29 research outputs found

    Dynamics and Population Structure of Bali Cattle Partnerships Maiwa Breeding Center (MBC) in Barru Regency

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    This study aims to determine the population dynamics, population structure, and increase of Bali cattle population Maiwa Breeding Center partnerships in Barru Regency. This research was conducted from March to April 2020 in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. The Reproductive Efficiency of Bali cattle was 91%. Population dynamics were only influenced by the calving, mortality, and sale of livestock, with the growth of 27% (2019) and 31% (2020). The population structure was dominated by cows, 31% (2018), 48% (2019), and 54% (2020). Natural Increase (NI) of livestock was 17% (2018), 28% (2019) and 20% (2020). The conclusion of this study is that the growth of the Bali cattle population of MBC partnerships was still low when according to calving and income because it does not reach 80% of cows based on population even shows a tendency to decrease calving. Keywords: Population of dynamics, population of structure, Bali cattle, smallholder partnership

    Carcass and Muscle Distribution of Male Kacang Goat from Intensive Fattening with Different Initial Weight

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    Carcass and Muscle Distribution of Male Kacang Goat from Intensive Fattening with Different Initial Weight Kacang Goat is one of Indonesian native livestock having high potency of production that have to be preserved, especially in South Sulawesi. The purpose of this study was to evaluate carcass percentage of commercial cuts as well as muscle distribution of male kacang goat under intensive fattening system with different initial body weight. Twenty one male of kacang goats were randomly divided into three groups according to their initial body weight. The experiment was carried out according to completely randomized design consisted of three treatments (age group) and seven replications for each treatment. The animals were reared under intensive fattening system for three months. At the initial period of the experiment, each goat was weighed to obtained the initial body weight. At the end of the experimental period, each animal was weighed to obtain the slaughtered weight of each animal. Following the slaughter, carcass processing was performed for each animal. The carcass and carcass cuts then were weighed. The results of study showed that animals having a heavier initial body weight grew faster, had higher carcass percentage, and had lower non carcass percentage.The growth of male kacang goat muscle was evenly distributed

    Reproductive Efficiency of Cows in Different Parity

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    Livestock is one of the agricultural sectors that plays an important role in providing animal products. Cows are one of the largest meat and dairy producers. The low reproductive efficiency of cattle is the biggest problem in terms of its development. Increasing reproductive efficiency through artificial insemination programs is one way to enhance livestock populations. Reproductive efficiency parameters can be measured through values of Service per Conception (S/C) and Conception Rate (CR). Service per conception and conception rate are related to cows parity. Parity is the number of calf that have been born to a cow. This study aimed to provide information on reproductive efficiency as seen from the value of S/C and CR of cows in different parieties and the factors that influence them. High rates of parity followed by high S/C score and low CR. Each animal has various values of S/C and CR. The normal range for S/C is 1.6-2.0 and 60% in CR. Several factors that affect reproductive efficiency are environment, nutrition, Body Condition Score (BCS), knowledge of farmers, inseminator skills and quality of semen used. The highest service per conception (S/C) value was at parity 5 with aged Ā± 7 years and the conception rate (CR) was at parity 3 aged Ā± 5 years.Keywords: should be written in no more than 5 (five) words or phrases


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    ???????????????Sapi Bali merupakan ternak asli Indonesia yang banyak dipelihara oleh petani dan merupakan sumber pendapatan masyarakat petani ternak di Sulawesi Selatan dan bahkan sebagai sumber bahan pangan daging nasional asal ternak potong. Karena itu ternak ini menjadi komoditas unggulan Sulawesi Selatan pada bidang peternakan. Berdasarkan hal ini, Rencana Induk Penelitian (RIP) Universitas Hasanuddin, sapi Bali merupakan prioritas utama dalam pengembangan komoditas unggulan pada bidang peternakan. Masalahnya adalah tingkat produktifitas dan performans sapi Bali masih rendah. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan sapi bibit betina dengan tinggi pundak melebihi dari 104 cm. Rendahnya tingkat produktifitas ternak mungkin disebabkan karena peternak tidak memperhatikan faktor manajemen dan bibit yang digunakan. Oleh karena perlu dilakukan penelitian pengembangan yang komprehensif dan berkelanjutan yaitu bagaimana peningkatan produktifitas dan performans sapi Bali melalui perbaikan manajemen terutama perbaikan pakan pada periode breeding dan pedet. \ud ???????????????Target khusus yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bibit sapi Bali yang berstandard nasional dengan tingkat produktifitas tinggi. Untuk mencapai tujuan dan target tersebut, maka metode penelitian adalah dirancang dengan melakukan perbaikan pakan pada periode breeding/pembiakan dan fase pedet secara berkelanjutan. Kemudian melihat body condition score (BCS), tingkat produktifitas induk termasuk post partus estrus pertama setelah kelahiran, tingkat kebuntingan dan service perconception (S/C). \ud ???????????????Hasil penelitian pada tahun pertama menunjukan bahwa perbaikan managemen dengan perbaikan pakan pada periode breeding dapat memperbaiki kondisi induk setelah melahirkan dengan BCS 5,40,8 menjadi 6,31,0 selama 3 bulan pemeliharaan dengan sistem intensif dan 6,70,8 selama 6 bulan pertama pemeliharaan. Post-partus esterus pertama 64,531,5 hari. Tingkat kebuntingan 53,8% dengan S/C 2,20,5 selama 3 bulan pemeliharaan dan 100% tingkat kebunting dengan S/C 2,90,8 selama 6 bulan pemeliharaan.\ud Indikator capaian luaran yang targetkan 1) model managemen pada periode breeding pada sapi Bali, 2) publikasi akreditasi Nasional dan International dan 3) satu buku pedoman praktis dengan judul ???Peningkatan Produktifitas Sapi Bali dengan Perbaikan Manajemen dan Pakan Basis LEISA???


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    Abstrak\ud \ud Kondisi dan penampilan sapi Bali di Sulawesi Selatan saat ini oleh sejumlah peneliti telah mensinyalir terjadinya penurunan mutu, baik dari segi mutu genetik maupun produktivitasnya. Hal ini ditunjukkan bahwa sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan sapi bibit dengan tinggi pundak lebih dari 104 cm. Penurunan mutu genetik dan produktifitas ternak salah satunya mungkin disebabkan karena peternak tidak memperhatikan faktor bibit, yaitu pejantan yang digunakan sebagai pemacek mempunyai kualitas genetik yang rendah. Oleh karena itu upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan salah satunya melakukan persilangan dengan breed sapi Eropa. Akan tetapi hasilnya secara genetik belum diketahui. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan penelitian analisis adanya kesamaan atau keragaman genetik sapi Bali dan hasil persilangannya di masyarakat dengan analisis DNA (PCR-RPAD). \ud Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah 1) Mendapatkan informasi tentang fenotif dan genotif sehingga dapat mengseleksi bibit sapi yang mempunyai perfomans dan tingkat fertilitas tinggi dan kemudian dapat dimanfaatkan oleh peternak rakyat di Sulawesi Selatan khususnya pada peternak plasma pembibitan pemurnian sapi Bali dan 2) Pembentukan breed baru dengan kecirian sapi Bali yang mempunyai tingkat adaptasi, fertilitas dan pertumbuhan yang tinggi.\ud Metode untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut di atas adalah melakukan analisis DNA dengan menggunakan RAPD-PCR. Penelitian diawali dengan pengambilan sampel darah dari vena jugularis dari sapi Bali yang dipelihara di daerah pengembangan sapi Bali dan sapi silangan sapi Bali dengan sapi Simental (Simbal). Sampel darah kemudian diekstraksi DNA-nya, kemudian dilakukan amplifikasi dengan metode PCR-RAPD menggunakan 3 primer random. Hasil PCR divisualisasi dengan elektroforesis. Kesamaan dan keragaman genetik dalam dan antar populasi dianalisis statistik berdasarkan nilai Band Sharing Frequency (BSF).\ud Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keragaman genetik pada sapi Bali maupun persilangannya masih tinggi sehingga masih bisa dilakukan perbaikan genetik untuk menghasilkan performans yang baik. Sedangkan kesamaan genetik antara populasi sapi Bali murni dengan hasil persilangan dengan Simental berdasarkan BSF menunjukkan kesamaan yang relatif tinggi. Dengan demikian menunjukkan bahwa hasil persilangan sapi Bali dengan Bos taurus memungkinkan dikembangkan dengan baik pada daerah lingkungan habitat sapi Bali khususnya pada daerah tropik

    Stamina Prediction of Cows and Goats to Exercise Changes by Measuring Body Temperature, Heart Rate, and Respiratory Rate

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    Environmental factors play an important role in livestock life. An unsuitable environment can cause disturbances to the growth of animal and cannot produce properly. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in respiratory frequency, heart rate and body temperature of cows and goats at rest, when given running training, and when a rest one hour after being rushed, to find out the stamina of the animals. The results showed that exercise treatment had a very significant effect on respiratory rate, body temperature, and heart rate. The respiratory rate after exercise was significantly different from the respiratory frequency before exercise and after resting for one hour, but quickly returned to normal after one hour rest which indicates that the stamina of these two animals is very good

    Development of Bali Cattle in Smallholder Farm Based on Population Structure in Maiwa Enrekang Regency

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    Abstract This study was conducted to determine the improvement of the Bali cattle population in smallholder farms based on the structure of population. This research was carried out from September to November 2019 at the Maiwa Breeding Center Partnership, Enrekang Regency. The type of research used was descriptive research, which we study that describes the variable condition, that are birth rates, mortality, sales, purchases, and population structure at the smallholder farm. The first stage was to collect data by direct observation in the field. The second stage was to carry out tabulation and data analysis. The results of the research were that the increased of Bali cattle at the Maiwa smallholder farm partnership in Maiwa Breeding Center in Enrekang Regency was influenced by calving rate of cows. The calving rate was foundedĀ  was 23% in 2017, 32% in 2018, and 46% in 2019, respectively. The mortality rate and sales of cattle was 6%in 2017, 4% in 2018 and 17% in 2019, respectively. The population dynamics was affected by calving rate, mortality and sales livestock in a year. Prediction of population growth increased gradually (7% a year) from 2020 to 2025 based on the population structure of Smallholder Farm in 2019. It is expected that the calving rate is at least 60% in a year. Keywords : Population dynamics, calving rate, mortality rate, birth rate, population growt

    Identification of Qualitative Characteristic Bali Polled Cattle

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    The aim of the research was to identify the qualitative characteristics of Bali polled cattle.Ā  Several advantages in polled cattle can reduce the risk of injury that often occurs in herdsmenā€™s caused by horns, can prevent bruising of the carcass and damage to the skin. The development of Bali polled cattle requires further research, this research is related to its qualitative characteristics. The total sample was 100 consisting of 11 Bali polled cattle and 89 Bali horned cattle, consisting of 42 samples from Bone Regency and 47 samples from Barru Regency.Ā  Qualitative characteristics that are measured include: coat color, blackline runs along the back, color of socks, color of rump, muzzle color, eyelid color, white hair in the ears, and wattle size.Ā  The qualitative characterization of Bali Cattle in this study was based on the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Ģs guidelines for phenotypic characterization. The distinctive characteristics found in horned Bali cattle are also found in polled cattle. The presence of Bali polled cattle changes the indigenous cattle rearing system in Indonesia

    Polled Bali Cattle and Potentials for the Development of Breeding Industry in Indonesia

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    A polled Bali Cattle, or a naturally hornless cattle breed was first recognized in the early 1980s in Sidendreng-Rappang (Sidrap), south Sulawesi, where Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus) herd were mixreared with some Brahman cross (BX). Whereas BX is the result of a cross between a Brahman cattle and the Hereford or shorthorn (Bos Taurus) breed on a commercial ranch in the region. As such a variant is considered as having high productivity trait advantages and/or as even possibly becoming a superior cattle breed of choice being able to develop by the University of Hassanuddin, various researches had been carried out since 1985. To date, the research works had resulted in some findings, however, there might have only been up to preliminary stages so far. Vast and thorough investigations on productivity traits of the polled Bali cattle (PBC) variants are being sought. Currently, a science and technology-based local cattle breeding industry development program at the Maiwa breeding center, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University has been carrying out serial studies on genetic profiles of the variants, and also on their growth control and adaptation genes. The genes have been targeted for use as marker-assisted selection (MAS).