139 research outputs found

    Einleitung: Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 5. Evaluation und Analyse

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    Evaluationsmethoden für E-Learning, Forschungsmethoden zur Mediennutzung und zur Analyse von Medienkulturen sind Gegenstand dieses Jahrbuchs Medienpädagogik. Dabei reicht das Spektrum der Medien von Fernsehen über Video bis zum Internet. Die Auswahl dieses Themenschwerpunkts kommt dabei nicht von ungefähr. Zum einen hat wissenschaftliche Medienforschung bereits eine lange Tradition und ist in vielen Disziplinen etabliert. Forschungsmethoden lieferten der medienpädagogischen Praxis empirisch fundierte Ergebnisse und Instrumente. Forschungsdesigns und Methodologien wurden entwickelt, um Mediennutzungsverhalten und Medienwirkungen zu erklären, Evaluationsmethoden eingesetzt, um Lernprozesse zu beurteilen. Zum anderen gewinnen Qualitätssicherung und Leistungsmessungen im Bildungssystem generell immer mehr an Bedeutung. In den Ergebnissen aktueller Evaluationen zeigen sich Bestrebungen nach Qualität von Bildungs- und Lernprozessen. Empirische Forschung kommt die Aufgabe zu medienpädagogische Wirkungsgrade und Zielerreichung zu überprüfen und zu kontrollieren. Quantitative Forschungsmethoden ermöglichen es Mediennutzungsverhalten bestimmter Zielgruppen in Wechselwirkung mit Programmstrukturen und -inhalten zu ermitteln. Nutzungsmuster von Medienangeboten – vor allem bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – sind auch bei der Entwicklung medienpädagogischer Ansätze wichtig. Qualitative Medienforschung dient als Planungsinstrument für medienpädagogische Konzeptionen sowie für medienpädagogische Praxis und hilft bei der Entwicklung neuer, mehr als bisher an inhaltlichen Kriterien orientierter Angebote eingesetzt werden. Eine der zentralen Fragestellungen war und ist dabei, mit welchen kognitiven und ästhetischen Vermittlungsformen die Inhalte einer Sendung am besten kommuniziert werden können. Dies ist zugleich eine der Grundfragen im Hinblick auf den Medieneinsatz in pädagogisch orientierten Lernprozessen (vgl. Dichanz 1998)

    Bring your own devices classroom : issues of digital divides in teaching and learning contexts : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology at Massey University, Albany campus, New Zealand

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    Since the late 1990s, digital divide has gathered much attention from the research community and government organizations. The education sector has been an important area of inquiry for many researchers, as they strive to inform government initiatives on strategies to address digital divide issues prevalent here. This study reports on how existing and new digital divides have evolved with increased penetration of digital learning technologies into teaching and learning practices and the wide usage of enabling technologies by students across formal and informal learning spaces (i.e. both in- and out-of-school), within the context of a BYOD (bring your own device) classroom initiative. A five-year longitudinal investigation of a BYOD classroom initiative by a New Zealand school helped to gain insights into different nature of digital divides in the learning process. First, the BYOD classroom initiative did not end up accentuating existing gaps in access to digital devices and information, despite initial results indicating towards a potentially digitally divided classroom. Second, the study strongly indicated the presence of gaps in terms of information literacy and critical thinking ability, which was eventually bridged in the later stage, as students slowly adjusted to the classroom curricular structures in the BYOD classroom. Third, learner self-efficacy has been identified as the most influential determinant of learning outcomes among students. In earlier phases of investigation of BYOD classrooms initiative, learner self-efficacy was found to be influenced by digital capability, in combination with information literacy, critical thinking ability, and positive motivation. However subsequently, self-efficacy influences affordances in various aspects of social cognitive abilities related to individual’s learning activities affecting how learners engage and apply technology to shape their learning outcomes. The study findings will inform policy makers and education government agencies, in their ongoing quest for bringing about inclusive digital transformation and overall improvement in learning outcomes

    Media Form School – A Plea for Expanded Action Orientations and Reflective Perspectives

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    Media-related rhetoric plays a remarkable role in the context of school (re)forms, whether the arguments are euphoric or skeptical about media. On the one hand, there are reminders of the need for sheltered spaces and developmental tasks for children and adolescents, for the detailed differentiation of literacy as an educational task, or for maximizing equal opportunities. In these cases, media are mostly seen as means of learning, education or development advancement. On the other hand, debates also deal with the development of adequate infrastructures for learning and teaching with more-or-less «new» media, media-based school development projects, or the implementation of e-learning strategies. Here it is striking that, on closer observation, innovative efforts frequently turn out to be structural-conservative administrative measures which fail to address the contemporary media-anthropological, media-epistemological and media-cultural challenges. The focus of the article is on school-based monopolies of education and information. It explores expanded perspectives of reflection and action-orientation in light of the theory of medial forms.Media-related rhetoric plays a remarkable role in the context of school (re)forms, whether the arguments are euphoric or skeptical about media. On the one hand, there are reminders of the need for sheltered spaces and developmental tasks for children and adolescents, for the detailed differentiation of literacy as an educational task, or for maximizing equal opportunities. In these cases, media are mostly seen as means of learning, education or development advancement. On the other hand, debates also deal with the development of adequate infrastructures for learning and teaching with more-or-less «new» media, media-based school development projects, or the implementation of e-learning strategies. Here it is striking that, on closer observation, innovative efforts frequently turn out to be structural-conservative administrative measures which fail to address the contemporary media-anthropological, media-epistemological and media-cultural challenges. The focus of the article is on school-based monopolies of education and information. It explores expanded perspectives of reflection and action-orientation in light of the theory of medial forms

    A Cultural Ecological Frame for Mobility and Learning

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    Mobile devices and services have achieved a level of critical mass and importance that requires us to take them seriously as new cultural resources. Mobile cultural resources emerge within what we call a ‹mobile complex›, which consists of the inter­play of structures, agency and cultural practices. These new cultural resources also can be considered to be valid learning resources which are ‹complex› because the components of the triangular structuration model, that governs them, interact with each other in intricate ways. They are in a state of perpetual flux, where boundary blurring takes place and where society and culture are experiencing the delimitation of mass communication

    Experiences with an Online Mobile Learning Platform. Intervention for marginalised young people

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    Marginalised young people who find themselves disadvantaged in a number of respects also tend to experience limited access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) – with the exception of mobile phones. The European Commission-funded ComeIn project seeks to take advantage of marginalised young people’s access to mobile phones by reaching out to them via an innovative pedagogical approach based on the media convergence of the mobile phone through an online platform with video streaming. The platform was developed specifically for the purposes of the project to create the possibility for new, positive learning experiences as well as for interaction with peers and youth workers. In a three-month study in Austria and the United Kingdom, 94 young people accessed the platform via their mobile phones. In this paper we discuss the appropriateness of media convergence as a means for learning in and across three dimensions: interaction, creative expression and self-organisation. Furthermore, we explore how to incorporate initiatives such as ComeIn in an institutionalised context

    10161 Abstracts Collection -- Decision Procedures in Software, Hardware and Bioware

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    From April 19th, 2010 to April 23rd, 2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10161 "Decision Procedures in Soft, Hard and Bio-ware" was held in Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as links to slides and links to papers behind the presentations and papers produced as a result of the seminar are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Influence of Academic Library Services on Media Literacy of Library and Information Science Undergraduates in Federal University Oye- Ekiti.

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    To examine the influence of academic library services on media literacy among library and information science undergraduates at federal university Oye-Ekiti, the study used a descriptive survey of the case study type. For data collection, a structured questionnaire was employed. Purposive and total sampling techniques were used to distribute the questionnaires to 156 respondents, who were LIS undergraduate students ranging in level from 100 to 400. The simple percentage method of analysis was used to analyse the data that had been obtained. The study\u27s findings showed that Federal University Oye-Ekiti LIS undergraduate students are aware of media literacy. The study also showed that Federal University Oye-Ekiti undergraduate LIS students had access to library and information sources through selective information distribution, inter-library loan services, internet services, and supply of information resources. Additionally, the study\u27s findings identified certain obstacles to the development of media literacy in LIS undergraduates, such as poor internet connectivity, a lack of rigorous media literacy assessments, a lack of awareness, and insufficient resources. The study comes to the conclusion that media literacy will benefit LIS undergraduates greatly and provide lifelong learning skills if it is applied properly. The study recommended that LIS undergraduate students need to be educated about and given a thorough understanding of the usage and effects of media literacy

    Gestaltung einer netzbasierten Lernumgebung für einen Fernstudiengang zu „Medien und Informationstechnologien in Erziehung, Unterricht und Bildung“

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    In diesem Beitrag stelle ich dar, wie wir in einem kooperativen Verbund eine netzbasierte Lernumgebung für einen Fernstudiengang zu „Medien und Informationstechnologien in Erziehung, Unterricht und Bildung“ gestalten. Das Projekt wird von zwei Arbeitsgruppen an der Universität Paderborn (Allgemeine Didaktik und Medienpädagogik, Didaktik der Informatik) und einer Arbeitsgruppe an der Fernuniversität Hagen (Theorie der Schule und des Unterrichts) getragen. Die Projektleitung teile ich mit Horst Dichanz, Bardo Herzig und Johannes Magenheim. Der Fernstudiengang basiert auf Entwicklungen zur Lehrerausbildung im Bereich neuer Medien, wie sie im Rahmen der Initiative „Bildungswege in der Informationsgesellschaft (BIG)“ erarbeitet wurden (vgl. u.a. Tulodziecki/Moll/Gallasch 2001). Die – 1995 begonnene – BIG-Initiative geht auf die Bertelsmann Stiftung und Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung zurück. Die jetzige Projektarbeit wird von der ,,e-nitiative.nrw.Netzwerk für Bildung“ gefördert
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