19 research outputs found


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    Bu çalışma Türkiye tarihinin üç farklı dönemine odaklanarak, spiritüellik ile Kemalizm ilişkisinin değişen yapısını ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Erken cumhuriyet döneminde spiritüel hareketlerin etkisi sınırlı olsa da ulus inşası ve Atatürk’ün karizmatik otoritesinin teşkili süreçleri, sonraki on yıllarda spiritüel içeriklere dair bir meşruiyet ve aşinalık sağlamıştır. Bu sayededir ki, Soğuk Savaş döneminde spiritüel hareketler kendilerini, dindar muhalefet ve ahlaki kodların yitimi risklerine karşı Kemalist modernizasyon projesini güçlendiren bir unsur olarak sunmuştur. Son olarak Post-Kemalist zamanlara denk düşen üçüncü dönemde bazı spiritüel akımlar kendilerini Kemalizm’in savunucusu olarak konumlandırmış ve bu amaçla Atatürk’ün kişiliği ile ezoterizm ve mistisizm gibi güncel new age temaları arasında bir sentez oluşturmuşlardır. Ancak Kemalist kültlerin ve ezoterik pratiklerin popülaritesi, aynı zamanda dinsellik ve postmodern eleştiriler karşısında Kemalizm’in yenilgisinin de bir sembolü konumundadır

    A potential area of use for immune checkpoint inhibitors: Targeting bone marrow microenvironment in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) arises from the cells of myeloid lineage and is the most frequent leukemia type in adulthood accounting for about 80% of all cases. The most common treatment strategy for the treatment of AML includes chemotherapy, in rare cases radiotherapy and stem cell and bone marrow transplantation are considered. Immune checkpoint proteins involve in the negative regulation of immune cells, leading to an escape from immune surveillance, in turn, causing failure of tumor cell elimination. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) target the negative regulation of the immune cells and support the immune system in terms of anti-tumor immunity. Bone marrow microenvironment (BMM) bears various blood cell lineages and the interactions between these lineages and the noncellular components of BMM are considered important for AML development and progression. Administration of ICIs for the AML treatment may be a promising option by regulating BMM. In this review, we summarize the current treatment options in AML treatment and discuss the possible application of ICIs in AML treatment from the perspective of the regulation of BMM

    Post-traumatic stress disorder after terrorist attack in healthcare professionals

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    INTRODUCTION: On the date of 15 July 2016 a terrorist organization launched a terrorist attack using helicopters and heavy combat weapons in the city centers of Istanbul and Ankara simultaneously. Numerous civilian were hurt and many of them lost their lives during the attacks. Terrorism is a form of combat designed to cause the highest psychological influence on the masses. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most common psychological disorders after such disasters. The aim of this study is to determine the associated risk factors and PTSD rates in healthcare professionals who were on call during the 15 July 2016 terrorist attacks. METHOD: Since the hospital is in a neighbouring the street to where terror attacks occurred, all healthcare professionals ≥ 18 years of age who were on duty that night in the Dr. Ridvan Ege Training and Research Hospital and were auditory or visual witnesses of the event were included in the study as the first group while healthcare professionals who work in the same hospital but were not on duty that night were included as the control group. RESULTS: The mean post-traumatic diagnostic scale stress score of the control group was 11.87. The mean post-traumatic diagnostic scale stress score of the Group 1 was 21.91. There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of posttraumatic diagnostic scale stress score (p < 0.05). While the healthcare professionals on duty on July 15, 2016 (Group 1) had moderate-severe (21.91 ± 5.11) stress disorder, the healthcare professionals who were not at the hospital on July 15, 2016 (Control Group) had moderate stress disorder (11.87 ± 6.86). CONCLUSION: Our country is at risk from the fact that such attacks may be experienced again because of its unique conditions. The results of our work support the data on the high level of exposure to PTSD when exposed to a terrorist attack. For this reason, the identification of the characteristics of pre-traumatic health individuals at risk is useful in planning the presentation of preventive and curative health services. At the same time, there is a need for longer-term work and wider samples to reveal the psychological consequences of such attacks

    Effects of infusion rates of 7.2% sodium chloride + 6% dextran 70 solution on plasma osmolality and electrolyte concentrations in normovolemic sheep

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    Şiddetli hipovolemi ve şok durumlarının başlangıç tedavisinde son 20 yıldır kullanım alanı bulan küçük volüm canlandırma, %7.2-7.5 sodyum klorür (NaCl) + kolloid solüsyonunun az miktarlarda hızlı infüzyonunu ifade etmektedir. %7.2 hipertonik NaCl + %6 dekstran 70 (HSD) solüsyonu uygulamaları plazmada hızlı volüm artışını sağlamakta ve uzun süre koruyabilmektedir. Bu sayede, HSD vücutta uzun süreli hemodinamik ve metabolik yararlar sağlayabilmektedir. HSD solüsyonu genel olarak hipovolemik şokta kullanılmakla birlikte; kafa travmaları, yanıklar, sepsis, çoklu organ disfonksiyon sendromu ve kalp-damar cerrahisinde de uygulanmaktadır. HSD solüsyonu uygulanmalarının en önemli dezavantajları arasında; hipernatremi, demiyelinizasyon, geçici hiperkloremik asidoz, kanama eğiliminde artış, akut renal yetmezlik ve anafilaksi yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada sağlıklı koyunlarda hızlı volüm canlandırmada kullanılan %7.2 Hipertonik NaCl + %6 Dekstran 70 (HSD) solüsyonunun infüzyon hızının plazma elektrolitleri ve osmolalitesi üzerine etkisi araştırıldı. Klinik açıdan sağlıklı 8 aylık 14 adet dişi Sakız-Merinos melezi koyun rastgele örnekleme yöntemiyle iki gruba ayrıldı (n=7). 4 ml/kg dozda %7.2 hipertonik NaCl ve % 6 Dextran 70 (Macrodex, Eczacıbaşı) kombinasyonu; birinci gruba 2 dk içerisinde bolus şeklinde, ikinci gruba ise 20 dk içerisinde yavaş infüzyon şeklinde uygulandı. Koyunlardan kan örnekleri sıvı uygulamasından önce ve sonrası 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 360. dakikalarda tekniğine uygun olarak V. jugularis'ten antikoagulanlı (lityum heparin) tüplere alındı. Na +, Cl- Her iki grupta da uygulamadan hemen sonra plazma konsantrasyonları ve plazma osmolalitesi önemli (p<0.001) düzeylerde artarken, plazma K+ konsantrasyonu ve Htc düzeyleri uygulama sonrası önemli (p<0.001) düzeylerde azaldı. Na+ konsantrasyonu ve Htc düzeylerinde çalışma boyunca gruplar arasında herhangi bir farklılığa rastlanmazken, çalışmanın 0., 5. ve 10. dk'larda K+ konsantrasyonlarında (p<0.05), 90. ve 120. dk'larda Cl- konsantrasyonlarında (p<0.05) ve 60. dakikasından itibaren plazma osmolalitesindeki değişimlerde (p<0.05) gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklara rastlandı. HSD solüsyonunun bolus ve yavaş infüzyonların plazma Na+, Cl-, K+ konsantrasyonları ve osmolalite üzerine etkilerinin değişiklik gösterdiği, uygulama hızının klinik indikasyona göre değerlendirilerek tercih edilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.Small volume resuscitation used for the initial treatment of severe hypovolemia and shock for the last two decades is expressed rapid infusion of small volumes 7.2-7.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) + colloid. 7.2% hypertonic NaCl + %6 dextran 70 (HSD) causes rapid increase in plasma volume and maintain this effect for longer periods. With this effect, HSD proves long term hemodynamic and metabolic benefits in body. HSD is not only used in the treatment of hypovolemic shock, but also head trauma, burns, sepsis, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and cardio-vascular surgery. The main disadvantages of HSD administrations are hypernatremia, demyelination, transient hyperchloremic acidosis, coagulopathy, acute renal insufficiency and anaphylaxia. In this study, the effects of infusion rates of HSD used for small volume resuscitation on plasma electrolytes and osmolality in healthy sheep was investigated. 8 months of age, 14 healthy Chios-Merinos sheep were randomly separated into two groups (n=7). 4 ml/kg dose of 7.2% hypertonic NaCl and 6% dekstran 70 (Macrodex, Eczacıbaşı) was administered in 2 minutes as a bolus infusion in the first group and as a slow infusion in 20 minutes in the second group. Serum samples from the sheep were collected before and 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 360. min after the fluid administration from the jugular vein to the anticoagulated (lithium heparin) sampling tubes. Significant (p<0.001) increases in plasma Na+, Cl- concentrations and osmolality and significant (p<0.001) decreases in plasma K+ concentrations and Htc values has been determined in both groups after the fluid administration. During the study period, no statistical difference in Na+ concentrations and Htc values has been determined between groups however, significant differences has been seen at the 0, 5 ve 10th min. on K+ concentration (p<0.05), at the 90 and 120th min on Cl- concentration (p<0.05) and from 60th min to the end of the study on osmolality (p<0.05) between groups. In conclusion, bolus and slow infusions of HSD have different effects on plasma Na+, Cl-, K+ concentrations and osmolality and the infusion rate should be chosen evaluating the clinical indication

    Tectonic setting of the southern Marmara Sea region: based on seismic reflection data and gravity modelling

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    On the basis of gravity modelling on the southern Marmara Sea shelf and conventional multichannel seismic reflection data, the tectonic setting of the region was studied. The relation of the middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault Zone with the Thrace-Eskisehir Fault Zone was examined. The southern Marmara Sea region was tectonically uplifted in the Late Pliocene. Gemlik Bay was developed during Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene under the control of right lateral strike-slip faults along the middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault. The northwest trending Thrace-Eski ehir Fault is the second important tectonic element in this evolution. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Studies Towards the Size-Controlled Preparation of Cellulose Microspheres

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    Microbeads are manufactured from plastics and have sizes in the 10 to 1000 micrometer range. These beads are added to cosmetic products as exfoliating agents, as additives to improve texture and spreadability, and as colorants to enhance the visual appeal of products. However the use of plastic microbeads contributes to plastic particle pollution in water. Microbeads may adsorb and concentrate toxic chemicals and may be ingested by smaller marine animals mistaking them for food. The toxic effect may be magnified as these microbeads make their way up the food chain; therefore their use in rinse-off cosmetics has recently been banned in many countries.2,3Cellulose microspheres have many applications in chromatography, metal ion exchange and water treatment, protein immobilization, solid-phase synthesis, and drug loading and release.4 Furthermore cellulose microspheres are biodegradable and may be used as an environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic microbeads in cosmetics.5 In this study we have prepared cellulose micropsheres in a size-controlled manner (40-300 m, Figure 1) by converting cotton to viscose solutions, dispersing these solutions in oil using surfactants and agitation, and regenerating cellulose through heating of the dispersions. We have observed that numerous factors such as viscose droplet size, rotor speed, and type and quantity of surfactant affect microsphere size. We have also investigated the activation of these microspheres with epoxide and amino functionalities and prepared magnetic cellulose micropsheres.Acknowledgement: We gratefully acknowledge financial support from TÜBİTAK (Project 118Z442).Footnotes and References:1) Undergraduate student researchers2) Dauvergne, P. Environ. Polit. 2018, 27(4), 579-597.3) Carolyn J. Foley, C.J.; Feiner, Z.S.; Malinich, Z.D.; Höök, T.O. Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 631–632, 550–559.4) Gericke, M.; Trygg, J.; Fardim P. Chem. Rev. 2013, 113, 4812−4836.5) https://www.bath.ac.uk/case-studies/scientists-make-biodegradable-microbeads-from-cellulose/ (accessed 28.01.2020

    Size-Controlled Preparation of Cellulose Microspheres and Preliminary Investigation of their Use as Additives in Cosmetic Products

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    Plastic microbeads (PMs) having sizes in the micrometer range (10-1000 m) are added to cosmetic products as colorants, as exfoliating agents, and as additives to improve spreadability and texture. The use of PMs in cosmetic products contributes significantly to microplastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems. Not only may PMs themselves be toxic to certain aquatic life forms, but as part of formulations of rinse-off cosmetics they may also adsorb and concentrate toxic chemicals on their way through waste water systems and into aquatic ecosystems where they may be ingested by smaller aquatic animals. This toxic effect may then be amplified going up the food chain as a result of bioaccumulation. Consequently, the use of PMs in rinse-off cosmetics has recently been banned in many countries.2,3 Cellulose microspheres (CMs) have many applications in chromatography, drug loading and release, ion exchange and water treatment, protein immobilization, and solid-phase synthesis.4 Additionally, CMs are biodegradable and could be developed to be potential alternatives to PMs as additives in rinse-off cosmetics. In this study we have, in a size-controlled manner (diameter = 40-700 m), prepared CMs by thermal regeneration of cellulose from surfactant-stabilized water-in-oil emulsions of viscose solutions. We have found that factors such as surfactant type and concentration, viscose droplet size, rotor speed and size affect the diameter of CMs formed. We have been able to dye these CMs with dermatologically benign dyes and demonstrate stability of such dyed CMs in pH 3-10 environments for extended periods of time. We have also discovered two distinct methods to modulate the density of CMs (normally dcellulose = 1.5 g/cm3) so that they could float in water and remain suspended in some cosmetic formulations (Figure 1).Acknowledgement: We gratefully acknowledge partial financial support from TÜBİTAK (Project 118Z442) for these studies.Footnotes and References:1) Undergraduate student researchers2) Amelia et al. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci. 2021, 8:12, DOI: 10.1186/s40645-020-00405-43) Sun et al. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 742, 1402184) Gericke, M.; Trygg, J.; Fardim P. Chem. Rev. 2013, 113, 4812−4836

    The Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ)'s Reliability And Validity and Relationship with Body Mass Index andEmotional Schemas

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada yeme davranışı ve duygu ilişkisini değerlendirilmek için geliştirilmiş olan "Duygusal İştah Anketi"nin (DİA) Türkiye örneklemi için geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizlerinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. DİA'nın duygusal şemalarla ve beden kitle indeksi ile ilişkisi de araştırılmıştır. Yöntem: Gönüllü üniversite öğrencileri ve sağlık çalışanları arasından 196 kişi çalışmaya alınmıştır. Araştırmaya alınma kriterlerini karşılayan gönüllülerden önce sosyo-demografik veri formunu doldurmaları istendi. DİA Türkçe formu, ölçeğin geçerlik açısından değerlendirilebilmesinde kullanılmak üzere daha önce Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirliliği yapılmış olan Yeme Tutumu Testi (YTT) ve Leahy Duygusal Şema Ölçeği (LDŞÖ) verildi. DİA'nın güvenirliğini saptamak amacıyla test-tekrar test yönteminin gerektirdiği üzere ölçek, katılımcıların bir bölümüne 1 ay sonra tekrar verildi. Bulgular: DİA'nın güvenirlik çalışması için; ölçeğin iç tutarlılığı (Cronbach alfa r0.730), madde-toplam puan korelasyonu (0,195- 0,883), maddeler arası korelasyon katsayıları (0.141-0.725)ve test-tekrar test güvenilirliği değerlendirilmiş, DİA'nın yüksek düzeyde iç tutarlılığa sahip olduğunu gösterilmiştir. Ölçeğin test-tekrar test güvenilirliği için hesaplanan Pearson korelasyon katsayıları DİA'nın yüksek düzeyde güvenilirliğine kanıt oluşturmuştur. DİA'nın olumsuz toplam puanı ve Beden kitle indeksi (BKİ) arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (p 0.01). DİA olumlu toplam puanı ile BKİ arasında ise ters yönde anlamlı ilişkiler saptanmıştır (p0.01). Leahy Duygusal Şema Ölçeği(LDŞÖ) alt-boyutları puanları ile DİA alt boyut puanları arasında negatif yönde anlamlı ilişkiler elde edilmiştir (p0.05, p0.01). Sonuç: Çalışmamızdan elde ettiğimiz veriler DİA'nın duygusal yemek yemenin değerlendirilmesinde Türkiye örneklemi için geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracı olduğunu göstermiştir. (Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi ve Araştırmalar Dergisi 2014; 3: 171-181)Objective: In this study we aimed to implement the reliability and validity analyses of Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EAQ) in Turkish sample, which has been developed for evaluating relationship between eating behavior and emotion. In addition we aimed to investigate the relationship between EAQ and emotional schemas and body mass index. Method: 196 university students and hospital staff voluntarily included to our study. Participants firstly asked to complete the socio-demographic data form. Turkish form of the EAQ, Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) and the Leahy Emotional Schema Scale (LESS) was given to criteria met participants. To determine the reliability of the scale as required by test-retest method, participants were given a section again after 1 month. Results: For reliability analysis of Turkish version of EAQ (TEAQ); internal consistency (Cronbach alfa r0.730), item-total score correlations (0,195-0,883), inter-item correlations (0.141-0.725) and test-retest reliability were assessed and it has shown to be that TEAQ has a high level of internal consistency. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated for test-retest reliability analysis of TEAQ and obtained high degree evidence. Significant positive correlations (p&lt; 0.01) determined between negative total scores of TEAQ and BMI scores. In addition significant negative correlations (p&lt; 0.01) determined between positive total scores of TEAQ and BMI scores. Between Leahy Emotional Schema Scale (LESS) sub-dimensions scores and TEAQ subdimensions scores, significant negative relationships were obtained (p&lt;0.05, p&lt;0.01). Conclusion: As a result of the present study, DİA has showed that is a reliable and valid measurement tool for the evaluation of emotional eating in our data sample of Turkey. (Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research 2014; 3: 171-181


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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life (QoL) and family burden in relatives of patients with heroin dependence with that of healthy controls. Subjects and methods: A total of 50 heroin dependent patients and 50 of their relatives and 50 healthy subjects and 50 of their relatives were included in the study. The Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (SCID-I) was used to determine the heroin dependence and other Axis I psychiatric disorders. Family burden and QoL levels in the relatives were assessed with the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) protocol and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment-Brief (WHOQOL-BREF), respectively. Results: There were no significant differences in demographic characteristics between the groups. When compared with healthy controls, family members of heroin dependence patients had significantly higher ZBI scores and significantly lower all subscale scores of the WHOQOL-BREF. ZBI score was positively correlated with duration of the illness. All WHOQOL-BREF subscale scores were negatively correlated with duration of the illness. Conclusions: The study suggests that heroin dependence not only affects the lives of patients but also the lives of their family members. Heroin dependence leads to high burden on the family and also impairs the QoL of relatives