232 research outputs found

    Flux migratoires et relations transnationales

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    Los factores internacionales del colapso de los Estados

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    En este artículo, el autor aborda el complejo fenómeno de la decadencia, ocaso y colapso de los Estados-nación, Basado en lo que él mismo denomina el "juego triangular", el autor define los cornos de tal proceso, así como los quiénes de su causa: la propia "víctima", el Estado y sus "victimarios", los actores y flujos transnacionales, así como también los empresarios identitarios (entrepreneurn identitaire). Basåndose primordialmente en ejemplos contemporåneos de naciones africanas, el autor va desglosando cada uno de los protagonistas del triångulo, hasta llegar a la conclusión de que las típicas lealtades ciudadanas van cediendo su "relación cívica que los vincula al Estado", y se convierten en solidaridades identitarias de escala transnacional.This arricie examines the complex phenomenon of the decadence, disappearance and collapse of State-nations. Relying on what he calis the "triangular game", the author defines the ways these processes come about, as well as their origins: the very "victim" and the "victimizer", the actors and transnational movements as well as their identity entrepreneurs (entrepreneur identitairé). Primarily based upon contemporary examples of African nations, the authors spells out each of the protagonists of the triangle, drawing the conclusión that typical citizens loyalties relinquish their "civic relationship which links them tó the State", becoming identity solidarities on a transnational scale


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    O debate teĂłrico, desde o fim da bipolaridade e da Guerra Fria, girou em torno dos conceitos de “superpotĂȘncia”, “hiperpotĂȘncia” ou unipolaridade. No entanto, nĂŁo se tem dado bastante atenção e importĂąncia Ă  crise que atinge o universo hobbesiano: sem dĂșvida, a potĂȘncia Ă© hoje atacada em sua prĂłpria essĂȘncia, demonstrando-se frĂĄgil sempre que utilizada como princĂ­pio de ação internacional, isso sem considerar as vicissitudes por que passa a prĂłpria primeira potĂȘncia mundial. No jogo pĂłsbipolar, um paradoxo empĂ­rico se impĂ”e: nunca um Estado acumulou tantos recursos caracterizadores da potĂȘncia quanto os Estados-Unidos nos dias de hoje; jamais, no entanto, esta potĂȘncia teve tĂŁo pouco controle sobre os problemas com os quais se confronta. Tal contradição Ă© essencial na teoria das relaçÔes internacionais, visto que perturba os paradigmas clĂĄssicos, questionando frontalmente a prĂłpria concepção do power politics que serviu de pedra angular nĂŁo somente ao realismo e ao neorealismo, mas tambĂ©m Ă  teoria neoinstitucional ou ainda aos diferentes estruturalismos. Neste artigo, o autor emite a hipĂłtese de que uma certa forma de protest politics, tomando a potĂȘncia como alvo e nĂŁo mais a considerando como princĂ­pio organizador da ordem mundial, ocupa doravante o lugar da noção de power politics, abalando a teoria clĂĄssica da “estabilidade hegemĂŽnica”. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: relaçÔes internacionais, teoria, PĂłs-Guerra Fria, crises de superpotĂȘncia, novos atores.THE CRISIS OF THE POWERS AND THE INTERNATIONAL DISORDER Bertrand Badie Since the end of the Cold War and the bipolarity, there has been a theoretical debate around the concepts of “superpower”, “hiperpower” or unipolarity. However, not enough attention and importance has been given to the crisis that reaches the hobbesian universe: doubtlessly, the superpower is attacked today its own essence, shown as fragile whenever used as a principle of international action, without considering the which the first world power undergoes. In the post-bipolar game, an empiric paradox is imposed: never has a State accumulated so many resources peculiar to a superpower as the United States nowadays; never, however, has this superpower had so little control on the problems she faces. Such contradiction is essential to the theory of international relations, because it disturbs its classic paradigms, frontally challenging the conception of power politics that served as a cornerstone not only to the realism and the new realism, but also to the neoinstitutional theory or still to the different structuralisms. In this paper, the author hypothesizes that a certain form of protest politics, taking the superpower as target and not considering her as an organizing principle of the world order, replaces the notion of power politics from now on, affecting the classic theory of “hegemonic stability” KEYWORDS: international relations, theory, Post Cold War, superpower crises, new actors.CRISE DE PUISSANCE ET DÉSORDRE INTERNATIONAL Bertrand Badie Le dĂ©bat thĂ©orique a tournĂ©, depuis la fin de la bipolaritĂ© et de la Guerre froide, autour des concepts de “superpuissance”, “d’hyper-puissance”, ou d’unipolaritĂ©. On n’a cependant pas Ă©tĂ© assez attentif Ă  la crise qui frappait l’univers hobbesien: peut-ĂȘtre la puissance est-elle aujourd’hui attaquĂ©e dans son Ă©vidence mĂȘme, partout oĂč elle est utilisĂ©e comme principe d’action internationale, au-delĂ  mĂȘme des vicissitudes rencontrĂ©es par la premiĂšre puissance mondiale elle-mĂȘme. Dans le jeu post-bipolaire, un paradoxe empirique s’impose au fil des Ă©vĂšne-ments: jamais un État n’a accumulĂ© autant de ressources de puissance que les Etats-Unis aujourd’hui; jamais pourtant cette puissance n’a eu si peu de prise sur les enjeux auxquels elle a Ă©tĂ© confrontĂ©e. Une telle contradiction est essentielle en thĂ©orie des relations internationales, puisqu’elle bouscule les paradigmes classiques, mettant directement en cause la conception mĂȘme du “power politics” qui servait de pierre angulaire non seulement au rĂ©alisme et au nĂ©o-rĂ©alisme, mais aussi Ă  la thĂ©orie nĂ©o-institutionnelle ou encore aux diffĂ©rents structuralismes. Dans cet article l’auteur fait l’hypothĂšse qu’une certaine forme de “protest politics”, prenant la puissance comme cible et non plus comme principe d’ordre, vient dĂ©sormais prendre le relais, Ă©branlant la thĂ©orie classique de la “stabilitĂ© hĂ©gĂ©monique”, jusqu’à lui substituer l’hypothĂšse d’une “instabilitĂ© hĂ©gĂ©monique”. MOTS-CLÉS: relations internationales, thĂ©orie, Post-Guerre Froide, crises de superpuissance, nouveaux acteurs.Publicação Online do Caderno CRH:http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.b

    L’opinion Ă  la conquĂȘte de l’international

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    L’impact sur le jeu international de la rĂ©volution technologique, en matiĂšre d’information et de communication, a sans doute Ă©tĂ© sous-estimĂ©. En s’adressant aux individus, les mĂ©dias achĂšvent un processus Ă  l’Ɠuvre depuis le 19e siĂšcle, qui bouleverse l’identitĂ© des acteurs internationaux et Ă©nonce une rupture de paradigmes. Auparavant strictement rĂ©servĂ©es aux États, les Affaires Ă©trangĂšres sont dĂ©sormais « l’affaire de tous ». Au sein d’un État donnĂ©, les individus se mobilisent pour faire valoir leur opinion sur l’international (OPSI). Celle-ci agit au sein mĂȘme des frontiĂšres nationales, mais peut Ă©galement converger avec l’OPSI d’autres populations. SimultanĂ©ment, des rĂ©seaux transnationaux de mobilisation dĂ©ploient une autonomie croissante, et forgent un vĂ©ritable espace transnational de dĂ©bat, pour une opinion publique internationale (OPI).Public opinion’s international advanceThe international political impact of the information and communication revolution has no doubt been underestimated. By directly addressing individuals, the mass media are now consummating a process that has been at work since the 19th century, reshuffling the cast of international players and shifting the prevailing paradigms. Hitherto a jealously guarded reserve of State, foreign affairs are now “everybody’s business”. Individuals within a given country are joining forces to assert their opinions on international affairs – opinions that have currency within their national borders, but may well converge with those of other populaces as well. Concurrently, transnational networks are mobilizing with growing autonomy, creating a truly transnational forum for debate and for the expression of international public opinion


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    Le paradoxe est puissant : les revendications territoriales n'ont jamais Ă©tĂ© si nombreuses alors que la capacitĂ© rĂ©gulatrice des territoires n'a jamais Ă©tĂ© aussi faible. Au temps des grandes guerres europĂ©ennes, les compromis territoriaux ou les dĂ©placements de frontiĂšres apparaissaient comme des sorties possibles des logiques de conflit, tandis que les espaces bornĂ©s marquaient clairement la souverainetĂ© des États, tout en leur permettant de dĂ©cliner leur compĂ©tence. Souverains chez eux, les..
