3 research outputs found

    Tratado de derechos reales. Tomo II Propiedad y posesión

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    La presente investigación está referida al análisis de los dos principales derechos reales: la posesión y la propiedad, y es la continuación de la investigación concluida denominada Tratado de derechos reales, tomo I, teoría de los bienes y los derechos reales. Esta parte de la investigación corresponde al desarrollo de dos de sus principales instituciones. Así, se comienza con el análisis sociojurídico de la posesión (poder hecho) como derecho transitorio (temporal y momentáneo), para luego entrar al desarrollo de la propiedad (poder de derecho) como derecho definitivo (permanente y total), ambas instituciones reconocidas como situaciones jurídicas de gran trascendencia en las relaciones jurídicas patrimoniales, protegidas por la ley a través de mecanismos de defensa

    Trajectories of alcohol consumption during life and the risk of developing breast cancer

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    Background: Whether there are lifetime points of greater sensitivity to the deleterious effects of alcohol intake on the breasts remains inconclusive. Objective: To compare the influence of distinctive trajectories of alcohol consumption throughout a woman’s life on development of breast cancer (BC). Methods: 1278 confirmed invasive BC cases and matched (by age and residence) controls from the Epi-GEICAM study (Spain) were used. The novel group-based trajectory modelling was used to identify different alcohol consumption trajectories throughout women’s lifetime. Results: Four alcohol trajectories were identified. The first comprised women (45%) with low alcohol consumption (<5 g/day) throughout their life. The second included those (33%) who gradually moved from a low alcohol consumption in adolescence to a moderate in adulthood (5 to <15 g/day), never having a high consumption; and oppositely, women in the third trajectory (16%) moved from moderate consumption in adolescence, to a lower consumption in adulthood. Women in the fourth (6%) moved from a moderate alcohol consumption in adolescence to the highest consumption in adulthood (=15 g/day), never having a low alcohol consumption. Comparing with the first trajectory, the fourth doubled BC risk (OR 2.19; 95% CI 1.27, 3.77), followed by the third (OR 1.44; 0.96, 2.16) and ultimately by the second trajectory (OR 1.17; 0.86, 1.58). The magnitude of BC risk was greater in postmenopausal women, especially in those with underweight or normal weight. When alcohol consumption was independently examined at each life stage, =15 g/day of alcohol consumption in adolescence was strongly associated with BC risk followed by consumption in adulthood. Conclusions: The greater the alcohol consumption accumulated throughout life, the greater the risk of BC, especially in postmenopausal women. Alcohol consumption during adolescence may particularly influence BC risk. © 2021, The Author(s)