56 research outputs found

    An Attempt at Assessment of Alnetum Incanae Lüdi 1921 Transformations in the Skawica River Valley (The Beskid Żywiecki MTS)

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    The paper presents an attempt at assessment of Alnetum incanae LÜDI 1921 transformations in the Skawica River valley. The field studies were carried out in the whole Skawica valley. On the basis of phytosociological relevés, the participation of species which prefer riparian habitats, the number and cover of anthropophytes, including invasive plants, were analyzed. The presence of synanthropic sites was also taken into consideration. The research demonstrated that in the study area phytocoenoses of the Alnetum incanae association have primarily retained natural character, in spite of a noticeable influence of human impact. The results suggested that the vicinity of synanthropic sites does not eliminate natural components of phytocoenosis

    Significance of protection of the meadow and grassland communities for maintenance the floristic diversity in the area of the south-eastern Silesian Upland (Poland)

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    Variety of relief and geology of the south-eastern Silesian Upland results in richness and diversity of its vegetation. Wet meadows and xerothermic grasslands are one of its most valuable components. In their phytocoenoses many protected (27 in meadows and 22 in grasslands) and rare (25 and 34) species have been noted. Among them there are threatened species put on the ìRed list of the vascular plants in Polandî. A few species represent the mountain element. Some meadow and grassland phytocoenoses from the south-eastern part of the Silesian Upland are characterised by exceptionally high floristic richness. The Cirsietum rivularis patches have proved to be the richest among them. Large-scale cessation of usage caused that meadows and grasslands actually need urgent active protection here. This is the only chance of survival for many rare protected and threatened plants

    The emergence of new localities of Orobanche bartlingii Griseb. in the Silesian-Cracow Upland as a result of the spreading of Libanotis pyrenaica (L.) Bourgh. due to changes in land use : [poster]

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    During the last few decades, many cultivated fields and grazed grasslands have disappeared in the Silesian- Cracow Upland. Therefore, abandoned lands occupy now a large area there. As a result of these changes, some plant species have significantly increased the area of occurrence. Libanotis pyrenaica is one of them. In many places it begins to behave like an expansive species (Fragment tekstu)

    Characteristics of the flora of fallow lands on rendzina soils on the Twardowice Plateau (Silesian Upland)

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    The paper presents the results of investigations on the flora of fallow lands on rendzina soils. The research was carried out in the area of the Twardowice Plateau (the Silesian Upland) within 9 areas adjacent to xerothermic grasslands. The investigated flora consisted of 220 vascular plant species with the dominance of native taxa. Plants of xerothermic grasslands and thermophilous edges were the most numerous (32%). The dominance of Libanotis pyrenaica in 4 of the examined areas should be emphasized. The percentage of meadow species was also considerable (25%). Anthropophytes comprised 18% of the flora of fallow lands and archaeophytes prevailed among them (9%). Solidago canadensis, an invasive species, was the constant component of the investigated fallows and sometimes its coverage was remarkable. As a result of the high proportion of xerothermic and thermophilous plants, plants associated with dry soils and soils having an intermediate character between dry and fresh, as well as plants preferring slightly acidic to alkaline soils poor in nitrogen compounds predominated in the investigated fallows. Perennial plants prevailed (65%) in the studied flora and slightly more than half of the species reproduced only by seeds. Competitive plant species (C strategists) had the highest proportion (39%) and species with intermediate strategies CSR, CR and CS were also numerous. The investigations have shown that there are favourable conditions for settling and growth of many xerothermic species in the investigated fallow lands. Moreover, the neighbouring grasslands are the seed source for these areas

    Excavations of the Twardowice Plateau (Silesian Upland) as refuges for xerothermic plant species

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    Paper concerns the flora of excavations from the area of the Twardowice Plateau, one of the regions of the Silesian Upland. These are rather shallow and small pits, which are remnants of exploitation of Triassic limestone and, rarely, iron ore. The studies showed that these excavations are the places where many species of vascular plants occurred. Xerothermic plants, which penetrated from adjacent grasslands, form the largest group (33%) among the 212 noted species. Some of them occurred much more frequently in the excavations than in the grasslands and some were found only in the excavations. It should be emphasized that 8 protected species were present in the investigated objects. Results from the Twardowice Plateau proved that many xerothermic plants could find suitable conditions for growth and survival in limestone excavations

    Characteristics of the flora of fallow lands on rendzina soils on the Twardowice Plateau (Silesian Upland)

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    The paper presents the results of investigations on the flora of fallow lands on rendzina soils. The research was carried out in the area of the Twardowice Plateau (the Silesian Upland) within 9 areas adjacent to xerothermic grasslands. The investigated flora consisted of 220 vascular plant species with the dominance of native taxa. Plants of xerothermic grasslands and thermophilous edges were the most numerous (32%). The dominance of Libanotis pyrenaica in 4 of the examined areas should be emphasized. The percentage of meadow species was also considerable (25%). Anthropophytes comprised 18% of the flora of fallow lands and archaeophytes prevailed among them (9%). Solidago canadensis, an invasive species, was the constant component of the investigated fallows and sometimes its coverage was remarkable. As a result of the high proportion of xerothermic and thermophilous plants, plants associated with dry soils and soils having an intermediate character between dry and fresh, as well as plants preferring slightly acidic to alkaline soils poor in nitrogen compounds predominated in the investigated fallows. Perennial plants prevailed (65%) in the studied flora and slightly more than half of the species reproduced only by seeds. Competitive plant species (C strategists) had the highest proportion (39%) and species with intermediate strategies CSR, CR and CS were also numerous. The investigations have shown that there are favourable conditions for settling and growth of many xerothermic species in the investigated fallow lands. Moreover, the neighbouring grasslands are the seed source for these areas

    Xerothermic grasslands of Pilica surroundings - diversity, threats and directions of changes

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    Xerothermic grasslands from three stands in the surroundings of the town of Pilica in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland were investigated. It was ascertained that they represent two phytosociological units: Adonido-Brachypodietum (with two variants) and Silene otites-Thymus austriacus community. Moreover, phytocoenoses with a high contribution of xerothermic plants (Thymus-Anthyllis vulneraria community) were found in some places on the abandoned fields. On the basis of the comparison of new data and old phytosociological releves, only slight changes over 30 years were observed. The differences concerned mostly the coverage of particular species. However, some plants disappeared and other were new (e.g. seedlings of trees and shrubs). Generally, these species were not too frequent and had inconsiderable cover. The changes which occurred manifested themselves also in the differences of mean values of some ecological indicators and in the increase of competitors, as well as clonal species

    The short-chain fatty acids as potential protective agents against Callosobruchus maculatus infestation

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    The cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus, is one of the most common pests of stored legumes. Its occurrence adversely affects the quality of stored beans, making them unfit for consumption, resulting in substantial financial losses. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential insecticidal properties of the volatile fatty acids (VFAs) (C1 – C5) and their influence on the insect’s physiology and behavior. All VFAs in concentrations equal to 4 μl and 8 μl showed fumigant toxicity significantly higher from the control. The strongest effect was observed in the case of propionic and valeric acid in volume of 4 μl and 8 μl, where mortality was close to 100%. Except for butyric acid, all acids showed a significant repellent effect. Additionally, all VFAs significantly decreased the number of infested beans and influenced the locomotor activity. Of all tested acids only the formic acid did not affect the oxygen consumption of the insects. As the studied VFAs have noteworthy properties against C. maculatus, they could be considered as promising agents in new strategies for stored products pest management

    Freshwater alien species Physella acuta (Draparnaud, 1805) - a possible model for bioaccumulation of heavy metals

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    In this study we focused on Physella acuta, an alien snail species in order to determine their ability of bioaccumulation of heavy metals in their shells, bodies, the difference in accumulation in relation to age classes, and the influence of ecological variables on the community composition and density. On the basis of the results of ecological, toxicological, and experimental analyses we aimed to study the potential invasive features of P. acuta in comparision with the native species Stagnicola palustris. The content of Cu and Zn in the substratum and ammonia in the water was strongly related to the patterns of distribution of P. acuta. The content of Cd, Pb, and Cu in the shell fraction was always significantly lower than in the body fraction. A comparison of accumulation with respect to the size classes of P. acuta indicated that the lowest metal concentration in the body was typical for the largest individuals, except for Zn. Metal content in the bodies of the native species did not differ from the content measured in their analogous group of the largest individuals of P. acuta. The lowest value of bioaccumulation factor (BAF) was found for the large class of specimens of this species for each metal. A distinct decrease in the value of BAF in relation to the size of snails was found for cadmium. A 100% hatching success found in masses collected from pond confirmed the high reproductive potential of P. acuta which can be a factor that promotes its invasive features following its ability to occur in very high densities, but not necessarily the ability of metal accumulation in the body. Physella acuta can be used as a model organism in the studies on the accumulation of heavy metals however, the extend of accumulation can differ among the age classes. Because of the high tolerance of P. acuta to heavy metal pollution, in the future this species can be found in significantly polluted habitats, inhabiting free ecological niches, and occurring in high densities in snail communities

    Problemy fitogeograficzne i syntaksonomiczne kserotermów Wyżyny Śląskiej

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    The subject of this paper is xerothermic flora and communities of xerothermic grasslands in the area of the Silesian Upland — the region of the southern Poland uplands which is most exposed to the west. Triassic limestone and dolomites are important components of the geological structure of the southern and middle parts of the Upland. They create favourable conditions for relief diversity and the presence of xerothermic habitats. The Silesian Upland is located a relatively short distance from the northern outlet of the Moravian Gate. Moreover, its eastern regions have a junction with xerothermic vegetation centres from eastern Poland and beyond its boundaries. Therefore, the distribution of xerotherms in the Silesian Upland seems to be particularly interesting for phytogeography. The main purposes of the studies were: • receiving an actual distribution pattern of xerotherms and explaning the reasons, • description of the geographic character the Upland's xerothermic flora and indicating the migration routes of its components, with particular attention being paid to the role of the Moravian Gate, • presentation of actual differentiation and distribution of the Upper Silesian xerothermic grasslands; their phytosociological, ecological and dynamics characteristic, • distinguishing regionally rare, endangered and extinct taxa and indicating their most important threats, which in the nearest future can lead to significant changes in the xerothermic vegetation of the Upland