5 research outputs found

    Procedural narrative generation in games. Generating narrative lines.

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest stworzenie systemu, kt贸ry w spos贸b automatyczny b臋dzie wyszukiwa艂 serie akcji prowadz膮ce bohatera do okre艣lonego celu, w ramach gry bazuj膮cej na standardzie StoryGraph. Praca omawia zagadnienia proceduralnego tworzenia tre艣ci i proceduralnej narracji. W cz臋艣ci teoretycznej opisane s膮 istotne w kontek艣cie implementacji wspomnianego systemu szczeg贸艂y StoryGraph, technik wyboru akcji, takich jak Goal Oriented Behaviour i Goal Oriented Action Planning, a tak偶e funkcji heurystycznych, tabeli transpozycji, algorytmu A* i IDA*. Zaprezentowana jest implementacja systemu wykorzystuj膮cego technik臋 GOAP i algorytm IDA* do skutecznego przeszukiwania drzewa decyzyjnego bohatera i tworzenia serii akcji ukierunkowanych na cel. Podane s膮 r贸wnie偶 przyk艂ady wygenerowanych fabu艂.The aim of this work is to create a system that will automatically search for a series of actions leading the hero to a specific goal, as part of a game based on the StoryGraph standard. The work discusses the issues of procedural content creation and procedural narrative. The theoretical part describes the details of StoryGraph, action selection techniques such as Goal Oriented Behavior and Goal Oriented Action Planning, as well as heuristic functions, transposition table, A* and IDA* algorithm, which are important in the context of the implementation of the mentioned system. The implementation of a system using the GOAP technique and the IDA* algorithm to effectively search the hero's decision tree and create a series of goal-oriented actions is presented. Examples of generated plots are also provided

    Photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopies as an optical approach of stress determining in MOVPE grown quantum cascade laser structures

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    In the presented work, an optical approach of stress determining in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) grown quantum cascade laser (QCL) structures was reported. In the case of such sophisticated structures containing hundreds of thin layers, it is important to minimize the stress generated in the QCL core. Techniques enabling determination of stress in such thin layers as those described in the article are photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopies. Based on Raman shift or changes in photoluminescence signal, it is possible to analyze stress occurring in the structure

    Heat Dissipation Schemes in AlInAs/InGaAs/InP Quantum Cascade Lasers Monitored by CCD Thermoreflectance

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    In this paper, we report on the experimental investigation of the thermal performance of lattice matched AlInAs/InGaAs/InP quantum cascade lasers. Investigated designs include double trench, single mesa, and buried heterostructures, which were grown by combined Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) techniques. The thermal characteristics of lasers are investigated by Charge-Coupled Device CCD thermoreflectance. This method allows for the fast and accurate registration of high-resolution temperature maps of the whole device. We observe different heat dissipation mechanisms for investigated geometries of Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs). From the thermal point of view, the preferred design is the buried heterostructure. The buried heterostructures structure and epi-layer down mounting help dissipate the heat generated from active core of the QCL. The experimental results are in very good agreement with theoretical predictions of heat dissipation in various device constructions