27 research outputs found

    Updatable Private Set Intersection

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    Private set intersection (PSI) allows two mutually distrusting parties each with a set as input, to learn the intersection of both their sets without revealing anything more about their respective input sets. Traditionally, PSI studies the static setting where the computation is performed only once on both parties\u27 input sets. We initiate the study of updatable private set intersection (UPSI), which allows parties to compute the intersection of their private sets on a regular basis with sets that also constantly get updated. We consider two specific settings. In the first setting called UPSI with addition, parties can add new elements to their old sets. We construct two protocols in this setting, one allowing both parties to learn the output and the other only allowing one party to learn the output. In the second setting called UPSI with weak deletion, parties can additionally delete their old elements every tt days. We present a protocol for this setting allowing both parties to learn the output. All our protocols are secure against semi-honest adversaries and have the guarantee that both the computational and communication complexity only grow with the set updates instead of the entire sets. Finally, we implement our UPSI with addition protocols and compare with the state-of-the-art PSI protocols. Our protocols compare favorably when the total set size is sufficiently large, the new updates are sufficiently small, or in networks with low bandwidth

    Concurrent-Secure Two-Party Computation in Two Rounds from Subexponential LWE

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    Very recently, two works were able to construct two-round secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols in the plain model, without setup, relying on the superpolynomial simulation framework of Pass [Pas03]. The first work [ABG+21] achieves this relying on subexponential non-interactive witness indistinguishable arguments, the subexponential SXDH assumption, and the existence of a special type of non-interactive non-malleable commitment. The second work [FJK21] additionally achieves concurrent security, and relies on subexponential quantum hardness of the learning-with-errors (LWE) problem, subexponential classical hardness of SXDH, the existence of a subexponentially-secure (classically-hard) indistinguishablity obfuscation (iO) scheme, and time-lock puzzles. This paper focuses on the assumptions necessary to construct secure computation protocols in two rounds without setup, focusing on the subcase of two-party functionalities. In this particular case, we show how to build a two-round, concurrent-secure, two-party computation (2PC) protocol based on a single, standard, post-quantum assumption, namely subexponential hardness of the learning-with-errors (LWE) problem. We note that our protocol is the first two-round concurrent-secure 2PC protocol that does not require the existence of a one-round non-malleable commitment (NMC). Instead, we are able to use the two-round NMCs of [KS17a], which is instantiable from subexponential LWE

    Statistical Security in Two-Party Computation Revisited

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    We present a new framework for building round-optimal one-sided statistically secure two party computation (2PC) protocols in the plain model. We demonstrate that a relatively weak notion of oblivious transfer (OT), namely a three round elementary oblivious transfer eOT\textsf{eOT} with statistical receiver privacy, along with a non-interactive commitment scheme suffices to build a one-sided statistically secure two party computation protocol with black-box simulation. Our framework enables the first instantiations of round-optimal one-sided statistically secure 2PC protocols from the CDH assumption and certain families of isogeny-based assumptions. As part of our compiler, we introduce the following new one-sided statistically secure primitives in the pre-processing model that might also be of independent interest: 1. Three round statistically sender private random-OT where only the last OT message depends on the receiver\u27s choice bit and the sender receives random outputs generated by the protocol. 2. Four round delayed-input statistically sender private conditional disclosure of secrets where the first two rounds of the protocol are independent of the inputs of the parties. The above primitives are directly constructed from eOT\textsf{eOT} and hence we obtain their instantiations from the same set of assumptions as our 2PC

    Efficient and Tight Oblivious Transfer from PKE with Tight Multi-User Security

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    We propose an efficient oblivious transfer in the random oracle model based on public key encryption with pseudorandom public keys. The construction is as efficient as the state of art though it has a significant advantage. It has a tight security reduction to the multi-user security of the underlying public key encryption. In previous constructions, the security reduction has a multiplicative loss that amounts in at least the amount of adversarial random oracle queries. When considering this loss for a secure parameter choice, the underlying public key encryption or elliptic curve would require a significantly higher security level which would decrease the overall efficiency. Our OT construction can be instantiated from a wide range of assumptions such as DDH, LWE, or codes based assumptions as well as many public key encryption schemes such as the NIST PQC finalists. Since tight multi-user security is a very natural requirement which many public key encryption schemes suffice, many public key encryption schemes can be straightforwardly plugged in our construction without the need of reevaluating or adapting any parameter choices

    Upgrading to Functional Encryption

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    The notion of Functional Encryption (FE) has recently emerged as a strong primitive with several exciting applications. In this work, we initiate the study of the following question: Can existing public key encryption schemes be ``upgraded\u27\u27 to Functional Encryption schemes without changing their public keys or the encryption algorithm? We call a public-key encryption with this property to be FE-compatible. Indeed, assuming ideal obfuscation, it is easy to see that every CCA-secure public-key encryption scheme is FE-compatible. Despite the recent success in using indistinguishability obfuscation to replace ideal obfuscation for many applications, we show that this phenomenon most likely will not apply here. We show that assuming fully homomorphic encryption and the learning with errors (LWE) assumption, there exists a CCA-secure encryption scheme that is provably not FE-compatible. We also show that a large class of natural CCA-secure encryption schemes proven secure in the random oracle model are not FE-compatible in the random oracle model. Nevertheless, we identify a key structure that, if present, is sufficient to provide FE-compatibility. Specifically, we show that assuming sub-exponentially secure iO and sub-exponentially secure one way functions, there exists a class of public key encryption schemes which we call Special-CCA secure encryption schemes that are in fact, FE-compatible. In particular, each of the following popular CCA secure encryption schemes (some of which existed even before the notion of FE was introduced) fall into the class of Special-CCA secure encryption schemes and are thus FE-compatible: 1) The scheme of Canetti, Halevi and Katz (Eurocrypt 2004) when instantiated with the IBE scheme of Boneh-Boyen (Eurocrypt 2004). 2) The scheme of Canetti, Halevi and Katz (Eurocrypt 2004) when instantiated with any Hierarchical IBE scheme. 3) The scheme of Peikert and Waters (STOC 2008) when instantiated with any Lossy Trapdoor Function

    A note on VRFs from Verifiable Functional Encryption

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    Recently, Bitansky [Bit17] and Goyal et.al [GHKW17] gave generic constructions of selec- tively secure verifiable random functions(VRFs) from non-interactive witness indistinguishable proofs (NIWI) and injective one way functions. In this short note, we give an alternate construc- tion of selectively secure VRFs based on the same assumptions as an application of the recently introduced notion of verifiable functional encryption [BGJS16]. Our construction and proof is much simpler than the ones in [Bit17, GHKW17], given previous work (most notably given the constructions of verifiable functional encryption in [BGJS16])

    Game-Set-MATCH: Using Mobile Devices for Seamless External-Facing Biometric Matching

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    We use biometrics like fingerprints and facial images to identify ourselves to our mobile devices and log on to applications everyday. Such authentication is internal-facing: we provide measurement on the same device where the template is stored. If our personal devices could participate in external-facing authentication too, where biometric measurement is captured by a nearby external sensor, then we could also enjoy a frictionless authentication experience in a variety of physical spaces like grocery stores, convention centers, ATMs, etc. The open setting of a physical space brings forth important privacy concerns though. We design a suite of secure protocols for external-facing authentication based on the cosine similarity metric which provide privacy for both user templates stored on their devices and the biometric measurement captured by external sensors in this open setting. The protocols provide different levels of security, ranging from passive security with some leakage to active security with no leakage at all. With the help of new packing techniques and zero-knowledge proofs for Paillier encryption - and careful protocol design, our protocols achieve very practical performance numbers. For templates of length 256 with elements of size 16 bits each, our fastest protocol takes merely 0.024 seconds to compute a match, but even the slowest one takes no more than 0.12 seconds. The communication overhead of our protocols is very small too. The passive and actively secure protocols (with some leakage) need to exchange just 16.5KB and 27.8KB of data, respectively. The first message is designed to be reusable and, if sent in advance, would cut the overhead down to just 0.5KB and 0.8KB, respectively

    On the Round Complexity of Fully Secure Solitary MPC with Honest Majority

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    We study the problem of secure multiparty computation for functionalities where only one party receives the output, to which we refer as solitary MPC. Recently, Halevi et al. (TCC 2019) studied fully secure (i.e., with guaranteed output delivery) solitary MPC and showed impossibility of such protocols for certain functionalities when there is no honest majority among the parties. In this work, we study fully secure solitary MPC in the honest majority setting and focus on its round complexity. We note that a broadcast channel or public key infrastructure (PKI) setup is necessary for an nn-party protocol against malicious adversaries corrupting up to tt parties where n/3≤t<n/2n/3 \leq t < n/2. Therefore, we study the following settings and ask the question: Can fully secure solitary MPC be achieved in fewer rounds than fully secure standard MPC in which all parties receive the output? - When there is a broadcast channel and no PKI: * We start with a negative answer to the above question. In particular, we show that the exact round complexity of fully secure solitary MPC is 3, which is the same as fully secure standard MPC. * We then study the minimal number of broadcast rounds needed in the design of round-optimal fully secure solitary MPC. We show that both the first and second rounds of broadcast are necessary when 2⌈n/5⌉≤t<n/22 \lceil n/5 \rceil \leq t < n/2, whereas pairwise-private channels suffice in the last round. Notably, this result also applies to fully secure standard MPC in which all parties receive the output. - When there is a PKI and no broadcast channel, nevertheless, we show more positive results: * We show an upper bound of 5 rounds for any honest majority. This is superior to the super-constant lower bound for fully secure standard MPC in the exact same setting. * We complement this by showing a lower bound of 4 rounds when 3⌈n/7⌉≤t<n/23\lceil n/7 \rceil \leq t < n/2. * For the special case of t=1,n=3t=1,n=3, when the output receiving party does not have an input to the function, we show an upper bound of 22 rounds, which is optimal. When the output receiving party has an input to the function, we show a lower bound of 3, which matches an upper bound from prior work. * For the special case of t=2,n=5t=2,n=5, we show a lower bound of 3 rounds (an upper bound of 4 follows from prior work). All our results also assume the existence of a common reference string (CRS) and pairwise-private channels. Our upper bounds use a decentralized threshold fully homomorphic encryption (dTFHE) scheme (which can be built from the learning with errors (LWE) assumption) as the main building block

    Multi-Input Functional Encryption for Unbounded Arity Functions

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    The notion of multi-input functional encryption (MI-FE) was recently introduced by Goldwasser et al. [EUROCRYPT’14] as a means to non-interactively compute aggregate information on the joint private data of multiple users. A fundamental limitation of their work, however, is that the total number of users (which corresponds to the arity of the functions supported by the MI-FE scheme) must be a priori bounded and fixed at the system setup time. In this work, we overcome this limitation by introducing the notion of unbounded input MI-FE that supports the computation of functions with unbounded arity. We construct such an MI-FE scheme with indistinguishability security in the selective model based on the existence of public-coin differing-inputs obfuscation for turing machines and collision-resistant hash functions. Our result enables several new exciting applications, including a new paradigm of on-the-fly secure multiparty computation where new users can join the system dynamically

    Multi-Party Threshold Private Set Intersection with Sublinear Communication

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    In multi-party threshold private set intersection (PSI), nn parties each with a private set wish to compute the intersection of their sets if the intersection is sufficiently large. Previously, Ghosh and Simkin (CRYPTO 2019) studied this problem for the two-party case and demonstrated interesting lower and upper bounds on the communication complexity. In this work, we investigate the communication complexity of the multi-party setting (n≥2)(n\geq 2). We consider two functionalities for multi-party threshold PSI. In the first, parties learn the intersection if each of their sets and the intersection differ by at most TT. In the second functionality, parties learn the intersection if the union of all their sets and the intersection differ by at most TT. For both functionalities, we show that any protocol must have communication complexity Ω(nT)\Omega(nT). We build protocols with a matching upper bound of O(nT)O(nT) communication complexity for both functionalities assuming threshold FHE. We also construct a computationally more efficient protocol for the second functionality with communication complexity O~(nT)\widetilde{O}(nT) under a weaker assumption of threshold additive homomorphic encryption. As a direct implication, we solve one of the open problems in the work of Ghosh and Simkin (CRYPTO 2019) by designing a two-party protocol with communication cost O~(T)\widetilde{O}(T) from assumptions weaker than FHE. As a consequence of our results, we achieve the first ``regular\u27\u27 multi-party PSI protocol where the communication complexity only grows with the size of the set difference and does not depend on the size of the input sets