69 research outputs found

    Combining Stochastic Optimization and Monte Carlo Simulation to Deal with Uncertainties in Climate Policy Assessment

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    In this paper, we explore the impact of several sources of uncertainties on the assessment of energy and climate policies when one uses in a harmonized way stochastic programming in a large-scale bottom-up (BU) model and Monte Carlo simulation in a large-scale top-down (TD) model. The BU model we use is the TIMES Integrated Assessment Model, which is run in a stochastic programming version to provide a hedging emission policy to cope with the uncertainty characterizing climate sensitivity. The TD model we use is the computable general equilibrium model GEMINI-E3. Through Monte Carlo simulations of randomly generated uncertain parameter values, one provides a stochastic micro- and macro-economic analysis. Through statistical analysis of the simulation results, we analyse the impact of the uncertainties on the policy assessmen

    Modeling Energy and Technology Choices in Smart Regional Energy Systems

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    This paper deals with the modeling of the long term evolution of regional energy systems in a smart city and smart grid environment. It is shown that demand response and distributed grid energy storage, driven by dynamic pricing schemes, based on locational marginal costs, can be represented in the linear programming framework of the models of the MARKAL/TIMES family. An implementation in the ETEM-SG modeling tool, which is an energy model tailored to the representation of regional energy systems is then described. An illustration is provided, based on energy scenarios concerning the Arc L ́emanique region in Switzerland. Finally the SESCOM modeling framework, which is under development in a project on smart energy systems for smart cities in Qatar is introduced. This modeling approach expands ETEM-SG to the representation of useful energy demands influenced by changes in life styles, smart transmission and interconnection between regions and market price revelation at distribution levels

    Impact of uncertain CCS deployment on EU climate negotiations

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    In this paper we propose a stochastic non-cooperative meta-game approach to assess the role of uncertain CCS deployment on climate agreements among 28 European countries. The game model is identified through statistical emulation of a large set of numerical simulations performed with the computable general equilibrium model GEMINI-E3. In this game the players are the 28 European countries, the payoffs are related to the welfare losses due to abatements and the strategies correspond to the supply of emission rights on the European carbon market. The paper then analyzes the potential contribution of the penetration of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies to European CO2 abatements and the impact of CCS uncertainty pertaining to the rate of penetration of CCS technologies and to their cost on the design of burden sharing agreements

    Defining deep decarbonization pathways for Switzerland: an economic evaluation

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    This paper aims at simulating deep decarbonization pathways for Switzerland. The analysis relies on macro-economic simulations of GEMINI-E3, a computable general equilibrium model used to assess the energy and economic impacts of a Swiss low carbon society. The DDP scenarios assume a CO2 emissions target in 2050 of 1 ton per capita, following the Swiss climate target, which represents a 76% abatement with respect to 1990 levels. The paper discusses several options and scenarios compatible with this emissions target that appears to be quite challenging. The scenarios are compared to a reference scenario which assumes that Switzerland will reach a 20% reduction of CO2 emissions relative to 1990 levels, using instruments that have already been defined (e.g., building refurbishment program, regulation of CO2 emissions for new automobiles, CO2 tax on stationary fuels, Swiss emission trading scheme market, etc.)

    Simulations of proposed deep decarbonization pathways. A contribution to Switzerland decarbonization pathways - technical appendix

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    This report aims at simulating deep decarbonization pathways for Switzerland. The analysis relies on macro-economic simulations of GEMINI-E3, a computable general equilibrium model used to assess the energy and economic impacts of a Swiss low carbon society. The DDP scenarios assume a CO2 emissions target in 2050 of 1 ton per capita, following the Swiss climate target, which represents a 76% abatement with respect to 1990 levels. The paper discusses several options and scenarios compatible with this emissions target that appears to be quite challenging. The scenarios are compared to a reference scenario which assumes that Switzerland will reach a 20% reduction of CO2 emissions relative to 1990 levels, using instruments that have already been defined (e.g., building refurbishment program, regulation of CO2 emissions for new automobiles, CO2 tax on stationary fuels, Swiss emission trading scheme market, etc.)

    A systems approche to regional energy Modeling with smart grid integrated distributed energy resources

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    We provide an introduction to ETEM-SG, a robust linear programming approach specifically designed for regional energy systems analysis. This model can be used to provide prospective analyses of the long-term (30 years and more) evolution of multi-energy regional energy systems in their transition to sustainability. The model assumes that this transition will occur in a smart city environment. It takes into consideration the constraints associated with intermittent and volatile renewable energy sources connected at the transmission and distribution networks. It also takes into account the opportunity to optimize grid friendly flexible loads and distributed energy resources encountered in modern power systems. A case study of a European regional energy system shows how our approach can quantify the ability of flexible loads and distributed energy resources to facilitate and foster the penetration of variable renewable energy sources, like solar and wind

    Vers une politique du climat réaliste et efficace : à la lumiÚre de la théorie des jeux

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    La vingt-et-uniĂšme ConfĂ©rence des Parties (COP21) Ă  Paris, en novembre dernier, a dĂ©bouchĂ© sur un accord qui s’appuie en partie sur une approche oĂč les pays poursuivront des engagements volontaires non contraignants. Bien que cet accord constitue une nouvelle Ă©tape sur la longue et difficile route des nĂ©gociations climatiques, de l’avis de tous, le compte n’y est pas

    Imaginer des transitions vers une Suisse sobre en carbone: Une Ă©valuation Ă©conomique

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    Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente la contribution Suisse au projet Deep Decarbonization Pathways (DDPP) qui reprĂ©sente une plateforme internationale collaborative visant Ă  dĂ©terminer et Ă  comprendre comment aller vers des Ă©conomies sobre en carbone, permettant ainsi de maintenir le rĂ©chauffement global de notre planĂšte en dessous de 2°C. Le projet DDPP est animĂ© par le Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) et par l’Institut du dĂ©veloppement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI). L’administration helvĂ©tique et en particulier l’Office FĂ©dĂ©ral de l’Environnement (OFEV) a dĂ©cidĂ© de contribuer au projet en dĂ©veloppant sa vison nationale d’une trajectoire de dĂ©carbonisation Ă  l’horizon 2050. L’étude Suisse est basĂ©e sur des simulations du modĂšle macro-Ă©conomique GEMINI-E3, un modĂšle d’équilibre gĂ©nĂ©ral calculable utilisĂ© pour Ă©valuer les implications Ă©nergĂ©tiques et Ă©conomiques d’une sociĂ©tĂ© suisse sobre en carbone. Les ScĂ©narios DDPP helvĂ©tiques visent un niveau d’émission par habitant d’une tonne de CO2 en 2050. Notre Ă©tude dĂ©taille diffĂ©rentes options et diffĂ©rents scĂ©narios compatibles avec cet objectif. Celui s’avĂšre trĂšs ambitieux, en particulier compte tenu de la dĂ©cision de la Suisse de se passer graduellement du nuclĂ©aire pour sa production d’électricitĂ©. L’efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique apparaĂźt comme un Ă©lĂ©ment clef de cette stratĂ©gie, de mĂȘme que certaines options technologiques comme le captage et stockage du carbone (CSC). Le papier Ă©value le coĂ»t Ă©conomique et le prix du carbone associĂ©s Ă  chacun des scĂ©narios et compare ces rĂ©sultats avec ceux d’autres Ă©tudes
