235 research outputs found

    Effet de la combinaison des fumures organo-minérales et de la rotation niébé-mil sur la nutrition azotée et les rendements du mil au sahel

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    Peu de donnĂ©es existent sur la contribution en azote des lĂ©gumineuses, et leurs impacts en prĂ©sence des fumures sur la nutrition azotĂ©e des  cĂ©rĂ©ales. Ainsi, pour Ă©valuer les effets du niĂ©bĂ© et des fumures organo-minĂ©rales sur la nutrition azotĂ©e et les rendements du mil subsĂ©quent, une expĂ©rimentation a Ă©tĂ© conduite de 2008 Ă  2009 Ă  SadorĂ© au Niger. Dans un dispositif en split-plot, trois doses de rĂ©sidus, de fumier et d’engrais minĂ©raux ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es dans une rotation niĂ©bĂ©-mil. La mĂ©thode isotopique de 15N a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour dĂ©terminer le coefficient rĂ©el d’utilisation d’engrais azotĂ© (CRU). En prĂ©sence de rĂ©sidus, le CRU a variĂ© de 16 Ă  23%. Les doses du fumier ont entraĂźnĂ© sa variation de 16 Ă  22%. Le CRU du mil subsĂ©quent Ă©tait de 30% contre 22% pour le mil en monoculture. Le mil subsĂ©quent a prĂ©levĂ© du sol 54 kg N ha-1 contre 38 kg N ha-1 pour le mil en continu. Les doses des fumures et leur  combinaison dans les systĂšmes de culture, ont augmentĂ© les rendements du mil de 17 Ă  272%. La nutrition azotĂ©e et la productivitĂ© des systĂšmes peuvent donc ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©es en combinant les fumures organo-minĂ©rales et les rotations avec lĂ©gumineuses.Mots clĂ©s : CĂ©rĂ©ale, lĂ©gumineuse, rotation, azote, dilution isotopique, Niger

    Caractérisation des systÚmes de production à base de riz pluvial strict dans les exploitations agricoles de la zone Sud-soudanienne du Burkina Faso

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    Au Burkina Faso, le riz occupe la 4Ăšme place des cĂ©rĂ©ales tant du point de vue des superficies, de la production que de la consommation annuelle par habitant.  Cependant, la production nationale est faible et ne couvre que 47% des besoins des populations. Au Burkina trois, types de rizicultures se cĂŽtoient ; la riziculture pluviale ; la riziculture de bas-fond et la riziculture irriguĂ©e. La riziculture pluviale  offre un fort potentiel mais est mal maĂźtrisĂ©e avec de faibles rendements. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite sous forme d’enquĂȘte auprĂšs de 157 producteurs afin  d’identifier les potentiels et les contraintes de la riziculture pluviale dans la zone  Ouest du Burkina. Les rĂ©sultats montrent une rĂ©cente introduction de la riziculture pluviale dans la zone. La superficie individuelle moyenne est de 0,81 ha. Les  rendements moyens sont d’environ 1075 kg/ha. Les quantitĂ©s d’engrais par hectare sont faibles et sont en moyenne de 44,5 kg pour l’azote, 25,5 kg pour le phosphore et 15,5 kg pour le potassium. Le riz pluvial est cultivĂ© en pure sans rotation rĂ©guliĂšre. La faible maĂźtrise de l’itinĂ©raire technique de production nĂ©cessite une formation des producteurs pour accroĂźtre les rendements et booster la production du riz pluvial.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s : Riz pluvial, rendement, enquĂȘtes, itinĂ©raire technique

    Evaluation of the feed quality of six dual purpose pearl millet varieties and growth performance of sheep fed their residues in Niger

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    Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is a staple food popularly cultivated by small farmers in Niger. The stover are also used as feeds for livestock (small ruminant) as basal diet, especially during the cold dry season. ICRISAT has developed many dualpurpose millet varieties that aim to increase feeds for livestock while providing grain as food to farmers. But the nutritional quality of Stover of these varieties for livestock are not known. This research aims to assess the quality of residues of the dual-purpose varieties and their effect on feed intake and live weight changes of young sheep

    Effet des prĂ©cĂ©dents culturaux et de diffĂ©rents niveaux d’azote sur la productivitĂ© du riz pluvial strict sur sols ferrugineux tropicaux de la zone sudsoudanienne du Burkina Faso

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    L’azote constitue un Ă©lĂ©ment essentiel dans la nutrition minĂ©rale du riz. Au Burkina Faso, le riz pluvial entre de plus en plus dans les assolements. Cependant, le  rendement du riz pluvial reste largement en deçà du potentiel des variĂ©tĂ©s. Afin de contribuer Ă  une meilleure connaissance de la nutrition minĂ©rale du riz pluvial, un dispositif expĂ©rimental en split plot a Ă©tĂ© mis en place en station de recherche de Farako-BĂą en 2013 et 2014 pour Ă©valuer l’effet des rotations et de la fertilisation azotĂ©e sur le rendement. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les meilleurs prĂ©cĂ©dents du riz pluvial sont les lĂ©gumineuses niĂ©bĂ© et arachide. Ces deux prĂ©cĂ©dents permettent un gain de rendements respectivement de 104% et 92% par rapport Ă  la  monoculture du riz. La dose de 90 kg N/ha a permis d’obtenir le rendement paddy le plus Ă©levĂ© soit une augmentation de 395% par rapport Ă  la dose sans apport d’azote 0 kg N/ha et le poids de 1000 grains le plus Ă©levĂ©. Cependant la dose agronomique la plus efficace quel que soit le prĂ©cĂ©dent cultural est de 60 kg N/ha. Les rotations et les doses d’azote ont un effet sur l’augmentation des rendements du riz paddy en culture pluviale.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Riz pluvial, rotations, azote, lĂ©gumineuses, Burkina Faso. Effect of previous crops and different nitrogen levels on the productivity of upland  rice on ferruginous tropical soils of the South Sudan region of  Burkina FasoNitrogen is an essential element in the mineral nutrition of rice. In Burkina Faso, more and more, upland rice enters in the crop rotation. However, the yield of upland rice remains under the potential of varieties. To contribute to a better understanding of the mineral nutrition of upland rice, an experimental split plot was tested in Farako-BĂą research station in 2013 and 2014. This was to evaluate the effect of crop rotations and the effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield of upland rice. The results show that the best previous crops of upland rice are legumes, cowpea and peanut. Both previous crops allow a gain of respectively 104% and 92% of yields compared to rice monoculture. The dose of 90 kg N/ha permitted to have highest paddy yield and an increase of 395% compared to the dose without nitrogen 0 kg N/ha and the highest weight of 1000 grains. However, the most effective agronomic dose regardless of the previous crop is obtained with the dose of 60 kg N/ha. Crops rotation and nitrogen level have an effect on upland rice yield.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Upland rice, rotations, nitrogen, legumes, Burkina Faso

    Scaling up Land Restoration Approaches to Reclaim the Hardpans of Niger for Agriculture using Sentinel 2 Imagery

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    Degraded lands, widespread across sub-Saharan Africa, are used mainly for grazing and firewood harvesting and have low agricultural production potential. Such areas have become degraded through overuse and removal of surface cover and associated erosion processes and are termed hardpans. Hardpans with high clay content, high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and water holding capacity have productive potential. ICRISAT has developed and scaled a gender sensitive approach Bioreclamation of Degraded Land” (BDL) that combines water harvesting technologies (planting pits, half-moon and trenches), application of compost and plantation of high value fruit trees and annual drought tolerant indigenous vegetables. In partnership with CRS in Niger, BDL was scaled to over 3000 villages (2014-18) which led to many benefits in food security and income generation for the local population. To scale further multi-spectral remote sensing based imagery of high resolution (10 m) can identify and map hardpans and differentiate higher potential sites for the BDL approach. These maps will be used to quantify the area under hardpans and the potential area in which the interventions can be scaled up

    Survival of the ovine footrot pathogen Dichelobacter nodosus in different soils

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    Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) is the causative agent of footrot in sheep; one of the most important health and welfare issues of sheep worldwide. For control programmes to be effective, it is essential that the transmission cycle of D. nodosus is understood and bacterial reservoirs in the environment are better defined. This study evaluated the survival of D. nodosus in different soils using soil microcosms. Cultivation independent and dependent methods were used to detect D. nodosus over 40 days from seeding in soil. A D. nodosus specific probe was used for quantification by qPCR and viability was assessed by cell permeability to an intercalating dye, PMA, and by culture. Survival varied dramatically depending on soil type, matric potential (MP) and temperature. Our findings indicate that D. nodosus survival was higher at 5 °C compared with 25 °C in all soils and significantly longer at both temperatures in clay soil (>44% clay) compared with other soil types. Survival under all conditions was longer than 30 days for both culture independent and dependent methods, this is substantially longer than previous studies and, if this is an infectious dose, longer than the current recommendation of resting a field for 14 days to prevent onward infection

    Manuel de formation sur la récupération biologique des terres dégradées

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    Dans le cadre du projet d’appui Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire des mĂ©nages (PASAM-TAI) au Niger, l’ONG CRS et ICRISAT ont conçu ce manuel de formation destinĂ© aux femmes engagĂ©es dans la restauration biologique de terres dĂ©gradĂ©es. Cette approche intĂ©grĂ©e combine techniques traditionnelles de conservation de l’eau (zaĂŻ, demi-lunes) avec la culture de lĂ©gumes et arbres Ă  haute valeur nutritive et commerciale. La technique BDL permet de produire entre autres okra, oseille, senne, pomme de Sahel, moringa sur des sols latĂ©ritiques en cours de dĂ©sertification. L’impact sur les revenus, la nutrition familiale et l’indĂ©pendance Ă©conomique des femmes est significatif

    Metabolic engineering of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 for production of pyridine-dicarboxylic acids from lignin

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    Genetic modification of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 was carried out in order to optimise the production of pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid and pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid bioproducts from lignin or lignocellulose breakdown, via insertion of either the Sphingobium SYK-6 ligAB genes or Paenibacillus praA gene respectively. Insertion of inducible plasmid pTipQC2 expression vector containing either ligAB or praA genes into a ΔpcaHG R. jostii RHA1 gene deletion strain gave 2–threefold higher titres of PDCA production from lignocellulose (200–287 mg/L), compared to plasmid expression in wild-type R. jostii RHA1. The ligAB genes were inserted in place of the chromosomal pcaHG genes encoding protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, under the control of inducible Picl or PnitA promoters, or a constitutive Ptpc5 promoter, producing 2,4-PDCA products using either wheat straw lignocellulose or commercial soda lignin as carbon source. Insertion of Amycolatopsis sp. 75iv2 dyp2 gene on a pTipQC2 expression plasmid led to enhanced titres of 2,4-PDCA products, due to enhanced rate of lignin degradation. Growth in minimal media containing wheat straw lignocellulose led to the production of 2,4-PDCA in 330 mg/L titre in 40 h, with > tenfold enhanced productivity, compared with plasmid-based expression of ligAB genes in wild-type R. jostii RHA1. Production of 2,4-PDCA was also observed using several different polymeric lignins as carbon sources, and a titre of 240 mg/L was observed using a commercially available soda lignin as feedstock

    Designing and implementing an assay for the detection of rare and divergent NRPS and PKS clones in European, Antarctic and Cuban soils

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    The ever increasing microbial resistome means there is an urgent need for new antibiotics. Metagenomics is an underexploited tool in the field of drug discovery. In this study we aimed to produce a new updated assay for the discovery of biosynthetic gene clusters encoding bioactive secondary metabolites. PCR assays targeting the polyketide synthases (PKS) and non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) were developed. A range of European soils were tested for their biosynthetic potential using clone libraries developed from metagenomic DNA. Results revealed a surprising number of NRPS and PKS clones with similarity to rare Actinomycetes. Many of the clones tested were phylogenetically divergent suggesting they were fragments from novel NRPS and PKS gene clusters. Soils did not appear to cluster by location but did represent NRPS and PKS clones of diverse taxonomic origin. Fosmid libraries were constructed from Cuban and Antarctic soil samples; 17 fosmids were positive for NRPS domains suggesting a hit rate of less than 1 in 10 genomes. NRPS hits had low similarities to both rare Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria; they also clustered with known antibiotic producers suggesting they may encode for pathways producing novel bioactive compounds. In conclusion we designed an assay capable of detecting divergent NRPS and PKS gene clusters from the rare biosphere; when tested on soil samples results suggest the majority of NRPS and PKS pathways and hence bioactive metabolites are yet to be discovere
