74 research outputs found

    Accelerated rogue waves generated by soliton fusion at the advanced stage of supercontinuum formation in photonic crystal fibers

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    Soliton fusion is a fascinating and delicate phenomenon that manifests itself in optical fibers in case of interaction between co-propagating solitons with small temporal and wavelengths separation. We show that the mechanism of acceleration of trailing soliton by dispersive waves radiated from the preceding one provides necessary conditions for soliton fusion at the advanced stage of supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers. As a result of fusion large intensity robust light structures arise and propagate over significant distances. In presence of small random noise the delicate condition for the effective fusion between solitons can easily be broken, making the fusion induced giant waves a rare statistical event. Thus oblong-shaped giant accelerated waves become excellent candidates for optical rogue waves.Comment: Optics Letters Journal. In pres

    The fundamental solution of unidirectional pulse propagation equation

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    In the article the fundamental solution of a variant of wave equation known as ``unidirectional pulse propagation equation'' (UPPE) and its paraxial approximation is obtained. It is shown that the fundamental solution can be presented as a projection of a fundamental solution of the wave equation to some functional subspace. We discuss the degree of equivalence of UPPE and wave equation in this respect. In particular, we show that UPPE, in contrast to the widespread belief, describes the wave propagation in both directions simultaneously, and remark non-causal character of its solutions

    Scar-like structures and their localization in a perfectly square optical billiard

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    We show that scar-like structures (SLS) in a wide aperture vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) can be formed even in a perfectly square geometry due to interaction of polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light. We show also that dissipation in the system induces an order among the cavity modes, so that SLS become preferred at lasing threshold. More generally, modes which are more localized both in coordinate and momentum space have in average lower losses

    Non-Poissonian statistics in an optical analog of quantum billiard with perfectly square boundaries

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    We study deviation from the Poissonian statistics of the frequency spacing distribution, appearing due to coupling of polarizational and transverse degrees of freedom in a perfectly square vertical cavity surface emitting laser. The deviation can be controlled by strength of the intracavity anisotropy and its alignment to the device boundaries

    Scar-like structures and their localization in a perfectly square optical billiard

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    We show that scar-like structures (SLS) in a wide aperture vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) can be formed even in a perfectly square geometry due to interaction of polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light. We show also that dissipation in the system induces an order among the cavity modes, so that SLS become preferred at lasing threshold. More generally, modes which are more localized both in coordinate and momentum space have in average lower losses

    Quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in noble gases employing ultrasound

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    We study a novel method of quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in a gas cell using the periodic modulation of the gas pressure and thus of the third order nonlinear coefficient in the axial direction created by an ultrasound wave. Using a comprehensive numerical model we describe the quasi-phase matched third harmonic generation of UV (at 266 nm) and VUV pulses (at 133 nm) by using pump pulses at 800 nm and 400 nm, respectively, with pulse energy in the range from 3 mJ to 1 J. In addition, using chirped pump pulses, the generation of sub-20-fs VUV pulses without the necessity for an external chirp compensation is predicted

    Stability of quantum linear logic circuits against perturbations

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    Here we study transformation of waveshapes of photons under the action of the linear logic circuits and other related architectures involving only linear optical networks and measurements. We show that the gates are working well not only in the case when all photons are separable and located in the same mode, but in some more general cases. For instance, the photonic waveshapes are allowed to be slightly different in different channels; in this case, Zeno effect prevents the photons from decoherence after the measurement, and the gate thus remains neutral to the small waveshape perturbations. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the U

    Generation of terahertz radiation from ionizing two-color laser pulses in Ar filled metallic hollow waveguides

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    The generation of THz radiation from ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses propagating in metallic hollow waveguides filled with Ar is numerically studied. We observe a strong reshaping of the low-frequency part of the spectrum. Namely, after several millimeters of propagation the spectrum is extended from hundreds of GHz up to 150\sim 150~THz. For longer propagation distances, nearly single-cycle near-infrared pulses with wavelengths around 4.5~μ\mum are obtained by appropriate spectral filtering, with an efficiency of up to 0.25~\%

    Rotational symmetry breaking in small-area circular vertical cavity surface emitting lasers

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    We investigate theoretically the dynamics of three low-order transverse modes in a small-area vertical cavity surface emitting laser. We demonstrate the breaking of axial symmetry of the transverse field distribution in such a device. In particular, we show that if the linewidth enhancement factor is sufficiently large dynamical regimes with broken axial symmetry can exist up to very high diffusion coefficients  10 um^2/ns