541 research outputs found

    Electric Field Effect Analysis of Thin PbTe films on high-epsilon SrTiO3 Substrate

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    Thin PbTe films (thickness 500 - 600 angstrom), deposited on SrTiO3, have been investigated by electric field effect (EFE). The high resistivity of such thin films warrants a high sensitivity of the EFE method. The SrTiO3 substrate serves as the dielectric layer in the Gate-Dielectric-PbTe structure. Due to the large dielectric constant of SrTiO3, particularly at low temperatures, the electric displacement D in the film reaches the high value of about 10^8 V/cm, and the EFE introduced charge into the PbTe film amounts to ~ 8 microC/cm2. The high D permits to measure the EFE resistance and Hall constant over a wide region of D, revealing the characteristic features of their D-dependence. An appropriate theoretical model has been formulated, showing that, for such films, one can measure the dependence of the Fermi level on D. In fact, we demonstrate that shifting the Fermi level across the gap by varying D, the density-of-states of the in-gape states can be mapped out. Our results show, that the PbTe layers studied, possess a mobility gap exceeding the gap of bulk PbTe.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Effect of weightlessness conditions on the somatic embryogenesis in the culture of carrot cells

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    A carrot cell culture seeded in Petri dishes in the United States and transported to the USSR was subjected to weightlessness for 20 days during the flight of Kosmos 782. The controls were cultures placed on a centrifuge (1 g) inside the satellite and cultures left on ground in the U.S.S.R. and the United States. A count of structures in the dishes after the flight showed that the number of developing embryonic structures and the extent of their differentiation in weightlessness did not reliably differ from the number and extent of differentiation in structures developed on the ground. Structures with long roots developed in weightlessness. Analysis of the root zones showed that these roots differed by the increased size of the zone of differentiated cells. The increased size of the zones of differentiated cells can indicate earlier development of embryonic structures

    The role of budget policy in the system for ensuring financial security of Ukraine

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    У статті досліджено основні проблеми організації та реалізації бюджетної політики України на сучасному етапі. Проаналізовано особливості формування та реалізації бюджетного процесу в сучасних економічних умовах в Україні. Визначено чинники запровадження програмно-цільового методу бюджетування. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз політики у сфері планування та адміністрування бюджету. Проаналізовано контрольні показники формування і реалізації бюджетної політики, де визначено низку невирішених проблем. Таким чином, в результаті, були виділені засоби забезпечення ефективності бюджетної політики України, такі як: узгодження планування та прогнозування державної інвестиційної діяльності в рамках стратегії економічного розвитку держави; вдосконалення механізмів планування бюджетних видатків; законодавчого закріплення та інституційного впровадження процедури розробки бюджетної стратегії; підвищення прозорості державних фінансів і посилення ролі фінансового контролю в державному секторі економіки.В статье исследованы основные проблемы организации и реализации бюджетной политики Украины на современном этапе. Проанализированы особенности формирования и реализации бюджетного процесса в современных экономических условиях в Украине. Определены факторы внедрения программно-целевого метода бюджетирования. Проведен ретроспективный анализ в области планирования и администрирования бюджета. Проанализированы контрольные показатели формирования и реализации бюджетной политики, где определен ряд нерешенных проблем. Таким образом, в результате, были выделены способы обеспечения эффективности бюджетной политики Украины, такие как: согласованность планирования и прогнозирования государственной инвестиционной деятельности в рамках стратегии экономического развития государства; усовершенствование механизмов планирования бюджетных расходов; законодательного закрепления и институционального внедрения процедуры разработки бюджетной стратегии; повышение прозрачности государственных финансов и усиление роли финансового контроля в государственном секторе экономики.The main problems of Ukrainian budget policy organization and implementation at the present stage are investigated in the article. The features of the formation and implementation of budgetary process in the current economic conditions in Ukraine are analyzed. The factors of the budgeting program-target method introduction are determined. The policy in budget planning and administration field is retrospectively analyzed. The control indicators of budget policy formation and implementation are analyzed, where a number of unsolved problems are identified. Thus, as a result, ways of ensuring Ukrainian budget policy efficiency were identified, such as: coherence of state investment activity planning and forecasting within the framework of the state economic development strategy; improvement of budget expenditures planning mechanisms; legislative consolidation and institutional implementation of procedure for developing budget strategy; increasing transparency of public finances and strengthening the role of financial control in the public sector of the economy

    Bacteriological study of the liver of cattle for dicroceliosis

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    The article presents the results of organoleptic and microbiological studies of the chilled liver of cattle affected by the helminth Dicrocoelium lanceatum. The main goal was to determine how temperature regimes affect the quality and safety of the liver of cattle affected by dicrocelia and its contamination with microflora. An organoleptic examination of all animal slaughter products was carried out. According to organoleptic indicators, meat products did not differ from healthy ones, and only liver damage was noted. The liver is filled with blood, and the edges are dulled, the gallbladder is enlarged and filled with dark green bile, mucus and helminths. It was established that the liver is contaminated with microorganisms of the Enterobacteriaceae family, which were found on the 8th day of storage. Storage of the liver at a temperature of 0 °C for a day in samples No. 1, 4, 5 revealed bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, which increased by 27.7 % in the first sample; in the fourth for 10 days – by 16.1 %; 15 days in the 5th sample – by 10.8 % compared to the control, and also in the fifth sample Proteus vulgaris was isolated, which was 17.4 % and Staphylococcus aureus – 13.5 %. In the third tested sample, on the 8th day, bacteria of the Staphylococcus aureus species were found, which was 41.6 %. With a weak intensity of liver damage and contamination with the microflora of 31 CFU/cm3, slaughter products, namely the affected parts of the liver, are sent for disposal, and the non-affected parts of the liver and carcass are subjected to heat treatment and released for sale without restrictions. Following the current normative documents DSTU 4831:2006, DSTU 7444:2013, and DSTU ISO 6888-1:2003, with a high intensity of infestation, as well as in slaughter products, including liver, for the detection of more than 30 CFU/cm3, such a slaughter product is considered not fresh and subject to disposal. During the storage of beef liver for 15 days at a temperature of 0 °C, certain changes were detected, namely: the parenchyma of the organ is gray, has an unpleasant smell, the surface is covered with mucus, the consistency is flabby, the pit does not align when pressed with a finger