37 research outputs found

    Managing Occupational Stress Among Nigerian Police Officers Deployed to Borno State, Nigeria

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    The police officers in Borno State, Nigeria, lack adequate training to manage the occupational stress when deployed to perform their civic duties of protection of lives and properties. Using the theory of psychological stress and coping, the purpose of this general qualitative study was to explore strategies that police officers deployed to Borno State of Nigeria used in managing occupational stress when discharging their duties. The research question was written to address the strategies required by police officers deployed to Borno State, Nigeria, in managing occupational stress when discharging their duties. Using semistructured interviews, 15 participants were selected who had successfully worked in Borno State, Nigeria, for more than 2 years. Using triangulation, member checking, and theme analysis, data were analyzed to explore strategies that police officers deployed to Borno State, Nigeria, used in managing occupational stress when discharging their duties. Analyses resulted in 9 themes which confirmed the reports that the corruption in the NPF is so endemic that it affects every aspect of their operations; including promotions and deployments. The findings may be used to create a public policy on how police officers may deal with such stress, which would improve the performance of the police force in Nigeria and improve their standards of living and wellbeing

    Epidemiology and clinicopathological pattern of endometrial carcinoma in Lagos tertiary Hospitals, South-West Nigeria.

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    Endometrial cancer has become a global health challenge because of its rising morbidity. Understanding the epidemiology and clinicopathological review of this disease may not only aid with treatment but also further the development of prevention strategies. Objectives: To review the epidemiology and clinicopathological pattern of endometrial cancer in 2 Lagos Tertiary Hospitals between January 1997 to December 2016. Methodology: This is a retrospective study conducted at the oncology clinics of Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) and Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH). Patients' sociodemographic variables, disease characteristics and clinical features were retrieved and analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. Results: This 20-year review revealed 162 cases. There was an increasing trend in the incidence with the highest number of cases seen in 2016 (26 patients). The age ranges from 31 to 90years with a mean of 61.0 + 10. 6years. The most common histology was endometrioid adenocarcinoma with 98(60.5%). Eighty-four (51.9%) patients presented with stage III disease, 46 (28.4%) with stage IV. All the patients presented with bleeding per vaginum, 73(45%) presented with low backache and vaginal discharge seen in 46(28.4%) patients. Conclusion: There was an increasing incidence over the years. More than three quarters presented with stage III or IV diseases. This suggests the need for a high index of suspicion for endometrial cancer especially in women with bleeding per vaginum

    More than Talking Heads?!? How do administrative tribunals hear from the public? A report prepared for the Consumers’ Association of Canada – Manitoba Branch

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    Consumers and the general public want a say in the decisions which affect them. However, access to meaningful engagement in regulatory decisions is uneven across jurisdictions, as well as across types of tribunals. Scholarship on this subject describes meaningful participation as that which is open to all, is based on reliable data, ensures transparency and accountability, ensures early & ongoing engagement, has potential for participant funding, and is based on the principles of natural justice. But what happens in actual practice? The purpose of this research was to explore how consumers have and can be involved in the decisions which affect them. Specifically, this research: (i) examined how different tribunals implement statutory requirements for public engagement across Canada (ii) explored methods, dynamics, and nature of public engagement programs and, (iii) identified tools for engaging the public

    Performance analysis of gray code number system in image security

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    The encryption of digital images has become essential since it is vulnerable to interception while being transmitted or stored. A new image encryption algorithm to address the security challenges of traditional image encryption algorithms is presented in this research. The proposed scheme transforms the pixel information of an original image by taking into consideration the pixel location such that two neighboring pixels are processed via two separate algorithms. The proposed scheme utilized the Gray code number system. The experimental results and comparison shows the encrypted images were different from the original images. Also, pixel histogram revealed that the distribution of the plain images and their decrypted images have the same pixel histogram distributions, which means that there is a high correlation between the original images and decrypted images. The scheme also offers strong resistance to statistical attacks

    Functional foods: promising therapeutics for Nigerian Children with sickle cell diseases

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD), also known as sickle cell anemia (SCA) is one of the structural hemoglobinopathies that occurs due to a single nucleotide mutation from GAG to GTG, which changes the amino acid of a β-globin chain of hemoglobin (Hb) from glutamate to valine. This singular mutation results to disorderliness in red blood cells (RBCs) with advent of changes in RBC morphology and other pathological conditions. In the 1980s, intermittent red blood cell transfusions, opioids, and penicillin prophylaxis were the only available therapy for SCA and were commonly reserved for acute, life threatening complications. So far, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted a total of four drugs approval for the prophylaxis and treatment of the clinical complications of SCD. Due to limitations (adherence, safety, adverse effects) of existing therapies in the prophylaxis and treatment of SCD complications in Nigerian children and their inaccessibility to approved drugs, the present study discusses the therapeutic effects of readily available functional food as one of the therapies or an adjunct therapy to tackle the sickle cell crisis in Nigerian Children

    The ‘evil arrow’ myths and misconceptions of cancer at Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria

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    Background: Myths and misconceptions have significant impact on the presentation and management of cancers globally. One such example includes ‘evil arrow’ myths. There is limited knowledge regarding the role of misconceptions in late presentation for management in developing countries. The percentage increase in cancers in many African countries is higher than that in developed countries. Evil arrow is the seeming attack of the enemy in a supernatural version as a result of wizardry. Aim: To evaluate the relationship of common myths and misconceptions among cancer patients, their treatment and delay of presentation to the hospital. Setting: The study was undertaken in a tertiary health facility in a cosmopolitan tropical state. Method: This is a randomised observational survey study carried out among patients and their relatives referred to the Radiotherapy Clinic of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital for treatment (a lower-income mixed metropolitan setting). A self-administered questionnaire was used. Patient consent was obtained. Data were analysed with Epi Info 2002 software and the results were presented using frequency tables and charts. Results: About 57 were patients (67%) and 28 were patients’ relatives (33%). The age distribution of participants showed 31–40 years (31.8%; 27) as the highest number, while 11–20 years (1.2%; 1) was the lowest number. A slight female preponderance of 58.8% (50) was observed. High incidence of those with the opinion that cause of cancer is unknown represented 63% (54). Over 65% of patients presented with advanced disease. The reasons for late presentation to the hospital included lack of funds in 23.5% of patients (20). Conclusion: Lack of funds, myths and misconception are main reasons why patients presented late to hospital. There is a need to emphasise debunking innumerable myths and misconceptions associated with cancer

    Ergonomic risk assessment of maintenance job in a gas power station

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    Studija procjenjuje čimbenike ergonomskih rizika na poslovima održavanja plinske elektrane kapaciteta 8.4 MW (1.4 MW x 6 jedinica) u kojoj na održavanju radi 12 osoba. Čimbenici ergonomskih rizika mogu se podijeliti na one povezane sa zadatkom, te osobne i okolišne. Potencijalna ozbiljnost svih utvrđenih čimbenika rizika i vjerojatnost da se ostvare prikazana je na ljestvici 1-5. Indeks rizika izračunat je kao umnožak vjerojatnosti pojave rizika i potencijalne ozbiljnosti svih parametara rizika. Relativne težine parametara čimbenika rizika utvrđene su dijeljenjem svakog indeksa kumulativnog rizika s ukupnim indeksom kumulativnog rizika. Relativne težine čimbenika ergonomskih rizika utvrđene su dijeljenjem indeksa kumulativnih rizika svakog čimbenika s ukupnim indeksima kumulativnog rizika. Ukupan indeks rizika za svaki čimbenik izračunat je zbrajanjem umnoška relativnih težina i indeksa rizika parametara koji čine taj čimbenik. Indeks opasnosti na radu (WSI) utvrđen je zbrajanjem umnoška relativnih težina i indeksa rizika čimbenika ergonomskih čimbenika. Vrijednosti rizika kategorizirane su u tri razreda: nizak, srednji i visok rizik. Koristeći osobne i okolišne čimbenike, prosječne vrijednosti rizika iznosile su 3.03 ± 0.42 i 3.00 ± 0.00 iz čega proizlazi da je posao niskog rizika. Vrijednost indeksa opasnosti na radu (WSI) iznosila je 5.03 ± 1.62 što je pokazatelj da posao održavanja na način kako se obavlja u promatranoj elektrani predstavlja nizak rizik.This study conducted ergonomic risk factors assessment of maintenance job in a gas generating power station with a capacity of 8.4 MW (1.4 MW x 6 units) and 12 maintenance staff. The ergonomic risk factors present in the maintenance job were identified as task, personal and environmental. The potential severity of all the recognized risk factors and probability of occurrence were assessed on a scale of 1 to 5. The risk index was determined as the product of probability of occurrence and potential severity of all the risk parameters. The relative weights of the parameters of the risk factors were determined by dividing each cumulative risk index by the total cumulative risk index. The relative weights of the ergonomic risk factors were determined by dividing the cumulative risk index for each factor by the total of the cumulative risk indexes. The total risk index for each factor was calculated by summing up the product of the relative weights and the risk indexes of the parameters that make up the factor. The Work Severity Index (WSI) was determined by summing up the product of the relative weights and the risk indexes of the ergonomic risk factors. The risk values were categorized into three classes of low, medium and high risk. Using the personal and environmental factors, the average risk values were 3.03 ± 0.42 and 3.00 ± 0.00 respectively signifying that the job was a low risk one. The value of the average Work Severity Index was 5.03 ± 1. 62 which showed that the maintenance job as it was practised in the power station under study was of low risk

    Extraction of a low grade zinc ore using gravity and froth flotation methods

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    Extraction of low grade zinc ore found in Gumau- Toro town was carried out using gravity and froth flotation methods. Analysis of the chemical composition reveals that the crude ore contains 20.20% Zinc and other related minerals such as  66.72% SiO2, 2.36%.Pb, 16.62%Fe, 0.001%Ag, these are impurities that  hindered the grade of zinc in this ore from appreciating. Fractional and grain sieve size results revealed that the liberation size of the ore is at -355+250μm assaying 32.41%Zn. At this liberation sieve size, the low grade zinc ore was subjected to four different beneficiation methods using five kilograms (5kg) each as charge into  Wilfley shaking Table, Humphrey spiral concentrator, Air floating Machine and one kilogram (1kg) for froth flotation. Resulting products (concentrate and tailing) from these processes were analyzed using instrumentation method. Percentage recovery of each applied process was calculated. This was used to ascertain that the use of froth flotation that gives 74.32%Zn at a recovery of 84.62% stands out the best method for zinc extraction towards value addition to the low grade crude zinc ore. ©JASEMKey words: Extraction, Upgrading, Gravity, Froth flotation, Mineral, Fractional  analysis.

    Dimensions of Vaccination Attitudes in Nigeria: A Study of the Impacts of COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Perception and Acceptance

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    Nigeria has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and vaccination is a key strategy. However, the country faces vaccination hesitancy, poor risk perception, and low acceptance. This study aimed to assess the direct and interactive impacts of COVID-19 vaccine risk perception and acceptability on COVID-19 vaccination attitudes in the general Nigerian population. In a cross-sectional approach, participants completed a structured questionnaire including demographics, COVID-19 vaccine risk perception, acceptance, and vaccination attitude from April 2-30, 2021. The sample included 1,026 participants from different ethnicities across four regions (Southwest, South, Southeast, and North Central) in Nigeria, which were selected using the convenience sampling method. Multivariate analysis of variance results showed that the COVID-19 vaccine’s risk perception and acceptability have separate and interactive effects on overall vaccination attitudes. Interactively, individuals with high-risk perceptions and low acceptance expressed more skepticism about its benefits, were concerned about its long-term body effects, believed more in its commercialization, and preferred natural immunity. Nigerians’ apprehension about COVID-19 vaccination is impacted by their high-risk perception and low vaccine uptake