525 research outputs found

    Characterisation of cell-wall-derived polypeptide antigens from different species of mycobacterium

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    Cell walls from different species of mycobacterium were purified on a sucrose step gradient. The components derived from these preparations were characterised by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by staining or by western blotting. Surface-exposed polypeptide molecules were also identified by biotinylation. Many protein and glycoprotein molecules were identified in the cell walls. Some of these molecules were immunogenic in man and experimental animals and showed wide variability from species to species. The data suggest that these molecules could be of significance in the diagnosis and pathophysiology of mycobacterial diseases


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    Objective: To develop and validate a novel gradient reverse phase HPLC method for quantitative estimation of Naproxen and Esomeprazole impurities in pharmaceutical dosage form.Methods: Chromatographic separation was achieved on X-Bridge C18,150x4.6 mm, 3.5 µm column. Detection wavelength was set at 302 nm. The mobile phase A consists of Buffer and Acetonitrile in the ratio of 90:10, where Buffer was prepared by dissolving di ammonium hydrogen phosphate (2.64 gm per Liter) and 1-hexane sulphonic acid sodium salt (1.0 gm per Liter), pH adjusted to 6.5±0.05 with orthophosphoric acid. A mixture of acetonitrile and 1-propanol in the ratio of 90:10 was used as mobile phase B. Flow rate was set to 0.7 mL/minute in gradient elution mode, with a retention time for Naproxen and Esomeprazole 29 and 46 minute respectively.Results: The calibration curve was linear over the concentration range of 4.621 µg/mL – 99.026 µg/mL for Naproxen and 0.254 µg/mL–3.806 µg/mL for Esomeprazole (r= 0.999). The proposed method was found to be (considered)accurate and precise and linear within the desired range. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) was calculated. The purity angle was found less than purity threshold for forced degradation peaks, which shows there was no interference from the common excipient, known impurities and degradents indicating separation, accuracy and reliability of the method. The method was validated as per ICH guidelines and found to be specific, accurate, linear, precise and stability indicating.Conclusion: A Novel, simple, selective and rapid reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed and validated for the estimation of Naproxen and Esomeprazole impurities in pharmaceutical dosage form. Hence, the method can be used for routine analysis in various pharmaceutical industries.Â


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    Rasendra Sara Sangraha is the oldest and most exhaustive treatise of Rasa Shastra, an important branch of Ayurveda, which revolutionised Ayurveda Pharmacopeia in the medieval period. It is one of classical works of 14th century period written by Sri Gopala Krishna Bhatt consists of 5 chapters with 2531 verses. Rasendra Sara Sangraha comprising the compilation of various times tested and therapeutically proved Rasayoga formulations. Lauha (iron) is a very essential element of the body system for treating many disease conditions as well as for physiological existence. Iron used as medicine from the Vedic period. Lauha preparations are extensively used from Acharya Charakas period in the form of Ayasruti and Navayasa loha. Rasendra Sara Sangraha has mentioned a total of 222 herbo mineral formulations having Lauha (iron). The present study deals with the chapter wise review of formulations of Rasendra Sara Sangraha containing Lauha as an ingredient mentioned in various disease conditions like Jwara, Arsas, krimi, Pandu, Soola, Pradara, Sodha and Gulma etc. These Lauha containing Herbo mineral Formulations has been elaborately compiled in 222 formulations

    Probable Donor-Derived Human Adenovirus Type 34 Infection in 2 Kidney Transplant Recipients From the Same Donor.

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    Human adenovirus type 34 (HAdV-34) infection is a recognized cause of transplant-associated hemorrhagic cystitis and, in rare cases, tubulointerstitial nephritis. The source of such infections is often difficult to assess, that is, whether acquired as a primary infection, exposure to a pathogen in the transplanted organ, or reactivation of an endogenous latent infection. We present here 2 cases of likely transplant-acquired HAdV-34 infection from the same organ donor, manifesting as tubulointerstitial nephritis in 1

    Difficult Denture Birds: An Easy Psychological Assessment

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    Individuals who present uncommon and abnormal denture problems require unusual and resourceful treatment. Because of the extreme complexity of their systemic illness, physical,psychogenic abnormalities, anatomic abnormalities and neurological disorders, these are the difficult denture birds. This article mainly describes about difficult denture birds and theirmanagement.&nbsp

    Effect of drought on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of groundnut genotypes

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    Drought is one of the major threats to groundnut productivity, causing a greater loss than any other abiotic factor. Water stress conditions alter plant photosynthetic activity, impacting future growth and assimilating mobilization towards sink tissues. The purpose of this study was to investigate how drought impacts the photosynthesis of plants and its links to drought tolerance. The influence of reproductive stage drought on photosynthetic activity and chlorophyll fluorescence of groundnut is well studied. The experiment was conducted in Kharif 2019 (Jul-Sep), where recent series in groundnut genotypes (60 nos) sown under rainfed conditions and water stress was created by withholding irrigation for 20 days between 35-55 days after sowing in the field to simulate drought conditions. Imposition of water deficit stress reduced PS II efficiency, which significantly altered the photosynthetic rate in the leaf. Observation of gas exchange parameters viz., photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate after 20 days of stress imposition revealed that of all 60 genotypes, 20 genotypes (VG 17008, VG 17046VG 18005, VG 18102, VG 18077, VG 19572, VG 19709, VG 18111, VG19561, VG19576, VG 19620, VG 19681, VG 19688, etc.,) had better Photosynthetic rate, Stomatal conductance. Similarly, PS II efficiency analyzed through fluorescence meter revealed that among the 60 and all the genotypes given above recorded higher value in Fv/Fm. Results obtained from Cluster analysis and PCA confirmed that photosynthetic rate and Fv/Fm is useful parameter in screening adapted cultivars under drought stress. These findings lay the groundwork for a future study to decipher the molecular pathways underpinning groundnut drought resistance

    Evaluating rice germplasm for iron and zinc concentration in brown rice and seed dimensions

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    The lack of micronutrients such as Fe and Zn in staple food crops is a widespread nutrition and health problem in developing countries. Biofortification is one of the sustainable approaches, for improving the Fe and Zn content and their bioavailability in rice grain. Screening germplasm for Fe and Zn content is the initial step of biofortification. We analyzed brown rice of 126 accessions of rice genotypes for Fe and Zn concentration. Iron concentration ranged from 6.2 ppm to 71.6 ppm and zinc from 26.2 ppm to 67.3 ppm. Zn concentration and grain elongation (-0.25) was significantly correlated. The wild accessions had the highest Fe and Zn. Thus, wild species are a good source for biofortification of popular rice cultivars using conventional, acceptable, non transgenic methods. Â

    The combined effects of electrojet strength and the geomagnetic activity (<I>K<sub>p</sub></I>-index) on the post sunset height rise of the F-layer and its role in the generation of ESF during high and low solar activity periods

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    International audienceSeveral investigations have been carried out to identify the factors that are responsible for the day-to-day variability in the occurrence of equatorial spread-F (ESF). But the precise forecasting of ESF on a day-to-day basis is still far from reality. The nonlinear development and the sustenance of ESF/plasma bubbles is decided by the background ionospheric conditions, such as the base height of the F-layer (h'F), the electron density gradient (dN/dz), maximum ionization density (Nmax), geomagnetic activity and the neutral dynamics. There is increasing evidence in the literature during the recent past that shows a well developed Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) during the afternoon hours contributes significantly to the initiation of ESF during the post-sunset hours. Also, there exists a good correlation between the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) and the Integrated Equatorial ElectroJet (IEEJ) strength, as the driving force for both is the same, namely, the zonal electric field at the equator. In this paper, we present a linear relationship that exists between the daytime integrated equatorial electrojet (IEEJ) strength and the maximum elevated height of the F-layer during post-sunset hours (denoted as peak h'F). An inverse relationship that exists between the 6-h average Kp-index prior to the local sunset and the peak h'F of the F-layer is also presented. A systematic study on the combined effects of the IEEJ and the average Kp-index on the post-sunset, peak height of the F-layer (peak h'F), which controls the development of ESF/plasma bubbles, is carried out using the ionosonde data from an equatorial station, Trivandrum (8.47° N, 76.91° E, dip.lat. 0.5° N), an off-equatorial station, SHAR (13.6° N, 79.8° E, dip.lat. 10.8° N) and VHF scintillations (244 MHz) observed over a nearby low-latitude station, Waltair (17.7° N, 83.3° E, dip.lat. 20° N). From this study, it has been found that the threshold base height of the F-layer at the equator for the development of plasma bubbles is reduced from 405 km to 317 km as the solar activity decreases from March 2001 (mean Rz=113.5) to March 2005 (mean Rz=24.5). This decrease in threshold height with the decreasing solar activity is explained on the basis of changes in the local linear growth rate of the collisional Rayleigh-Taylor instability, due to the variability of various terms such as inverse density gradient scale length (L?1), ion-neutral collision frequency (?in) and recombination rate (R) with the changes in the solar activity

    Blockchain-Enabled On-Path Caching for Efficient and Reliable Content Delivery in Information-Centric Networks

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    As the demand for online content continues to grow, traditional Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) are facing significant challenges in terms of scalability and performance. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a promising new approach to content delivery that aims to address these issues by placing content at the center of the network architecture. One of the key features of ICNs is on-path caching, which allows content to be cached at intermediate routers along the path from the source to the destination. On-path caching in ICNs still faces some challenges, such as the scalability of the cache and the management of cache consistency. To address these challenges, this paper proposes several alternative caching schemes that can be integrated into ICNs using blockchain technology. These schemes include Bloom filters, content-based routing, and hybrid caching, which combine the advantages of off-path and on-path cachings. The proposed blockchain-enabled on-path caching mechanism ensures the integrity and authenticity of cached content, and smart contracts automate the caching process and incentivize caching nodes. To evaluate the performance of these caching alternatives, the authors conduct experiments using real-world datasets. The results show that on-path caching can significantly reduce network congestion and improve content delivery efficiency. The Bloom filter caching scheme achieved a cache hit rate of over 90% while reducing the cache size by up to 80% compared to traditional caching. The content-based routing scheme also achieved high cache hit rates while maintaining low latency