170 research outputs found

    Acute Cardiac Failure due to Intra-Atrial Mass Caused by Zygomycetes in an Immunocompromised Paediatric Patient

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    Cardiac zygomycosis can be a critical condition with sudden onset of severe congestive heart failure followed by severe hemodynamic deterioration. We report a fatal course of disseminated fungal infection with a massive intra-atrial thrombosis caused by a zygomycete, in a five year old boy treated for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. In addition, we discuss the literature concerning infections caused by zygomycetes involving the heart. Prognosis is poor. A high index of suspicion and an aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic approach with the prompt start of preemptive antifungal therapy are key factors to improve outcome

    Lower extremity compression garments use by athletes: why, how often, and perceived benefit

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    BACKGROUND: Studies on the benefits of lower extremity compression garments (CGs) have focused on their effects on post-exercise recovery and performance improvement. Less is known about why athletes actually use CGs, the frequency with which they use them, and perceived benefits from using CGs. The purpose of this study was to investigate which athletes use CGs, why athletes use CGs, when CGs are worn by athletes, and, in case of an injury or injury prevention, for which injuries CGs are used. METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved 512 athletes who used lower extremity CGs. Athletes completed a questionnaire on the type of CGs they used, and when and why they used them. They also reported their sports participation, past and current sports injuries, and the perceived benefits of using CGs. RESULTS: 88.1% (n=451) of the athletes were endurance athletes and 11.9% (n=61) were non-endurance athletes. Endurance and non-endurance athletes reported running (84.7%, n=382) and obstacle course racing (24.6%, n=15) the most frequently as primary sports, respectively. The most-used CG was the compression sock (59.2%, n=303). In total, 47.5% (n=246) of the athletes used a CG primarily to prevent re-injury and 14.5% (n=74) to reduce symptoms of a current sports injury. Other primary reported aims were primary prevention (13.6%), post-exercise recovery (14.3%), sports performance improvement (8.8%), and to look good (0.2%). The point prevalence of past and current sports injuries among all athletes was 84.2 and 20.2%, respectively. The most common current sports injuries were shin and calf injuries. Many athletes "always" or "often" used their CGs during training (56.8%, n=279) and competitions (72.9%, n=264). Furthermore, almost 90% of the athletes that aimed to prevent re-injury by using CGs reported that CGs contributed to secondary injury prevention. CONCLUSION: 88% of the CG-users were endurance athletes, of which 85% were runners. All athletes mainly used CGs to prevent injury recurrence, but also to reduce symptoms of a current sports injury. A majority of the athletes reported positive perceived effects from the CGs. CGs were used more during than after sports participation

    Static and Dynamic Properties of Dissipative Particle Dynamics

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    The algorithm for the DPD fluid, the dynamics of which is conceptually a combination of molecular dynamics, Brownian dynamics and lattice gas automata, is designed for simulating rheological properties of complex fluids on hydrodynamic time scales. This paper calculates the equilibrium and transport properties (viscosity, self-diffusion) of the thermostated DPD fluid explicitly in terms of the system parameters. It is demonstrated that temperature gradients cannot exist, and that there is therefore no heat conductivity. Starting from the N-particle Fokker-Planck, or Kramers' equation, we prove an H-theorem for the free energy, obtain hydrodynamic equations, and derive a non-linear kinetic equation (the Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann equation) for the single particle distribution function. This kinetic equation is solved by the Chapman-Enskog method. The analytic results are compared with numerical simulations.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 3 Postscript figure

    Phase IB study of doxorubicin in combination with the multidrug resistance reversing agent S9788 in advanced colorectal and renal cell cancer.

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    S9788 is a new triazineaminopiperidine derivate capable of reversing multidrug resistance (MDR) in cells resistant to chemotherapeutic agents such as doxorubicin. It does not belong to a known class of MDR revertants, but its action involves the binding of P-glycoprotein. Thirty-eight evaluable patients with advanced colorectal or renal cell cancer were treated with doxorubicin alone (16 patients) followed after disease progression with combination treatment of doxorubicin plus S9788 (12 patients) or upfront with the combination of doxorubicin plus S9788 (22 patients). S9788 was given i.v. as a loading dose of 56 mg m-2 over 30 min followed by doxorubicin given at 50 mg m-2 as a bolus infusion. Thereafter, a 2-h infusion of S9788 was administered at escalating doses ranging from 24 to 120 mg m-2 in subsequent cohorts of 4-10 patients. Pharmacokinetic analysis demonstrated that concentrations of S9788 that are known to reverse MDR in vitro were achieved in patients at non-toxic doses. Compared with treatment with doxorubicin alone, treatment with the combination of doxorubicin and S9788 produced a significant increase in the occurrence of WHO grade 3-4 granulocytopenia. Treatment with S9788 was cardiotoxic as it caused a dose-dependent and reversible increase in corrected QT intervals as well as clinically non-significant arrhythmias on 24- or 48-h Holter recordings. Although clinically relevant cardiac toxicities did not occur, the study was terminated as higher doses of S9788 may increase the risk of severe cardiac arrhythmias. Twenty-nine patients treated with S9788 plus doxorubicin were evaluable for response, and one patient, who progressed after treatment with doxorubicin alone, achieved a partial response. We conclude that S9788 administered at the doses and schedule used in this study results in relevant plasma concentrations in humans and can safely be administered in combination with doxorubicin

    Sub-surface Oxygen and Surface Oxide Formation at Ag(111): A Density-functional Theory Investigation

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    To help provide insight into the remarkable catalytic behavior of the oxygen/silver system for heterogeneous oxidation reactions, purely sub-surface oxygen, and structures involving both on-surface and sub-surface oxygen, as well as oxide-like structures at the Ag(111) surface have been studied for a wide range of coverages and adsorption sites using density-functional theory. Adsorption on the surface in fcc sites is energetically favorable for low coverages, while for higher coverage a thin surface-oxide structure is energetically favorable. This structure has been proposed to correspond to the experimentally observed (4x4) phase. With increasing O concentrations, thicker oxide-like structures resembling compressed Ag2O(111) surfaces are energetically favored. Due to the relatively low thermal stability of these structures, and the very low sticking probability of O2 at Ag(111), their formation and observation may require the use of atomic oxygen (or ozone, O3) and low temperatures. We also investigate diffusion of O into the sub-surface region at low coverage (0.11 ML), and the effect of surface Ag vacancies in the adsorption of atomic oxygen and ozone-like species. The present studies, together with our earlier investigations of on-surface and surface-substitutional adsorption, provide a comprehensive picture of the behavior and chemical nature of the interaction of oxygen and Ag(111), as well as of the initial stages of oxide formation.Comment: 17 pages including 14 figures, Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    R-h-erythropoietin counteracts the inhibition of in vitro erythropoiesis by tumour necrosis factor alpha in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Anaemia of chronic disease (ACD) is a common extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) plays an important role in the development of ACD. The objective of the present study was to assess inhibition of in vitro colony-forming unit erythrocyte (CFUe) and blast-forming unit erythrocyte (BFUe) growth by TNFα and to examine whether this suppression could be counteracted by adding increasing concentrations of recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) (r-h-EPO) to bone marrow cultures of RA patients with ACD and without anaemia (controls). Bone marrow cells of RA patients with ACD and control patients were cultured. The cultures were incubated with increasing concentrations of r-h-EPO (0.25; 0.5; 1; 2 U/ml), each in combination with increasing quantities of TFNα (0; 50; 100; 200; 400 U/ml). CFUe and BFUe were assessed after 7 and 14 days, respectively. Dose-dependent inhibition of BFUe and CFUc by increasing concentrations of TNFα was observed in ACD and controls. Regarding CFUe (ACD patients) incubated with 0.25 U/ml EPO, 50 U/ml TNFα caused 28% suppression compared to cultures without TNFα. Increasing the concentration of r-h-EPO from 0.25 U/ml to 2 U/ml completely restored the number of CFUe. A similar pattern was observed in BFUe growth in both groups. These data demonstrated the suppressive effects of TNFα on erythropoiesis in vitro and that the suppresed erythropoiesis could be partly corrected by the addition of excess r-h-EPO to the cultures. No significant differences were observed between ACD and control RA patients. This in vitro model may help explain the clinical response to r-h-EPO therapy as documented in RA patients with ACD

    Congenital Heart Block Maternal Sera Autoantibodies Target an Extracellular Epitope on the α1G T-Type Calcium Channel in Human Fetal Hearts

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    Background:Congenital heart block (CHB) is a transplacentally acquired autoimmune disease associated with anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB maternal autoantibodies and is characterized primarily by atrioventricular (AV) block of the fetal heart. This study aims to investigate whether the T-type calcium channel subunit α1G may be a fetal target of maternal sera autoantibodies in CHB.Methodology/Principal Findings:We demonstrate differential mRNA expression of the T-type calcium channel CACNA1G (α1G gene) in the AV junction of human fetal hearts compared to the apex (18-22.6 weeks gestation). Using human fetal hearts (20-22 wks gestation), our immunoprecipitation (IP), Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence (IF) staining results, taken together, demonstrate accessibility of the α1G epitope on the surfaces of cardiomyocytes as well as reactivity of maternal serum from CHB affected pregnancies to the α1G protein. By ELISA we demonstrated maternal sera reactivity to α1G was significantly higher in CHB maternal sera compared to controls, and reactivity was epitope mapped to a peptide designated as p305 (corresponding to aa305-319 of the extracellular loop linking transmembrane segments S5-S6 in α1G repeat I). Maternal sera from CHB affected pregnancies also reacted more weakly to the homologous region (7/15 amino acids conserved) of the α1H channel. Electrophysiology experiments with single-cell patch-clamp also demonstrated effects of CHB maternal sera on T-type current in mouse sinoatrial node (SAN) cells.Conclusions/Significance:Taken together, these results indicate that CHB maternal sera antibodies readily target an extracellular epitope of α1G T-type calcium channels in human fetal cardiomyocytes. CHB maternal sera also show reactivity for α1H suggesting that autoantibodies can target multiple fetal targets. © 2013 Strandberg et al

    6-Minute Push Test in Youth Who Have Spina Bifida and Who Self-Propel a Wheelchair: Reliability and Physiologic Response

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    Objective. Despite the common occurrence of lower levels of physical activity and physical fitness in youth with spina bifida (SB) who use a wheelchair, there are very few tests available to measure and assess these levels. The purpose of this study was to determine reliability and the physiologic response of the 6-minute push test (6MPT) in youth with SB who self-propel a wheelchair. Methods. In this reliability and observational study, a sample of 53 youth with SB (5-19 years old; mean age = 13 years 7 months; 32 boys and 21 girls) who used a wheelchair performed 2 exercise tests: the 6MPT and shuttle ride test. Heart rate, minute ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio, and oxygen consumption were measured using a calibrated mobile gas analysis system and a heart rate monitor. For reliability, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), SE of measurement, smallest detectable change for total covered distance, minute work, and heart rate were calculated. Physiologic response during the 6MPT was expressed as percentage of maximal values achieved during the shuttle ride test. Results. The ICCs for total distance and minute work were excellent (0.95 and 0.97, respectively), and the ICC for heart rate was good (0.81). The physiologic response during the 6MPT was 85% to 89% of maximal values, except for minute ventilation (70.6%). Conclusions. For most youth with SB who use a wheelchair for mobility or sports participation, the 6MPT is a reliable, functional performance test on a vigorous level of exercise. Impact. This is the first study to investigate physiologic response during the 6MPT in youth (with SB) who are wheelchair using. Clinicians can use the 6MPT to evaluate functional performance and help design effective exercise programs for youth with SB who are wheelchair using

    Financial Evaluation of Different Vaccination Strategies for Controlling the Bluetongue Virus Serotype 8 Epidemic in the Netherlands in 2008

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    Background: Bluetongue (BT) is a vector-borne disease of ruminants caused by bluetongue virus that is transmitted by biting midges (Culicoides spp.). In 2006, the introduction of BTV serotype 8 (BTV-8) caused a severe epidemic in Western and Central Europe. The principal effective veterinary measure in response to BT was believed to be vaccination accompanied by other measures such as movement restrictions and surveillance. As the number of vaccine doses available at the start of the vaccination campaign was rather uncertain, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the Dutch agricultural industry wanted to evaluate several different vaccination strategies. This study aimed to rank eight vaccination strategies based on their efficiency (i.e. net costs in relation to prevented losses or benefits) for controlling the bluetongue virus serotype 8 epidemic in 2008 Methodology/Principal Findings: An economic model was developed that included the Dutch professional cattle, sheep and goat sectors together with the hobby farms. Strategies were evaluated based on the least cost - highest benefit frontier, the benefit-cost ratio and the total net returns. Strategy F, where all adult sheep at professional farms in the Netherlands would be vaccinated was very efficient at lowest costs, whereas strategy D, where additional to all adult sheep at professional farms also all adult cattle in the four Northern provinces would be vaccinated, was also very efficient but at a little higher costs. Strategy C, where all adult sheep and cattle at professional farms in the whole of the Netherlands would be vaccinated was also efficient but again at higher costs. Conclusions/Significance: This study demonstrates that a financial analysis differentiates between vaccination strategies and indicates important decision rules based on efficienc

    A longitudinal study of muscle strength and function in patients with cancer cachexia

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    Purpose Patients with cancer frequently experience an involuntary loss of weight (in particular loss of muscle mass), defined as cachexia, with profound implications for independence and quality of life. The rate at which such patients’ physical performance declines has not been well established. The aim of this study was to determine the change in muscle strength and function over 8 weeks in patients with already established cancer cachexia, to help inform the design and duration of physical activity interventions applicable to this patient group. Methods Patients with thoracic and gastrointestinal cancer, with unintentional weight loss of >5% in 6 months or BMI < 20 plus 2% weight loss were included. Physical and functional assessments (baseline, 4 weeks, 8 weeks) included: isometric quadriceps and hamstring strength, handgrip, standing balance, 10m walk time and timed up and go. Results Fifty patients (32 male), mean ±SD age 65 ±10 years and BMI 24.9 ±4.3kg/m2 were recruited. Thoracic cancer patients had lower muscle strength and function (p0.05). Baseline variables did not differentiate between completers and non-completers (p>0.05). Conclusions More than a third of patients with established cancer cachexia in our study were stable over 8 weeks, suggesting a subgroup who may benefit from targeted interventions of reasonable duration. Better understanding the physical performance parameters which characterize and differentiate these patients has important clinical implications for cancer multidisciplinary team practice