131 research outputs found
Improving Students' Achievement in Writing Recount Text by Using Sequence of Pictures
This study deals with the improvement of the students' achievement in writing recounttext using sequence of pictures. This study was conducted by using action research atsecond year of SMP N 1 Kualuh Selatan. The sample of this study was just one classnamely: VIII-1. The number of this class was 35 students. This study was conducted intwo cycles and every cycle consisted three meetings. To collect the data, the instrumentsof data were used, writing test (quantitative data) and diary notes, interview sheet andobservation sheet (qualitative data). In analyzing data, the mean of the students' scorefor the first competency test was 60,9, for the second competency test was 69,3, and forthe third competency test was 80,0 and total percentage of improvement from the firstcompetency to the third competency test was 85,72%. The conclusion is that usingsequence of pictures can improve the students' writing achievement in recount text. It issuggested that English teacher should apply sequence of pictures as one of media toimprove students' writing achievement in recount text
Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup terhadap Pabrik yang Mencemari Air Sungai Berdasarkan Peraturan Bupati Blitar No. 46 Tahun 2011
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa pelaksanaan Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan Oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup Terhadap Pabrik yang Mencemari Air Sungai Berdasarkan Peraturan Bupati Blitar No. 46 Tahun 2011 dan untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis hambatan apa saja yang dihadapi oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Blitar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yuridis sosiologis. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder di Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Blitar dan data langsung dari lapangan dengan wawancara kepada warga sekitar di Desa Jatilengger. Pada Hasil penelitian telah dapat diketahui bahwa penegakan hukum lingkungan yang dilakukan oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup masih belum optimal karena terdapat hambatan-hambatan di lapangan. Hambatan- hambatan tersebut diantaranya beberapa hambatan dari internal dan eksternal. Hambatan internal diantaranya masih kurangnya komitmen pemerintah dalam hal menegakkan hukum lingkungan, sarana dan prasarana yang masih belum memadahi, laboratorium yang masih belum mempunyai sertifikat. Hambatan eksternal diantaranya masih kurangnya keasadaran pengusaha dan masyarakat di bidang penegakan hukum, sumberdaya masyarakat, kebiasaan pola hidup masyarakat, biaya pengolahan limbah yang relative mahal. Dengan demikian upaya yang dilakukan Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Blitar tersebut adalah memberikan sosialisasi UU 32 Tahun 2009, melengkapi sarana dan prasarana, memberikan kesempatan kepada pegawai untuk mengikuti diklat penegakan lingkungan
Hubungan Andropause Dengan Stres Pria Beristri
Pada pria usia lanjut, andropause terjadi karena penurunan kadar testosteron. Perubahan yang terjadi pada andropause tidak hanya pada aspek fisik, tetapi juga aspek psikis Ketidakbahagiaan dalam perkawinan merupakan stresor yang berat bila tidak dikomunikasikan dengan pasangan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara andropause dengan stres pada pria beristri. Jenis penelitian analitik cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 60 responden, sebagian besar responden adalah mengalami androupose, yaitu 35 orang (48,3%). Dan sebagian besar responden juga mengalami stres, yaitu 34 orang (56,7%). Hasil tabulasi silang, selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan uji Chi Square dengan bantuan SPSS for windows. Hasil uji Chi Square dengan derajat kemaknaan 0,05 didapatkan nilai signifikansi 0,006, sehingga nilai 0,006 < 0,05 yang berarti H0 ditolak yang berarti terdapat Hubungan Andropause Dengan Stres Pria Beristri Ada hubungan positif, kuat dan sangat signifikan secara statistik antara andropause dengan stres pada pria beristri, dimana semakin tinggi skor ADAM Questionnaire, maka semakin tinggi pula skor GHQ Questionnaire atau dapat diartikan semakin banyak keluhan andropause yang dirasakan, semakin tinggi pula tingkat stresnya. Untuk itu posyandu lansia perlu digalakkan kembali supaya para pria bisa mendapatkan informasi tentang androupose lebih dalam lagi
Kekuatan Hukum Putusan Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen
Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution is a special court that consumers are expected to answer the demands of the community to litigants process runs fast, simple and cheap to Article 54 Paragraph (3) of BFL, Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution decision as a result of the settlement of consumer disputes by conciliation, mediation or arbitration, shall be final and binding . Final sense means that dispute settlement has been completed and ended, while the word connotes binding force and as something that should be undertaken by the parties is required for it. In accordance with the interpretation of Article 54 paragraph (3) of BFL, which referred to the decision of the tribunal is final is that in Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution no appeal and cassation. However, in Article 56 Paragraph (2) of BFL mentioned that when consumers or businesses refuse Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution decision, may appeal to the District Court and the Supreme Court. This is contrary to the meaning of BPSK decision which is final and binding, with the provisions of the Articles of contradictory and inefficient.In accordance with the above description, the authors are interested in conducting research under the title The Power of Law Consumer Dispute Settlement Body decision. This thesis aims to determine the verdict of Consumer Dispute Settlement Body has the force of law executory, to learn to understand the legal consequences of the decision of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Body that is not practicable, and to mengetahuiupaya which can be reached by the parties to the objection of consumer Dispute Settlement Body decision.In this thesis, the author uses the method of normative legal research. Data sources supported by the data source of primary, secondary and tertiary. While collecting data is literature study and survey data using deductive method is to analyze the problems of a general nature and specifically the conclusions drawn on the basis of existing theories.The results of the discussions in this paper is, first, a decision that can be executed Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution. Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution decision which contains the amount of indemnity, and does not violate the principle of ultra virus or exceed those specified in Article 178 Paragraph (3) HIR, that decision can not be more than requested in petititum. Second, Entrepreneurs who do not file an objection within the period referred to in Article 56 Paragraph (2) are deemed to accept the decision of Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution, when not carried out by carriers, Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution submit the decision to the investigator to conduct the investigation in accordance with the statutory provisions applicable. Third, efforts which can be reached by the parties objected to the decision of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Board is to submit objections to the District Court and the Supreme Court. Agency Of Consumer Dispute Resolution objection to the proposed decision to the District Court is included Jurisdiction Contentios
Pelaksanaan Pemberian Asuransi terhadap Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas oleh PT. Jasa Raharja di Kota Pekanbaru
Transportation has a very broad role and importance for the economicdevelopment of the nation. Developments in science and technology especially in thefield of traffic and transportation, it not only provides benefits and positive influenceon the behavior of people\u27s lives, but it can also have negative impacts, such as theemergence of problems in areas such as traffic accidents.The government through the Law. 34 Year 1964 on Road Traffic AccidentFund provides insurance benefits for victims of traffic accidents, which in thisimplementation is left to the PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero). Duties and responsibilitiesare to collect funds from the public through donations compulsory motor vehicleowners are performed each year, and thereafter is channeled back to the communitythrough the insurance compensation to the victim or the victim\u27s heirs, which aim toreduce the burden of costs due to road traffic accidents, which given the amount ofcompensation has been set in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance DecreeNo.36/PMK.010/2008 of Great Benefit and Contribution Compulsory Road TrafficAccident Fun
Eradikasi Polio Dan Ipv (Inactivated Polio Vaccine)
In the year 1988, World Health Organization (WHO) claims that polio viruses should be eradicated after year 2000. However, until year 2010 the world have not been free from polio viruses circulation. So many effort had been achieved and it is estimated that the world will be free from polio virus after the year 2013. Control of poliomyelitis in Indonesia has been commenced since 1982 with routine immunization of polio program and the National Immunization Days (NID) has been commenced since 1995,1996,2005 and 2006. When the world is free from polio virus, WHO suggests several alternative effort to maintain the world free from polio viruses : I) stop the OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) and no polio immunization, 2) stop OPV and stock pile mOPV (monovalent OPV), 3) use OPV and IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine) in a certain times, 4) use IPV only in a certain times. IPV has been used routinely in develop countries but has not been used in the developing countries. Several studies in development countries has been conducted, but had not been done in the developing countries. Indonesia collaboration with WHO has conducted the study of IPV in Yogyakarta Province since year 2002 until year 2010. The overall aim of the study is to compile the necessary data that will inform global and national decision-making regarding future polio immunization policies for the OPV cessation era. The data generated from the study will be particularly important to make decisions regarding optimal IPV use in developing tropical countries. It is unlikely that this data can be assembled through other means than through this study. The tentative result of the study shows that OPV immunization coverage in the year 2004 is 99% in four district and 93 % in the Yogyakarta city. Environment surveillance shows that there are 65.7% polio virus detected from 137 sewage samples pre IPV swich, and 4.8% polio virus detected from 83 sewage samples post IPV swich. Survey polio antibody serologis shows that 100% of children of the study already have antibody against three types of polioviruses. From the result of the study conclude that the study can be continued untill the data can answer the question whether IPV is the only vaccine which can be use after OPV cessatio
Penurunan Turbidity, Tss, Dan Cod Menggunakantepung Biji Asam Jawa (Tamarindus Indica) Sebagai Nano Biokoagulan Dalampengolahan Air Limbah Domestik(grey Water)
Pemanfaatan koagulan kimia dalam pengolahan limbah cair domestik mulai banyak digantikan dengan menggunakan biokoagulan yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Salah satu biokoagulan yang mulai digunakan dan diteliti adalah biokoagulan dari biji Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indica).Penelitian ini menggunakan Nano Biokoagulan Biji Asam Jawa dengan proses Jar testuntuk mengetahui a) dosis optimum biokoagulan, b) kecepatan optimum pengadukan cepat, dan c) efisiensi penurunan kadarTurbidity, TSS, dan CODair limbah domestik.Air limbahdomestik diambil pada saluran drainase kota di Jl. Singosari Raya (depan Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran) pada kondisi musim Kemarau (Juli 2016). Variasi dosis nano biokoagulan biji Asam Jawa yang digunakan adalah 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L, 50 mg/L, dan 60 mg/L, dengan variasi kecepatan pengadukan cepat 100 rpm, 125 rpm, 150 rpm, 175 rpm, dan 200 rpm.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nano Biokoagulan Biji Asam Jawa berperan efektif dalam penurunan kadarTurbidity, TSS, dan COD air limbah domestik. Dosis optimum biokoagulan untuk penurunan Turbidity,TSS, dan COD berkisar dari 30 mg/L hingga40 mg/L. Kecepatan optimum pengadukan cepat untuk penurunan kadar Turbidity dan COD adalah 150 rpm, dan untuk TSS adalah 100 rpm. Efisiensi penurunan Turbidity mencapai 45,94%, TSS 64,29%, dan COD 61,02%
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