1,033 research outputs found

    An Equilibrium Search Model of the Informal Sector

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    We use an equilibrium search framework to model a formal- informal sector labour market where the informal sector arises endogenously. In our model large firms will be in the formal sector and pay a wage premium, while small firms are characterised by low wages and tend to be in the informal sector. Using data from the South African labour force survey we illustrate that the data is consistent with these predictions.

    Analysis of Receptor-Type Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Extracellular Regions with Insights from AlphaFold

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    The receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are involved in a wide variety of physiological functions which are mediated via their diverse extracellular regions. They play key roles in cell–cell contacts, bind various ligands and are regulated by dimerization and other processes. Depending on the subgroup, they have been described as everything from ‘rigid rods’ to ‘floppy tentacles’. Here, we review current experimental structural knowledge on the extracellular region of RPTPs and draw on AlphaFold structural predictions to provide further insights into structure and function of these cellular signalling molecules, which are often mutated in disease and are recognised as drug targets. In agreement with experimental data, AlphaFold predicted structures for extracellular regions of R1, and R2B subgroup RPTPs have an extended conformation, whereas R2B RPTPs are twisted, reflecting their high flexibility. For the R3 PTPs, AlphaFold predicts that members of this subgroup adopt an extended conformation while others are twisted, and that certain members, such as CD148, have one or more large, disordered loop regions in place of fibronectin type 3 domains suggested by sequence analysis

    The Formal Sector Wage Premium and Firm Size for Self-employed Workers

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    We develop a model where workers may enter self-employment or search for jobs as employees and where there is heterogeneity across workers’ managerial ability. Workers with higher skills will manage larger firms while workers with low managerial ability will run smaller firms and will be in self-employment only when they cannot find a salaried job. For these workers self-employment is a secondary/informal form of employment. The Burdett and Mortensen (1998) equilibrium search model is used for illustration as a special case of our more general framework. Empirical evidence from Mexico is provided and demonstrates that firm size wage effects for employees and selfemployed workers are broadly consistent with the model.Self-employment, Managerial ability, Informal sector

    Syndrome de moelle bas attachée

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    Le syndrome de la moelle bas attachée est une complication du dysraphisme spinal. Affection est souvent découverte chez l'enfant, peut être asymptomatique et rencontrée chez l'adulte. Nous rapportons le cas d'une jeune fille de 20 ans qui consultait pour une symptomatologie urinaire faite d'une dysurie et d'une impériosité mictionnelle évoluant depuis 2 mois. L'échographie rénovésicale ne montrait pas de lésion spécifique en dehors d'un résidu post mictionnel estimé à 80cc. Le bilan biologique était sans particularité. La cystomanométrie objectivait une vessie hyperactive. Une IRM du rachis lombaire a révélé un cône terminal en position basse audessous de L5 (A) avec un cordon médullaire de signal homogène en situation postérieure (B). Une intervention chirurgicale a permet une amélioration du retentissement urinaire. Au cours de cette affection, le niveau du cône médullaire se trouve en dessous du niveau L1-L2, et souvent associé à des malformations congénitales à type de filum épais ou de tumeurs bénignes. Les examens urodynamiques ont une place dans le diagnostic et dans le suivi des syndromes de moelle fixée. L'IRM est l'examen de choix pour confirmer le diagnostic et établir un bilan complet et précis. Le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    The Potential Of Metaverse Technology In E-Learning: Case Of Engineering Students

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    Metaverse technology integrates virtual and augmented reality, has significantly impacted many industries, and opened up new opportunities for educators and 1 Corresponding Author R Badaoui [email protected] learners alike. This article focuses on its potential to transform e-learning, especially in engineering education, and highlights the importance of understanding engineering students\u27 attitudes toward adopting new technologies. This study sheds light on the potential of e-learning in general, and the metaverse in specific, to engage and motivate students. We conducted a quantitative online survey (n=120) to collect data from engineering students. The analysis of collected data explores and evaluates the students\u27 awareness and acceptance of the metaverse in e-learning. Our results demonstrate that engineering students have a good awareness, a positive attitude, and motivation towards using new technologies and highlight a good opportunity for the metaverse to enhance engineering students’ online interactions and participation compared with traditional e-learning methods

    Comparison between DRF for displacement and acceleration spectra with uncertain damping for EC8

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    The damping force exerted by a structure during an earthquake differs significantly from that specified in the design process. This introduces uncertainties in the design process of structures under earthquake loads. Accordingly, it is desirable to consider not only the effect of randomness of the seismic load but also the uncertainties in the structural parameters. This paper investigates the effect of uncertainties inherent in the damping ratio on the use of damping reduction factor (DRF) for the evaluation of high damping response spectra for linear structures with viscous damping. The DRFs are evaluated from both acceleration and displacement response spectra. Effects of period of vibration, level of damping ratio, soil class and uncertainties level of damping on the DRFs are evaluated and discussed. A numerical analysis implies that the maximum relative error estimated between the deterministic DRF and the DRF considering uncertainties in damping is about 14%. This implies that the damping uncertainty with = 20% leads to an error in DRF of Cv=13 % which is a significant error in estimating the structure response

    The role of non-base compensation in explaining the motherhood wage gap: Evidence from Italy

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    This paper underlines the importance of accounting for non-base compensation in explaining the motherhood wage gap. We consider two alternative measures of hourly wage using Italian EU-SILC data from 2007 to 2019: the basewage and the full-wage. The former refers to the contractual base wage, while the latter includes performance-based bonuses, productivity bonuses, commissions, pay incentives, and other extra payments. We address the endogeneity issues of motherhood and examine the effect of motherhood status across various quantiles of the wage distribution for the two hourly wage measures. Empirical findings provide evidence of a motherhood base-wage premium, which becomes nonsignificant when using the full-wage measure, suggesting that non-base compensation is a source of inequality for mothers. These findings are consistent across the wage distribution. Exploring potential heterogeneity across macro-regions and periods, we find no notable regional disparities except minor distinctions for the Southern regions, alongside a decline in the base-wage premium over time and the emergence of a full-wage penalty in recent years. A comparative analysis with a sample of men reveals that fathers enjoy a premium with both wage measures. Nevertheless, fatherhood is also associated with reduced extra remunerations, yet to a lesser extent than motherhood

    The formal sector wage premium and firm size

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    We show theoretically that when larger firms pay higher wages and are more likely to be caught defaulting on labour taxes, then large high-wage firms will be in the formal sector and small low-wage firms will be in the informal sector. The formal sector wage premium is thus just a firm size wage differential. Using data from the South African labour force survey we illustrate that firm size is indeed the key variable determining whether a formal sector premium exists