19 research outputs found

    A geometric network model of intrinsic grey-matter connectivity of the human brain

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    Network science provides a general framework for analysing the large-scale brain networks that naturally arise from modern neuroimaging studies, and a key goal in theoretical neuro- science is to understand the extent to which these neural architectures influence the dynamical processes they sustain. To date, brain network modelling has largely been conducted at the macroscale level (i.e. white-matter tracts), despite growing evidence of the role that local grey matter architecture plays in a variety of brain disorders. Here, we present a new model of intrinsic grey matter connectivity of the human connectome. Importantly, the new model incorporates detailed information on cortical geometry to construct ‘shortcuts’ through the thickness of the cortex, thus enabling spatially distant brain regions, as measured along the cortical surface, to communicate. Our study indicates that structures based on human brain surface information differ significantly, both in terms of their topological network characteristics and activity propagation properties, when compared against a variety of alternative geometries and generative algorithms. In particular, this might help explain histological patterns of grey matter connectivity, highlighting that observed connection distances may have arisen to maximise information processing ability, and that such gains are consistent with (and enhanced by) the presence of short-cut connections

    Line-Stepping for Shell Meshes

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    Subanesthetic S-ketamine does not acutely alter striatal dopamine transporter binding in healthy Sprague Dawley female rats

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    \ua9 2024 The Author(s). Synapse published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.Major depressive disorder is one of the most prevalent mental health disorders, posing a global socioeconomic burden. Conventional antidepressant treatments have a slow onset of action, and 30% of patients show no clinically significant treatment response. The recently approved fast-acting antidepressant S-ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, provides a new approach for treatment-resistant patients. However, knowledge of S-ketamine\u27s mechanism of action is still being established. Depressed human subjects have lower striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) availability compared to healthy controls. Rodent studies report increased striatal dopamine concentration in response to acute ketamine administration. In vivo [18F]FE-PE2I ([18F]-(E)-N-(3-iodoprop-2-enyl)-2β-carbofluoroethoxy-3β-(4′-methyl-phenyl) nortropane) positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of the DAT has not previously been applied to assess the effect of acute subanesthetic S-ketamine administration on DAT availability. We applied translational in vivo [18F]FE-PE2I PET imaging of the DAT in healthy female rats to evaluate whether an acute subanesthetic intraperitoneal dose of 15 mg/kg S-ketamine alters DAT availability. We also performed [3H]GBR-12935 autoradiography on postmortem brain sections. We found no effect of acute S-ketamine administration on striatal DAT binding using [18F]FE-PE2I PET or [3H]GBR-12935 autoradiography. This negative result does not support the hypothesis that DAT changes are associated with S-ketamine\u27s rapid antidepressant effects, but additional studies are warranted


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    Objectives: Rat Brain Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging is often quite labor- and time intensive, as only single animals are scanned at a time and isotopic decay offers a limited window of optimal scan time. To optimize the throughput, we created a 2x2 rat holder into the human head High-Resolution Research Tomography (HRRT) scanner, enabling the scanning of four animals at a time. This higher throughput shifts the bottle-neck towards the analysis of the PET images. There is an unmet need in preclinical brain PET analysis to create reliable automated methods of spatial normalization, because manual alignment and normalization is time-consuming and inevitably operator biased. We present a non-biased standardized method for automatic spatial normalization of multimodal (CT, MR and PET) scans for the radioligand [18F]fallypride. Similar approaches are already done ([18F]FDG) or are planned ([18F]MHMZ). Methods: [18F]Fallypride was synthesized using standard procedures and obtained a molar radioactivity of over 40 GBq/µmol. Rats were anesthetized with isoflurane, placed in a customized 2x2 holder, injected with [18F]fallypride and scanned in the HRRT scanner for 45 min post injection. Up to 12 rats (three times four) were scanned with the same tracer production. Using brain PET, and a standard MR and CT image, an image template in standard space was created. In combination with this template, we created an automatic spatial normalization and VOI extraction algorithm based on MATLAB, FSL and PMOD. The non-displaceable binding potential (BPND) was calculated using a delayed scan logan plot (Tantawy et al. 2009). The automated algorithm was further assessed by transforming the PET template back to the original image, calculating the mean voxel displacement. Lastly, we used the holder and automatic procedure to measure drug induced occupancy at the dopamine D2 receptor. Values are reported ± standard deviation. Results: Nine [18F]fallypride baseline PET Scans were used to generate the PET template, which were the basis for the automatic procedure for spatial normalization. The BPND of 18 [18F]fallypride baseline scans were then compared between manually and automated spatial normalization. By using the same VOI-template the correlation between the automated and manual analyzed BPNDs in the ventral and dorsal striatum as well as mPFC (Medial Prefrontal Cortex) was R2=0.8 (ventral striatum: 2.40±0.44 automatic and 3.33 ± 1.39 manual, dorsal striatum 3.70±0.80 automatic and 5.23±2.41 manual, mPFC: 1.01±0.23 automatic and 0.83±0.64 manual). The back transformation gave a mean voxel displacement of -0.44±0.83 mm, however three out of 18 transformations failed. Conclusions: The automated analysis underestimated the BPND compared with the manual analysis, however the manually analyzed scans have a higher standard deviation, suggesting some degree of operator bias. The voxel-displacement succeeded since it is far lower than the voxel size (1.21875 mm3). In summary, it can be stated that we generated a fast and reliable procedure for reproducible spatial normalization of rat PET images for [18F]fallypride. The method has a high potential for being applicable to images from other radioligands with sufficient spatial information in the future like [18F]MHMZ