17 research outputs found

    Yerli koyun ırklarında bulunan genetik çeşitlilik

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    TÜBİTAK TBAG01.12.2004Bu çalışmada, Türk koyun ırklarında mevcut genetik çeşitlilik 5 mikrosatelit lokusu kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Devlet üretim çiftlikleri, üniversite üretim çiftlikleri ve yerel yetiştiricilerin elinde bulunan sürülerden yerli ve melez onbir Türk ırkı (Akkaraman, Morkaraman, Kıvırcık, İvesi, Dağlıç, Karayaka, Hemşin, Norduz, Kangal, Konya Merinosu, Türkgeldi) ile bireyleri Irak'tan getirilmiş yabancı bir ırkı (Hamdani) temsil eden toplam 423 birey bu çalışmada kullanılmıştır. Bazı ırklar icin birden fazla örnekleme yapılmıştır. Genetik varyasyonun ölçütlerinden beklenen heterozigotluk (HE) 0.686 ile 0.793 arasında, ortalama gözlenen allel sayıları (OAS) ise 5.8 ile 11.8 arasında değişmiştir. Türkiye üzerinde allel frekans dağılımları, evcilleşme merkezlerinden olmuş olabilecek göçlerle beklenen, dogudan batıya geçişli bir değişim göstermemiştir. FST indeksi Akkaraman, Karayaka ve Dağlıç'ta aynı ırkın farklı örneklemelerindeki farklılaşmayı ölçmek için kullanılmıştır ve yetiştirme çiftliğinden alınan Akkarman1'in diğer iki Akkaraman populasyonundan istatistiki önemle (P<0.001) farklı olduğu bulunmuştur. FIS indeksi ile ırklar Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) dengesi açısından test edilmiş, Akkaraman1, İvesi, Morkaraman ve Hemşin'de H-W'den sapma tespit edilmiştir. AMOVA analizi toplam genetik varyasyonun büyük bir kısmının (~% 95) ırk içi bireyleri arasında olduğunu göstermiştir. Parallel sonuçlar ırk ve bireyleri arası genetik ilişkinin incelendiği faktöriyel benzerlik analizi ve allel paylaşım uzaklığı ile de elde edilmiş ve genellikle, ırklar arası belirgin bir fark görülmemiştir. DA genetik uzaklığı ile çizilen komşu birleştirme ağacı ve temel öğeler analizi ise ırklar ve çeşitli örnekleri arası farklılaşmayı incelemek için kullanılmıştır. Özellikle ilk analiz çiftlik örneklerinin farklı olduğunu göstermiştir. Delaunay ağı ırklar arasında 4 adet (ikisi coğrafi bariyer ile paralel) genetik sınır belirlemiştir. Sonuçların hepsi Kıvırcık ırkının diğerlerinden çok farklı olduğu yönündedir. Mantel testi ve Darboğaz testi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir sonuç ortaya koymamıştır. Avrupa ırklarının çoğuna genetik olarak en yakın bulunan Kıvırcık örneği olmuştur. Türk ırklarında Avrupa ırklarından yüksek fakat çok da farklı olmayan bir genetik çeşitlilik belirlenmiştir. Bunda son yıllarda koyun sayısında, Türkiye’de, yaşanan hızlı düşüş etkili olmuş olabileceği düşünülmüştür.In this study the genetic diversity in Turkish native sheep breeds was investigated based on fıve microsatellite loci. In total, 423 individuals from 11 native and crossbred Turkish sheep breeds (Akkaraman, Morkaraman, Kıvırcık, İvesi, Dağlıç, Karayaka, Hemşin, Norduz, Kangal, Konya Merinosu, Türkgeldi) and one Iraqi breed (Hamdani) were analyzed by sampling from breeding farms and local breeders. For some of the breeds sampling was done more than once. Genetic variation within breeds was estimated by expected heterozygosity (HE), which ranged between 0.686 and 0.793 and by the mean number of observed alleles (MNA), it ranged between 5.8 and 11.8. The allele frequency distribution across Turkey showed no gradient from east to west, gradient was expected in accordance with the migrations from the domestication centers. The differentiation between different samples of Akkaraman, Dağlıç and Karayaka breeds was tested by FST index. Akkaraman1 sample from the breeding farm was significantly (P<0.001) different from the other two Akkaraman samples. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations observed for Akkaraman1, İvesi, Morkaraman and Hemşin breeds. AMOVA analysis revealed that most of the total genetic variation (~95%) was within the individuals of the breeds. In parallel to this observation, when factorial correspondence analysis and shared alleles distances were used to analyze the relationship between the breeds and their individuals, generally, there were no clear discriminations between the breeds. Moreover, neighbour joining tree constructed based on DA genetic distance, and principle component analysis were used to analyze among breed differentiation. The former one emphasized the genetic distinctness of the farm samples. Delaunay network drew 4 genetic boundaries (two of them being parallel to geographic boundaries) between the breeds. All the results indicated that Kıvırcık was the most differentiated breed. Finally, Mantel Test and Bottleneck analysis did not reveal a significant result. Kıvırcık breed, among all native Turkish breeds, was found to be the genetically closest to the European breeds based on the loci analyzed. The genetic variation in Turkish breeds was not much higher than that of European breeds, which might be a consequence of the recent sharp decrease in sheep number, in Turkey

    First Molecular Record of the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg 1793) in the Marmara Sea, Turkey

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    The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) has a very important economic potential for aquaculture, but on the other hand, is among the highly invasive species in the world and within the Mediterranean ecosystem. In the 1960s, C. gigas was brought to Europe for aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions from Japan and Canada. The Turkish waters are the part of the Mediterranean Sea, which is the world’s most invaded sea. The invasion of alien species results from marine transportation and aquaculture activities of non-native species. A heavy maritime traffic is also present in the Marmara Sea, which connects the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. The identification of the invasive species and their distributions is very prominent in terms of protecting natural habitat and monitoring the effects of invasive species. In this study, 30 individuals, morphologically identified as C. gigas, were collected from Bandırma bay. The genomic DNAs were extracted from each sample’s muscle tissue using universal salt extraction method. Partial sequences of COI and 16S Mitochondrial DNA loci of the sample DNAs were obtained for species identification. The sequences were searched against the database and results were retrieved from BLAST. All the sequences obtained in this study showed significant similarity with the C. gigas sequences present in the database (E=0). The sample sequences resulted in 9 different haplotypes for the COI locus (hd: 0.5296 and variance: 0.01256±0.112) and 5 different haplotypes for the 16S rDNA locus (hd: 0.2529, Variance: 0.01076±0.104). The results of this study provided the first molecular evidence for the presence of non-native Pacific oyster individuals in the Marmara Sea

    Y-Chromosome Polymorphisms in 12 Native, Karagül, Karacabey Merino Breeds from Turkey and Anatolian Mouflon (Ovis gmelinii anatolica)

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    Bu çalışmada, Anadolu’dan yerli evcil koyun (Ovis aries) ırklarından 13 ırk ile kökeni Avrupa’dan olan Bandırma Merinosu koyun ırkı ve Anadolu Yaban Koyunu (Ovis gmelinii anatolica)’na ait olmak üzere toplam 182 erkek birey materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Y kromozomunda bulunan SRY 5’promotor bölgesi ve Y kromozomuna özel bir mikrosatellit olan SRYM18 bölgeleri DNA dizi analizi yöntemleriyle incelenmiştir. SRY bölgesine ait analizlerde tüm bireylerde SNP A-oY1 alleline rastlanmıştır. SRYM18 mikrosatellit bölgesinde ise 4 farklı allel görülmüş ve toplamda 4 farklı babasal soy, haplotip, tespit edilmiştir. Yerli Anadolu ırklarında (n=143), H6 haplotipi (%80.41), H4 haplotipi (%9.09), H8 haplotipi (%8.40) ve H12 haplotipi (%2.1) belirlenmiştir. Ovis gmelinii anatolica’nın 16 bireyinde de sadece H6 haplotipi gözlenmiştir. Evcil koyunlar için haplotip frekanslarına dayalı FST değerleri hesaplanmış ve en yüksek FST değeri Karagül-Kıvırcık ve Karagül-Ovis gmelinii anatolica arasında FST değeri 0.43202 (P0.01) gözlenmiştir. Türkiye koyunlarının Y kromozomu polimorfizmi literatürdeki birikmiş verilerle karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Avrupa ve Asya’da gözlenen yedi haplotipten (H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H12, H19) dördü Anadolu’da (H4, H6, H8 ve H12) gözlenmiştir. H12, Sakız’ın özel bir haplotipi, H6 ise evcil koyunların baskın haplotipi (%79.51) ve Ovis gmelini anatolica’ nın tek haplotipi olarak görülmektedir. H4 haplotipinin Türkiye’ye güneydoğudan girmiş olabileceği düşünülen yağlı kuyruklu koyunla ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür ve bu koyunların göçebe Türklerin gelişi ile ilişkili olabileceği düşünülmektedir.In this study, 182 male animals from 12 native sheep breeds, as well as Karacabey Merino and Karagül breeds of Anatolia, wild sheep Anatolian Mouflon (Ovis gmelinii anatolica) were used as the study material. Based on SRY and SRYM18 regions on the Y-chromosome, haplotypes of the populations were analyzed using DNA sequence analyses. The SRY region, A-oY1 allele was observed in all of the individuals studied. On the other hand, four different alleles corresponding to four Y-chromosome haplotypes were detected at the SRYM18 microsatellite region. Among native Anatolian breeds (n=143), H6 haplotype (80.41%), H4 haplotype (9.09%), H8 haplotype (8.40%) and H12 haplotype (2.1%) were identified. H6 haplotype was observed in all 16 individuals of Ovis gmelinii anatolica. Pairwise FST values based on haplotype frequencies were calculated for domestic sheep, and the highest FST value was observed between Karagül and Kıvırcık along with Karagül and Ovis gmelinii anatolica with pairwise FST value of 0.43202 (P0.01). Y chromosome polymorphism of sheep from Turkey were examined comparatively with the accumulated data in the literature. Out of seven haplotypes (H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H12, H19) observed in Europe and Asia, 4 haplotypes (H4, H6, H8 and H12) were observed in Anatolia. H12 was a private haplotype of Sakız, H6 seems to be the predominant haplotype of domestic sheep (79.51%) as well as being the only haplotype observed in Ovis gmelini anatolica. H4 haplotype seemed to be associated with fat tailed sheep migrating to Turkey, entering from south east of Turkey, which may be related with the arrival of nomadic Turks

    Türkiye’den 12 Yerli, Karagül, Karacabey Merinosu ve Anadolu Yaban Koyununda (Ovis gmelinii anatolica) Y-Kromozom Polimorfizmleri

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    In this study, 182 male animals from 12 native sheep breeds, as well as Karacabey Merino and Karagül breeds of Anatolia, wild sheep Anatolian Mouflon (Ovis gmelinii anatolica) were used as the study material. Based on SRY and SRYM18 regions on the Y-chromosome, haplotypes of the populations were analyzed using DNA sequence analyses. The SRY region, A-oY1 allele was observed in all of the individuals studied. On the other hand, four different alleles corresponding to four Y-chromosome haplotypes were detected at the SRYM18 microsatellite region. Among native Anatolian breeds (n=143), H6 haplotype (80.41%), H4 haplotype (9.09%), H8 haplotype (8.40%) and H12 haplotype (2.1%) were identified. H6 haplotype was observed in all 16 individuals of Ovis gmelinii anatolica. Pairwise FST values based on haplotype frequencies were calculated for domestic sheep, and the highest FST value was observed between Karagül and Kıvırcık along with Karagül and Ovis gmelinii anatolica with pairwise FST value of 0.43202 (P<0.01). Y chromosome polymorphism of sheep from Turkey were examined comparatively with the accumulated data in the literature. Out of seven haplotypes (H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H12, H19) observed in Europe and Asia, 4 haplotypes (H4, H6, H8 and H12) were observed in Anatolia. H12 was a private haplotype of Sakız, H6 seems to be the predominant haplotype of domestic sheep (79.51%) as well as being the only haplotype observed in Ovis gmelini anatolica. H4 haplotype seemed to be associated with fat tailed sheep migrating to Turkey, entering from south east of Turkey, which may be related with the arrival of nomadic Turks.Bu çalışmada, Anadolu’dan yerli evcil koyun (Ovis aries) ırklarından 13 ırk ile kökeni Avrupa’dan olan Bandırma Merinosu koyun ırkı ve Anadolu Yaban Koyunu (Ovis gmelinii anatolica)’na ait olmak üzere toplam 182 erkek birey materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Y kromozomunda bulunan SRY 5’promotor bölgesi ve Y kromozomuna özel bir mikrosatellit olan SRYM18 bölgeleri DNA dizi analizi yöntemleriyle incelenmiştir. SRY bölgesine ait analizlerde tüm bireylerde SNP A-oY1 alleline rastlanmıştır. SRYM18 mikrosatellit bölgesinde ise 4 farklı allel görülmüş ve toplamda 4 farklı babasal soy, haplotip, tespit edilmiştir. Yerli Anadolu ırklarında (n=143), H6 haplotipi (%80.41), H4 haplotipi (%9.09), H8 haplotipi (%8.40) ve H12 haplotipi (%2.1) belirlenmiştir. Ovis gmelinii anatolica’nın 16 bireyinde de sadece H6 haplotipi gözlenmiştir. Evcil koyunlar için haplotip frekanslarına dayalı FST değerleri hesaplanmış ve en yüksek FST değeri Karagül-Kıvırcık ve Karagül-Ovis gmelinii anatolica arasında FST değeri 0.43202 (P<0.01) gözlenmiştir. Türkiye koyunlarının Y kromozomu polimorfizmi literatürdeki birikmiş verilerle karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Avrupa ve Asya’da gözlenen yedi haplotipten (H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H12, H19) dördü Anadolu’da (H4, H6, H8 ve H12) gözlenmiştir. H12, Sakız’ın özel bir haplotipi, H6 ise evcil koyunların baskın haplotipi (%79.51) ve Ovis gmelini anatolica’ nın tek haplotipi olarak görülmektedir. H4 haplotipinin Türkiye’ye güneydoğudan girmiş olabileceği düşünülen yağlı kuyruklu koyunla ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür ve bu koyunların göçebe Türklerin gelişi ile ilişkili olabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Genetic diversity of gazelles (Gazella marica and Gazella gazella) in southeast Turkey: A special emphasis on ongoing conservation studies of Gazella marica in Turkey

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    Kankılıç, Tolga ( Aksaray, Yazar )Objective: The genetic diversity parameters for gazelle populations sampled in Turkey were estimated to assess the effects of captive breeding on the populations’ gene pools and effective population sizes. Materials and Methods: Four individuals from a recently discovered Gazella gazella population in Hatay and two captive gazelle populations were sampled (the Kızılkuyu State Farm (n=48) and the Erikçe State Farm (n=25)) and analyzed using nuclear DNA, mtDNA and Y-chromosome markers. Results: The mtDNA cyt-b partial sequence analysis assigned the Erikçe and Kızılkuyu samples to Gazella marica. The structure analysis differentiated significantly between them, and revealed samples originating from wild population. Both, the Y-chromosome INRA126 locus sequences of Gazella gazella and Gazella marica males and the mtDNA partial cyt-b region RFLP analysis from all the samples distinguished the two gazelle species from each other. Based on microsatellites, the estimated effective population sizes were 9.7, 8.9 and 6.4 for the Kızılkuyu, Erikçe and Hatay populations, respectively. When the Kızılkuyu and Erikçe populations (where severe inbreeding depressions seems to be occurring already) were pooled, the estimated Ne was 24.5. All these estimates were too small for the sustainability of either individual or pooled populations in the wild or even in captivity. Conclusion: The markers used in the study provided information on two of the gazelle species (Gazella marica, and Gazella gazella): their species identity, degree of divergences, effective population sizes and the presence of admixture within the populations. These results turned out to be invaluable in terms of their contribution to future studies for the conservation of these species

    Mitochondrial DNA diversity of modern, ancient and wild sheep(Ovis gmelinii anatolica) from Turkey: new insights on the evolutionary history of sheep.

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    In the present study, to contribute to the understanding of the evolutionary history of sheep, the mitochondrial (mt) DNA polymorphisms occurring in modern Turkish native domestic (n = 628), modern wild (Ovis gmelinii anatolica) (n = 30) and ancient domestic sheep from Oylum Höyük in Kilis (n = 33) were examined comparatively with the accumulated data in the literature. The lengths (75 bp/76 bp) of the second and subsequent repeat units of the mtDNA control region (CR) sequences differentiated the five haplogroups (HPGs) observed in the domestic sheep into two genetic clusters as was already implied by other mtDNA markers: the first cluster being composed of HPGs A, B, D and the second cluster harboring HPGs C, E. To manifest genetic relatedness between wild Ovis gmelinii and domestic sheep haplogroups, their partial cytochrome B sequences were examined together on a median-joining network. The two parallel but wider aforementioned clusters were observed also on the network of Ovis gmelenii individuals, within which domestic haplogroups were embedded. The Ovis gmelinii wilds of the present day appeared to be distributed on two partially overlapping geographic areas parallel to the genetic clusters that they belong to (the first cluster being in the western part of the overall distribution). Thus, the analyses suggested that the domestic sheep may be the products of two maternally distinct ancestral Ovis gmelinii populations. Furthermore, Ovis gmelinii anatolica individuals exhibited a haplotype of HPG A (n = 22) and another haplotype (n = 8) from the second cluster which was not observed among the modern domestic sheep. HPG E, with the newly observed members (n = 11), showed signs of expansion. Studies of ancient and modern mtDNA suggest that HPG C frequency increased in the Southeast Anatolia from 6% to 22% some time after the beginning of the Hellenistic period, 500 years Before Common Era (BCE)