21 research outputs found

    Production of Ice Cream with Carob Bean Pekmez (Molasses)

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    Day to day, it is known that people are giving importance to nutrition their diets in terms of health. Whether or not the materials used in the production of food are natural, the amount used in production and effect on human health have become more important. In this study, low-fat ice cream was produced with rich composition carob molasses (pekmez), which has a positive contribution to nutrition, and the effect on ice cream was investigated. Physical and chemical analysis results of ice cream, pH 6,31, dry matter 27,23%, fat 3,50%, protein 3,86%, overrun 18,99% and viscosity (10 rpm-20 rpm-50 rpm) 11.840, 6.560, 3.344 cP, was found. As a result, a new product has been made which can be used in ice cream production of carob molasses

    The role of household (family) accounting in national accounting and national accounting/ Turkish statistical ınstitute (Turk Stat) relationship

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    Ulusal muhasebe; bir ülkede üretim ve geliri ölçmek için kullanılan ilkeler ve yöntemler bütünüdür. Bu kavram; ekonomi biliminde, belirli zaman döneminde, ülkenin ekonomik faaliyet düzeyini ölçmek için kullanılan muhasebe sistemini tanımlamak için kullanılmaktadır. Ulusal ekonomik faaliyetlerin ölçülmesinin iki temel yolundan biri belirli bir zaman diliminde (genellikle bir yıl) yapılan mal ve hizmet üretimini parasal değerleriyle ölçme, diğeri ekonomik faaliyetlerden sağlanan toplam gelirleri ölçmedir. Ulusal muhasebe; ekonomistlere ve istatistikçilere, ekonominin sektörleri arasındaki ilişkileri açıklayabilmek ve gelecekteki büyüme ve gelişmeyi tahmin etmek için ayrıntılı bilgi sağlar. Aile (hane halkı) muhasebesi; toplumdaki her bir ailede birlikte yaşayan kişilerin dönemsel gelir ve gideri ile belirli bir andaki kaynak ve varlıklarına ilişkin denetime uygun işlerin toplamıdır. Türkiye’nin hane halkı istatistikleri Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) tarafından yayımlanmaktadır. Bu hane halkı gelir istatistikleri sayesinde ekonominin performansını değerlendirmek ve geleceğe yönelik planlar yapabilmek mümkün olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; ulusal muhasebe hakkında bazı bilgiler verildikten sonra, ulusal muhasebede aile muhasebesinin rolü üzerinde durulmuş ve ulusal muhasebe ile TÜİK ilişkisi kurulmaya çalışılmıştır.National accounting is a set o f principles and methods used to measure the income and production of a country. This term uses in economics to refer to the accounting system that uses to measure the leve l of the country's economic activity in a given time period. There are basically two ways of measuring national economic activity: as the money value of the total production of goods and services during a given period (usually a year) or as the total of incomes derived from economic activities. National accounting provides economists and statisticians with detailed information that can be used explain relations between sectors of economy and to forecast future growth and development. Household (family) accounting is the total value of controllable activities that relative the periodic income and expenditures and sources and assets at any moment for every family in the community that live together. Turkey’s household statistics are publishing by Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat). Owing to t his household income statistics it’s possible to evaluate the performance of economy and make planning directed to future. At these study; after the given some knowledge about national accounting, we are trying to establish the relationship between the importance of household accounting at national accounting and TurkStat

    Accounting Of Production Activities Of Tea Factories Within The Scope 0f Tas Inventories

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    Çay fabrikalarında, tarımsal faaliyet neticesinde elde edilen tarımsal ürün niteliğindeki yaş çay yaprakları girdi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla TMS 41 Tarımsal Faaliyetler standardında tanımlanmış olan tarımsal faaliyet sonucu elde edilen tarımsal ürünün bir sonraki üretim aşaması kuru çay üretimi olmaktadır. TMS 41 Tarımsal Faaliyetler standardı hasadı yapılmış canlı varlık ve tarımsal ürünlere hasat noktasına kadar uygulanmakta, hasat edilmiş ürünler sınai üretime konu olursa bu aşamada TMS Stoklar standardı uygulanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yaş çay üretiminin bir sonraki aşaması olan sınai üretim sürecinde kuru çay üretim işlemlerini, TMS Stoklar Standardı çerçevesinde muhasebeleştirmektir.Tea leaves which is agricultural products produced as result of agricultural activities have been used as main input in Tea Factories. Therefore, next production stage of agricultural products produced by agricultural activities defined in TAS 41 Agriculture Standard is processed tea production. TAS 41 Agriculture standard is applied to the harvested biological assets and agricultural products at the point of harvest. If harvested agricultural products have been used as main input in industrial production,TAS Inventories Standard is applied in this production stage. The aim of this study is to record the financial transactions of processed tea production which is the next production stage after harvesting tea leaves within the framework of TAS Inventories Standard

    The diagnostic value of proteoglycan 4 in the differentiation of stable and exacerbation periods in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A preliminary study

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    Background and aim: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterized by exacerbation and stable periods. Early diagnosis in the exacerbation period of COPD can reduce morbidity and mortality rates. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between Proteoglycan 4 (PRG4) and other parameters, including Procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and White Blood Cell (WBC) count, in the exacerbation period. Materials and methods: This preliminary study was conducted on patients admitted to the Emergency Department and Chest Diseases Department in University Medical Faculty Hospital. Patient demographics, spirometric measurements, clinical scoring used for COPD classification and laboratory test results were recorded for each patient. The final diagnosis of COPD was made by pulmonary physicians. Results: A total of 78 patients (38 in exacerbation and 40 in stable period) with COPD were included in the study. PRG4 levels of patients in the exacerbation period (183.7 ± 9.4 ng/ml) were significantly higher than those of patients in the stable period (177.1 ± 15.9 ng/ml; p=0.034). The sensitivity of PRG4 (88.9%) was equal to that of PCT (88.9%) and higher than that of CRP (86.1%) and WBC (80.6%); the specificity of PRG4 (50%) was higher than that of the other parameters (33.3%, 43.0%, and 40.0%, respectively). Conclusion: PRG4 can be used for discriminating between the exacerbation and stable periods of COPD and is superior in diagnosing the exacerbation period compared with other laboratory parameters. © 2018, Scientific Publishers of India. All rights reserved

    Android Isletim Sistemine Dayali Yaprak Tanima Sisteminde Destek Vektör Makineleri ve K-En Yakin Komsuluk Algoritmalarinin Performans Karsilastirmasi

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    3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, ISMSIT 2019 -- 11 October 2019 through 13 October 2019 -- -- 156063Plants are an important factor in conservation the ecological balance. There are thousands of plant species in the world. Due to the diversity of plant species, it is very important that plant species can be detected accurately and automatically. In the study, a mobile application developed based on server which automatically detects plant species from leaf images. Flavia and Swedish databases were used in the study. Morphological properties of the leaf and local binary pattern (LBP) algorithm were used as feature extraction method. Firebase platform was used in the study to reduce the load of the mobile device using the application and also to increase the speed of the application. In the classification, support vector machines and k-nearest neighborhood methods were used. The best accuracy in the study has found to be 86% using support vector machine algorithm. © 2019 IEEE

    Transform Domain Unidirectional Distributed Video Coding Using Dynamic Parity Allocation

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    DVC based video codecs proposed in the literature generally include a reverse (feedback) channel between the encoder and the decoder. This channel is used to communicate the dynamic parity bit request messages from the decoder to the encoder resulting in an optimum dynamic variable rate control implementation. However it is observed that this dynamic feedback mechanism is a practical hindrance in a number of practical consumer electronics applications. In this paper we proposed a novel transform domain Unidirectional Distributed Video Codec (UDVC) without a feedback channel. First, all Wyner-Ziv frames are divided into rectangular macroblocks. A simple metric is used for each block to represent the correlations between the corresponding blocks in the adjacent key frame and the Wyner-Ziv frame. Based on the value of this metric, parity is allocated dynamically for each block. These parities are either stored for offline processing or transmitted to the DVC decoder for on line processing. Simulation results show that the proposed codec outperforms the existing UDVC solutions by a significant margin