44 research outputs found

    Bio-protection in oenology by Metschnikowia pulcherrima: from field results to scientific inquiry

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    Finding alternatives to the use of chemical inputs to preserve the sanitary and organoleptic quality of food and beverages is essential to meet public health requirements and consumer preferences. In oenology, numerous manufacturers already offer a diverse range of bio-protection yeasts to protect must against microbiological alterations and therefore limit or eliminate sulphites during winemaking. Bio-protection involves selecting non-Saccharomyces yeasts belonging to different genera and species to induce negative interactions with indigenous microorganisms, thereby limiting their development and their impact on the matrix. Although the effectiveness of bio-protection in the winemaking industry has been reported in numerous journals, the underlying mechanisms are not yet well understood.The aim of this review is to examine the current state of the art of field trials and laboratory studies that demonstrate the effects of using yeasts for bio-protection, as well as the interaction mechanisms that may be responsible for these effects. It focuses on the yeast Metschnikowia pulcherrima, particularly recommended for the bio-protection of grape musts

    Les conditions juridiques de l'effectivité de la participation du public dans les examens de projets de pipelines interprovinciaux

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    Le prĂ©sent mĂ©moire porte sur l’analyse des conditions juridiques de l’effectivitĂ© de la participation du public dans les rĂ©gimes juridiques canadien et quĂ©bĂ©cois dans les examens de projets de pipelines interprovinciaux. Les mĂ©canismes et les processus de participation mis en Ɠuvre par le gouvernement fĂ©dĂ©ral, dans le cadre de l’examen des projets par l’Office national de l’énergie, ceux dĂ©veloppĂ©s par la Couronne dans le cadre de son obligation constitutionnelle de consultation des PremiĂšres Nations ainsi que ceux intervenant lors des audiences du Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement au QuĂ©bec seront Ă  l’étude. L’hypothĂšse de ce mĂ©moire est que malgrĂ© leur apparence participative, les mĂ©canismes mis en Ɠuvre Ă  cette fin par les diffĂ©rents ordres de gouvernement s'apparentent davantage Ă  une consultation qu'Ă  une vĂ©ritable participation. L'analyse des conditions juridiques de l'effectivitĂ© de la participation du public permettra de dĂ©celer les Ă©ventuelles lacunes des processus participatifs. Il sera alors possible de proposer de pistes de rĂ©flexion sur la façon de garantir une meilleure participation du public en droit fĂ©dĂ©ral et quĂ©bĂ©cois, tout en s’inscrivant dans le contexte de rĂ©forme que traverse actuellement le pays.This paper focuses on the analysis of the conditions of the effectiveness of public participation in the Canadian and Quebec legal regimes when examining interprovincial pipeline projects. Participation mechanisms and processes implemented by the federal government, as part of the National Energy Board's review of projects, those developed by the Crown as part of its constitutional obligation to consult First Nations and those participating in the hearings of the Bureau of Public Hearings on the Environment in Quebec will be under consideration. The assumption in this essay is that despite their appearance as participatory, the mechanisms implemented by the various levels of government for this purpose are more akin to consultation than to true participation. The analysis of the legal conditions for the effectiveness of public participation will make it possible to identify potential gaps in participatory processes. It will then be possible to propose ways of thinking about how to guarantee better public participation in federal and Quebec law, while taking into account the current reforms in the country

    Les dĂ©finitions juridiques de l’agriculteur au Canada et au QuĂ©bec : itinĂ©raire lĂ©gislatif d’une profession

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    La question de savoir qui est, ou non, agriculteur peut a priori sembler anodine, mais il n’en est rien du point de vue du droit. En effet, les dĂ©finitions juridiques de l’agriculteur façonnent le mĂ©tier de mĂȘme que les enjeux agricoles. L’article qui suit prĂ©sente une analyse historique des dĂ©finitions juridiques de l’agriculteur au Canada et au QuĂ©bec, et ce, de la fin du rĂ©gime seigneurial jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il se fonde sur les lois canadiennes et quĂ©bĂ©coises qui comprennent une dĂ©finition juridique de l’agriculteur (versions historiques et actuelles), sur le matĂ©riel lĂ©gislatif disponible (rĂšglements, dĂ©crets, etc.) et sur les dĂ©bats de l’AssemblĂ©e nationale du QuĂ©bec qui Ă©clairent l’intention du lĂ©gislateur derriĂšre les dĂ©finitions adoptĂ©es dans les textes juridiques. Il en ressort une analyse des dĂ©finitions juridiques de l’agriculteur qui ont durablement marquĂ© la profession au QuĂ©bec au cours de trois pĂ©riodes charniĂšres de l’agriculture quĂ©bĂ©coise, soit celles de la colonisation agricole, de la professionnalisation de l’agriculture et de la spĂ©cialisation agricole. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que les dĂ©finitions juridiques de l’agriculteur sont tributaires de la double compĂ©tence juridique des lĂ©gislateurs, Ă  la fois canadienne et quĂ©bĂ©coise, et qu’elles se sont essentiellement dĂ©veloppĂ©es au regard des enjeux Ă©conomiques de la filiĂšre agricole. Les mettre en perspective avec les trois dimensions du dĂ©veloppement durable semble plus que jamais nĂ©cessaire pour assurer la transition des systĂšmes alimentaires quĂ©bĂ©cois et canadiens vers plus d’équitĂ© et de durabilitĂ©.While the question of who is defined as a farmer in our society may seem trivial, it is not so from a law perspective. Legal definitions of the term farmer shape that profession and agricultural matters. This article presents a historical analysis of the different legal definitions of the term farmer in Canada and Quebec from the end of the seigneurial system to modern times. It is based on historical and current laws containing a legal definition of the term farmer, on legislative material (regulations, decrees, etc.) and on legislative debates of the National Assembly of Quebec that help to grasp the underlying intention of the legislator behind the definitions adopted in jure. The result is an analysis of the legal definitions of the term farmer that have had a lasting impact on the farming profession during three pivotal periods of Quebec agriculture, namely, agricultural colonization, professionalization of agriculture, and agricultural specialization. The research reveals that legal definitions of the term farmer draw on Canada’s dual legal system, and that they have been essentially developed with regard to the economic stakes in the agricultural sector. Such definitions should be compared and contrasted with the three aspects of sustainable development to ensure that the Quebec and Canadian food systems move towards greater equity and sustainability.La cuestiĂłn de saber quiĂ©n es, o no, un agricultor puede parecer trivial en un principio, pero no lo es desde el punto de vista jurĂ­dico. En efecto, las definiciones jurĂ­dicas del agricultor dan forma a la profesiĂłn misma, asĂ­ como a las cuestiones agrĂ­colas. El siguiente artĂ­culo presenta un anĂĄlisis histĂłrico de las definiciones jurĂ­dicas del agricultor en CanadĂĄ y Quebec, desde el final del rĂ©gimen señorial hasta hoy. Este se basa en las leyes canadienses y quebequenses que incluyen la definiciĂłn jurĂ­dica del agricultor (versiones histĂłricas y actuales), en el material legislativo disponible (reglamentos, decretos, etc.) y en los debates de la Asamblea Nacional de Quebec que arrojan luz sobre la intenciĂłn del legislador detrĂĄs de las definiciones adoptadas en los textos legales. El resultado es un anĂĄlisis de las definiciones jurĂ­dicas del agricultor que han tenido un impacto duradero en la profesiĂłn en Quebec durante tres perĂ­odos fundamentales de la agricultura quebequense, a saber, los de la colonizaciĂłn agrĂ­cola, la profesionalizaciĂłn de la agricultura y la especializaciĂłn agrĂ­cola. Los resultados revelan que las definiciones jurĂ­dicas del agricultor dependen de la doble competencia jurĂ­dica de los legisladores, a la vez canadiense y quebequense, y que se han desarrollado esencialmente teniendo en cuenta los desafĂ­os econĂłmicos del sector agrĂ­cola. Ponerlos en perspectiva con las tres dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible parece mĂĄs necesario que nunca para garantizar la transiciĂłn de los sistemas alimentarios de Quebec y CanadĂĄ hacia una mayor equidad y sostenibilidad

    Effect of ageing on lees and distillation process on fermented sugarcane molasses for the production of rum

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    The study aimed at evaluating the influence of fermented sugarcane molasses ageing on lees and the distillation process used for the production of rums. Molasses were freshly fermented or 3-months lees aged. Batch (PS: Pot Still) or continuous (CS: Coffey Still) distillation was carried out resulting in four different rum distillates. Gas chromatography and 3D-fluorescence enabled to differentiate rum distillates chemical composition according to the distillation process, regardless of the ageing on lees of fermented molasses. Differences in fluorescent PARAFAC components and volatile acids, acetals and carbonyls contents revealed the predominance of the physicochemical processes driven at the liquid-vapor interface of fermented molasses, generated by the distillation systems. Notwithstanding the distilling conditions, the long chain fatty ester content was significantly higher in the 3-months lees aged condition. Multivariate analysis highlighted that CS rum distillates were chemically more homogeneous than those obtained by PS that preserved the lees effect

    Bioprotection on Chardonnay grape ::limits and impacts of settling parameters

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    Background and Aims. If bioprotection has already been proven to limit the development of spoilage flora on musts, its effectiveness against oxidation depends on the winemaking process. To optimize its application, this study analyzed the evolution of the chemical composition of the bioprotected musts and wines, according to different settling routes. Their impacts on the organoleptic characteristics of wines were also studied. Methods and Results. A bioprotected must was subjected to 6 different maceration routes before AF (triplicates), varying the duration and temperature parameters. A temperature value ≀12°C was the main factor independently of the duration which allowed a good implantation of the bioprotectant. An increase of the maceration duration at 12°C led to browning of the must, without significant effect on the final color of the wine, which was felt as more “floral,” with more length in the mouth. Conclusions. The bioprotectant implantation and its effectiveness on the sensory profile of the wine was guaranteed at maceration temperature values lower than 12°C. Significance of the Study. This study participates in the improvement of the bioprotection management in white winemaking, with the guarantee of a positive impact of the prefermentation maceration without sulphites on the organoleptic profile of the wines

    Soudan : identités en tension

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    In Sudan, the various modalities of participation in Islam and Arab identity affect relations between populations and segments of society according to variable gradients between recognition and denial. From the micro-local to the international scale, the positions between Arabity and Islam intersect the debates on national identity, according to changing and multiple configurations. Regional borders and other institutional arrangements inherited from colonial constructions have given rise to numerous conflicts and reshuffles while forming a referential base. The independence of Southern Sudan in 2011, ending decades of war and ethnic polarization, was a testimony to the failure of national construction. This stage did not end the reconfigurations of identities and power relations in the country, as evidenced by the inclusive slogans dealing with identity issues carried by the revolutionary movement that led in April 2019 to the fall of the Islamic regime in place since 1989. Focused on an interdisciplinary approach, attentive to long-term phenomena and the empirical anchoring of situated fieldworks, this issue is devoted to identity reconfigurations in Sudan. The historical arrangements and the declinations around three notions of ethnicity, religion and nationalism are questioned beyond the specificity of the Sudanese case. Au Soudan, les diverses modalitĂ©s de participation Ă  l’islam et Ă  l’identitĂ© arabe agissent sur les relations entre les populations et les segments de la sociĂ©tĂ© selon des gradients variables entre reconnaissance et dĂ©nĂ©gation. De l’échelle micro-locale Ă  l’échelle internationale, les positionnements entre arabitĂ© et islamitĂ© entrecroisent les dĂ©bats sur l’identitĂ© nationale, selon des configurations mouvantes et plurivoques. Les frontiĂšres rĂ©gionales et d’autres dispositifs institutionnels hĂ©ritĂ©s des constructions coloniales ont suscitĂ© de nombreux conflits et remaniements tout en formant un socle rĂ©fĂ©rentiel. L’indĂ©pendance du Soudan du Sud en 2011 mettant fin Ă  des dĂ©cennies de guerre et de polarisation ethnique tĂ©moignait cependant de l’échec de la construction nationale. Cette Ă©tape n’a par ailleurs pas clos les reconfigurations des identitĂ©s et des relations de pouvoir comme en attestent les slogans inclusifs portĂ©s par le mouvement rĂ©volutionnaire qui a menĂ© en avril 2019 Ă  la chute du rĂ©gime islamique en place depuis 1989. CentrĂ© sur une dĂ©marche interdisciplinaire, attentive aux phĂ©nomĂšnes de la longue durĂ©e et Ă  l’ancrage empirique d’enquĂȘtes situĂ©es, ce numĂ©ro est consacrĂ© aux reconfigurations identitaires au Soudan. Les agencements historiques et les dĂ©clinaisons autour de trois notions d’ethnicitĂ©, de religion et de nationalisme, y sont interrogĂ©s au-delĂ  du cas soudanais