4 research outputs found

    Concept of Shukra Dhatu and Stree Shukra - A Review

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    Ayurveda has described three basic functional elements of human body, viz., Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. Human body is made up of seven Dhatus (Seven categories of tissue), viz., Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja & Shukra. Shukra is 7th Dhatu. It is present in whole body. It becomes active after the age of sixteen years, even though it is present from birth. Concept of Stree-Shukra discussed in classics because Acharya Sushruta has mentioned that when sexual activities happen in two sexually excited women, they secrete Shukra within each other, due to which there is formation of foetus without bones. Acharya Vagbhatta has clarified that even though woman secrete Shukra during coitus, it is useless for fertilization. All Dhatus have their definite sites in the body; they are present in every cell in subtle form. Every cell retains capacity to divide or reproduce itself. Thus, one must interpret the Garbhotpadana (reproduction) function of Shukra Dhatu. In future, it may be possible that with the development of the facts; we will discover any content in the cell which possesses definite role in cell division. Sperms as well as spermatic fluid and male sex hormones are also one part of Shukra, parallel to which females retain Artava

    Effect of age and abstinence on semen quality: A retrospective study in a teaching hospital

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    Objective: To elucidate the effect of age and sexual abstinence on semen quality (semen volume, total count, progressive motility, vitality and morphology). Methods: A total of 730 semen samples were analyzed. Subjects were grouped according to the age (20-29, 30–34, 35–39 and 40–50) and abstinence (2–3, 4–5 and 6–7). Semen parameters were evaluated following WHO standard criteria. Results: Analysis of 730 semen samples showed negative correlation of progressive motility (r=-0.131, P< 0.01), vitality (r=-0.173, P< 0.01), morphology (r=-0.324, P< 0.01) with age. With increase in age percentage of progressive motility, vitality and normal morphology in mean values declined after the age group of 35–39 to 40–50 years, but no change in volume and count were observed. Increase in abstinence with individual days significantly affected semen volume (H= 20.65, P< 0.001), count (H= 36.67, P<0.01), progressive motility (H= 13.53, P<0.05) and vitality (H= 15.33, P< 0.01). But, no effect was found on sperm morphology. Mann Whitney U test confirmed the changes in semen volume, total count and vitality in paired grouping from 2–7 days (P<0.05), but changes in sperm motility were observed after 5 days of abstinence in each paired group upto 7 days (P<0.05). Mean values of semen parameters among three abstinence groups (2–3, 4–5 and 6–7 days) also showed similar result. Conclusions: In the present study, age negatively affected progressive motility, vitality and morphology of human sperm. Semen samples showed intra varied results within WHO amended abstinence period