58 research outputs found


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    Pakistan is an agricultural country. The increased population leads to increasing demand for food. Unfortunately, crops are infected by different microbes and nutrient deficiency of soil adversely affects the yield of the crop. Furthermore, the use of chemical fertilizers like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium (NPK), Urea, Diammonium phosphate (DAP) and pesticides have environmental consequences. Therefore, so there is need to find alternative renewable and sustainable biofertilizers

    The impact of US sanctions on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of Turkey

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    This paper addresses the assessment of effect of the sanctions imposed on Turkey by the United States of America in the year 2018 on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of Turkey. The study used a cross sectional data from the 81 provinces in Turkey for the periods of 2016 to 2018 from Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). Dummy variable with Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation method is used to determine that how the sanctions affected the CPI over that period by looking at the years before 2018, the year the sanctions were imposed

    Chitosan-based bio-composite modified with thiocarbamate moiety for decontamination of cations from the aqueous media

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    Herein, we report the development of chitosan (CH)-based bio-composite modified with acrylonitrile (AN) in the presence of carbon disulfide. The current work aimed to increase the Lewis basic centers on the polymeric backbone using single-step three-components (chitosan, carbon disulfide, and acrylonitrile) reaction. For a said purpose, the thiocarbamate moiety was attached to the pendant functional amine (NH2) of chitosan. Both the pristine CH and modified CH-AN bio-composites were first characterized using numerous analytical and imaging techniques, including 13C-NMR (solid-form), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), elemental investigation, thermogravimetric analysis, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Finally, the modified bio-composite (CH-AN) was deployed for the decontamination of cations from the aqueous media. The sorption ability of the CH-AN bio-composite was evaluated by applying it to lead and copper-containing aqueous solution. The chitosan-based CH-AN bio-composite exhibited greater sorption capacity for lead (2.54 mmol g−1) and copper (2.02 mmol g−1) than precursor chitosan from aqueous solution based on Langmuir sorption isotherm. The experimental findings fitted better to Langmuir model than Temkin and Freundlich isotherms using linear regression method. Different linearization of Langmuir model showed different error functions and isothermal parameters. The nonlinear regression analysis showed lower values of error functions as compared with linear regression analysis. The chitosan with thiocarbamate group is an outstanding material for the decontamination of toxic elements from the aqueous environment251226CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQNão temThis research was funded by the academy of sciences for developing world (TWAS) and The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) fellowship to AK. The APC was funded by MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerlan

    Engineering functionalized chitosan-based sorbent material : characterization and sorption of toxic elements

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    The present study reports the engineering of functionalized chitosan (CH)-based biosorbent material. Herein, a two-step reaction was performed to chemically modify the CH using 1,4-bis(3-aminopropyl) piperazine to incorporate nitrogen basic centers for cations sorption from the aqueous environment. The resultant functionalized chitosan-based sorbent material was designated as CH-ANP and characterized using various analytical techniques, including elemental analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 13C NMR (in solid-state), X-ray diffraction, and thermal analysis. Then, the newly engineered CH-ANP was employed for the removal of copper, lead, and cadmium in the aqueous medium. Langmuir sorption isotherm analysis revealed that the highest sorption abilities achieved were 2.82, 1.96, and 1.60 mmol g−1 for copper, cadmium, and lead, respectively. Linear and nonlinear regression methods were deployed on the sorption data to study the behavior of the Langmuir, the Freundlich, and the Temkin sorption isotherms. Among the four different forms, the Langmuir isotherm type 1 fit well to the experimental data as compared to the other models. It also showed the lowest values of error, and a higher correlation coefficient than the Freundlich and Temkin models; thus it was the best fit with the experimental data compared to the latter two models. In conclusion, the findings suggest that chemically modified novel materials with enhanced Lewis basic centers are useful and promising candidates for the sorption of various toxic cations in aqueous solution9235138CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQThis research was funded by The acadmey of sciences for developing world (TWAS) and The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) fellowship to AK. The APC was funded by MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerlan

    Hypodensities Within Hematoma Predict Outcome After Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    ABSTRACT Background and objective: Radial nerve is injured due to a variety of reasons. The objective of this study was to determine the clinical spectrum, risk factors and electrophysiologic aspect of radial nerve injury presenting to a tertiary care hospital in Lahore. Methods: This descriptive prospective cross-sectional study was conducted at department of Neurology, Mayo hospital Lahore from July 2022 to December 2022 and comprised patients with isolated radial nerve injury on the basis of history and clinical examination regardless of their gender, above 15 years of age. NCS/EMG was done on a Japanese machine Nihon Kohden by an expert as per recommended protocol for electrodiagnostic evaluation of a suspected radial nerve injury and interpreted by consultant neurologist. Results: Of 75 patients, 52(69.3%) were males and 23(30.7%) were females. The most common etiology turned out to be misplaced intramuscular injection in 45(60%) of the patients. The site of lesion in most cases was in the spiral groove in 36 (40%) of the patient. Most of the patients i.e. 71(94.7%) had a wrist drop. Evidence of reinnervation was present in 30(40%) of patients. Conclusion: Most cases of radial nerve injury presented with a wrist drop in which the commonest etiology was misplaced intramuscular injection. The site of lesion in most cases turned out to at the level of spiral groove, and the nature of lesion was primarily axonal loss followed by secondary demyelination

    Carveol a Naturally-Derived Potent and Emerging Nrf2 Activator Protects Against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity

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    Acetaminophen (N-acetyl p-aminophenol or APAP) is used worldwide for its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory potential. However, APAP overdose sometimes causes severe liver damage. In this study, we elucidated the protective effects of carveol in liver injury, using molecular and in silico approaches. Male BALB/c mice were divided into two experimental cohorts, to identify the best dose and to further assess the role of carveol in the nuclear factor E2-related factor; nuclear factor erythroid 2; p45-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway. The results demonstrated that carveol significantly modulated the detrimental effects of APAP by boosting endogenous antioxidant mechanisms, such as nuclear translocation of Nrf2 gene, a master regulator of the downstream antioxidant machinery. Furthermore, an inhibitor of Nrf2, called all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), was used, which exaggerated APAP toxicity, in addition to abrogating the protective effects of carveol; this effect was accompanied by overexpression of inflammatory mediators and liver = 2ltoxicity biomarkers. To further support our notion, we performed virtual docking of carveol with Nrf2-keap1 target, and the resultant drug-protein interactions validated the in vivo findings. Together, our findings suggest that carveol could activate the endogenous master antioxidant Nrf2, which further regulates the expression of downstream antioxidants, eventually ameliorating the APAP-induced inflammation and oxidative stress

    Characterization of ES10 lytic bacteriophage isolated from hospital waste against multidrug-resistant uropathogenic E. coli

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    Escherichia coli is the major causative agent of urinary tract infections worldwide and the emergence of multi-drug resistant determinants among clinical isolates necessitates the development of novel therapeutic agents. Lytic bacteriophages efficiently kill specific bacteria and seems promising approach in controlling infections caused by multi-drug resistant pathogens. This study aimed the isolation and detailed characterization of lytic bacteriophage designated as ES10 capable of lysing multidrug-resistant uropathogenic E. coli. ES10 had icosahedral head and non-contractile tail and genome size was 48,315 base pairs long encoding 74 proteins. Antibiotics resistance, virulence and lysogenic cycle associated genes were not found in ES10 phage genome. Morphological and whole genome analysis of ES10 phage showed that ES10 is the member of Drexlerviridae. Latent time of ES10 was 30 min, burst size was 90, and optimal multiplicity of infection was 1. ES10 was stable in human blood and subsequently caused 99.34% reduction of host bacteria. Calcium chloride shortened the adsorption time and latency period of ES10 and significantly inhibited biofilm formation of host bacteria. ES10 caused 99.84% reduction of host bacteria from contaminated fomites. ES10 phage possesses potential to be utilized in standard phage therapy

    Production, optimization, and physicochemical characterization of biodiesel from seed oil of indigenously grown Jatropha curcas

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    With the growing demand for vegetable oils, alternative non-edible feedstocks like Jatropha curcas seed oil have gained interest for biodiesel production. The study aimed to comprehensively evaluate the physicochemical properties and biodiesel production potential of locally produced J. curcas seeds in Pakistan. Two different approaches were applied: a chemical synthesis approach involving acidic pretreatment and alkaline transesterification, and a biosynthetic approach using a lipase-producing strain of the Bacillus subtilis Q5 strain. The microbial biosynthesized biodiesel was further optimized using the Plackett–Burman design. The physicochemical properties of the J. curcas methyl esters were analyzed to assess their suitability as biodiesel fuel. Initially, the raw oil had a high free fatty acid content of 13.11%, which was significantly reduced to 1.2% using sulfuric acid pretreatment, keeping the oil to methanol molar ratio to be 1:12. Afterward, alkaline transesterification of purified acid-pretreated seed oil resulted in 96% biodiesel yield at an oil to methanol molar ratio of 1:6, agitation of 600 revolutions per minute (RPM), temperature 60°C, and time 2 h. Moreover, alkaline transesterification yielded ∼98% biodiesel at the following optimized conditions: oil to methanol molar ratio 1:6, KOH 1%, time 90 min, and temperature 60°C. Similarly, the Bacillus subtilis Q5 strain yielded ∼98% biodiesel at the following optimized conditions: oil: methanol ratio of 1:9, agitation 150 RPM, inoculum size 10%, temperature 37°C, and n-hexane 10%. The fuel properties of J. curcas seed biodiesel are closely related to standard values specified by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D6751–20a), indicating its potential as a viable biodiesel fuel source

    Evaluation of process parameters and treatments of different raw materials for biogas production

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    The anaerobic digestion process results in the production of biogas from a large diversity of organic residues, which can be used as an alternate source of energy generation and for waste management. However, the biogas production technology is not exploited efficiently due to the characteristics of raw materials, poor methane yields, process instability, limited raw materials and lack of knowledge about the process. Effects of various parameters and different treatments on the performance and stability of the anaerobic digestion process were investigated in this thesis work. Arrays of substrates were subjected to the biochemical methane potential (BMP) batch assay to evaluate the impact of source of inoculum, inoculum to substrate ratio, characteristics of substrate and presence of toxic chemicals on the methane yield and kinetics of methane production during anaerobic digestion. Biogas production from sugarcane bagasse and pulp mill sludges was studied after different pretreatments. Biogas production from rectified methanol condensate from pulp and paper mill was investigated at different operating conditions. Inoculum was found to be an important factor that affects the anaerobic digestion. Different parameters related to inoculum studied were: source of inoculum, inoculum to substrate ratio and adaptation of inoculum. It was found that inoculum to substrate ratio has impact on the reduction of volatile solids and the rate of methanogenesis during anaerobic digestion. Increasing the inoculum to substrate ratio enhanced the reduction in volatile solids and methane production rate during anaerobic digestion of sodium acetate. The source of inoculum significantly affected the methane production rate but had no marked influence on the ultimate methane yield. Long term exposure of anaerobic consortia to methanol condensate from pulp mill in an upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor caused adaptation of the microbial consortia to the feed and hence it became more tolerant to toxic material in methanol condensate. The adaptation resulted in an increase in the methane yield and reduced the recovery time after failure of the process. The treatment with diluted acid of sugarcane bagasse followed by enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in the release of considerable amounts of monomeric sugars that afterwards were subjected to anaerobic digestion. These treatments led to significant improvements in yields as compared to when raw sugarcane bagasse was digested. Additionally, higher amount of methane was produced from anaerobic digestion of sugarcane bagasse treated with acid alone compared to when raw sugarcane was subjected to anaerobic digestion but the yields were lower than that of treatment with diluted acid followed by enzymatic hydrolysis. Furaldehydes i.e. furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural at concentrations formed during the pretreatments of lignocellulosic biomass were found to be non-inhibitory and degradable during anaerobic digestion. However, high concentrations of furaldehydes affected the biogas production. The effect of the higher concentration of furaldehydes was evident on biogas production kinetics. The amount and rate of biogas production from a substrate is highly dependent on the composition and characteristics of the substrate. To compare the extent of degradability among different substrates, the methane yield based on the COD basis provides a better option than the methane yield based on volatile solids

    Anaerobic treatment of methanol condensate from pulp mill compared with anaerobic treatment of methanol using mesophilic UASB reactors.

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    The feasibility of anaerobic treatment of methanol condensate from pulp and paper mill in UASB reactor was investigated and compared with the anaerobic treatment of methanol. The UASB reactor treating methanol condensate was operated for 480days with minimum problems of overload. COD removal from methanol condensate and methanol under normal operating conditions ranged from 84-86% to 86-98%, respectively. Under optimal conditions (OLR=5.0gCODL(-1)day(-1), COD(influent)=11.40gL(-1)) a methane yield of 0.29 NL CH(4) per g COD(removed) (at standard temperature and pressure) was achieved during the treatment of methanol condensate. The recovery time of the microorganisms after several overloads was decreasing each time probably due to the adaptation to methanol condensate. These findings indicate that methanol condensate can be efficiently treated in a UASB reactor with the benefit of biogas production. As a bonus effect of the treatment, much of the smell of the feed was eliminated