's rights; and personal choices by the powerful. Résumé L'état auto?décepteur Pendant que les changements accélèrent dans les conditions rurales du Sud, le professionnalisme et la bureaucratie sont protégés contre le changement. Dans leur mode haut?bas, elles produisent et encouragent des programmes, des contrats globaux et des technologies standardisés. Les programmes de développement rural en Inde pour l'agriculture, pour l'irrigation, pour le développement des lignes de partage des eaux, et d'allégement de la pauvreté offrent d'amples illustrations du manque d'harmonisation entre cette standardisation et les besoins et les conditions divers. Ce décalage reste peu commenté, et le statut actuel au niveau des défavorisés reste état de maintien en raison des réactions positives mais trompeuses générées en périphérie de ces programmes. Ces impressions favorables mais trompeuses, et ces informations décevantes ont cinq sources: les faux rapports; les perceptions sélectives; les méthodologies erronées; la diplomatie et la prudence; et des défenses contre la dissonance. L'erreur et les mythes au sein de la profession du développement rendent encore pire le décalage entre les croyances et la réalité. Les coûts de la psychose étatique résultante sont colossaux. Les thérapies requises se présenteront par voie des politiques et pratiques qui rendent le pouvoir aux pauvres: par le renversement de la diversité; par la clarification et la communication des droits de l'individu; et par les choix personnels des puissants. Resumen El Estado auto?engañado: Psicosis Y Terapia Mientras los cambios se aceleran en las condiciones rurales en el Sur, el profesionalismo y la burocracia están taponados contra los cambios. En su modalidad ‘de arriba hacia abajo’ producen programas, tecnologías y convenios ‘standard’. En la India, los programas de desarrollo rural para agricultura, canales de irrigación, mejoramientos de cuencas, y mitigación de la pobreza ilustran la discordancia entre esta estandardización, y las diversas necesidades y condiciones. Esta discordancia no se percibe suficientemente, y se mantiene la posición en los núcleos por medio de reacciones positivas engañosas desde la periferia. Estas impresiones e informaciones falsamente favorables provienen de cinco fuentes principales: malinformación, percepción selectiva, métodos engañosos, diplomacia y prudencia, y defensas contra la disonancia. El error y el mito entre las profesiones de desarrollo agravan aun más el desajuste entre creencia y realidad. Para el Estado los costos de la psicosis resultante son colosales. Se puede hallar una terapia a través de criterios y prácticas que den más poder a la gente pobre; cambios de acuerdo a la diversidad local; clarificación y communicación de los derechos del pueblo; y preferencias personales por parte de los poderosos


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    An empirical study on the impact of the social interaction of farm-owners and student- interns on the development and sustainability of farm tourism in the Bicol Region, Philippines: A test of social exchange theory

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    This research examined the impact of the social interaction among actors (e.g., farm owners/managers and tertiary student interns) on farm tourism operations. This thesis utilized social exchange theory (SET) as a theoretical framework to determine whether significant relationships exist between actors’ demographic variables and level of power/influence trust, control, learning, and reciprocity in the interaction between the actors during students’ internship on farms farm tourism development and sustainability. Using a convergent parallel mixed-method research design, this study combined interview and survey as data collection methods. The qualitative method of inquiry compared existing farm tourism owners/managers’ experience through personal interviews, while the quantitative approach made use of a survey to determine patterns among Higher Education Institution administrators/students, and farm owners’ social interaction while undergoing internship in farm tourism sites to determine causal relationships between the constructs. Responses to the survey were analyzed through covariance based-structural equation model (SEM). Results showed the significance of social exchange among farm owners, HEI administrators, and student-interns in contributing to the tourism supply side, business competence, systems understanding towards farm tourism development, and sustainability in the Bicol region

    The role of religious tourism for poverty alleviation in rural communities

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    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, people have been visiting religious sites for psychological recovery, spiritual rejuvenation and healing. Rural destinations that possess rich cultural and heritage resources have found new opportunities to develop this form of tourism. Establishing sustainable religious tourism can help diversify livelihoods, promote economic recovery and resilience, encourage cultural pride and heritage revitalisation, and aid in the regeneration of marginalised and rural communities. However, poor funding and government support, inadequate infrastructure and a lack of awareness among authorities often pose significant challenges to the development of religious tourism in rural areas. There has been a dearth of scholarly attention on how religious tourism can contribute to poverty alleviation. This chapter investigates the potential opportunities for poverty alleviation through the development of religious tourism in rural communities. The chapter recommends the need for collaborative partnerships among multiple stakeholders and policymakers to optimise the potential benefits of religious tourism development

    Scientific advances most needed for progress in irrigation

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