172 research outputs found

    Heat stress of cattle from embryonic phase until culling

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    Heat stress becomes a serious problem in the livestock sector as it affects cows' performance negatively. The objective of this paper review is to investigate the effects of heat stress during the different phases of the life cycle of cows; embryos, calves, heifers, and cows. Heat stress during early maternal gestation affects the ability of embryos to develop increasing the risk of abortion and early embryonic death. Heat stress during late maternal gestation affects the performance of calves and heifers later in their life, as it reduces growth performance, conducts physiological changes, impaired immunity, changes the behavior, and reduces the length and intensity of the estrus in heifers with decreasing in milk production in the first lactation. On the level of cows, milk quality and production, meat quality, and the final body weight decrease under hot temperatures. Heat stress decreases the conception rate, alters follicle growth, and estrous symptoms. Hormones secretion and physiological changes because of the heat stress conduct to impair the immunity system, and in oxidative stress and death in some cases. Same as for calves and heifers a change in the behavior of cows was detected in order to decrease their temperature

    Potential Antioxidant Activity of Terpenes

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    Terpenes play a key part in the metabolic processes of a wide variety of animals, plants and microorganisms in which they are produced. In nature, terpenoids serve a variety of purposes including defense, signaling and as key agents in metabolic processes. Terpenes have been used in perfumery, cosmetics and medicine for thousands of years and are still extracted from natural sources for these uses. Terpenes antioxidant activities may sometimes explain their capacity to adjust inflammation, immunological effects and neural signal transmission. They offer pertinent protection under oxidative stress situations including renal, liver, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative and diabetes as well as in ageing mechanisms

    Terpene Compounds of New Tunisian Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: Effect of Ripening Stage

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    The volatile profiles of Tunisian virgin olive oils were established by solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) and gas chromatography (GC), using flame ionisation and mass spectrometer detectors. Terpenes compounds were identified and characterized. Limonene, the main terpene compound extracted by SPME, characterized the studied olive oil. Significant differences in the proportions of terpenes constituents from oils of different maturity index were detected. The results demonstrated that the accumulation of the terpenes compounds in the studied oils obtained from different ripeness stage was strictly connected with the ripeness stage

    Composición, calidad y estabilidad oxidativa de aceite de oliva virgen procedente de algunas variedades salvajes seleccionadas de aceitunas (Olea europaea L. subsp. oleaster)

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    A study on the characterization of virgin olive oils from wild olives (Olea europaea L. subsp. oleaster) was conducted in order to define new cultivars which are welladapted to the Tunisian environment and yield high quality oils. The study was done during the crop years 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06. The main analytical parameters of the oils were evaluated: fatty acid compositions, chlorophylls, carotenoids, tocopherols and phenolic compounds as well as their relationship with oxidative stability. The fatty acid composition of all the wild olive trees tested produced virgin olive oil which complies with commercial standards, as well as for their appreciable amounts of tocopherols and phenolic compounds. Tocopherol analysis by HPLC revealed the presence of α, β, γ and δ tocopherols in all the studied olive oils. Total tocopherol content was significantly influenced by the varietal factor. It ranged from 310 (SB12) to 780 mg/kg (H3). As for total tocopherols, the amount of each tocopherol varied according to genotype. α tocopherol is the most prominent, whereas β, γ and δ tocopherols are less represented. Results showed a clear influence of total phenols and o-diphenols on virgin olive oil stability (R = 0.905, 0.963 PEn este trabajo se han caracterizado los aceites obtenidos a partir de siete acebuches previamente seleccionados entre varias poblaciones de Olea europea L. Subsp. oleaster. El estudio se llevó a cabo durante las campañas de producción 2003/04, 2004/05 y 2005/06.Varios parámetros analíticos fueron evaluados: composiciones en ácidos grasos, pigmentos, tocoferoles, fenoles; así mismo, se investigó la relación de estos parámetros con la estabilidad de los aceites. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que todas las muestras de frutos de acebuche produjeron aceites cuya composición de ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y compuestos fenólicos cumplió las normas comerciales para aceite de oliva virgen del Comité Oleícola Internacional. El análisis de los tocoferoles con el HPLC reveló la presencia de las formas α, β, γ y δ en todos los aceites de oliva estudiados. El contenido total de tocoferoles estuvo claramente influido por la variedad, oscilando entre 310 mg/kg en SB12 hasta 780 mg/kg en H3. La forma α de los tocoferoles fue la más importante mientras que de las formas β, γ y δ se hallaron menores contenidos. Los resultados indicaron una clara influencia de los fenoles y de los o-difenoles en la estabilidad de los aceites vírgenes de oliva (R = 0.905, 0.963 con P < 10-3, respectivamente), y una contribución mucho más baja de los tocoferoles (R = 0.568) y de los ácidos grasos (R = 0,563)

    Genotype-specific Patterns of Physiological, Photosynthetic, and Biochemical Responses in Faba Bean Contrasting Pair to Salinity

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    To understand the salinity tolerance mechanism in faba bean contrasting pair to salinity (cv. Chourouk as sensitive and cv. Najeh as tolerant), we evaluated the effect of high salt concentration (150 mM NaCl) on the photosynthetic, physiological, and biochemical parameters at short and long term of treatment (1 and 6 days, respectively) in the seedling stage. In general, the salinity affects the growth of plants. High salinity decreased all studied parameters, especially transpiration rate (E), stomatol conductance (gs), net CO2 assimilation (A), and substomatal CO2 concentration (Ci), and dramatic changes was registered in cv. Chourouk compared to cv. Najeh. Chlorophyll contents were also affected by salinity, especially in the sensitive variety. In addition, the synthesis of osmolytes (proline) was determinate, to understand whether the osmotic adjustment is a mechanism used by cv. Najeh to tolerate salt stress. Our research suggests that cv. Najeh should be introduced in a crossbreeding program as an elite salt-tolerant germplasm

    The small phytomolecule resveratrol: A promising role in boosting tumor cell chemosensitivity

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    Resveratrol (RES), chemically known as trans-3,5,4′-trihydroxystilbene, is a polyphenolic molecule that occurs naturally and is produced by a variety of plants in response to being stimulated by diverse stimuli. It possesses a wide range of biological activities and provides a multitude of health benefits, including anti-tumor, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant characteristics. According to the findings of research on the bioavailability of RES, oral administration results in a high level of absorption. However, research has demonstrated that the administration of RES through gavage or intravenous administration produces more favorable results than the administration of RES through oral administration. As a result, more research has been carried out to address the rapid metabolism of RES. This has been accomplished through the utilization of novel formulation methodologies, metabolic regulation, and the analysis of potential interactions with other dietary variables. Through the process of triggering apoptosis, RES has been proposed as a possible agent for reversing drug resistance and improving the therapeutic potential of chemotherapy. Additionally, RES exhibits promising antiproliferative properties when paired with chemotherapeutic medicines, which enhances the overall function of these treatments. It is vital to do additional research to shed light on the beneficial role that RES plays in the context of cancer therapy, even though there have been few clinical trials that combine RES with anticancer medications