1,163 research outputs found

    N=2 supergravity and supercurrents

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    We address the problem of classifying all N=2 supercurrent multiplets in four space-time dimensions. For this purpose we consider the minimal formulation of N=2 Poincare supergravity with a tensor compensator, and derive its linearized action in terms of three N=2 off-shell multiplets: an unconstrained scalar superfield, a vector multiplet, and a tensor multiplet. Such an action was ruled out to exist in the past. Using the action constructed, one can derive other models for linearized N=2 supergravity by applying N=2 superfield duality transformations. The action depends parametrically on a constant non-vanishing real isotriplet g^{ij}=g^{ji} which originates as an expectation value of the tensor compensator. Upon reduction to N=1 superfields, we show that the model describes two dually equivalent formulations for the massless multiplet (1,3/2)+(3/2,2) depending on a choice of g^{ij}. In the case g^{11}=g^{22}=0, the action describes (i) new minimal N=1 supergravity; and (ii) the Fradkin-Vasiliev-de Wit-van Holten gravitino multiplet. In the case g^{12}=0, on the other hand, the action describes (i) old minimal N=1 supergravity; and (ii) the Ogievetsky-Sokatchev gravitino multiplet.Comment: 40 pages; v2: added references, some comments, new appendi

    Dissociable effects of 5-HT2C receptor antagonism and genetic inactivation on perseverance and learned non-reward in an egocentric spatial reversal task

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    Cognitive flexibility can be assessed in reversal learning tests, which are sensitive to modulation of 5-HT2C receptor (5-HT2CR) function. Successful performance in these tests depends on at least two dissociable cognitive mechanisms which may separately dissipate associations of previous positive and negative valence. The first is opposed by perseverance and the second by learned non-reward. The current experiments explored the effect of reducing function of the 5-HT2CR on the cognitive mechanisms underlying egocentric reversal learning in the mouse. Experiment 1 used the 5-HT2CR antagonist SB242084 (0.5 mg/kg) in a between-groups serial design and Experiment 2 used 5-HT2CR KO mice in a repeated measures design. Animals initially learned to discriminate between two egocentric turning directions, only one of which was food rewarded (denoted CS+, CS−), in a T- or Y-maze configuration. This was followed by three conditions; (1) Full reversal, where contingencies reversed; (2) Perseverance, where the previous CS+ became CS− and the previous CS− was replaced by a novel CS+; (3) Learned non-reward, where the previous CS− became CS+ and the previous CS+ was replaced by a novel CS-. SB242084 reduced perseverance, observed as a decrease in trials and incorrect responses to criterion, but increased learned non-reward, observed as an increase in trials to criterion. In contrast, 5-HT2CR KO mice showed increased perseverance. 5-HT2CR KO mice also showed retarded egocentric discrimination learning. Neither manipulation of 5-HT2CR function affected performance in the full reversal test. These results are unlikely to be accounted for by increased novelty attraction, as SB242084 failed to affect performance in an unrewarded novelty task. In conclusion, acute 5-HT2CR antagonism and constitutive loss of the 5-HT2CR have opposing effects on perseverance in egocentric reversal learning in mice. It is likely that this difference reflects the broader impact of 5HT2CR loss on the development and maintenance of cognitive function

    Hydrodynamic interactions in colloidal ferrofluids: A lattice Boltzmann study

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    We use lattice Boltzmann simulations, in conjunction with Ewald summation methods, to investigate the role of hydrodynamic interactions in colloidal suspensions of dipolar particles, such as ferrofluids. Our work addresses volume fractions ϕ\phi of up to 0.20 and dimensionless dipolar interaction parameters λ\lambda of up to 8. We compare quantitatively with Brownian dynamics simulations, in which many-body hydrodynamic interactions are absent. Monte Carlo data are also used to check the accuracy of static properties measured with the lattice Boltzmann technique. At equilibrium, hydrodynamic interactions slow down both the long-time and the short-time decays of the intermediate scattering function S(q,t)S(q,t), for wavevectors close to the peak of the static structure factor S(q)S(q), by a factor of roughly two. The long-time slowing is diminished at high interaction strengths whereas the short-time slowing (quantified via the hydrodynamic factor H(q)H(q)) is less affected by the dipolar interactions, despite their strong effect on the pair distribution function arising from cluster formation. Cluster formation is also studied in transient data following a quench from λ=0\lambda = 0; hydrodynamic interactions slow the formation rate, again by a factor of roughly two

    Crystal structures of self-assembled nanotubes from flexible macrocycles by weak interactions

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    8 páginas, 7 figuras, 2 tablas, 2 esquemas.Herein we report the crystal structures of tubular self-assemblies of flexible macrooligolides. The assembly is driven by the propensity of the macrocycles to create nearly flat structures displaying a void space within them and the cooperativity of weak directional interactions such as dipole–dipole interactions and CH***Ohydrogen bonds and non-directional interactions such as van der Waals contacts. The significance of the stereochemistry and the size of the cavity in the formation of the nanotubes are also studied.This research was supported by the Spanish MICINN-FEDER (CTQ2008-03334/BQU, CTQ2008-06806-C02-01/BQU and CTQ2008-06754-C04-01/PPQ), the MSC (RTICC RD06/0020/ 1046) and the Canary Islands FUNCIS (PI 01/06).Peer reviewe

    Weyl transformations and trace anomalies in N=1, D=4 supergravities

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    We consider the supersymmetric extension of Weyl transform ations in various types of supergravities, the minimal, 20+20 and 16+16 nonmi nimal N=1 SUGRA in 4D, formulated in terms of superfields and study their local coho mology. Based also on previous results we conclude that there are only two types of trace anomalies in 20+20 and 16+16 nonminimal supergravities, which correspond to the two nontrivial cocycles of the minimal supergravity and, when reduced to component form, to the well-known squared Weyl density and Euler density

    Thermodynamics of Dipolar Chain Systems

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    The thermodynamics of a quantum system of layers containing perpendicularly oriented dipolar molecules is studied within an oscillator approximation for both bosonic and fermionic species. The system is assumed to be built from chains with one molecule in each layer. We consider the effects of the intralayer repulsion and quantum statistical requirements in systems with more than one chain. Specifically, we consider the case of two chains and solve the problem analytically within the harmonic Hamiltonian approach which is accurate for large dipole moments. The case of three chains is calculated numerically. Our findings indicate that thermodynamic observables, such as the heat capacity, can be used to probe the signatures of the intralayer interaction between chains. This should be relevant for near future experiments on polar molecules with strong dipole moments.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, final versio

    Markers of serotonergic function in the orbitofrontal cortex and dorsal raphé nucleus predict individual variation in spatial-discrimination serial reversal learning.

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    Dysfunction of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) impairs the ability of individuals to flexibly adapt behavior to changing stimulus-reward (S-R) contingencies. Impaired flexibility also results from interventions that alter serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) transmission in the OFC and dorsomedial striatum (DMS). However, it is unclear whether similar mechanisms underpin naturally occurring variations in behavioral flexibility. In the present study, we used a spatial-discrimination serial reversal procedure to investigate interindividual variability in behavioral flexibility in rats. We show that flexibility on this task is improved following systemic administration of the 5-HT reuptake inhibitor citalopram and by low doses of the DA reuptake inhibitor GBR12909. Rats in the upper quintile of the distribution of perseverative responses during repeated S-R reversals showed significantly reduced levels of the 5-HT metabolite, 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid, in the OFC. Additionally, 5-HT2A receptor binding in the OFC of mid- and high-quintile rats was significantly reduced compared with rats in the low-quintile group. These perturbations were accompanied by an increase in the expression of monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) and MAO-B in the lateral OFC and by a decrease in the expression of MAO-A, MAO-B, and tryptophan hydroxylase in the dorsal raphé nucleus of highly perseverative rats. We found no evidence of significant differences in markers of DA and 5-HT function in the DMS or MAO expression in the ventral tegmental area of low- vs high-perseverative rats. These findings indicate that diminished serotonergic tone in the OFC may be an endophenotype that predisposes to behavioral inflexibility and other forms of compulsive behavior.This work was supported by Medical Research Council Grants (G0701500; G0802729), a 503 Wellcome Trust Programme Grant (grant number 089589/Z/09/Z), and by a Core Award 504 from the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust to the Behavioural and Clinical 505 21 Neuroscience Institute (MRC Ref G1000183; WT Ref 093875/Z/10/Z). RLB was supported 506 by a studentship from the Medical Research Council. JA was supported by a Fellowship from 507 the Swedish Research Council (350-2012-230). BJ was supported by Fellowships from the 508 AXA Research Fund and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. 509 Financial support from the Fredrik and Ingrid Thuring Foundation is also acknowledged.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing at http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/npp2014335a.html
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