509 research outputs found

    Mediating skills on risk management for improving the resilience of Supply Networks by developing and using a serious game

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    Given their importance, the need for resilience and the management of risk within Supply Networks, means that engineering students need a solid under-standing of these issues. An innovative way of meeting this need is through the use of serious games. Serious games allow an active experience on how differ-ent factors influencethe flexibility, vulnerability and capabilities in Supply Networks and allow the students to apply knowledge and methods acquired from theory. This supports their ability to understand, analyse and evaluate how different factors contribute to the resilience. The experience gained within the game will contribute to the studentsâ abilities to construct new knowledge based on their active observation and reflection of the environment when they later work in a dynamic environment in industry. This game, Beware, was developed for use in a blended learning environment. It is a part of a course for engineering master students at the University of Bremen. It was found that the game was effective in mediating the topic of risk management to the students espscially in supporting their ability of applying methods, analyse the different interactions and the game play as well as to support the assessment of how their decision-making affected the simulated network

    Gamifying Project Procurement for Better Goal Incorporation

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    Many services that we use daily, like healthcare, infrastructures, public transport, education, and others, are provided by the public sector. These services are provided using the project procurement process. In most cases, this process has a highly complex and dynamic interaction. It leads to issues, such as information asymmetry, over-specified tenders, not efficient feedback loops, etc. As a result, projects can rarely match to the objectives of organizations. This work explores the use of participatory simulation to help holistically investigate a project procurement process to incorporate better goals of organizations. Based on case studies from the Swedish road construction field, it can be concluded that participatory simulation is an effective approach to experiment with the effects of project procurement

    Prime Example Ingress Reframing the Pervasive Game Design Framework (PGDF)

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    The growing availability of mobile communication infrastructure over the last decade has contributed significantly to the maturity of Pervasive Gaming. The massive suc-cess of games such as Ingress and Pokémon Go made pervasive gaming a viable op-tion for transforming learning. By its adaptability to location and context, pervasive technology is a valuable support for the design of engaging learning experiences. De-spite profound examples of pervasive gaming as learning tool, there is still a lack of reliable methodologies to construct purposeful pervasive learning experiences. The Pervasive Game Design Framework (PGDF) is intended to fill this gap. In this article, we present the PGDF using the example of Ingress. Ingress is a prominent pervasive game, as it has received huge attention since its appearance in 2012. A large commu-nity of players and third-party-tool suppliers has created a rich set of experiences since then. In this research, we examine Ingress according to PGDF’s categories based on a survey among long-term Ingress players (N=133). Founded on this analysis we identify three main benefits for Ingress players. Furthermore, we discuss the conse-quences of these findings on the PGDF. Summarizing, this work strengthens the ap-plicability of the PGDF, in order to enable the construction of enriched pervasive learn-ing experiences

    Workshop on the Use of Serious Games in the Education of Engineers

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    AbstractSerious games have proved to be an important tool in supporting the education and training at schools and universities as well as for vocational training in industry. Most games designed for educational or vocational use are designed for a very narrow purpose, mostly for mediating a small range of skills to a specific target group. This paper outlines the workshop on the use of serious games in the education of engineers. It presents the topic and raises some questions that will be discussed during the workshop

    Supply chain visibility for improving inbound logistics: a design science approach

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    Supply chain visibility (SCV) has been gaining recognition in recent years as a key factor for achieving analytical capabilities and improving supply chain performance. However, levels of SCV implementation lag behind current technological advances. This research was motivated by the lack of visibility in inbound logistics, which limits the possibility of managing deviation, in particular concerning changes in arrival time of incoming goods, in large industrial firms. We addressed this problem by adopting a design science approach. In particular, we followed context–intervention–mechanism–outcome (CIMO) logic to map and analyse material and information flows. The problems areas were successively translated via business and functional requirements into technological solutions. We evaluated alternative technologies using controlled experiments that mimicked real-life situations. This study provides guidance for manufacturing companies aiming to enhance deviation management and predictive capabilities by improving visibility in their inbound logistics and potentially extending visibility to other areas, such as internal and outbound fl

    Introduction to the Special Issue on GaLA Conf 2021

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    This special issue of the International Journal of Serious Games is dedicated to the selected best papers of the 2021 edition of the GALA conference. This edition was organized by Francesca De Rosa and her team at NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimen-tation (CMRE), La Spezia, Italy. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was held online, for the second year. The three papers published in this special issue were first selected for a content exten-sion, so to make them suitable as journal papers, then underwent the regular IJSG peer-review process, which, on the other hand, discarded other three selected manuscripts. Here is a short introduction to the accepted papers that you will find in the GALA Conf 2021 special issue of the IJSG

    Implications of learning analytics for serious game design

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    This paper addresses the implications of combining learning analytics and serious games for improving game quality, monitoring and assessment of player behavior, gaming performance, game progression, learning goals achievement, and user’s appreciation. We introduce two modes of serious games analytics: in-game (real time) analytics, and post-game (off-line) analytics. We also explain the GLEANER framework for in-game analytics and describe a practical example for off-line analytics. We conclude with a brief outlook on future work, highlighting opportunities and challenges towards a solid uptake of SGs in authentic educational and training
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