216 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the development and evaluation of a new approach toward the optimization of 3D local orientation map calculation in the Matlab framework. This new approach can be detailed as: optimize eigenvector calculation for PCA analysis of X-ray micro tomography images of lamellar Titanium alloys image. We use two different methods to find the eigenvector of the largest eigenvalue and compare them with the Matlab built-in function (eigs). The results show a steep decrease of the calculation time using the authors' method compared to the Matlab built-in function.W artykule przedstawiono rozwój i ocenę nowego podejścia dotyczącego optymalizacji obliczeń 3D lokalnych orientacji map w środowiska Matlab. Zastosowano dwie różne metody wyznaczania wektora własnego największej wartości własnej. Wyniki są porównywane z wynikami otrzymanymi przy pomocy wbudowanych w pakiecie Matlab funkcji wyznaczające wektory i wartości własne. Wyniki porównania pokazują redukcję czasu obliczeń przy użyciu autorskiej metody w stosunku do funkcji wbudowanej w Matlab

    Zastosowanie algorytmów zamykania i wypełniania tuneli w komputerowej analizie materiałów na bazie tomograficznych obrazów 3D

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    Artykuł prezentuje szybkie, oryginalne algorytmy zamykania i wypełniania tuneli dla obiektów wolumetrycznych 3D oraz ich przykładowe zastosowania w badaniach materiałów z wykorzystaniem tomografii rentgenowskiej. Pierwsze zastosowanie dotyczy aproksymacji objętości wiązadeł mostowych w popękanej stali nierdzewnej. Następnie zaprezentowano badania nad strukturą poliuretanowych pian auksetycznych. Trzeci przykład dotyczy badań nad zgrzewaniem dwóch płyt będących stopami aluminium. Wszystkie zaprezentowane przypadki pokazują przydatność algorytmów bądź to na etapie wstępnego przetwarzania tomograficznego obrazu 3D lub na etapie ekstrakcji interesujących obiektów.The article presents fast, original algorithms of tunnel closing and tunnel filling for volumetric 3D objects and their exemplary applications in materiał Science with the use of X-ray tomography. The first application concerns volume approximation of bridge ligaments in stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel samples. Moreover the authors present research on Structure of polyurethane auxetic foam. The third example concerns research on friction stir spot welding of aluminum sheets. All presented cases show usefulness of these algorithms in 3D tomography image processing or extraction of interesting objects from a 3D image

    Design of a new sensor to improve accuracy of ECT images

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    Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) has been successfully applied in many industrial fields. However, the resolution of ECT still needs to be improved so that it can be used in a wider scope. As a first attempt to overcome this drawback, a new design is presented as a prototype system for improving the resolution based on rotation of the sensor. y keeping the number of electrodes constant, the image quality may be enhanced by making additional measurements at different angles

    Study of degradation processes in engineering materials using X-ray (micro)tomography and dedicated volumetric image processing and analysis.

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    This dissertation presents new experimental and computing methodologies to study different degradation processes in engineering materials. This has been done thanks to the unique use of X-ray tomography and the development of new image processing and analysis strategies.Niniejsza rozprawa habilitacyjna przedstawia nowe metody eksperymentalne i obliczeniowe stosowane do badania stopnia degradacji materiałów konstrukcyjnych. Zadania te zostały zrealizowane przez zastosowanie tomografii rentgenowskiej i nowych algorytmów analizy i przetwarzania obrazów

    Right-sided ovarian ectopic pregnancy with Jaydess in situ

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    The estimated prevalence of the ectopic pregnancy (EP) is 1–2% of all pregnancies. Ovarian pregnancy is a rare finding withan incidence rate of 0.15% of all pregnancies and 1–3% of ectopic gestations. The use of intrauterine device (IUD) is a significantrisk factor of ectopic pregnancy. Jaydess levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) is considered as an extremelyreliable method of contraception with the cumulative Pearl index of approx. 0.9% after a three-year period of use. This studypresents a case of failure of the Jaydess intrauterine device in situ in a female patient with positive Beta Human ChorionicGonadotropin (serum b-HCG) who was diagnosed with right-sided ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Although LNG-IUS representsthe group of the most efficient contraception methods, the risks of failure still exist and should be taken into consideration.Before the insertion, every female patient should be fully informed on the potential adverse effects by a health practitioner


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    This paper presents an implementation of the k-means clustering method, to segment cross sections of X-ray micro tomographic images of lamellar Titanium alloys. It proposes an approach for estimating the optimal number of clusters by analyzing the histogram of the local orientation map of the image and the choice of the cluster centroids used to initialize k-means. This is compared with the classical method considering random coordinates of the clusters.W artykule przedstawiono implementację metody klasteryzacji k-średnich, do segmentacji dwuwymiarowych rentgenowskich obrazów mikro tomograficznych lamelarnych stopów tytanu. Zaproponowano metody szacowania optymalnej liczbę klastrów oraz wyboru centro idów poprzez analizę histogramu mapy lokalnych kierunków obrazu. Dokonano porównania zaproponowanych metod z losowym doborem początkowego położenia klastrów


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    This paper reviews the work that has been done in the past 10 years at the Lodz University of technology about the visualization and the quantification of phenomena related to degradation processes (i.e. stress corrosion cracking in stainless steel, fatigue crack in titanium alloys) in engineering materials as well as granular flow in silos using X-ray imaging (i.e. radiography and (micro)tomography). Besides presenting the experimental protocols, the paper also presents the image processing strategies that have been applied to enable the extraction of characteristic parameters from the volumetric images.Artykuł przedstawia przegląd prac badawczych przeprowadzonych w ostatnich 10 latach w Politechnice Łódzkiej, dotyczących wizualizacji oraz analizy ilościowej zjawisk mających miejsce w procesie degradacji materiałów (tj. korozji naprężeniowej stali nierdzewnej, pęknięcia stopów tytanu) oraz przepływu materiałów sypkich w silosach z wykorzystaniem obrazowania metodami opartymi na promieniowaniu X (tzn. radiografii oraz (micro)tomografii). Oprócz przedstawienia metodologii pomiaru, zostały również opisane metody przetwarzania obrazów, pozwalające na wyznaczenie charakterystycznych parametrów badanych procesów z obrazów wolumetrycznych.&nbsp

    Wavelet-based texture segmentation of titanium based alloy lamellar microstructure: application to images from optical microscope and X-ray microtomography

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    A texture segmentation algorithm which combines grey level intensity from 2 images after discrete wavelet transform and variance has been applied on 2D images to segment lamellar colonies in (α+β) titanium alloy Ti6A14V. Images were acquired using both optical microscope and X-ray tomography. The results are satisfying for the former technique and encouraging for the latter one. Possible extension of the method to volumetric data is presented

    Investigation of damage evolution in short glass fibers reinforced polyamide 6,6 under tensile loading using infrared thermography

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    AbstractMechanical properties of polymers are very sensitive to environmental conditions in particular temperature. In the case of mechanical testing, thermomechanical coupling induce heat sources to be activated during the deformation and damage processes so that the temperature of the specimen may vary during testing. Depending on the characteristic temporal and spacial scales of the deformation and damage processes involved by the loading this temperature increase might be uniform or highly localized. The aim of the study is to investigate the temperature field evolution of glass fibers reinforced polyamide 6,6 with 0% (PA66GF00), 10% (PA66GF10), 20% (PA66GF20) and 30% (PA66GF30) glass fiber. In addition to infrared thermography, digital image correlation (DIC) was used to quantify deformation localization zones and correlate them to identified heat dissipation sources. Until necking, the heat distribution was found to be nearly homogeneous on PA66GF00 with a well marked thermoelastic region, succeeded by an homogeneous heat increase due to viscoplastic dissipation. Necking is associated to strong heat increase that is localized on the the necking area. The thermal response of short fiber reinforced materials was found to differ markedly from the uncharged one. Strong heterogeneity of the thermal was observed and was associated to localisation processes at different scales (investigated by DIC). The effect of the applied strain rate on the observed thermal heterogenities was investigated. In addition to DIC, the volume damage evolution was monitored using X-ray computed microtomography in particular region