9 research outputs found


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    Prikazujemo prvi slučaj pacijentice sa sindromom ukočene osobe i pridruženom torakalnom hidromijelijom s pozitivnim antitijelima na glutamatdekarboksilazu. U literaturi je do sada opisan samo slučaj sindroma ukočenog psa s pozitivnim antitijelima na glutamatdekarboksilazu te cervikalnom siringomijelijom zbog Arnold-Chiarijeve malformacije. Glutamatdekarboksilaza je enzim nužan za sintezu gama-aminomaslačne kiseline, inhibicijskog neurotransmitera. Manjak gama-aminomaslačne kiseline dovodi do poremećaja ravnoteže ekscitacijskih i inhibicijskih utjecaja na alfa-motoneurone prednjih rogova kralježnične moždine te posljedične kontinuirane stimulacije miÅ”ića Å”to se klinički prezentira rigiditetom i nekontroliranim miÅ”ićnim spazmima. Hidromijelija hipotetski izaziva oÅ”tećenje i gubitak GABAergičkih neurona kralježnične moždine Å”to dovodi do imunoloÅ”kog odgovora na antigene enzima glutamatdekarboksilaze. Možemo pretpostaviti da je značajan broj bolesnika s ovim sindromom neprepoznat, odnosno da im je utvrđena pogreÅ”na dijagnoza te da nisu liječeni na adekvatan način.Here we present for the fi rst time a case of a patient with stiff person syndrome and associated thoracic hydromyelia and positive antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase. To our knowledge, only one case of antiglutamate decarboxylase positive stiff dog syndrome with associated cervical syringomyelia due to Arnold-Chiari malformation has been described in the literature so far. Glutamate decarboxylase is an enzyme necessary for the synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Gamma-aminobutyric acid defi ciency leads to disturbance of the equilibrium of excitatory and inhibitory effects on the anterior horn alpha-motoneurons at the level of spinal cord and consequent continuous muscle stimulation, which is clinically presented by rigidity and uncontrolled muscle spasms. Hydromyelia hypothetically may cause damage to and loss of GABA-ergic neurons of the spinal cord leading to an immune response to the newly exposed glutamate decarboxylase antigens. We can assume that a number of patients with stiff person syndrome have not received complete diagnosis and therefore are not optimally treated


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    Prikazujemo prvi slučaj pacijentice sa sindromom ukočene osobe i pridruženom torakalnom hidromijelijom s pozitivnim antitijelima na glutamatdekarboksilazu. U literaturi je do sada opisan samo slučaj sindroma ukočenog psa s pozitivnim antitijelima na glutamatdekarboksilazu te cervikalnom siringomijelijom zbog Arnold-Chiarijeve malformacije. Glutamatdekarboksilaza je enzim nužan za sintezu gama-aminomaslačne kiseline, inhibicijskog neurotransmitera. Manjak gama-aminomaslačne kiseline dovodi do poremećaja ravnoteže ekscitacijskih i inhibicijskih utjecaja na alfa-motoneurone prednjih rogova kralježnične moždine te posljedične kontinuirane stimulacije miÅ”ića Å”to se klinički prezentira rigiditetom i nekontroliranim miÅ”ićnim spazmima. Hidromijelija hipotetski izaziva oÅ”tećenje i gubitak GABAergičkih neurona kralježnične moždine Å”to dovodi do imunoloÅ”kog odgovora na antigene enzima glutamatdekarboksilaze. Možemo pretpostaviti da je značajan broj bolesnika s ovim sindromom neprepoznat, odnosno da im je utvrđena pogreÅ”na dijagnoza te da nisu liječeni na adekvatan način.Here we present for the fi rst time a case of a patient with stiff person syndrome and associated thoracic hydromyelia and positive antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase. To our knowledge, only one case of antiglutamate decarboxylase positive stiff dog syndrome with associated cervical syringomyelia due to Arnold-Chiari malformation has been described in the literature so far. Glutamate decarboxylase is an enzyme necessary for the synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Gamma-aminobutyric acid defi ciency leads to disturbance of the equilibrium of excitatory and inhibitory effects on the anterior horn alpha-motoneurons at the level of spinal cord and consequent continuous muscle stimulation, which is clinically presented by rigidity and uncontrolled muscle spasms. Hydromyelia hypothetically may cause damage to and loss of GABA-ergic neurons of the spinal cord leading to an immune response to the newly exposed glutamate decarboxylase antigens. We can assume that a number of patients with stiff person syndrome have not received complete diagnosis and therefore are not optimally treated


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    Cilj ovih smjernica bio je predati najnovije, sistematizirane spoznaje kliničarima koji se bave zbrinjavanjem odraslih bolesnika s akutnim ishemijskim moždanim udarom. Preveli smo Američke smjernice za liječenje akutnog ishemijskog moždanog udara, koje su izdane 2018. godine od American Heart Association (AHA) i American Stroke Association (ASA) s ciljem prilagodbe hrvatskom zakonodavstvu i zdravstvenom sustavu. Članovi radne skupine Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za neurovaskularne poremećaje Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora i Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za moždani udar usmjerili su posebnu pozornost na pregled dosadaÅ”njih spoznaja i prilagodili ih aktualnom stanju u nacionalnom zdravstvenom sustavu kako bi se postiglo optimalno zbrinjavanje bolesnika s akutnim ishemijskim moždanim udarom u Hrvatskoj. Ove smjernice obuhvaćaju prehospitalnu skrb, hitnu evaluaciju te liječenje intravenskom i intraarterijskom terapijom uključujući mjere sekundarne prevencije prigodom inicijalne hospitalizacije u odraslih pacijenata s akutnim moždanim udarom.The aim of these guidelines is to provide an update and comprehensive review of the recent literature for clinicians treating adult patients with acute stroke. We translated American guidelines for the acute ischemic stroke treatment, published in 2018 by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association, and adapted these guidelines to the Croatian legislation, health insurance policy and standards of health care in Croatia. Members of the Croatian Society for Neurovascular Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association and the Croatian Stroke Society writing group evaluated and adjusted American guidelines to specifi cities of the Croatian health care system in order to improve the quality of stroke management in Croatia. These guidelines include pre-hospital care, urgent evaluation and treatment with intravenous and intra-arterial therapy, as well as the secondary prevention measures during initial hospitalization in adult acute stroke patients

    Optional right to occupational rehabilitation

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    Trg dela je v zahtevnih gospodarskih razmerah neizprosen do vseh, izjema niso niti invalidi. Ker invalidne osebe trpijo omejitve in pomanjkanje sposobnosti pri izvajanju določenih delovnih aktivnosti, ki so povsem normalne za zdravega človeka, jim je potrebno na primerne načine zagotoviti vključevanje v delovno okolje. V Sloveniji se osebam na osnovi ustreznega zakona prizna status invalida s pravnomočno odločbo pristojnega organa. Kljub priznanju invalidnosti pa je potrebno zavarovancu omogočiti dostop do dela in ustrezne zaposlitve. S to problematiko se ukvarja Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje (ZPIZ) in Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje (ZRSZ), ki jo reŔujeta z izvajanjem poklicne oziroma zaposlitvene rehabilitacije. Tema diplomskega dela je poklicna rehabilitacija kot temeljna izbirna pravica delovnega invalida iz naslova invalidskega zavarovanja s pomočjo katere se zavarovanec ustrezno zaposli oziroma ponovno vključi v delovno okolje. Ponovna vključitev v primerno delovno okolje pomeni za invalida priznanje in izenačenje pravic z ostalim delovno aktivnim prebivalstvom ter odpravo diskriminacije s katero se venomer sooča. Kljub možnostim, ki jo poklicna rehabilitacija ponuja pa se ugotavlja, da je Ŕe vedno nezadostno izkoriŔčena, zato smo to preverjali v empiričnem delu s pomočjo statističnih analiz podatkov, ki smo jih pridobili iz evidenc ZPIZ in javno razpoložljivih statističnih evidenc. Na osnovi podatkov smo analizirali trajanje postopka priznanja pravice, napovedali prihodnji trend in ugotavljali vpliv demografskih podatkov. S preverjanjem postavljenih hipotez smo ugotovili, da so bili časi trajanja postopkov uveljavljanja izbirne pravice v zadnjem obravnavanem letu krajŔi kot v predhodnem letu, medtem ko je trend koriŔčenja pravice v rahlem porastu. Ugotovili smo tudi, da obstajajo znatne demografske razlike med rehabilitanti. ReŔitev vidimo v primernejŔih predstavitvenih programih in boljŔem informiranju zavarovancev, kar bi dodatno povečalo zanimanje za poklicno rehabilitacijo.In currently demanding economic circumstances the labour market is tough for everyone and the disabled are no exception. The disabled persons are subject to limitations and lack of capacities in carrying out certain jobs that are quite normal for a healthy person. This is the reason why they need to get proper assistance in getting included in a work environment. In Slovenia, the disabled persons are granted a status of a disabled person pursuant to the relevant law by a legally binding decision issued by a competent authority. Nevertheless an insured person needs to be given an opportunity to work and to get adequate employment. The Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZPIZ) and the Employment Service of Slovenia (ZRSZ) are occupied with this topic and solve it through occupational and employment rehabilitation. The subject of my diploma thesis is occupational rehabilitation as a fundamental right of a disabled person pertaining to disability insurance, due to which an insured person can get adequate employment and get re-included in work environment. The disabled person considers his re-inclusion to adequate work environment as being given recognition and equal rights as the remaining working population and no longer being discriminated. And yet, despite the opportunities brought about by occupational rehabilitation it is found that it remains underexploited. We tried to verify this finding empirically by statistically analysing data obtained from the records of the ZPIZ and from publicly available statistical records. Based on the data we analysed how long a procedure for granting a disability right takes, we predicted a future tendency and assessed the influence of demographic data. Through verification of the set hypotheses it was established that the duration times of the procedures for enforcing a right in the past year under investigation were shorter compared to the year before, while the tendency of benefiting from rights was on a slight increase. It was further found there exist considerable demographic differences among rehabilitants. A solution is to be searched in more adequate presentation programmes and in better information provided to the insured persons which would contribute to an increased interest for occupational rehabilitation


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    Prikazujemo rijedak slučaj sekundarne kamptokormije u pacijentice s miotoničnom distrofi jom tip 2. Dijagnoza kamptokormije temelji se na kliničkom zapažanju abnormalne antefl eksije trupa (>45Ā°) u stojećem položaju, koja se pogorÅ”ava pri hodanju, a smanjuje u ležećem položaju. Dijagnoza miotonične distrofi je tip 2 temelji se na kliničkoj slici proksimalne miopatije, tipičnom elektromiografskom nalazu i neuroradioloÅ”koj obradi kralježnice (MSCT/MR), a potvrđuje se DNA analizom. Postoje brojni uzroci sekundarne kamptokormije, a miotonična distrofi ja tip 2 je jedan od rjeđih. Hipotrofi ja/atrofi ja paravevertebralne muskulature pri čemu je miÅ”ićno tkivo nadomjeÅ”teno masnim tkivom, verifi cirana neuroslikovnim metodama, upućuje na potrebu za dodatnom obradom s ciljem isključenja različitih miÅ”ićnih bolesti i poremećaja. Ovaj slučaj zorno prikazuje da u pozadini kroničnih, bolnih, vertebrogenih sindroma ponekad egzistiraju puno kompleksnije i rjeđe bolesti.We present a rare case of secondary camptocormia in a patient with myotonic dystrophy type 2. The diagnosis of camptocormia is based on clinical observation of abnormal torso antefl exion (>45Ā°) in standing position, which worsens with walking and decreases in supine position. The diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy type 2 is based on the clinical picture of proximal myopathy, typical electromyographic findings, and neuroradiological examination of the spine (MSCT/MR), and is confirmed by DNA analysis. There are a number of causes of secondary camptocormia, and myotonic dystrophy type 2 is one of the rarer ones. Hypotrophy/atrophy of the paravertebral musculature, where the muscle tissue is replaced with fat tissue, verifi ed by neuroimaging methods, indicates the need for additional processing to exclude various muscle diseases and disorders. This case clearly shows that in the background of chronic, painful, vertebrogenic syndromes, much more complex and rare diseases sometimes exist

    Human-robot interaction based on use of capacitive sensors

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    AbstractIn industrial assembly processes nowadays there is a trend of incorporating robotics and automation in more fields of human activity. The objective is to alleviate the work process for human operators and improve operations with the ultimate goal of increasing precision, shortening the cycle time and reducing risks. However current limitations of technical systems still dictate that human operator takes part in the process and also provides necessary support to the system. Development of advanced interaction models could simplify the role of human operators mainly in complex tasks. Robotic assistants, in form of an industrial robot, completely replace human operators in processes they are fit to perform or assist and hand items to them when they are not. When working together the robotā€™ priority is not to harm the human. Also it is important the human can convey desired actions of the robot in an intuitive manner. The goal is to apply human robot interaction models based on tactile stimulus. A simple capacitive sensor field has been developed for aiding the human-robot interaction in industrial applications. The sensor is connected to Arduino controller and mounted on the robot. When the human operator is in contact with the robot the change of capacitance is detected. The robot responses appropriately based on the input

    Ružička days : International conference 19th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Dear colleagues, we are extremely honoured to present to you the Proceedings of the international conference 19th Ružička Days, which was successfully held on September 21ā€“23, 2022, in Vukovar, Croatia, in the hometown town of our famous Croatian scientist and first Nobel laureate, professor Leopold (Lavoslav) Ružička. The main goals of the Conference were to promote excellence, originality and innovation of interdisciplinary scientific research as well as the practical application of the obtained results through collaboration with industry, emphasizing thus the recognizable slogan of the Ružička Days conference: "Today Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industry". In addition, the Conference gave the opportunity for meetings, exchanging the ideas, opinions, experiences and cooperation among participants from different working surroundings. It is also important to point out that since 2008, within the international conference Ružička Days, Meeting of Young Chemists has also been held, where high school students, with the help of their mentors, present papers in the field of chemistry, with the aim to direct students and young people to the technical and natural sciences, especially chemistry. In its seventh issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021) the Proceedings publishes scientific and professional full papers of high quality in the following sections: Chemical analysis and synthesis (10), Chemical and biochemical engineering (3), Food technology and biotechnology (4), Chemistry in agriculture and forestry (1), Environmental protection (9) and 8th Meeting of Young Chemists (3). Full-length papers were subjected to an international review procedure done by eminent experts from the corresponding fields, to whom we express our gratitude, but they were not subjected to linguistic proofreading. On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the 19th Ružička Days we cordially thank all the authors, reviewers, participants, lecturers, organizers, especially the international organizers EuCheMS and EHEDG, auspices and sponsors, and all the others who, in any way, supported the Conference and contributed to the preparation of the Proceedings, especially to our highly skilled and committed associates, who have put a lot of effort in the preparation of these Proceedings. At the very end, special thanks to our young, future scientists and their mentors who are faithful participants of the Meeting of Young Chemists of the Ružička Days conference. Enjoy the extremely interesting scientific and professional papers contained in these Proceedings, until the next 20th jubilee of Ružička Days in 2024! We are looking forward to meeting you again in Vukovar! Yours sincerely, Chief Editors Jurislav Babić Vesna Ocelić Bulatović Dajana Kučić Grgi