13 research outputs found

    Kryzys migracyjny w Niemczech. Problem integracji w powieƛci ABBASA KHIDERSA Ohrfeige z 2016 r.

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    In den letzten Jahren ist Deutschland mit einer FlĂŒchtlingsbewegung aus LĂ€ndern des Nahen Ostens wie Syrien und dem Irak konfrontiert. FĂŒr die meisten Neuankömmlinge stellt sich die Eingliederung in die deutsche Gesellschaft als besonders problematisch heraus. So mĂŒssen sie eine neue Sprache erlernen und eine ihnen fremde Lebensart und Kultur kennenlernen. Diesen enormen Herausforderungen sind nur wenige gewachsen. Eine ĂŒberwĂ€ltigende Mehrheit der FlĂŒchtlinge scheitert am Integrationsversuch. In dem vorliegenden Aufsatz soll diese Problematik anhand von Ohrfeige des deutsch-irakischen Autors ABBAS KHIDER beleuchtet werden.In recent years, Germany has been confronted with a wave of refugees from Middle Eastern countries, such as Syria and Iraq. For most of the newcomers, integration into German society turns out to be particularly problematic. They have to learn a new language and get to know a way of life and culture that is foreign to them. Only a few are up to these enormous challenges. An overwhelming majority of refugees often fail in their attempts at integration. This article aims to shed light on this problem, using the example of Ohrfeige by the German-Iraqi author ABBAS KHIDER.W ostatnich latach Niemcy skonfrontowane zostaƂy z falą migracji z krajĂłw Bliskiego Wschodu jak Syria czy Irak. Dla większoƛci przybyszĂłw szczegĂłlnie trudna jest integracja z niemieckim spoƂeczeƄstwem. Muszą nauczyć się nowego języka i poznać inny sposĂłb ĆŒycia i obcą kulturę. Tylko niewielu jest w stanie sprostać tym wymaganiom. Zdecydowana większoƛć migrantĂłw nie daje sobie rady z ĆŒyciem w obcym paƄstwie. W artykule problematyka ta zostanie pokazana ma przykƂadzie powieƛci Ohrfeige niemiecko-irackiego autora ABBASA KHIDERA

    Noun classes and grammatical gender in Wolof

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    In this paper, we propose a reassessment of Wolof noun morphology and morphosyntax. Wolof is usually said to possess a total of 10 noun classes (8 for the singular, 2 for the plural), marked today exclusively on agreement targets. We provide evidence that two more plural noun classes must be recognized, which have so far been misinterpreted as "collective” rather than plural: the evidence we provide is morphosyntactic (from verb agreement) as well as morphological (from class-related asymmetries in the paradigm of the indefinite article). As for method, the main thrust of the paper consists in showing that an accurate analysis of the Wolof data must make use of the three distinct notions "noun class”, "inflectional class” and "agreement class” (or gender). Under the analysis defended here, Wolof turns out to have a fairly complex gender system, featuring 17 distinct gender values. Our analysis - and especially the discussion of Wolof so-called "collectives” - also bears on the general theoretical issue of how to establish the values of the number category

    Noun classes and grammatical gender in Wolof

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    In this paper, we propose a reassessment of Wolof noun morphology and morphosyntax. Wolof is usually said to possess a total of 10 noun classes (8 for the singular, 2 for the plural), marked today exclusively on agreement targets. We provide evidence that two more plural noun classes must be recognized, which have so far been misinterpreted as “collective” rather than plural: the evidence we provide is morphosyntactic (from verb agreement) as well as morphological (from class-related asymmetries in the paradigm of the indefinite article). As for method, the main thrust of the paper consists in showing that an accurate analysis of the Wolof data must make use of the three distinct notions “noun class”, “inflectional class” and “agreement class” (or gender). Under the analysis defended here, Wolof turns out to have a fairly complex gender system, featuring 17 distinct gender values. Our analysis – and especially the discussion of Wolof so-called “collectives” – also bears on the general theoretical issue of how to establish the values of the number category

    Migrations et changement culturel : argent, « caste », genre et statut social chez les tresseuses sĂ©nĂ©galaises aux États-Unis

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    La profession qu’exercent la majoritĂ© des immigrĂ©es sĂ©nĂ©galaises en AmĂ©rique du Nord est celle de tresseuse de cheveux, un secteur dans lequel les hommes s’engagent Ă©galement comme directeurs de salons de coiffure. Au SĂ©nĂ©gal, cette profession est « traditionnellement » rĂ©servĂ©e Ă  des femmes appartenant Ă  des corporations artisanales endogames (des « castes »). Dans la diaspora, elle est prisĂ©e et valorisĂ©e, et attire les SĂ©nĂ©galais des deux sexes quels que soient leur ethnie ou leur statut social. Se fondant sur l’expĂ©rience des tresseuses sĂ©nĂ©galaises Ă  Anderson (Californie du Sud), Atlanta, New York et Philadelphie, et sur les rĂŽles que celles-ci exerçaient dans leurs communautĂ©s d’origine au SĂ©nĂ©gal, cet article explore les questions de « caste », de genre, de classe, et d’argent, et analyse en quoi l’expĂ©rience de ces immigrants aux États-Unis influence leur comprĂ©hension « traditionnelle » de ces concepts. J’avance l’idĂ©e que le pouvoir Ă©conomique des immigrants et la transformation de leurs valeurs sociĂ©tales altĂšrent progressivement les bases sociales « traditionnelles » des rĂŽles de genre et des hiĂ©rarchies sociales, Ă  la fois dans leur pays d’accueil et dans leur pays d’origine. Au SĂ©nĂ©gal, le genre et le statut social ont Ă©tĂ© historiquement construits par la culture islamique locale, par les activitĂ©s professionnelles et la gĂ©nĂ©alogie qui assignent aux hommes et aux femmes de diffĂ©rentes familles et groupes ethniques des rĂŽles spĂ©cifiques au sein de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Mais ces rĂŽles sont de plus en plus contestĂ©s, dans le pays d’origine et plus encore dans le pays de destination. [
]. Dans la diaspora, la rĂ©ussite Ă©conomique est en train de devenir le dĂ©terminant principal du statut social et les paramĂštres de genre dĂ©finissant le travail passent au second plan pour laisser place au pragmatisme, la possibilitĂ© de gagner confortablement sa vie tendant Ă  supplanter toutes les autres considĂ©rations

    Diaspora, Faith, and Science: Building a Mouride Hospital in Senegal

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    This article examines a development initiative spearheaded by the members of a transnational diaspora - the creation of a medical hospital in the holy city of Touba in central Senegal. Although the construction of the hospital is decidedly a philanthropic project, HÎpital Matlaboul Fawzaini is better understood as part of the larger place-making project of the Muridiyya and the pursuit of symbolic capital by a particular Mouride dahira. The dahira\u27s project illuminates important processes of forging global connections and transnational localities, and underscores the importance of understanding the complex motivations behind diaspora development. The hospital\u27s history reveals the delicate negotiations between state actors and diaspora organizations, and the complexities of public-private partnerships for development. In a reversal of state withdrawal in the neo-liberal era, a diaspora association was able to wrest new financial commitments from the state by completing a large infrastructure project. Despite this success, we argue that these kinds of projects, which are by nature uneven and sporadic, reflect particular historical conjunctures and do not offer a panacea for the failure of state-led development. © The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal African Society. All rights reserved