286 research outputs found

    First record of Heptapleurum arboricola Hayata (Araliaceae) as a casual non-native woody plant in the Mediterranean area

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    I report here the first record of Heptapleurum arboricola Hayata (syn. Schefflera arboricola (Hayata) Merr.) (Araliaceae) as a casual non-native plant throughout the Mediterranean area. I observed the natural regeneration in urban areas at Castellammare del Golfo, a small coastal town in north-west Sicily (Mediterranean Italy). Due to the lack of self-sustaining populations and the short-term observational period, Heptapleurum arboricola should be considered as a casual species according to the classification of non-native plants. The detection of early signs of naturalization of non-native plants is of crucial importance for the management and control of invasive species. The main abiotic and biotic factors involved in the possible future spread of the species are briefly discussed

    Primi segnali di spontaneizzazione di Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) in Sicilia.

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    Si riportano i primi casi di naturalizzazione di Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) osservati in Sicilia


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    Plumbago auriculata Lam. (Plumbaginaceae) in western Sicily: new data on its spread as casual alien. In questa nota si fornisce un quadro aggiornato sui casi di naturalizzazione di Plumbago auriculata Lam. (Plumbaginaceae) nella Sicilia occidentale e sul suo status invasivo a livello nazionale ed internazionale. Questa xenofita viene segnalata per la prima volta in diverse aree delle province di Agrigento, Palermo e Trapani, dopo essere stata segnalata per la prima volta presso l'isola di Linosa, nell'arcipelago delle Pelagie

    Editorial: Non-native tree species: Impacts and management

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    Non-native tree species are an important component of many forests around the world. These species were introduced for various reasons: the provision of wood and non-timber forest products, soil protection or rehabilitation, ornamental purposes, etc. In fact, they are important for sectoral economies, especially locally and in rural landscapes. However, there are multiple contexts in which some of these trees may have undesired negative effects, such as declines of biodiversity, increases of disturbance frequency, or disruptions of ecological balance of the native forests, greatly affecting the provision of ecosystem services. This Research Topic includes articles focusing on different aspects of relevance in the management of non-native tree species, ranging from identifying knowledge gaps and future implications, investigating the future use of non-native trees, providing governance approaches, assessment of impacts, and applying novel monitoring approaches

    The occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi in Betula aetnensis Raf. roots: from ecological role to conservation strategies

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    Betula aetnensis Raf. is an endemic tree species of particular conservation value. It only thrives in the north-eastern slopes of Mount Etna (Sicily), from 1200 to 2100 m a.s.l. This pioneer plant is able to begin primary succession on nutrient-poor and water-limited soils (C = 0.17%; N = 0.05 \u2030; P2O5 = 4.1 ppm), where beneficial mycorrhizal fungi (MF) may play a crucial role. In order to investigate MF role in B. aetnensis, plant roots from natural sites and nursery grown specimens were analyzed for both ectomycorrhizal and endomycorrhizal structures. Typical structures of both symbiosis were detected by root staining and morphological observations. Ectomycorrhizae (EM) were more abundant in natural sites ( 4888%) than in nursery ( 4877%). Clear morphological differences in the EM root tips suggest the occurrence of different fungal species. About 50% of roots had arbuscular structures, both in natural habitats and nursery. The community structure of EM and AM fungal symbionts was characterized by DGGE analysis. Mycorrhizal dependence trials are in progress to elucidate the relative importance of ectoand endomycorrhizal symbionts for this endemism, whose conservation could be strongly linked to mutualistic associations established at root level

    Clinical outcomes of endurant II stent-graft for infrarenal aortic aneurysm repair: Comparison of on-label versus off-label use

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    PURPOSE We aimed to compare the outcomes of the Endurant II (Medtronic) stent-graft used under instructions for use versus off-label in high-risk patients considered unfit for conventional surgery. METHODS Data from patients treated with the Endurant II stent-graft between December 2012 and March 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Sixty-four patients were included. Patients were assigned to group A if treated under instructions for use (n=34, 53%) and to group B if treated off-label (n=30, 47%). Outcome measures included perioperative mortality and morbidity, survival, freedom from reintervention, endoleak incidence, in-hospital length of stay, and mean stent-graft component used. Mean follow-up was 22.61±12 months (median, 21.06 months; range, 0–43 months). RESULTS One perioperative mortality (1.6%) and one perioperative complication (1.6%) occurred in group B. At two months follow-up, one iliac limb occlusion (1.6%) occurred in group A. No type I/III endoleaks were recorded. A type II endoleak was identified in three cases (4.7%). Overall survival at three years was 89% (97% for group A, 82% for group B; P = 0.428). Reintervention-free survival at three years was 97% for both groups (P = 0.991). A longer in-hospital stay was observed in group B (P = 0.012). CONCLUSION The Endurant II (Medtronic) new generation device was safe in off-label setting at mid-term follow-up. The off-label use of the Endurant II (Medtronic) is justified in patients considered unfit for conventional surgery. Larger studies are required in this subgroup of patients


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    Si riporta un caso singolare di crescita di Kalanchoë daigremontiana Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier (Crassulaceae) su Plumeria rubra L. (Apocynaceae)

    Root Hair Adhesion in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile Seedlings: A Numerical Modelling Approach

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    Animals and plants use adhesion to move, to anchor to a substrate, or to disperse seeds and fruits. Some plants developed a root pad as a common strategy to adhere to consolidated substrates. In the marine environment, the seagrass Posidonia oceanica attaches fi rmly to consolidated substrates via adhesive root hairs, forming a pad structure. We used novel morphological and ultrastructural data to develop a numerical model to study the dynamics of root hair adhesion during contact formation on rough consolidated substrates for this species. Morphological analysis, conducted using Scanning Electron Microscope, highlighted the role of root hair branching in pad formation. Transmission Electron Microscope microscopy allowed us to identify a glue-like substance at the pad/ substrate interface. The numerical model highlighted the role played by the cell wall ’ s elasticity in pad formation and its importance in guaranteeing a fi rm adhesion. Furthermore, the effectiveness of these mechanisms was assessed at different simulated roughness levels. Increasing knowledge on the adhesion mechanism of seagrass to consolidated substrates could be pivotal in developing advanced seedling-based restoration protocols. The fi ndings of this study could contribute to restoration activities planned to contrast seagrass regression. Transplanting initiatives using seedlings can now better address the search for suitable and low-impact ways to fi x germinated plants to the substrate

    McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome : a rare cause of acute renal failure and hypokalemia not to be overlooked

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    McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome is a rare disorder in which a colorectal tumor (usually a villous adenoma) determines secretory mucous diarrhea, which in turn leads to prerenal acute renal failure, hyponatremia, hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis. Even though the outcome is usually favorable with complete recovery after surgery, the diagnosis is often delayed, making the patient susceptible to life-threatening complications, mainly severe acidosis and hypokalemia. We present two paradigmatic cases with extreme electrolytes imbalance and complete recovery following the appropriate treatment. The pathogenesis of this degenerative condition is discussed in detail. \ua9 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted