22 research outputs found


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    In the paper, the authors are presenting the outcome of web scraping software allowing for the automated classification of source code. The software system was prepared for a discussion forum for software developers to find fragments of source code that were published without marking them as code snippets. The analyzer software is using a Machine Learning binary classification model for differentiating between a programming language source code and highly technical text about software. The analyzer model was prepared using the AutoML subsystem without human intervention and fine-tuning and its accuracy in a described problem exceeds 95%. The analyzer based on the automatically generated model has been deployed and after the first year of continuous operation, its False Positive Rate is less than 3%. The similar process may be introduced in document management in software development process, where automatic tagging and search for code or pseudo-code may be useful for archiving purposes

    Analysis of the application for the DFD authoring usage possibilities

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    This article analyzes the possibility of using application to create data flow diagrams, by using QSEE Superlite and the application created in Flutter framework. The purpose of the article is to make comparative analysis of the time needed to create a data flow diagram, as well as to evaluate users in terms of interface transparency and freedom of action in each application. Two research hypotheses have been formulated: “DFD Maker enables faster creation of data flow diagrams compared to QSEE Superlite” and “DFD Maker has a more user-friendly interface compared to QSEE Superlite, allowing for easier creation of data flow diagrams”, which were confirmed after analyzing the results of the conducted study


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    There are plenty of sublime devices, including input devices, for all kinds of specialists working with computers available on the market. Furthermore, the more specific solutions are needed, the more expensive and complicated they are. At the time when many people prefer to try as many things as possible before selecting the specific learning paths, both high price and high entry threshold, can appear as blockers. In the paper, there are  selected some hardware and software solutions for facilitating the work of the professionals , who expect more analog-like interfaces and more natural ways to control computers presented. Additionally, the authors describe original software and hardware solution that allows the use of wide range MIDI devices as custom input devices. The concept of the software made is being presented, as well as some results of initial interaction of different kind of professionals and the proposed solution software and hardware


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    In the paper, the authors are presenting the analysis of implementation of IoT system of road quality analysis. The proposed system has been prepared with edge, on-device processing in mind, allowing for reduction of amount of data being sent to cloud computing aggregation subsystem, sending only 2.5% of the original data. Several algorithms for road quality analysis has been implemented on a real device and tested in a real-world conditions. The system has been compared to the state-of-the-art offline processing approach and shown very similar results

    Performance comparison of Flutter platform GUI in web and native environments

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    This article compares the performance of the Flutter framework's graphical user interface (GUI) in a Windows platform native environment and in a web environment on the same device. The purpose of the article is to make a comparative analysis of screen building and rebuilding times in both environments. For the purpose of the paper, a test application has been created in which screens of different types of complexity are included. The stated theses: "The Flutter platform is less efficient in the web environment compared to the native environment in terms of view loading times." and "The Flutter platform is less efficient in a web environment compared to a native environment in terms of view rebuilding time" have been proven

    Performance comparison of microservices written using reactive and imperative approaches

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    The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of microservices based on reactive and imperative approaches. For this purpose, two microservice applications written in Java using the Spring programming framework were developed. The Spring Web and Spring Webflux modules were used for the conventional and reactive versions, respectively. During the tests, functionalities related to operations of retrieving and inserting records into the database, data processing, and file transfer were invoked. The Gatling tool was used to conduct the tests. The tests showed that reactive microservices can be more efficient in particular when there are delays in communication with services or the database. Otherwise, it depends on the complexity of the operations being performed. Microservices based on the reactive paradigm also use less RAM compared to conventional counterparts


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    The article addresses the challenge of reconstructing 2D broken pictorial objects by automating the search for matching elements, which is particularly relevant in fields like archaeology and forensic science. The authors propose a method to match such elements and streamline the search process by detecting and filtering out low quality matches. The study delves into optimizing the search process in terms of duration and assembly quality. It examines factors like comparison window length, Levenshtein measure margin, and number of variants to check, using theoretical calculations and experiments on synthetic elements. The experimental results demonstrate enhanced method effectiveness, yielding more useful solutions and significantly reducing the complexity of element comparisons by up to 100 times in extreme cases


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    In the paper authors are introducing the concept of usage of physical orientation of a mobile device, calculated using built-in environmental sensors like accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer for detection of tilting gesture. This gesture is used as an acceptance factor for the two next probable word solutions suggested to the user during text input. By performing the device tilt, the first or second word is being automatically put into the desired text field and new prediction is performed. The text predictions are calculated and stored directly on the device to maintain privacy protection. The founding concept of the software is being presented, as well as initial considerations and further plans. This solution is recommended especially to smartphone manufacturers like Microsoft, Samsung and Apple to deploy in their latest models


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    The paper investigates possibility of using mobile devices as acceleration recorders. Presented research focuses on mobile devices running three mobile platforms: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Three mobile applications are created in order to measure the acceleration in three directions (X,Y,Z). Prior to data recording all devices are calibrated. Additionally the Android application allows for converting the results from device’s to world’s coordinate system. The results are presented in graphs.Artykuł przedstawia możliwości zastosowania urządzeń mobilnych jako rejestratorów przyspieszenia. Wykonane badania dotyczą użycia urządzeń działających na trzech platformach mobilnych: Android, iOS oraz Windows Phone. W tym celu stworzono trzy odrębne aplikacje mobilne, przy pomocy których mierzone jest przyspieszenie w trzech kierunkach (X, Y, Z). Przed wykonywaniem pomiarów, urządzenia są kalibrowane. Dodatkowo aplikacja dla systemu Android umożliwia przeliczenie wartości z układu współrzędnych urządzenia do układu współrzędnych świata. Wybrane wyniki są przedstawione w postaci wykresów

    Analysis of Ignition Capability of Flammable Gases from Small Arms Propellant Gases

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    The article presents the results of tests on the temperature of propellant gases shortly after the bullet leaves the barrel. The temperature and movement of these gases were recorded with thermal cameras and a high-speed camera. Weapons with and without muzzle devices (flash suppressor, silencer) were used. The aim of the research was to check the capability to ignite flammable gases located in the vicinity of the propellant gases produced during firing. Comparison of the maximum temperature of the propellant gases and the ignition temperature of the flammable gases makes it possible to determine the probability of fire. The lowest temperature of propellant gases was in the case of shooting with 9 19 mm bullets with the lowest kinetic energy (518 J), and the highest temperature of these gases was during shooting with 5.56 45 mm HC (SS109) bullets with the highest kinetic energy (1,785 J)