126 research outputs found

    Population distribution by selected road network elements - comparison of centroids, geocoded addresses, built-up areas and total areas on the example of Slovak communes

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    Two research objectives can be identified in the presented paper. The first one was the development of a point layer, which would abstract from the position of a central point depending on the shape of the territory of the respective spatial unit (commune), and would express the position of a commune as regards the location of the point in the area of the commune built-up area. For such purpose, a geocoding algorithm from Google was used, for which it was possible to prepare a final dot map layer without any terrain layout, as the geocoding algorithm processes only simple text addresses of the relevant spatial units. Such an obtained dot layer was compared with the layer of centroids and the achieved differences were visualised. Another objective was to compare different methods of population distribution interpretation from the selected road network elements at the commune level. Point layers in the form of centroids and geocodes were compared with the spatial population distribution on the basis of the total area and built-up area of a commune. It is more suitable to use geocodes as the holder of statistical information in comparison with commune centroids, in particular in the areas with marked vertical division of the terrain. In assessing population distribution, the obtained values are much closer to the expression of the identical indicator calculated for the built-up area of a commune that we consider most accurate, which is also documented by the average percentage deviations between particular interpretations of population distribution.

    Websites and social networks of communes in Slovakia: development and current state

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    One of the main features of today's information society is the availability of data of various kinds provided by various companies and organizations. In the following paper, we focus on evaluating the dynamics of development and the current state of existence of web pages of communes in Slovakia, which represent a database of their activities and serve as the main communication channel between citizens and self-government representatives. Another important channel is social networks, which are still enjoying huge popularity among internet users. On the basis of the results of an online questionnaire that involved almost 60% of the addressed self-governments, we will point out the adaptation of self-governments to the use of social networks. An important task of such research is the distribution of the obtained results to end users as well. This is achieved through an example of a description of basic technical and functional specifications by using the web page created by the authors of the contribution. This web page has the ambition of becoming a sort of central access point for all those interested in information about communes in Slovakia. By means of standard tabular, but also interactive graphic and map outputs, it gives an idea of selected indicators of self-governments in a user-friendly form, thus helping to increase client awareness of this specific issue.One of the main features of today's information society is the availabilityof data of various kinds provided by various companies and organisations. Inthe following paper, we focus on evaluating the dynamics of development and thecurrent state of existence of websites of communes in Slovakia, which represent adatabase of their activities and serve as the main communication channel betweencitizens and self-government representatives. Another important channel is socialnetworks, which are still enjoying huge popularity among Internet users. On thebasis of the results of an online questionnaire that involved almost 60% of the addressedself-governments, we will point out the adaptation of self-governments tothe use of social networks. One of the important tasks of such research is the distributionof the obtained results to end users. This is achieved through an exampleof a description of basic technical and functional specifications by using thewebsite created by the authors. This website has the ambition of becoming a sortof central access point for all those interested in information about communes inSlovakia. By means of standard tabular, but also interactive graphic and map outputs,it gives an idea of selected indicators of self-governments in a user-friendlyform, thus helping to increase client awareness of this specific issue

    Spatial autocorrelation of communes websites: A case study of the region Stredné Považie in Slovakia

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    Since its origination the Internet has been the basic communication channel through which e-Government processes in our society are carried out. The basic element of such processes is an existing website. This paper is the result of long-term research during which the authors collected information on the presence or absence of websites of self-governments in Slovakia. The output can be divided into two main parts. The first one, on the basis of the acquired data, evaluates the overall trend of self-government websites between 2008–2012. The results were distributed in the form of a website devoted to communes of Slovakia, using technology enabling the graphical and cartographic interpretation of the results. In the second part, on the basis of the gathered data, the authors applied spatial autocorrelation, specifically the ‘join count statistics’ method with the subsequent application to selected phenomenon in society, in particular the occurrence of websites of a selected region of Stredné Považie in Slovakia at the same time interval. This way the authors wanted to point out the interaction of communes in the development of websites, whether through inspiration or rivalry among neighbouring communes. From this point of view, mainly in the first period under review (2008), positive spatial autocorrelation is apparent in the occurrence of communes with websites

    Image Processing on GPUs

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá moderními technologiemi grafického hardware a jeho využitím pro obecné výpočty. Soustředí se především na architekturu unifikovaných procesorů a implementaci algoritmů pomocí programového rozhraní CUDA. Základem je zvolit vhodný algoritmus demonstrující výkon GPU. Cílem této práce je implementace multiplatformní knihovny, která poskytne vektorizaci diskrétních volumetrických dat. Pro tento proces byl zvolen algoritmus Marching cubes, hledající povrch nasnímaného objektu. V knihovně bude obsažena jak část pro zpracování na grafickém zařízení, tak na CPU. Na závěr obě varianty porovnáme a vyjádříme se k výhodám či nevýhodám těchto přístupů.This master thesis deals with modern technologies in graphic hardware and using their for general purpose computing. It is primary focused on architecture of unified processors and algorithm implementation via CUDA programming interface. Thesis base is to choose suited algorithm for GPU horsepower demonstration. Main aim of this work is implementation of multiplatform library offering algorithms for discrete volumetric data vectorization. For this purpose was chosen algorithm Marching cubes that is able to find surface of processed object. In created library will be contained algorithm runnable on graphic device and also one runnable on CPU. Finally we compare both variants and discuss their pros and cons.

    Knowledge management.

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    Svou disertační práci jsem zaměřil na oblast znalostního managementu a jeho úrovně v českých firmách. Jde o velmi aktuální problematiku. Celosvětově roste zájem o znalosti, jejich řízení a využívání co největším počtem zaměstnanců. Hlavním cílem mé disertační práce je zjistit úroveň znalostního managementu v českých firmách a doporučit postupy, které pomohou eliminovat nejčastější chyby v řízení znalostí. Úvodem své disertační práce uvádím základní definice pojmů z oblasti znalostního managementu data, informace a znalosti, dále vymezuji nejdůležitější faktory, které ovlivňují řízení znalostí. Ve druhé kapitole jsem se zaměřil na zjištění aktuálního stavu znalostního managementu, zejména pak moderní přístupy k řízení znalostí, členění znalostí podle různých autorů a uvádím zde styly znalostního managementu. Třetí kapitola je zaměřena na moderní trendy lidských zdrojů a vliv struktury podniku na znalostní management. Ve čtvrté kapitole popisuji způsoby vzniku znalostí a činnosti, které je nutné znát, než zavedeme znalostní management. Pátá kapitola je zaměřena na aktuální vývoj informačních systémů a produktů podporujících znalostní management. Závěrem je vyhodnocený dotazníkový průzkum a uvedena doporučení k řešené problematice. Jedná se o návrh, jak postupovat v oblastech řízení lidských zdrojů a investování do IT ve firmách, kde hodláme zavádět nebo již máme zavedený znalostní management. V této části disertační práce uvádím přínosy v oblasti vědy, praxe a pedagogického postupu.My thesis is focused on knowledge management and its quality in Czech companies. The issue is one of the most current and very important topic since the interest in knowledge and namely in its management and utilisation by as large as possible number of employees has been rapidly growing worldwide. The main objective of my thesis is to evaluate the level of knowledge management in Czech companies and suggest procedures leading to elimination of most frequent errors therein. The introduction of my thesis provides basic definitions from the field of knowledge management, namely data, information and knowledge, and gives definitions of most important factors that influence knowledge management. Chapter two surveys the current state of knowledge management, namely modern approaches towards knowledge management, classification of knowledge suggested by various authors and different styles of knowledge management. Chapter three is focused on modern trends in human resources and influence of the company’s structure upon knowledge management. Chapter four contains description of ways of origin of knowledge followed by activities necessary to know prior to introduction of knowledge management. Chapter five gives a survey of current development in information systems and products supporting knowledge management. The final part of my thesis presents an assessed questionnaire survey and gives recommendations to the discussed issue. Included are suggested procedures how to proceed and act in human resources management and IT investments in companies intending to introduce knowledge management. In addition, this chapter gives examples of contributions from science, practice and pedagogic procedures.

    Project of Internet Business for SATES a. s. Považská Bystrica

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    Práca pojednáva o návrhu riešenia internetového obchodu pre súkromnú spoločnosť, ktorá pôsobí v oblasti dopravného značenia. Kombináciou požiadaviek kladených na internetový obchod zo strany trhu a špecifických nárokov daného podniku vytvára práca riešenie, ktoré spĺňa náležitosti efektivity, funkčnosti a flexibility úspešného internetového obchodu. Výstupom bakalárskej práce je návrh riešenia internetového obchodu produktov spoločnosti a jej služieb, ktorého realizácia má zabezpečiť širšie povedomie o poskytovanej značke, pritiahnutie nových zákazníkov a dosiahnutie úspory nákladov.This bachelor thesis discusses project of internet business for a private company with activities in the traffic sign’s area. The solution is created by the combination of specific needs of the company and market requirements and meets the high standards of quality, effectiveness and functionality. The bachelor thesis delivers solution of internet business, which realization leads to impression of more customers and cost decreasing.

    Simulator of the FM-CW rangefinder function

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    Táto práca popisuje problematiku návrhu simulátoru FM-CW diaľkomeru. Výber optimálnej metódy realizácie. Práca informuje o základných vlastnostiach kontinuálne pracujúcich radarov. Práca zahrňuje analýzu chybovosti reálneho diaľkomeru a numerický odhad maximálnej chyby celého reálneho zariadenia. Obsahuje detailné blokové schéma simulátoru funkcie FM-CW diaľkomeru a počítačovú simuláciu funkcie generátora kmitočtovo modulovaného signálu, demodulátoru. Ďalej práca zahŕňa úplné konštrukčné podklady pre realizáciu prípravku a základné funkčné overenieThis thesis describes design of Simulator FM-CW range finders. It is choosing the optimal method of realization and inform about basic properties of continuous working radar. The work includes an analysis of errors in real rangefinder and a numerical estimate of the maximum error in real devices. Contains detailed block diagram of simulator FM-CW range-finder and computer simulation of function generator frequency modulated signal, demodulator. Further work includes the complete construction documents for the preparation and implementation of basic functional verification

    The analysis of the dynamic and acoustic parameters of the superstructure construction

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na provozní ověřování vybraných konstrukcí železničního svršku. Pro účely měření budou vybrána vhodná měřicí stanoviště na koridorových tratích a byla navržena odpovídající metodika měření. Na základě všech provedených zkoušek budou stanoveny dynamické a akustické parametry testovaných konstrukcí. K vyhodnocení zkoušek byl zvolen vhodný matematický aparát. Předpokládá se využití matematických metod v časové a ve frekvenční oblasti. Součástí práce je rovněž srovnání parametrů testovaných konstrukcí a doporučení pro praxi.This diploma thesis is focused on operational testing of selected railway lines with different structures of railway superstructure. For the purposes of measuring were chosen suitable measuring sections on the rail corridor and was designed suitable measuring methodology. Dynamic and acoustic parameters of tested structures were determined on the basis of all tests, which were performed. Suitable mathematic method was chosen for evaluation of tests in time and frequency zone. Part of my work is also compare parameters of the tested structures and recommendations for practice.

    Draft e-shop in the Construction Industry with a Focus on Distribution

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    Predmetom bakalárskej práce je návrh e-shopu z oblasti stavebníctva , ktorý sa zaoberá predajom a distribúciou stavebných hmôt a pracovnej techniky. Práca bude obsahovať distribučný, časový a finančný návrh plánu. V práci sú obsiahnuté informácie potrebné pre založenie podniku, kalkulácie nákladov a analýza konkurenčného prostredia spoločnosti.The subject of Bachelor thesis is to make a plan for new e-shop in construction industry. Its task will be to focus on distribution of construction and working technology. Thesis will include information important to start business, calculation and competition analysis.