431 research outputs found

    Comparisons of spatial reasoning abilities of string and non-string professional musicians

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    This study provides evidence to support the transferable benefits of musical training to enhance performance on cognitive tasks involving spatial reasoning abilities. Spatial reasoning is an important skill that is essential for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) achievement. Previous research indicates that students involved with musical instrument training score higher on measures of spatial temporal abilities than students with no musical training. We hypothesized that the greatest development of spatial visualization will be found in string instrument musicians when compared to non-string musicians, because of the visualization required due to the design of these instruments. Two studies compared scores on measures of spatial reasoning between string and non-string instrumentalists. Participants were administered the Visualization and Picture Recognition sub-tests of the 2014 revised Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities IV by psychology master’s students who were blind to the experiment’s hypothesis. In addition, participants a self-report survey of musical aptitude that included measures of proficiency for each instrument that they played. The results from these studies do not suggest that string players have stronger spatial reasoning skills when compared to other instrumentalists. However, the results do replicate previous research by demonstrating that individuals that play an instrument perform better on spatial reasoning tasks when compared to non-musicians

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Bpjs Kesehatan terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Perspektif Dokter Rumah Sakit Hermina Bogor

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    The study aimed to analyze the perceptions of the doctors of Hermina Hospital Bogor on BPJS health service quality and satisfaction level of the national health insurance program and to analyze the effects of service quality on the doctors\u27 satisfaction. Questionnaires were utilized to obtain the primary data, while literature reviews were conducted to obtain the secondary data. The data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research, in reference to the descriptive analysis of the perceptions of the doctors in Hermina Hospital Bogor on satisfaction and quality service of the National Health Insurance program, indicated that the program is considered unsuitable in its implementation. The results of multiple regression showed that the variables of BPJS service quality have influences on the satisfaction of the doctors of Hermina Hospital Bogor. Keywords: health service quality, satisfaction, hospita

    Upgrading Reliability of Water Distribution Networks Recognizing Valve Locations

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    AbstractAn iterative procedure for upgrading water distribution network reliability is proposed by recognizing valve locations. In each iteration, three types of alternatives: (1) an addition of a valve(s) to pipe(s) without a valve; (2) an addition of a parallel pipe to an existing pipe; and (3) an increase in size of newly added pipes, are compared and the best is implemented. The iterative method is continued until no further improvement in reliability is possible, or a desired level of reliability is reached. This method is illustrated through an example taken from literature

    Segment-based Reliability/Supply Short Fall Analysis of Water Distribution Networks

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    AbstractPipe failure is a major parameter affecting the reliability of a water distribution network (WDN). A WDN consists of isolation valves which are closed to isolate a failed pipe for repairs. Depending up on the location of valves, a group of pipes termed as a segment gets isolated. Herein, reliability is estimated based on supply shortfall considering isolation of an appropriate segment on failure of a pipe. Supply shortfall is obtained using node flow analysis. An existing water main system is chosen as an example to compare the reliability values obtained by considering the actual location of valves and valves in each pipes on either end

    Rancang Bangun Network Attached Storage (Nas) pada Raspberry Pi untuk Penyimpanan Data Terpusat Berbasis Wlan

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi sekarang ini berkembang sangat pesat. Terutama pada penggunaan komputer dan gadget untuk mengakses dan berbagi data merupakan hal yang dijumpai pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Jumlah pengguna dan data-data yang terus meningkat berdampak pada kebutuhan penyimpanan data. Untuk itu dibangun NAS (Network Attached Storage) server untuk melayani kebutuhan berkas data yang dapat diakses melalui jaringan area lokal dengan protokol TCP/IP. Penggunaan Raspberry Pi dalam penelitian ini sebagai NAS server. Karena Raspberry Pi tidak membutuhkan lisensi dan resource hardware yang tinggi. Tahapan dalam pembangunan NAS server ini dimulai dari tahap perencanaan perangkat – perangkat yang digunakan, tahap perancangan topologi jaringan infrastruktur WLAN dari NAS server, tahap instalasi dan konfigurasi software yang dibutuhkan untuk NAS server, dan tahap uji coba. Berdasarkan uji coba yang dilakukan pada empat perangkat yang berbeda memberikan hasil yang sama pada transfer rate sebuah berkas dan pada android dibutuhkan aplikasi ES File Explorer untuk dapat mengakses NAS server dikarenakan tidak ada aplikasi default untuk mengakses direktori network sharin

    Structure of 8B from elastic and inelastic 7Be+p scattering

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    Motivation: Detailed experimental knowledge of the level structure of light weakly bound nuclei is necessary to guide the development of new theoretical approaches that combine nuclear structure with reaction dynamics. Purpose: The resonant structure of 8B is studied in this work. Method: Excitation functions for elastic and inelastic 7Be+p scattering were measured using a 7Be rare isotope beam. Excitation energies ranging between 1.6 and 3.4 MeV were investigated. An R-matrix analysis of the excitation functions was performed. Results: New low-lying resonances at 1.9, 2.5, and 3.3 MeV in 8B are reported with spin-parity assignment 0+, 2+, and 1+, respectively. Comparison to the Time Dependent Continuum Shell (TDCSM) model and ab initio no-core shell model/resonating-group method (NCSM/RGM) calculations is performed. This work is a more detailed analysis of the data first published as a Rapid Communication. [J.P. Mitchell, et al, Phys. Rev. C 82, 011601(R) (2010)] Conclusions: Identification of the 0+, 2+, 1+ states that were predicted by some models at relatively low energy but never observed experimentally is an important step toward understanding the structure of 8B. Their identification was aided by having both elastic and inelastic scattering data. Direct comparison of the cross sections and phase shifts predicted by the TDCSM and ab initio No Core Shell Model coupled with the resonating group method is of particular interest and provides a good test for these theoretical approaches.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, 3 tables, submitted to PR
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