1,491 research outputs found

    La naturalización de la estrategia trascendental desde la metafísica descriptiva strawsoniana

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    El pensamiento de P. F. Strawson ofrece un difícil equilibrio entre una tendencia naturalista no reduccionista y una trascendental post-kantiana. Este escrito reconsidera un argumento de la estrategia strawsoniana que fue utilizado por Barry Stroud en su famosa crítica a los argumentos trascendentales de los años 60. La reflexión sobre el fin y el alcance de este tipo de argumentos no sólo intenta mostrar la compatibilidad de ambos aspectos en el pensamiento de Strawson, sino iluminar el carácter de necesidad de las proposiciones metafísicas.El pensamiento de P. F. Strawson ofrece un difícil equilibrio entre una tendencia naturalista no reduccionista y una trascendental post-kantiana. Este escrito reconsidera un argumento de la estrategia strawsoniana que fue utilizado por Barry Stroud en su famosa crítica a los argumentos trascendentales de los años 60. La reflexión sobre el fin y el alcance de este tipo de argumentos no sólo intenta mostrar la compatibilidad de ambos aspectos en el pensamiento de Strawson, sino iluminar el carácter de necesidad de las proposiciones metafísicas

    Notas sobre una verdad evidente en tributo a P. F. Strawson. Notes on a Self-evident Truth in Tribute to P. F. Strawson

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    In his intellectual autobiography, P. F. Strawson singles out one particular truism as fundamental to his entire philosophical career. The deceptively simple truth is twofold: first, that the bearers of truth and falsity are not linguistic elements, and second, that what is at stake in our use of language is not the words that we use, but what we mean them to say. This essay, written as a tribute to the late Strawson, explores the theoretical implications of this self-evident truth, which emphasizes the essential aim of communication in our understanding of language, as it applies to the problem of meaning, truth and abstract entities.En una autobiografía intelectual, P. F. Strawson destaca un lugar común de vital importancia en su quehacer filosófico. Esta verdad evidente aparentemente simple encierra dos aspectos interconectados entre sí: primero, que los portadores de verdad o falsedad no son elementos lingüísticos y, en segundo lugar, que lo que está en juego en el uso del lenguaje no son las palabras que utilizamos sino lo que queremos decir con ellas. Este ensayo, escrito a modo de tributo al filósofo recientemente fallecido, estudia las implicaciones teóricas de esta verdad evidente, que pone de manifiesto la necesidad de considerar la dimensión comunicativa en la comprensión del lenguaje, en lo que concierne al problema del significado, la verdad y las entidades abstractas

    Hernández, Francisco Javier (1994): Y ese hombre seré yo.

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    Combustion dynamics of individual reactive material particles

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    Metallic reactive powders are widely used as solid fuels, pyrotechnic materials, and components of enhanced blast explosives. Metals are attractive because of their high combustion enthalpies and temperatures. Quantitative descriptions of the combustion processes and mechanisms for both pure metal and composite particles are also desired for their proper implementation in specific applications. Among reactive metals, Al is used most widely and its combustion has been studied extensively. A recently developed experimental setup using laser-ignited metal powders enabled one to record optical signatures for time-resolved combustion instances for 2-25 µm diameter aluminum particles burning in different atmospheres. Individual particle diameters are interpreted and emission signatures are correlated to determine the burn times. The current setup has been expanded to include three-color optical pyrometry and tracing characteristic molecular emission. Results for Al and novel Al-based composite materials burning in different oxidizing environments will be discussed

    Anàlisi comunicativa de la crisi de les aigües Eden en els principals mitjans de comunicació impresos i digitals

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    Els mitjans de comunicació tenen com a funció principal informar de fets que es produeixen de forma que s'adeqüi en el major grau possible als principis de l'ètica periodística. En els casos de crisis sanitàries, com que es posa en risc el bé més preuat del receptor, es genera una necessitat més accentuada de rebre informació respecte als fets que succeeixen. Els mitjans tenen el deure d'emetre aquesta informació de la forma menys alarmista possible i d'acord amb els fets que realment es produeixen. D'acord amb això, aquest article estudia, segons una anàlisi qualitativa de diversos factors, l'ètica periodística i la qualitat dels principals mitjans de comunicació de Catalunya respecte de la crisi alimentària que es va produir l'abril de 2016 pel consum d'aigua embotellada a Barcelona i ciutats pròximes.The media have the primary function of reporting events that take place in a manner that meets the principles of journalistic ethics to the greatest extent possible. In the case of health crises, on account of the risk posed to the beneficiaries' most valuable asset, there is an even greater need to receive information about the events that unfold. The media have a duty to convey this information in the least scaremongering fashion possible and in accordance with the events that are actually occurring. Consequently, on the basis of a qualitative analysis of several factors this article examines journalistic ethics and the quality of the mainstream media in Catalonia in relation to the food crisis that broke out in April 2016 due to the consumption of bottled water in Barcelona and nearby towns

    Land based on-growing of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and salmon (Salmo salar) using Recirculation Aquaculture Systems in the Basque Country: contributions to scientific understanding of economic feasibility, environmental sustainability of economic acceptability

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    274 p.Animal farming systems, including fish farming, are regarded to be a major cause of problems such as resource (water and land) depletion and climate change. Their required intensification represents a relevant cause of environmental concern at global level. In aquaculture, the option for reducing the environmental footprint of aquatic animal production and mitigating many of the impacts associated with traditional commercial fish culture technologies (i.e. net pens, ponds, flow-through systems) is Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) technology. The present work studies the feasibility of using RAS to rear cold water species such as Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Basque coastal area. The study is made from four different perspectives: technical, economic, environmental and societal. The viability of the technology is tested coupled with the surrounding environment; the cost/benefits of producing fish in the local market are analyzed; the environmental performance and the created impacts are studied; and the final product¿s acceptability is studied among local consumers and seafood experts. Moreover, a new environmental assessment is presented and detailed knowledge of the main issues and future challenges are obtained.AZTI TEKNALI

    Politika monetarioa krisi garaian: dibisen gain eragina

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    [EN] Understanding changes in exchange rates is very important due to their impact in trade and investment. Therefore, when facing the crisis it´s a very important factor and one of the main responsibilities of the countries' currency authorities is to control its value. In recent years, the intervention of governments and currency organizations has been essential in order to deal with the global crisis the world has been immersed in. In this project, the monetary policies makers’ decisions and its impact on exchange rates during this period will be analyzed. In fact, the monetary policies are one of the main factors that influence currencies. Moreover, in order to understand the decreases in the most money-moving market, other factors that influenced the exchange rates are also going to be explained.[EU] Kanbio tasetan gertatutako aldaketak ulertzeak berebiziko garrantzia du hauek merkataritzan eta inbertsioan duten eraginaren ondorioz. Beraz, krisiari aurre egiterakoan oso faktore garrantzitsua da eta herrialdeen moneta autoritateen ardura nagusienetako bat hauen balioa kontrolatzea izaten da. Azken urteetan, mundua izugarrizko krisi globalean murgilduta egon da eta honi aurre egiteko gobernu eta moneta erakundeen esku-hartzea ezinbestekoa izan da. Lan honetan, moneta politiken arduradunek hartutako erabakiak aztertuko dira eta hauek dibisetan izan zuten eragina. Izan ere, moneta politikak dibisetan eragiten duten faktore nagusietakoak dira. Gainera, dibisen kanbio tasetan eragin zuten beste faktore garrantzitsuenak ere azalduko dira, diru gehien mugitzen duen merkatuan emandako gora beherak ulertu ahal izateko